Daniel 1:5-17, Matt 6:16 -18
V:5. " The king assigned them a daily amount of food
and wine from the king's table. They were to be trained for three years, and
after that they were to enter the king's service."
A. Sometimes, God calls us to serve in evil environments.
1. Daniel and his
three friends were taken captive during the Babylonian invasion of
2. They were forced
to serve under a pagan king in a foreign land.
3. They were
educated and trained according to the pagan king's directives.
B. Even in the worst situations, God blesses the faithful.
1. They were selected
as personal servants to the king.
2. They received a three
year, free education in Babylon
3. Their pagan
education prepared them for God's work in their pagan environment.
V:6. " Among these were some from Judah :
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah."
A. Some jobs are to
big for one person to handle.
1. Often times,
God assembles a team of faithful
believers to take the Word to places
of darkness.
2. Taking the
Word to places where it has not been presented requires courage.
3. The comfort
and encouragement of other believers is important in difficult
4. In this case,
God selected four men strong in the faith to stand in the presence of a
an evil and
pagan king.
5. These four men
were God's messengers in troubled times.
B. There are times
when God designs situations for us to share our faith with others.
1. Daniel and his
three friends were the voice of faith in Babylon .
2. Our faith is
best revealed in troublesome situations.
V:7. " The chief official gave them new names: to
Daniel, the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and
to Azariah, Abednego. "
A. The name that
people call you, does not change who you are.
1. People label
you according to what they think of you, but that should never change
what you think
of yourself.
2. What people
call you does not matters, but what you answer too is that which
B. Their Hebrew names had meaning related to the one true and
living God they served.
1. The Babylonians
gave them names related to their pagan gods.
2. The new names
did not change who they served.
3. Daniel's name
had the meaning, "God is my judge".
a. The
Babylonian name given to him was Belteshazzar meaning "Bel protects the
4. The name Hananiah
had the meaning "Jehovah has given".
a. The Babylonian
name given to him was Shadrach which had the meaning,
"command of the moon god"
5. The name Hebrew
name Mishael means "who is like
a. The
Babylonian name given him was "Meshach" which means "that draws
6. The Hebrew name
"Azariah", means "Jehovah helps".
a. The Babylonian
name given him was "Abednego" means "servant of Nego
or servant of
7. The assigned
Babylonian names, reflected the Babylonians pagan ideas.
V:8. " But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with
the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to
defile himself this way."
A. The assigned
Babylonian name did change Daniel's faith in the one true God
or his devotion
to God.
1. Daniel was not
concerned about the name, but was concerned about being obedient
to God
2. Eating foods
and drinks sacrificed or dedicated to idol gods was a sin to Daniel.
3. Daniel spoke
up and asked not eat foods or drink from the king's table.
B. Daniel risked his
life to stay true to His god.
1. Daniel started
his tenure in Babylonian by putting his trust in God.
2. It is easier
if you start off with God to stay with God.
V:9. " Now God had caused the official to show favor
and sympathy to Daniel."
A. When you put God
first in your life, He shows you favor in your life.
1. Daniel's plan
was to honor God with his life.
2. God changes
hearts to accomplish His will through the faith of believers.
3. Daniel decided
to follow God's commands.
a. God changed
Daniel's conditions so he could be true to Him.
B. God is the final
1. God over rules
any thoughts of man.
2. When you got a
problem, take it to God first.
3. You might not
be able to handle your situation, but God can.
V:10. " But the official told Daniel, "I am afraid
of my lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink. Why should he see
you looking worse than the other young men your age? The king would then have
my head because of you."
A. God can cause men to risk their lives for you.
1. The king's
servant on the divine intervention of the Daniel's God, considered risking
his position
and his life to honor Daniel's request.
2. To disregard
the king's command was certain physical death.
3. To disregard
God's commands could be physical and eternal death.
B. According to the
king's servant experience, Daniel's diet would only result in
him looking worst
than those who ate from the king's table.
1. A diet of obedience
to God's Word is always best for us.
2. Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every Word of God.
V:11-12. " Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief
official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah,12
"Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to
eat and water to drink. "
A. While God is
working on our behalf, He expects us to do our part.
