Luke 15:11-24
V:11 Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two
A. The two sons
represents two different personalities.
1. Children can
be raised the same way and treated the same way,
but be
totally different.
2. The younger
son was discontented and vocalized his feelings.
3. The older
son may have also been discontented but to disciplined to
to speak
B. This story
highlights the restless nature of the
younger son.
1. A restless
impatient nature can lead to irrational decisions.
2. This text is a
continuation of Jesus examples of the love of the
Father for
His lost sheep. ( review the preceding text).
C. The two sons were raise by a godly father.
1. They both had a
solid foundation in the Word.
2. The younger son
looked on the other side of the fence and saw a
world that he wanted to experience.
a. On his
side of the fence, he knew the strictness of his father
and his
daily routine of chores and work.
b. On the other side of the fence, he imagined a
world of excitement
V:12. " The
younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate. So he
divided his property between them."
A. The Father represents our Holy Father, who gives to us
1. In the normal
case, an inheritance is not given until the parent is dead.
2. Our Father gives
us a permanent inheritance the moment we establish
a relationship
with Him.
B. Like the younger son, we sometimes walk away from the
Father's wisdom
to do our own
1. We know what is
required of us, but we don't always do it.
C. We have to be careful what we ask for, because the Lord
may grant our request.
1. Some things that
seems good may not be good for us.
2. The younger son
asked for resources that he did not have the capability to
3. The younger son's
inheritance was his, whether he had
procession of it or not.
a. In the
Fathers hands, it was safe.
b. In his hands,
the inheritance was only as safe as his ability to manage it.
c. The younger
son probably never had to manage time and resources.
d. The younger
son probable never had to make a budget or pay bills.
V:13 "Not long after that, the younger son got together
all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in
wild living."
A. The younger son wanted to be out from under the control
of his father.
1. He was restless
and ready to live his life outside of the sight of his father.
2. Restlessness
can lead to irrational behavior.
3. The younger son
based his decision to leave on his fleshly desires.
4. The younger son
rejected the spirit of the father.
B. The text says after some time he left.
1. The father and
the brother probably counseled with the younger son not to leave.
2. He took time to
consider what he did.
3. The younger son
allowed his fleshy desires to over rule the spirit.
C. When the younger son left the father, he left the life in which he grew up.
1. He left the
wisdom of the father.
2. He left the
protection of the father.
3. He left the
provisions of the father.
4. He left the
guidance and direction of the father.
5. He left the tolerance
of the father.
6. He left the
peace of the father.
7. He left the joy
of the father.
8. He left the
security of the father.
9. He left the
order of the father.
10. He left the
discipline of the father
11. He left the
strength of the father.
12. He left the
council of the father.
13. He left the
headship of the father.
C. The text says that the younger son went to a far country
probably to get to a place
where the word about his actions wouldn't get back
to the father.
1. He lived like
there was no tomorrow.
2. He lived in a
manner that would have displeased his father.
3. He left all he
had been taught at the door of the first club he went into.
4. He was the life
of the party.
5. His behavior was
disrespectful and dishonorable.
V:14-15. After he had
spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began
to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that
country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs."
A. The younger son invested nothing in friendship or
1. He invested
everything in foolish living with no return.
2. He traded his
wealth for a few good times.
3. He lived a life
without responsibility.
B. The best way to learn the value of a good life is to lose
it as a result of
foolish decisions and then long for it back
1. It was the love
of the father to let the son experience life without responsibility,
so he could
learn the value of being responsible.
2. The son needed
to experience the consequences of irresponsible behavior.
3. He needed to
experience the results of ignoring the fathers teachings.
V:16-17. "He longed to fill his stomach with the pods
that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. 17 "When he came
to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare,
and here I am starving to death!"
A. Satan show's you all the glory you can have if you follow
the flesh.
1. The problem is,
it is all a lie.
2. Satan tried to
pull that trick on Jesus after He fasted 40 days in the wilderness.
a. Satan
showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and said "if you worship me
all of this
will be yours."
b. Satan lied
because he didn't own anything.
B. The younger son
learned the consequences of foolish living results in want and
1. He learned
that his disrespectful behavior led to his disgrace.
2. He learned
that money cannot by happiness.
3. He learned
that money cannot buy friendship.
4. He learned
that the father's commands were the best way to live.
5. He learned
that in hard times, you cannot count on man.
C. The younger son needed the hard times to make him reflect
on the goodness in the
father's house.
1. He learned that
he was out of his mind not to follow the
wisdom of the father.
2. He learned that
good sense is the fathers teachings.
D. The text say when he came to his senses he realized how
much he lost
when he left the
father's house.
1. He learned that
there is honor in the father's house.
2. He learned that
there is provisions in the father's house.
3. He learned that
the best place for him was in the father's house.
V:18-19. " I
will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against
heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me
like one of your hired men.'
A. The younger son set his mind on going back to the
father's house.
1. He recognized
his sins were the cause of his degraded position.
2. He recognized
that he had sinned against the father and heaven.
B. He recognized that
his sins made him unworthy of the fathers love.
1. He remembered
that his father had taught him about the kingdom of heaven
2. He remembered
that his father had taught him that there is salvation in
C. The younger son
made up his mind that he was going to go
to the father and confess
his sins.
1. He made up his
mind that he was going to the father and ask for forgiveness.
2. He made up his mind that he was going
to the father with an humble spirit.
3. He made up his
mind to give up his sonship for a slave position.
V:20-21. " So he got up and went to his father.
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled
with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and
kissed him. 21 "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven
and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son."
A. The father knows your heart before you speak a word.
1. The father is
waiting on you to turn to Him for forgiveness.
2. You are never
out of the sight and the mind of the father.
B. The father uses your circumstances to draw you to him.
1. He will allow
you to go through trials to make you realize your need for Him.
2. The younger son
left with a proud heart, but came back with a humble
3. He left thinking
he didn't need the father, but came back knowing he
could not survive without the father.
C. The Father has love and compassion for those who turn to
1. The love of the
Father does not count your past against you.
2. The Father
embraces those who come to him.
3. For those who
repent, forgiveness is automatic.
V: 22-24. "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick!
Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on
his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate.
24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'
So they began to celebrate."
A. Once you confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, full
fellowship with the Father is
1. The best robe
was reserved for honored guest.
a. The father
accepted the son back as a guest.
2. The ring represent his sonship.
3. The sandals identified the son as a member of
the family.
and not a
slave of the family.
B The son was welcome
back with a celebration.
1. The son that
was lost was now back in the family.
2. He was restored
to fellowship with the Father.
3. Angels in
heaven rejoice when one sinner repents.
Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
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