Thursday, October 30, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Vision Of Heaven", 11/2/2014


Ezekiel 43:1-12


Ezekiel was one of the prophets of God during the 70 year Babylonian captivity.

The Lord gave Ezekiel a vision of the future Temple. God reflected on the sins

of Israel that resulted in their captivity and the destruction of Jerusalem and the

Temple that Solomon built. The vision includes the destruction of the second temple

 after Israel rejects Jesus Christ, their king and long awaited Messiah. The vision

is the new temple not built with human hand where God will reign. This will take place

after the second coming of Jesus Christ and the rapture of the Church.



V:1,2. "Then the man brought me to the gate facing east 2 and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory."

 A. Chapter 43 is the continuation of the vision God gave to Ezekiel in the 42 preceding


    1. God used an angel to assist in the giving of the vision to Ezekiel.

        a. We are transported in the spirit to an understanding of God's Word.

        b. God is spirit and they that worship Him must do so in spirit and truth.   John 4:24

   2. It is the Word with the aid of the Holy Spirit that gives us a spiritual vision of God's


 B. Whenever you study the Word, you should put away all worldly concerns so you can

      experience the glory of God.

    1. The Word of God should make an impact on your mind and heart.

    2. When you understand the power of rushing water, you experience a very small part

         of God's power.

 C. On  a clear sunny day, you cannot look directly into the sun. It will blind you.

     1. Perhaps the radiance of God in some small way is similar to this.

     2. I am not sure we can fully understand the power of the sun.

     3. We can never fully understand the Glory of God, but we can glow in His presence.


V:3. " The vision I saw was like the vision I had seen when he came to destroy the city and like the visions I had seen by the Kebar River, and I fell facedown."

A. The Bible is the vision of God.

     1. When we study God's Word, we should seek to understand  His power, His

          authority, His creativity and His Grace and Mercy.

     2. When we approach the Word of God we should humble ourselves.

          a. Ezekiel fell on his face.

          b. We should understand that we are low as dirt and God is worthy of our


    3. When we humble ourselves before God, we show our respect for His person.

 B.  When we study the Word of God, He reminds us that He has destroyed men

       and cities because of sinful behavior.

     1. Vengeance is the Lord's, and He is not mocked.


V:4. " The glory of the Lord entered the temple through the gate facing east."

 A. The original temple was constructed so the altar and the entry into the Holy of

      Holiness faced the east.

     1. The sun rises in the east.

     2. Entry into the sanctuary was from the east gate.  Ex 27:13-16

 B. We see God's glory first in the morning from the east, as the sun rises.

     1. It is the sun that provides us warmth.

     2. It is the sun that gives us light.  

     3. It is the sun that promotes growth.

 C. The Lord is the source of all life.

     1. His glory shines all around us.

     2. Maybe it is early in the morning that God starts something new in us.


V:5. " Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple."

 A. It is the Spirit of the Lord that lifts believers out of the darkness of  the world into

     the light of His divine Holiness.

   1. Jesus said, where I am, there you will be also.

   2. It is Lord who said, "Heaven is near."   Mt 10:7

 B. I believe if you can find yourself alone with the Word of God, you will be

      lifted up to a higher spiritual plane.

   1. Jesus often left His disciples and went up to the mountain to pray.   Mat 14:23

   2. It was on the mountain that Jesus was transfigured into the presence of the



V:6.  "While the man was standing beside me, I heard someone speaking to me from inside the temple."

 A. When you come into the temple of the Lord, you ought to expect to hear a word

       from Him.

    1. Anytime we are in God's sanctuary, our hearts and minds ought to be open to

        the Lord.

    2. When you step into the House of the Lord, you should leave the dirt of the

        world on the outside.

        a. Dirt and God's holiness don't mix.

        b. Either you will pay attention to the dirt or you will pay attention to the Word.

 B. It is the Holy Spirit that indwells us that stands with us to give an understanding

      of God's Word.

     1. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

     2. We ought not be to quick to discount God's Word because it came out of the

         mouth of someone we don't like.


