Thursday, November 6, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Christ, Our Altar", 11/9/2014


Ezekiel 43:13-21


V:13 "These are the measurements of the altar in long cubits, that cubit being a cubit and a handbreadth: Its gutter is a cubit deep and a cubit wide, with a rim of one span around the edge. And this is the height of the altar: "


A. God gave us the dimensions of the altar that He will set in His Holy temple during the

      millennium kingdom age (the time after the rapture of the Church).

    1. We do not know the exact measurements of the altar.

    2. God gave measurements in cubits.

    3. Some say a cubit is 18 inches, others say it is 21 inches.

 B. It is important to know that God was very particular to give us His design.

     1. We should seek to know the importance of the altar.

     2. The altar was the place where all sacrifices to God were made for the nation of


     3. They were required to bring meat and grain offerings to the Lord.

     4. The first sacrificial offering was from God for man in the Garden of Eden.

           a. God killed an animal to make a covering for the sin of Adam and Eve.

           b. God sacrificed an animal to redeem Adam and Eve.

           c. It was the beginning of blood sacrifices.

     5. Cain and Able were required to bring offerings to the Lord.

 C. After the giving of the Law to the Israelites in the desert, God set up a sanctuary and

     a Priesthood to make sacrifices for the sins of Israel at the Altar.

    1. All of the sacrifices pointed to the blood Jesus Christ shed on the Cross for

        the sins of mankind.

D. The required sacrifices established a special relationship with the Lord.

    1. At the altar is redemption.

    2. At the altar is atonement for sins.

    3. At the altar is forgiveness of sins.

    3. At the altar is the love of God.   John 3:16

    5. At the altar is the entry way to heaven.

    6. At the altar is the compassion of God

    7. At the altar is the righteousness of God.

    8. At the altar is the light of the world.

    9. At the altar is the transformation of man.

   10. At the altar is life with Jesus.

   11. At the altar is the final sacrifice for sin.

   12. At the altar is the place to show the Father our gratefulness.

   13. At the altar is the relationship with Father.

   14. At the altar is fellowship with the Father.


V:14.  God set standards for His people to live by.

        1. The law is God written standards of holiness. 

        2. God set the altar in the mist of the sanctuary to remind His people of

            His requirements for holiness.

        3. In order to stay in fellowship with the Lord , sacrifices were required.

        4. We must offer ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God. 

             Rom 12:1

   B. The vision of the altar was built up in a 3 tier section about 13 feet off the ground.

       1. The layers leading to the altar could be compared to the required steps we must go

            through, to maintain fellowship with the Lord.

             a. Become aware of our sinfulness.  

             b. Confess our sins before the Lord.

             c. Ask for forgiveness.

             d. Accept Jesus  as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

        2. We are lifted out of our sinful state into a relationship with the Lord by the

            redeeming blood Jesus shed on the cross.

        3. The altar is the Hebrew word  hareel meaning the mount of God.

           a. God is high and we are low.

           b. Our focus should always be upward toward the Lord.


 V:15. " The altar hearth is four cubits high, and four horns project upward from the


   A. The horn represents strength, power and glory.

       1. Jesus is the horn of our salvation.

       2. The Lord is our strength.

       3. All power over heaven and earth is in the hands of Jesus.

       4. Jesus is the glory of the Lord.

       5 . During the millennium, Israel will be the elect nation of God.

       6. All who believe in Christ Jesus are God's elect.

 B. The altar hearth could be considered the place where Jesus who knew no

      sin, took our place as a perfect sacrifice for sin.   2 Cor 5:21


V:16. " The altar hearth is square, twelve cubits long and twelve cubits wide."

  A. The vision of the Altar was a square, perhaps representing the four corners of

       the earth.

