Acts 5:27-30, 33-42
V:27. " Having brought the apostles, they made them
appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest."
A. The Apostles
taught and preached in the name of Jesus.
1. Many Jews and
non Jews were drawn to the Apostles teaching.
2. Many
people accepted Jesus as Lord and
B. One of the drawing
cards was the power of instant healing of the Apostles.
1. Jesus said, if
I be lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.
2. The Apostles
healed all the sick that were brought to them in the name of Jesus.
C. The Jewish leaders
and the Chief Priests were jealous and upset that the name of
Jesus was
drawing crowds to hear the Gospel and to be healed.
1. They beat the
Apostles and put them in prison to be tried for claim against their
2. The Angel of
the Lord released the Apostles by night and command them to
preaching the Word.
V:28 "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this
name," he said. "Yet you have filled Jerusalem
with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's
A. I remember when my mother would say, didn't I tell you
not...., that meant a
punishment was to be expected.
1. The leaders of
the Jewish community were upset because their authority was
2. They were upset
because they could no longer control the minds of the new believers.
3. They were upset
because large crowds were drawn to Jesus.
B. The Jewish leaders
were upset because the Apostles made it known that the Jewish
leaders and
Chief Priests crucified an innocent man.
1. The Jewish
leaders were upset because their phony mask of righteousness was being
2. The Jewish
leaders were upset because they were being exposed as crooks.
3. The Jewish
leaders were guilty and they didn't want to admit their guilt.
4. They were upset
because the man they crucified was raised from the dead.
V:29. " Peter and the other apostles replied: "We
must obey God rather than men!"
A. It is the power of
the Holy Spirit that give you power to stand boldly on the Truth
in the face of
1. It take faith
to trust God with the outcome of your circumstances.
2. It takes faith
to trust God with your life.
B. God is the authority.
1. There is no
higher authority.
2. God is able to
protect you from all the devices of man.
One thing we must remember is that job of the High Priest
was not designed by God to be a political position. It was designed to be a
spiritual position. It was designed to be an intercessory position between man
and God. If you can recall, Moses and Aaron the High
Priest worked together for the righteousness of God and the welfare of the
They never opposed God.
Acts 5:33-42
V:33. " When they heard this, they were furious and
wanted to put them to death."
A. There will always
be someone, who thinks they are bigger and more powerful
than God.
1. A person who
makes a decision out of anger is not thinking clearly.
2. A person who
does not learn from his mistakes is a foolish person.
a. They put
Jesus to death assuming His preaching and teaching would die.
b. The death of
Jesus promoted the Gospel of Truth.
c. A lesson
unlearned will be repeated again.
B. What the
Sadducees, the Pharisees and the Chief Priest didn't understand was
that God had more
devoted disciples than they had soldiers.
1. What the enemy
does not understand is God can send one angel to destroy
a whole army.
2. What the enemy
does not understand is that God can get you so confused
that you will
destroy yourself.
V:34 " But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the
law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered
that the men be put outside for a little while.
35 Then he addressed them: "Men of Israel, consider
carefully what you intend to do to these men. "
A. Inside the enemy camp, God placed a voice of reason that
changed the plan of
the foolish
1. It is good to
have a historian, who can look at actions taken in the past and their
2. Gamaliel was a
respected teacher of the law, who knew how God worked in previous
3. Some times in
the heat of an argument, you need to step back and take a different
B. Gamaliel had a cooler head.
1. When
temperaments are agitated, you need a calming voice.
2. The Holy
Spirit is our voice of reason.
3. The Holy
Spirit gives believers the insight to look beyond the present situation
to see the
desired outcome.
4. Decisions
should never be made when the spirit is agitated.
V:36-37. "Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to
be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his
followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing.
37 After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the
census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his
followers were scattered. "
A. The voice of reason considers the history of previous events.
1. You can't do
the same thing and expect different results.
2. It was God who
insured that Gamaliel was present when the Jewish leaders was
making a
decision to kill the Apostles.
3. Whatever God
has planned for us, man cannot change.
4. You never know
how or when God will show up to take care of your problem,
but He will
be on time and in control.
