Thursday, April 23, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Ministry Starts At Home", 4/27/2015


2 John 1 - 13

 V:I. "The elder, To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth — and
  not I only, but also all who know the truth."
 A. John writes to the matron of the Church at Ephesus.
     1. The phrase "chosen lady or elect lady" is from the Greek phrase Eklektee Kuria.
         a. Eklektee means honorable
         b. Kuria is a woman name, Kyria
     2. It was not uncommon for the traveling Apostles to stay at the homes of faithful
         women of the church.
        a. The Apostle Paul stayed at the house of Mary and Martha.
        b. In Philippi, Paul stayed at the home of Lydia a merchant of purple. Acts 16:4
     3. John was well acquainted with this Elect Lady
        a. Worship in the early church was held in the homes of believers.
        b. The elect lady, Eklektree Kuria probably held worship services in her home
             (Adam Clark Commentary)
     4. Since no husband is mentioned, she probably was a widower.
         a. The text mentioned her children but no husband.
 B. She was well established in her community and in the Church.
     1. John knew her and other believers in the truth (the Word) knew her.
     2. Her Children were also known in the community as lovers of the Truth.
  C. Just because you are a single parent does not mean you can't make a difference in
       your community.

TELL THE TRUTH          
V:2. " Because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever"
A. When our lives reflect the Word of God, others will come to know the truth.
    1. The only lasting truth is the Word of God.
         a. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word is forever.
    2. The only thing that does not change with time is the Word of God.
 B. When we live according to God's Word. God lives in us.
    1. God said if you love me, keep my commandments.
    2. Jesus told Peter, If you love Me, feed my sheep.
        a. The food that  God's sheep need is the Word of God.
        b. We are all in the business of feeding sheep.
    3. When we study the Word of God, we are studying that which is eternal.
        a. The Word of God has no beginning or ending.
        b. Because God lives in us, we are living an eternal life.

 V:3. " Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love."
A. Three aspects of God's love is His Grace, His Mercy and His peace.
    1. A relationship with God through Jesus Christ bring grace, mercy and
        peace into our lives.
    2. The world cannot receive these because they reject Jesus Christ.
B. Grace is God's favor toward believers.
    1. Grace is the aspect of God's love that causes Him to forgive the guilty
    1. We were favored by God before the foundation of the earth.
    2. God foreknew that we would be called out of the world into the marvelous
        light.  Rom 8:28-29
    3. God continuously favors us with His wisdom ,His protection, His provisions,
        His guidance, His directions and His immeasurable love.
    4. We do not deserve God's Grace, but His love for us demands it.
 C. Mercy is the aspect of God's love that cause Him to help the miserable.
    1. God shows mercy upon us when He forgives us for not keeping His commandments.
    2. God comes to our rescue when there are circumstances beyond our control. 
D. We gain peace with God through our relationship with Jesus Christ.
    1. While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the Cross for our sins.
    2. Through the blood of Jesus, we are at peace with God.
E. Because we know the truth; God's Word, we know to accept God's love for us.
    1. Without the truth, we cannot know God's love.
    2. Without the truth, we cannot know Jesus.
    3. Without the truth we cannot have peace with God.
D. This Elect Lady, because of Her faithfulness continued to receive God's love.           

V:4. " It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us."
 A. The evidence of this elect lady's teaching of the Gospel  was found in her children.
     1. It was wide spread knowledge that some of her children were walking in truth.
     2. Her children had a Christian life style that was known inside and outside the
 B. The Bible says, train up a child in the way that he should go and when he
      is old, he will not depart from it.  Prob 22:6
    1. This women of God saw her fruit displayed for the world to see.
    2. As parents, it should give us joy to see our children living according to
        God's commands.
 C. The Apostle John said he had knowledge of some of her children.
     1. Some of the elect lady's children, may or may not have been walking
         with God at the time of the writing of this letter.
     2. The fact is children with the same parents and the same training may walk
         1. Some may respond to the Word of God early in life and some late in life.
         2. When you train  your children in the Word of God they have the tool to
             make proper choices.

V: 5. " And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another."
A. We cannot be selective in our love.
    1. Love bring unity to the body of Christ.
    2. Divisions springs from our selfish desires to gratify ourselves.
    3. We don't have to love what someone does to love them.
         a. We can hate what they do and still love them.
 B. John may have revisited  God's command to love to encourage the church
     to continue in love or because there were some problems regarding love for
     one another.
   1. I think it is good to be reminded that God is love and that one of His most
       important commands is to love one another.
   2. We can get so busy doing God's work, that we can  forget that others still need to be
       encouraged in love.
   3. We can get so busy in the Church that we forget to be the Church to those closest to
   4. You can work beside a person and not notice that they are going through something
        that requires your loving attention.

V:6. " And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love."
 A. John started his letter to the elect lady with the encouragement  that some of her
      children were walking in truth.
    1. It is possible that some people may have the wrong definition of love.
    2. Love is not how I feel about someone, but what I do in the name of Jesus Christ
        for them.
 B. There are some of God's commands that we have to have a change of heart to obey.
     1. To love your enemies as yourself, takes a change of heart empowered by the
          Holy Spirit.
     2. To turn the other cheek takes a change in heart.
     3. To forgive a repeated offender takes a change of heart.
     4. To love a family member that is a continuous trouble maker takes a change of heart.
 C. When we find ourselves going contrary to God's commands, we have to ask God to
      help us keep them.
     1. I really believe that sometimes we don't know God has a command in a particular
     2. Then there are times when we don't understand God's command in a particular
          area of our lives.
     3. Then there are times when we know the command, but don't know how to apply
          it to our lives.
     4. The important thing is to continue to grow in the knowledge of  the Word.