     1. When Jesus comes again He will gather His redeemed from the four corners of the

          earth. Isa 11:12

     2. In Revelations, angels hold the 4 corners of the earth.  Rev 7:1

  B. God is complete in what He does.

     1. The death of Jesus on the cross was the one complete sacrifice covering sin for

          all times for all of mankind.    John 1:29

     2. It is through Jesus Christ that we are made complete in the Lord.

V:17. " The upper ledge also is square, fourteen cubits long and fourteen cubits wide, with a rim of half a cubit and a gutter of a cubit all around. The steps of the altar face east."

 A. The rim around the altar was there for the Priest to stand firmly while burning the

       the sacrifice.

      1. We can stand firm on the Word of God.

      2. The Word never changes.

      3. The blood of Jesus never looses it's power.

 B. The sun rises in the east.

     1. The first sight we get of the glory of God in the morning is in the east.

     2. At the birth of Jesus, the wise men saw a star in the eastern sky indicating the

         birth of a King.  Mat 2:2


V:18. " Then he said to me, "Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: These will be the regulations for sacrificing burnt offerings and sprinkling blood upon the altar when it is built."

 A. God has rules for the offering we make to Him.

     1. We can't come to God in a worldly way expecting our sins to be forgiven.

     2. God requires us to be obedient to His commands.

     3. We must humble ourselves before the Lord.

 B. We must do what God says do, the way He said to do it.

     1. God is Sovereign.

         a. He does not have to explain to us why He wants things done.

         b. Trusting in God, we do not need an explanation.

     2. We show our love for God by being obedient.

     3. It is our obedience to the Word of God that activates the blessings of God.


V:19. " You are to give a young bull as a sin offering to the priests, who are Levites, of the family of Zadok, who come near to minister before me, declares the Sovereign Lord."

A. Every believer is a servant of the Lord.

    1. We all have jobs that God has assigned to us.

    2. No job assignment is more important than another.

 B. Ezekiel, a priest was given the job of writing and proclaiming the vision of God.

    1. The priests of the family of Zadok was given the job of burning the sin offerings

         at the altar.

    2. "Zadok" means righteous.

        a. In the mist of all the sins in the world, God has righteous people ready

            to serve.  1 Chron 29:22

        b. We should always be prepared and ready to serve the Lord.

        c.  The Lord may call us to serve when we least expect it.

   3. The people of God are required to bring sacrifices to the Lord.

       a. It is our duty to support the Church with our time and resources.

       b. When we make the Church our financial obligation, God blesses our personal


       c. The Lord loves a cheerful giver.

V:20. " You are to take some of its blood and put it on the four horns of the altar and on the four corners of the upper ledge and all around the rim, and so purify the altar and make atonement for it."

A. The priests were required to purify the altar before making a sacrifice to God.

     1. The animals offered for sacrifice were to be without blemish.

     2. When we come to the Lord to ask forgiveness of sin, we must be sure that

          we have no un-confessed sins.

 B. God is Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth.

     1. We defile the offering when we do not offer our best to the Lord.  Mal 1:7-8

     2. God requires us to bring our first fruits to Him.    Rom 11:16, Deu 18:4

 C. The sprinkling of the blood on the altar (the mount of God) was the dedication of

      the altar to God.

    1. We should dedicate our lives to God for His use.

    2. We were created to give God glory.   Isa 43:7

    3. When we give up ourselves to the Lord, we find life in Jesus. Luke 18:28-30


V:21. " You are to take the bull for the sin offering and burn it in the designated part of the temple area outside the sanctuary. "

A. Since our bodies are the temple of the Lord, we should go to the Lord in prayer with a

     clean heart.  Ps 51:10

    1. We should examine ourselves to be sure we have forgiven anyone who has wronged


    2. We should make amends to anyone we have wronged.

       Mat 5:23-24

 B.  The altar is the place where the community of believers come together for prayer,

       fellowship and worship of the Lord.

    1. The altar is the place where the people of God come to meet Jesus.

    2. The blood of Jesus at the altar  makes us whole before the Lord.




See you at the ALTAR


Rev. M. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of GMBC

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