Saturday, October 4, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "A Concern For Righteousness", 10/5/2014



Habakkuk  2:1-6,  3:17-19


Habakkuk 2:1-6


Habakkuk was God's chosen prophet. He knew God would not tolerate sin for long.

He was frustrated that God had not done anything to put a stop to Israel's sins

Habakkuk was concerned that Israel's sins would result in their destruction.  



V:1. " I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what

  he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint. "

 A. It was common for the prophets of God to seek answers from God for situations they

      did not understand.

      1. Like a watchman on a tower looking for the first sign of an approaching enemy,

          Habakkuk stood watch for an answer form God regarding the sins of Israel.

      2. Once an enemy was detected, it was the responsibility of the watchman to inform

          the brothers of the danger.

         a. The enemy of Israel was sin and the danger was God's wrath.

         b. God gave His prophets advance notice of His judgments.

  B.  Israel's disobedience was continuous and getting worst.

       1. Habakkuk was concerned  for his people and wanted to know what God was going

           to do to the nation.



V:2. " Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so

  that a herald may run with it. "

 A. The Lord responded to Habakkuk's prayer.

     1. When we pray to God, we must be patience to wait for an answer from Him.

     2. We must expect that an answer from God comes with more responsibility for


     3. Change happens when we act on the Word of God.

 B. Habakkuk was given two commands from God.

     1. Write down the God's word's on a stone, clay or wooden tablets.

         a. You carve words in stone or wood. This is no small job.

         b. The Word could have been written on a clay tablet and baked in an oven

             to preserve it.

         b. God's commands requires obedient efforts on our part.

         c. Make it plain could mean write in large letters or simple language.

      2. The second command was to spread the Word.

         a. Habakkuk was commanded to get a runner to take God's Word through the


         b. The Church is a community of God's people committed to serve.

         c. There are some jobs we can do ourselves and some we need the help of other



         d. Habakkuk was told to write the words of God and get some help to spread the

             words through the cities.   

         e. The duty of all believers is to be a witness for Jesus.


V:3. " For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove

 false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

 A.  A prophecy is an event planned by God that will take place in a future time.

      1. The prophecy God gave Habakkuk pointed to a future time of the redemption

           of Israel.

      2. Because of their sins, Israel would go into Babylonian captivity for 70 years.

      3. Israel would be restored to the promise land.

      4. The Babylonians would be destroyed in future times.

      3. After the birth and death of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and a

          time of great tribulation, Israel would be restored to her former glory.

 B. There is an appointed time when God will carry out His plans for us.

     1. Our job is be patient and trust God to fulfill His promises.

     2. God does not work on our times.

 C. God's Word is true, but will be fulfilled in His time.

     2. Biblical history proves that God fulfills His promises.

         a. In the Garden of Eden, He promise a victory seed.

         b. He promised Abraham at the time when his wife was the beyond child

             bearing age that his descendants would be uncountable.

         c. He promise Israel a messiah.

     3. Some of God's prophecies have been fulfilled and some are waiting to be


  D. Our problem is that we don't know God's timing.

     1. We should not try to put God on our time frame.

     2. God works in His own time. We have to trust the Word of God.   



V:4 "See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright —  but the righteous will live by his faith— "

A. Those who don't know God , live by the ways and traditions of the world.

    1. Those who don't know God  seek every new wind or wave.

    2. They are proud and uplifted.

    3. Their desires are selfish and ungodly.

    4. The ungodly are continuously led astray by the evil in their hearts.

         a. The greed of the unrighteous leads to their downfall.

         b. The pride of the unrighteous  causes them to give credit to themselves

              for God's work.

 B. The righteous live by faith.

     1. Christ unselfish sacrificial love is the model for living for the Christian.

     2.  The righteous fear God and seek His guidance and the directions .

     3. The righteous trust in the Word of God.

        a. The Word is the manual  for living for the righteous.

        b. From generations to generations, the Word never changes.

    4. In trouble times, the Word comforts the righteous.

        a. In times of trouble, the righteous stand on the Word of God.

        b. In times of trouble, the strength of the righteous is his faith.



V:5.  Indeed, wine betrays him; he is arrogant and never at rest. Because he is as greedy as the grave  and like death is never satisfied, he gathers to himself all the nations and takes captive all the peoples."

 A. The unrighteous are unaware of their ignorance and thinks they knows all.

   1. The unrighteous can never find contentment because their trust is in what they have.

   2. The unrighteous man never has enough because the tempter (Satan) shows him more.

   3  The unrighteous invest in things of the world which fade away in time.

B. The unrighteous can't find peace, because they make enemies in their quest for more.

   1. The Babylonians were proud in their success over Israel, not knowing that God

       used them to chastise Israel.

   2. As a result they praise their idol gods which angered the true and living God.

       a. Their continuous arrogance was God's plan for their downfall.

   3.  Evil minds are never satisfied with what they have and seeks to devour others

       which also leads to their downfall. 



Habakkuk 3:17 - 19

V:17-18. " Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."

 A. The righteous rejoice in the Lord in good times and bad times.

     1. It is easy to praise God when everything is good.

         a. We can claim the goodness of the Lord without asking why.

         b. It is easy to say God is good when you are enjoying the good.

     2. When things are going good, we must careful that are praise is not empty.

 B. A true test of a man's faith, is when He praises God when everything is going wrong.

     1. A true test of a man's faith is when he is joyful in the mist of trouble.

     2. The Praise of God when there is no evidence of an answered prayer is genuine.

     3. When unbeliever is asking wh, the faithful say  Why Not.


V:19. " The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments."

 A. When the Lord God is your strength, you fear no evil, downfall or misery.

     1. The just know that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord.

     2. It is the trials and tribulations of life that strengthen our faith.

     3. The Lord will test our faith to strengthen our weaknesses.

 B. When we keep our focus on the Lord, he takes us higher spiritual insights.

    1.   When our focus is on the Lord is on the eternal.

    2. When our focus is on this world it is on the things that are temporal and have no

        lasting value.

 C. Notice how God describes the success of a faithful Christian

     1. He uses a deer, a graceful animal.

         a. Believers are covered by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

     2. A dear can move in and out of an area undetected.

      a. The faithful do not have to impress anyone with loud and persuasive language.

      b. When the Word is spoken, it is the Holy Spirit working quietly that does the

           conviction of the truth. 

    4. A dear is aware of his surrounding.

      a. He can easily detect eminent danger.

      b. He moves swiftly when danger is near ( up to 35 mph).

   5. The Holy Spirit gives the believers insight about his surrounding.

      a. God protects the faithful believer from the dangers that surrounds him.  




Rev. Mitchell,  Ass Pastor of GMBC




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