John 2:1-10
V:1-2. "On the third day a wedding
took place at Cana in Galilee .
Jesus' mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been
invited to the wedding."
A. On the third day.
1. It was the third day after He called His first disciples.
2. It was the third day after the initialization of Jesus ministry.
3. It was the third day after the ministry of Jesus ordained by His Father
B. Three is a divine
1. There are three in the God head.
2. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, one God in three persons.
C. Family is
important to God.
1. Family was the first human institution of God the Father.
2. God created marriage with Adam and Eve.
3. God designed the Church with marriage in mind.
4. Jesus is the bridegroom. The Church is the bride.
5. It is fitting that the first miracle was at a wedding.
D. Jesus should be the center of the marriage.
1. Jesus should be actively involve in our family life
2. Marriages ought to have Jesus at the center.
3. Family and friends should include those who believe in Jesus.
4. New marriages need the support and sometimes council of Church members.
V: 3 "When the wine was
gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
A. Parents ought to expect great things from
their children.
1. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
2. From birth, we ought to expect our children to exceed in their lives.
3. Before the birth of Jesus, an angel visited Mary with a word from the
Lord of the greatness of Jesus.
a. At Jesus dedication, His greatness was confirmed by Simeon who claimed
Jesus as his salvation.
b. When Jesus was 12 years old, Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the Temple
in Jerusalem discussing scripture
with the teachers. Luke 2:42
4. Parents should look for greatness in their children.
B. At the wedding,
Mary expected Jesus to produce wine when the family ran out of wine.
1. Mary, the mother of Jesus had never seen Him do a miracle.
2. But she expected Jesus to provide more wine.
3. She didn't know how, but she knew Jesus could handle the problem.
4. We should expect more out of our children than the average.
5. We should believe the Word about our children; they are more than
C. I would never think to ask Jesus to provide
wine for my celebration.
1. Personally, I see wine as a desire and not a need.
2. However, the Word says the Lord can provide for our desires if we
delight ourselves in Him. Psalms 37:4
3. The Word also says we have not because we ask not. James 4:2
4. This indicates that there is no request to small or to large for Jesus.
5. God gave us His best and we ought to expect His best.
V:4 "Dear woman, why do you involve
me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come."
A. Jesus response to
His mother seems quite rude.
1. However, Jesus would never disrespect His mother.
2. His response seems rude because our customs are different.
B. My time has not
come yet.
1. This represents His mission on earth.
2. The wine represents His blood which would be shed for the remission of
a. The cross would not take place for another three and a half years.
b. Jesus stepped down out of heaven to die on the cross for our sins.
c. Faith in His blood is the way to the Father.
V.5 His mother said to the
servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
A. Parents have to
express confidence in their children before others.
1. Our children know and feel when we see them as failures.
2. We should see the struggles of our children as their way to success.
3. We should encourage them by pushing them to give their best.
B. It takes Faith in
Jesus for Him to fulfill His promises to you.
1. James 1:6-8 says if you doubt you should not expect any thing from
Jesus because you are double minded.
2. You should have faith that the Word is true and true to your situation.
V:6. "Nearby stood six stone
water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from
twenty to thirty gallons."
A. The water in the
jars was used for their ritual washing of their hands, feet, bodies and items
used for cooking and eating.
1. Seven to nine gallons were enough to wash their bodies. Ex
30:18-20 Mark 7:2-4
2. Jesus may have chosen the water pots because they symbolize the
cleaning we receive when we are obedient to His commands. John 15:3
3. The Jews were more concerned about how clean the outside of the body
was than how clean the mind was. Luke
B. Sometimes what we have is all we need when
it is placed in the hands of Jesus.
1. There were probably no merchants available to buy more wine.
2. They had no wine, but they had plenty of water.
3. When we put our problems in Jesus hands, we will find that He can do for
us what others can't do.
V:7. "Jesus said to the servants,
"Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim."
A. When we go to Jesus for help, we have to
be ready to do exactly what He says.
1. You can't take time to question Jesus commands.
2. I am glad; I was not there, because I would ask what does water have to
do with wine?
3. When we question God we show our lack of faith.
4. Our lack of faith could cause us to lose the blessings God has for us.
B. When you think about it, most liquids we
drink are mostly water.
1. Without water, nothing would grow.
2. Without water nothing would live.
3. Jesus is the living water. John 4:10 , 7:38
4. Water is a basic ingredient for life.
C. The servants fill the jars to the top.
1. Six pots holding 20 to 30 gallons each is 120 to 180 gallons of water.
2. The Lord can do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or conceive.
3. God's resources are unlimited.
V:8-9. " Then he told them, "Now
draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet." They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet
tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had
come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew."
A. A good servant
does not question his master.
1. A good servant does what he is told and sees the miracles unfold before
his eyes.
2. Being a good servant blesses not only ones self but others too.
B. There was a
potential for 120 to 180 gallons of wine.
1. Certainly this was much more than the wedding party needed.
2. The Lord we serve is not wasteful.
3. Let me suggest, that the water only became wine as it was taken out of
the water pots.
a. Wine uncapped would lose it's taste in a short period of time.
b. Once the wine goes flat it is good for nothing.
4. We know the water was turned into wine because it was taken to expert,
the master of the banquet for tasting.
C. We don't need to know how and when God is going
to bless us.
1. We need to trust and expect that He will take care of our needs.
2. God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
3. If the master of the banquet had known that the wine had come out of
the wash pots, he may not have tasted it and may not have served it.
V:10. "Then he called the
bridegroom aside 10 and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first
and then the cheaper wines after the guests have had too much to drink, but you
have saved the best till now."
A. Our customs are
not important to God unless they follow His commands.
1. We cannot limit God by what we know.
2. The master of the banquet would have served the best wine first.
B. God saves the best
for last.
1. The best of our life will never be in this lifetime.
a. This life is full of pain and sorrow.
b. This life is full of worries about tomorrow.
2. The best of our life will be our eternal life in heaven with Jesus.
a. In heaven, there will be no pain and sorrow.
b. In heaven, there will be nothing but the praises of God.
C. Jesus saved the
best of His miracles for last.
1. The best of His miracles was His atoning blood that was poured out for
2. The best of His miracles was the removal of the separation of sin
between God the Father and us.
3. The best of His miracles was He becoming the head of all believers.
4. The best of His miracles for me was Jesus becoming my salvation.
Rev. M, Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia
Baptist Church
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