V:7. " Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."
A. To know Jesus Christ, you must continue to study His Word.
    1. To know the Devil, you have to know what he looks like and what language
        he speaks.
    2. If you are expecting the Devil to show up in a red suit with horns on his head,
        you may never see him.
    3. The Bible says he disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Cor 11:1
    4. We must remember that Satan knows the Word, because He was Lucifer an
         Arch Angel before he fell from grace.
         a. The name Lucifer means Bright Star
         b. He knows how to "look good".
 B. The language of the Devil, is that there is no Christ.
     1. There are many religions that believe in gods, but not Jesus as the Christ.
     2. There are religions that believe in the heavenly Father, but not Jesus as the Son
         of God.
 C. Any religion that does not confess Jesus as Lord and Savior is a deceiver and
      is a religion of the antichrist.
     1. The language of the antichrist is to deny Jesus as  Lord and Savior.
     2. Some religions recognize Jesus as a prophet, but not the Messiah.
     3. Some religions recognize Jesus as a man but not the Son of God.   
V:8. " Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully."
 A. We have to be careful who we listen to in the circles of religions.
     1. There are some who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior but who do not believe
         in the total body of Truth. 
     2. There are some who preach Jesus Christ, but who do not believe in living a humble
     3. There are some Preachers who believe in you living a humble life while they live an
          extraordinary  lavish  life on your humble means.
  B. I know of no Pastor in Biblical history who live an extravagant life out of the pockets
       of the Church members.
     1. Peter and John, two of God's great pastors, said silver and gold we have none.
     2. Some Pastors pride themselves on the size of their congregation rather than the
         the spiritual growth of their members.
    3. Some Pastors preach a message that make you feel good at the expense of helping
        you to be good.
    4. Any Church can be religious, but not every church is spiritually motivated.
    5. Any Church can preach the Word, but not every church will preach the delight and
        love of God's Word.
    6. Any Church can preach the Word but not every Church will teach you How to
        live according to the Word.

V:9. " Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son."
A. Any Church that preaches against any doctrine of Christ is preaching against Christ.
    1. Any Church that preaches the acceptance of a lifestyle that contradicts the Word
        of God is not preaching Jesus Christ.
    2. Any Church that does not preach change, conviction and spiritual growth is not
        preaching Jesus Christ.
       a. No person should come in the Church and leave out the same.
 B. A life with Christ is a life of constant change, molding and reshaping.
    1. You cannot ever get enough of the Word of God because there is more
         to the Word that you can't get in you life time.
    2. Continued study of the Word of God empowers you for the next season of
        your growth and development.
    3. If you are not into the Word of God , you are not growing in the Father and the

 V:10. " If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into
 your house or welcome him."
 A. You have to watch who you keep company with.
     1. Don't bring anyone into your house that does not believe in Jesus Christ.
     2. Going forward, a believer should not keep company with a non believer.
         a. If a person is not for Christ, than he/she is under the influence of the devil.
         b. The devil should never be welcome in your house.
 B. We have to chose who we make friends with.
     1. A person might be popular, look good and sound good, but have hell on the
     2. It is better to be along with Jesus than have many friends of  the devil.
         a. The devil is no one's friend.
         b. The devil comes to steal, kill and to destroy. And this means his target is you.

 V:11. " Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work."
  A.  If you make friends with the devil, you will end up being devilish.
        1. You can't put your hand on a hot stove and not get burnt.
        2. The devil is a hot stove ready to burn you.
  B. Would you chose to share your home with a robber?
       1. Would you chose to share your home with an arsonist?
       2. Would you chose to share your home with a liar?
       3. Would you chose to share your home with a disrespectful person?
       4. If you chose to partner with the devil, all evil will come your way.

 V:12. " I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I
  hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete."
A. Notice the importance of the assemble with the saints.
    1. There are some doctrines of Christ that are better learned in the company of a
    2. A teacher can make a better impression on you in person, than on paper.
    3. When two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is in the mist.
    4. It is Jesus that stirs up the conversation and motivates the learning.
 B. When you get together with other saints, you can find joy in the Lord.
     1. The Holy Spirit prepares the teacher to present a message specifically
         designed for the listeners.
     2. If the teacher allows the Holy Spirit to guide the conversation, it will fit
         your particular need. 

 V:13. " The children of your chosen sister send their greetings. "
  A. It is a rewarding thing when your children leave home and stay involved in the
      1. Apparently, the Elect Lady's children had a close relationship with the Apostle
      2. Her children may have been involve in ministry with John.
 B. It is good to hear the good work of your children through the mouths of others.
      1. Your reputation always precede you.
      2. What ever you do in public travels through the mouths of others


Come join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study,  Sunday Services beginning at
9 AM (Sunday School)  and Regular Services at 11 AM

See you there

Rev. M Mitchell, Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

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