V:7. " He said: "Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever. The house of Israel will never again defile my holy name — neither they nor their kings — by their prostitution and the lifeless idols of their kings at their high places."

A. The body is the temple of the Lord.

    1. The Holy Spirit indwells God's Temple.

    2. God lives among believers forever.

    3. When we die, we are absent from the body and present with the Lord.

B. Once in Christ, we are separated from the sins of the world by the blood of Jesus.

    1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.

    2. Our focus should change from selfishness to giving God honor and glory.

 C. The earth is the footstool of the Lord.  Acts 7:49

     1. Since we belong to the Lord, we sit at His footstool.

     2. We have a responsibility to honor the Lord with our hearts, minds and souls.

     3. We have a choice.

           a. We can put God first in our lives.

           b. We can reject God by making something or someone more important than


           c. By putting someone or something before God, we prostitute ourselves

               to idols.

  D. We must understand that it is a privilege to sit at the feet of the Lord.

      1. Learning begins at the feet of the Lord.

      2. The ability to not worry is at the feet of the Lord.

          a. Mary sat at the feet of the Lord while Martha, her sister worried.

      3. Holiness is at the feet of the Lord.

      4. All we need is at the feet of the Lord.



 V:8. " When they placed their threshold next to my threshold and their doorposts beside my doorposts, with only a wall between me and them, they defiled my holy name by their detestable practices. So I destroyed them in my anger."

 A. God reminds us of what He did in the past when Israel rejected Him in favor of

      dumb idols.

     1. Jerusalem and the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

     2. At the time of the writing of Ezekiel, Israel was in captivity in Babylon.

 B. Because of God's love for us, He may destroy the very thing that we place

      before Him.

    1. We are in danger of the wrath of God when we ignore His commands.

    2. God can and has shorten the lives of those who rejected Him in favor of  their

        own selfish and sinful desires.


V:9. " Now let them put away from me their prostitution and the lifeless idols of their kings, and I will live among them forever."

 A. There are some requirements to live with God.

     1. We have rules for our own households, likewise God has rules for His household.

     2. God commands us not to worship idols.

         a. That which is more important to you than God is your idol.

         b. Any excuse we make not to serve God is an indication of our unfaithfulness.

      3. Anytime we decide that the world is the authority, and not the Word of God,

          we have made a decision not to trust God.

 B. Relying on the things of this world is spiritual prostitution.

     1. God wants our complete trust.

     2. " Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.

          In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  Prob 3:5-6

 C. God promises that our home with Him is eternal.

     1. "I will live with you forever".

     2. When we choose life with God, He promises never to leave us or forsake us.

          Joshua 1:5



V:10 "Son of man, describe the temple to the people of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their sins. Let them consider the plan."

 A. Once we choose God, we take on the responsibility of living the Word and

     proclaiming the Word of God.

    1. Ezekiel chose God.

       a. " Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the   

           Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."  Mat 28:19

       b. How can people in the dark find the "LIGHT" if we don't let our light shine?

  B. If we love our neighbors, we will tell them about God.

      1. It is not our job to convict anyone of their sins.

      2. The Word of God does the conviction.

      3. Our job is to proclaim the Word, then step back and let God work in their hearts.

          a. We have a promise from God that the Word will not return void.  Isa 55:11

          b. The Word will accomplish what pleases God.

  C. God has a plan for our lives.

      1. We need to know the plan to consider the plan.

      2. The body is the Temple of the Lord.

          a. We need to know this to consider this.

   D. God described His Holy Temple to Ezekiel,

       1. God's holy Temple is our permanent home.

       2. We need to know this to consider this.


V:11.  And if they are ashamed of all they have done, make known to them the design of the temple — its arrangement, its exits and entrances — its whole design and all its regulations and laws. Write these down before them so that they may be faithful to its design and follow all its regulations."