1. Daniel devised
a 10 day test, for the chief official to see the effectiveness of God's
2. Water and
vegetables blessed by God is more healthy than the best man can prepare.
B. It is not food
that makes us healthy, but God that controls our health.
1. The spiritual
food of God, makes a man healthy and wise.
2. The fear of
the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
V:13. " Then compare our appearance with that of the
young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with
what you see."
A. It is our job to express confidence in the Word and the
will of God.
1. Our confidence
in the Word, affects the confidence of others.
2. We should be
willing to put our reputation on the line for God.
3. Anything done
in the name of the Lord will be successful.
B. If God said it,
there is no other way that is right for us.
1. We can't
compromise the Word of God to agree with others.
2. If the church
don't stand up for God, who will?
V:14. " So he agreed to this and tested them for ten
A. It was Daniel's
boldness for God that caused the chief priest to agree to the test.
1. When God is
on your side, no one can stand against you.
2. The Word of God changes minds, hearts and the
way people act.
B. God does not need
any length of time to show you His power.
1. Ten days was
the time Daniel requested for the test.
2. God could
have shown His power in an instant.
V:15. " At the end of the ten days they looked
healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal
A. During our time of
testing, we cannot waver in our faith.
1. During the
time of testing, we have to wait on God with high expectations.
2. Patience is a
virtue that Christians should develop.
B. At the end of the
test, what God said came to past.
1. Christians look
better with a diet of the Word.
2. Christians are
better with a diet of the Word.
3. A diet of the
Word pleases God.
V:16. " So the guard took away their choice food and
the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead."
A. When you do the right thing, God gives you favor among
1. If God did it
in the past, you can be confident, that He can do it in the future.
2. What God
starts, He will complete.
B. Daniel and his three friends completed a three year
training program to
be prepared for
the king's service.
1. During the three
years, Daniel and his three friends ate vegetables and water only.
2. They had to rely
on God to maintain their health and to increase their
3. They were wiser,
smarter and healthier than those who ate from the king's table.
V:17. " To these four young men God gave knowledge and
understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could
understand visions and dreams of all kinds."
A. It is the Lord that open's our mind to understand all
subjects placed before us.
1. Christians have
a residence helper that guides our understanding.
2. When we are
submissive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can do all
things through Christ who strengthens us.
B. God gives each of
us different gifts, because He has different works for us to do that
requires those
spiritual gifts.
1. Whatever
position we are in requires use of our God given gifts.
2. Daniel was
given the understanding of dreams, because he would be called on
in his
position to use those gifts.
3. The other
Hebrew companions of Daniel were given other gifts.
a. Their gifts
blessed the Lord.
b. Their gifts
blessed the other Hebrew captives.
c. Their gifts
also blessed the pagan king they served.
Matthew 6:16-18
V:16. "When you fast, do not look somber as the
hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I
tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. "
A. Sometimes in our lives the trouble we face requires
something more than prayer.
1. God recommends
2. Immediately
after Jesus was baptized in the Jordon river, he was led to the
wilderness to
be tested by the Devil.
a. He fasted
for 40 days.
b. After the
time of fasting, the Devil came and tempted Him three times.
c. God used the
fast to show the Devil the power of the Word.
B. Denying ourselves
during the fast, allows us to focus on God in prayer.
1. Fasting
prepares us for the next job God has for us.
2. Fasting
reminds us that we can rely on God to take care of us.
C. No one need to
know we are fasting.
1. What is done
in private for God, will be rewarded publicly by Him.
2. Our fasting is
not for us, but so we can serve God and others effectively.
V:17-18. " But when you fast, put oil on your head and
wash your face,
so that it will not
be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is
unseen; and your
Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
A. There is a way to fast.
1. There is a
time to fast.
2. There is a
purpose to fast.
3. There is a
reward for our fast.
B. God will place in
our hearts the reason we need to fast.
1. Our fasting
prepares us for a job God has for us.
2. Our fast is a
time to communicate with God.
3. Our fast is a
time to be strengthen by God.
Rev. M. Mitchell,
Asst Pastor of GMBC
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