Thursday, March 23, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "God's Plan Of Redemption", 3/26/2017


Joel 2:12-13,18-19, 28-32

In studying Scripture, sometimes we need to do "a who, what, when and why" question
and answer section to get a better understanding of the text.

Who: The prophet Joel is speaking a word  from God to Judah, the southern kingdom of Israel

What: The message to Judah was to repent of their evil ways and turn back to God.

Why. God had use locust to destroy all their crops as a wake up call to
          impending judgment.

When. The text was written to Judah around 800 BC.
            God gave Israel the prophecy of the End Times when Christ will come again
            to the Judge the world for their sins.

V:12." That is why the Lord says, "Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning."
A. Time is not on our side.
    1. We do not know how long we have to live.
    2. It is uncertain everyday we get up if we will be alive at the end of the day.
B. John 9:4 tells us to work while it is day, because the night comes when no man
    can work.
    1. Since we cannot count on tomorrow, we should obey God's commands today.
    2. God does not want just an outward change. but inward change that begins in the
    3. There is only one way to escape the vengeance of the Lord and that is
         repentance and turning to the worship of the Lord.
    4. The normal outward sign of repentance at that time was fasting, weeping and  
        a. This could be done without any intention to change.
        b. God wants our hearts and souls.
        c. We should fear the Lord so our weeping mourning will be heart changing.

V:13. " Don't tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead." Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish."
A. We cannot fake the Lord with our outward show of emotions and pitiful
    1. The Lord sees our hearts.
    2. The nation of Israel had a habit of making an outward appearance of change doing
         times of crisis but reverting back to their sinful ways, once God resolved their
 B. God is full of grace and mercy
     1. He is longsuffering.
     2. He will tolerate our sinful ways for a season.
     3. Because of God's love for us, He gives us time to turn to Him.
     4. God's longsuffering is not without consequences.
         a. For hundreds of years, Israel ignored God's commands and
             worshipped idol gods.
         b. To get their attention, God allowed locust to destroy all of their
         c. He then gave them a message encouraging   them to repent.
   5. When we look at our lives we can probably see similar ways God
        has used to get our attention.
      a. I thank God that He has been tolerate with me.
      b. God uses various ways to show us His Love in the mist of our   

V:18, " Then the Lord will pity his people and jealously guard the honor of his land."
 A. Thank God that His plan of redemption is not dependant on our obedience.
      1. Before the foundation of the world, God planned our existence on earth.
      2. He knew beforehand that we would be disobedient and need a savior.
      3. We were elected to be part of the body of Christ.
B. Our choice of disobedience determines the trials and tribulations we face.
     1. God chastises those that He loves.
     2. Jesus said, those that the Father gave Me, I lose none.
     3. Since all of us are disobedient from time to time, all of us will
        be chastised by the Father.
C. The Lord is jealous for those He loves.
    1. We should always be thankful for the chastisement of the Lord.
    2. It is His chastisement that keeps us on our knees and draws us closer to Him.
    3. The Lord honors us with His love.

V:19. " The Lord will reply, "Look! I am sending you grain and new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy your needs. You will no longer be an object of mockery among the surrounding nations."
A. The Lord promises to restore what we have lost when we repent and turn
     to Him.
   1. God promises to restore the old things we lost with new things.
   2. It is the Lord who controls our prosperity.
   3. He promises to supply all of our needs.
 B. When we turn back to the Lord, He promises to protect us from our enemies.
     1. When we abide in the Lord, He will abide in us.
     2. The Lord gets the glory when we face our enemies with faith in Him.  

V:28 "Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions."
A. After the death and the resurrection of Jesus, the Spirit of the Lord was made
    available to everyone who believe in Jesus.
   1. The young and the old alike  who confess Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit.
   2. God has no preference for gender.
   3. The Spirit of the Lord enable each believer to understand
       the scripture.
   4. The Lord loves us so much that He pays close attention to our prayers.
B. Knowledge to the Word of God gives us insight into future events
     that God has planned for us.
   1. The Word of God also gives us inspiration to proclaim the Gospel
        to all people.
   2. When the Word is in our hearts, the Spirit of God is available to enlightens
        the Word to us.

V:29. " In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike."
A. This is the prophecy of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
     1. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit was first given to the Jews at Pentecost.
         (Acts 1:8, 2:1,  2:39).    
    2. Christ was rejected by the nation of Israel and the Gospel was preached to
        the Gentiles (Rom 1:16)
    3. The Church was formed after the resurrection of Jesus and empowered
        with giving of the Holy Spirit.   (Act 1:8)
B. God is no respecter  of person.
      1. Everyone is equal in God's eyes.
      2. Apostle  Paul was called to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.  Acts 13:2
      3. The downward spiral of Israel began with them rejecting God's rule
          and requesting a king to rule them.    1100 BC
     4. The Downward spiral was magnified when the Nation of Israel
         rejected Christ as their personal Savior   33 AD (See my chart)
     5. After the formation of the Church, the Gospel has spread to all parts
         of the World.

V:30-31. " And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth— blood and fire and columns of smoke.
31 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.".
A. The End times will began with the second coming of the Lord Jesus.   1 Thess 4:14-17
     1. There will be a 7 year tribulation in which God will destroy most of the
          earths inhabitants doing battle with Satan and His demons. Daniel 9:24-27
     2. The destruction will be so bad that if God don't stop it , no flesh will
          survive. Matt 24:21-22
B. Before the tribulation began, all believers will be taken up to heaven to be
     with Christ.
   1. After tribulation, Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years.   Rev 20:4
   2. A new Israel will be born in Christ fulfilling God's promise that
       all Israel will be saved.    Rom 11:26

V:32. " But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord  will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the Lord has said. These will be among the survivors whom the Lord has called."
A. During the tribulation period, some Jews will confess Christ as Lord and Savior.
     1. Those who confess Christ will be saved.
     2. Those reject Christ will die during the tribulation
B. This is the same confession of faith as proclaimed in John 3:16
    1. Confession of faith in Jesus will not prevent trials and tribulations in your life.
    2. Faith in Jesus will carry you through tribulations.
    3. Tribulation are designed to strengthen us in Christ.  James 1:2-6
    4. As James chapter 1 states, we should have joy in the mist of our tribulations.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston. Texas 77040

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