5. It was God who showed up the previous night and released the Apostles
from prison.
6. It was God who
showed up and changed the evil plans of the Jewish leaders.
7. God uses our
present situations to show us that He is in control.
8. God uses our
trials and tribulation to glory Himself.
B. Gamaliel used the
Jewish history to calm the minds of the Jewish leaders.
1. We don't have
to be present when God takes control of the enemy.
2. The Apostles
had been put out of the room, when God took control of the
and the decisions.
a. God don't
need our help to control our enemies.
b. In fact,
our input would get in the way of His plan.
C. By reason, God
used Gamaliel to understand that their plan was useless.
1. If the
Apostles were not acting under the direction of God, they would not be
2. Since God was
directing the Apostles, any action by the Jewish council would
opposed God.
V:38-39. " Therefore, in the present case I advise you:
Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of
human origin, it will fail.
39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these
men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
A. In the middle of a rage you will not think clearly.
1. When you are
angry, all you can think of is what you want which is revenge.
2. When your
emotions take charge, you are controlled by the desires of the flesh.
3. Since all flesh
is evil, your actions under the control of the flesh will be evil
B. There were two view points represented in the council.
1.The ruling Jews
considered the situation from the view of power, authority and
a. The ruling
Jews were concerned about the administration of their laws and
b. The Sadducees
, the Pharisees and the chief priests were not concerned about the
welfare of
their own people, but the welfare of their position.
c. Anyone who
opposed their positions or traditions needed to be punished or
2. Gamaliel was a
teacher of the Law, therefore considered the situation from the
commands or
operation of the Law.
a. Gamaliel
understood that if the flesh of man was behind the Apostles teaching
they would
soon fade away.
b. Gamaliel also
understood that if God was directing the Apostles, then the ruling
Jews would
be fighting against God and would not win.
c. Gamaliel
advised the ruling Jews to leave the Apostles alone and let the truth
d. When the Word
of God cease to be your voice of reason, you will become
inconsiderate and evil minded.
V:40. " His speech persuaded them. They called the
apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the
name of Jesus, and let them go."
A. While Gamaliel, the teacher of the Law considered the Word
of God, the rest of the
ruling council
considered their power and authority and wanted revenge.
1. After hearing
the Word, their hearts were unchanged.
2. The beat the
Apostles before they let them go.
3. They had the
opportunity to be influence by the Word of God.
4. There is no
excuse for disobedience when know the truth.
5. They opposed God with their hearts, minds
and souls.
B. The ruling Jews were standing by when the Apostles used
the scriptures which
they were the
keepers, to show Jesus as the Messiah.
Acts 3:12-4:4
1. Instead of
studying the scriptures, they used their traditions to oppose the Word
of God. Mark 7:13
2. Instead of
being guardians of the Holy Word and the people of God, they became
enemy of God
and the Nation.
3. Instead of the
Word being the authority, they became their own authority.
V:41. " The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing
because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."
A. The Apostle James said counted all joy when you face
trials and tribulations.
1. The trying of
your faith produces patience.
2. We have to
expect that being for God the world will be against us.
B. I really believe that God allow us to be troubled by the
world to test and to strengthen
our faith in Him.
1. The ruling
council of Israel
was so blinded by their traditions that they could not see
the truth in
the Word.
2. They were so
blinded by their desire to be in control that they could not recognize
the God who
controls everything.
3. They were so for
themselves that couldn't have compassion for their own people.
V:42. " Day
after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped
teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. "
A. You cannot let the threats of men discourage you
from proclaiming Jesus as Lord and
1. The Word is the
truth that everyone needs.
2. People in the
dark may not know that the are in the dark.
3. People in the
dark need a road way to the light,
4. Jesus is the
way, the truth and the light.
B. We are ambassadors
for Christ.
1. If we quit
being ambassadors for Christ, we are
good for nothing.
2. We have to
stand on the Word of Truth so others can see the glory of God.
3. Everyday is
another opportunity for us to give God glory.
4. Everyday is
another opportunity to for us to introduce someone to Christ.
Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia
Baptist Church
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