 A. The first requirement for knowledge of the Kingdom of God is to repent of our sins.

     1. We must humble ourselves before the Lord.

     2. We must consider, that we have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.  Ro. 3:23

  B. The Bible was written by God's chosen men so we will know His plan and follow His


      1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God.    2 Tim 3:16

      2. Those who are faithful will follow God's Word.

 C. The Israelites knew what the physical Temple look like before it's destruction.

     1. Ezekiel describe a more Glorious Heavenly Structure that God himself

         will build, for all who believe in the redemption that is Jesus Christ.  Ezekiel 40-42

    2. God has given us a glimpse of heaven so that we can look forward being there

         with Him.   

    3. Our hope should not be in this world, but our life after this one with the Lord.

    4. This world will pass away, and a new heaven and new earth will be created by

        by God.   Rev 21:1


 V:12 "This is the law of the temple: All the surrounding area on top of the mountain will  

  be most holy. Such is the law of the temple. "

  A. God is holy and we must present ourselves to God as holy. Dt 7:6,  Rom 12:1

      1. It is by the Blood that Jesus shed on the cross that atones for our sins.

      2. Because we believe in the Word, we are washed  and made holy before God.

 B. The law of the temple was ratified by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus

      Christ.  1 Peter 2:5




Rev. M. Mitchell,   Asst Pastor of GMBC

Thursday, October 23, 2014

This Week Sunday School Lesson, "There Hope In Suffering" 10/26/2014


Job 42:1-10



V:1 " Then Job replied to the Lord: "

 A. Job had been waiting for a year for an answer from the Lord.

      Job wanted to know why he suffered all the tragedies in his life.

    1. When God responded, Job did not get the answer he expected.

    2. Instead, Job got a lesson in the sovereignty of God.  Job was asked if he could do in

        creation what God had done.

    3.  Job's complaint turned to awe and praise.

    4.  Job came to an understanding that we are all sinners and deserve whatever God


   B. We should always have a listening ear to a word from the Lord.

      1. We are usually focused on ourselves.

      2. God is focused on His plan of redemption for mankind.

      3. Sometimes God uses the tragedies of our lives to draw us into a closer relationship

          with Him.

     4. Sometimes God uses the tragedies of our lives to strengthen our faith.

     5. Sometimes God uses the tragedies of our lives to encourage others.


V:2  "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted."

   A. One of the characteristic of God is His omnipotence.

       1. God has all power and He can do all things.

       2. There is nothing that is impossible for God.   Luke 1:37

       3. Everything God does is for the good of those He called.    Rom 8:38

  B. God's plan for us was worked out before the foundation of the world.

       Eph 1:4-5

      1. What God planned, He will accomplish.

      2. Our complaints about our circumstances does not change God's plan.


V:3 [You asked,] 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. "

A. The God we serve is omniscience. He knows everything.

    1. Much of what God knows has not been revealed to us and may never be

        discovered by man.

    2. God is infinite and we are finite.

       a. Our minds are limited in what knowledge we can discover about God.

       b. No one can know the mind of God.    Rom 11:33

 B. God revealed to us the order in which He created the heavens and the earth.

     1. We have no idea how He formed the universe.

     2. We have no idea how God made order out of disorder.

     3. What we do know is God spoke and everything came into being.

 C. We cannot sit and council with God how to do anything.

     1. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

     2. All Job could do was to stand in awe of God.

     3. When we consider what God has done, it is beyond our imagination.   

     4. The best we can do is to give God praise and honor for what He continues to do.

 D. Job complained to God as if He was accountable to him.

      1. We are accountable to God.

      2. God owes us no explanation to what He allows to happen to us.


V:4.  ["You said,] 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer


 A. When God speaks, our only response is to listen.

     1. We don't know enough not to listen to God.

     2. We see only the presence, but God sees the future.

     3. God knows the outcome of any action.

          a. We only know what we think.

          b. And many times our thinking is wrong.

B. We will be required to give an account to God for every action we take.

    1. Before God, every knee shall bow.  Isa 45:23

    2. God has the right to judge us.

    3. We do not have the right to judge God.

    4. We don't know enough to judge God.

C. God is the authority over our lives.

    1. Our response to God's authority is obedience.

    2. It is God's desire that we suffer for His sake.

       a. In suffering for God's sake, we grow in the spirit.

       b. In suffering, we gain patience, compassion, perfection and love.   Jam 1:1-5


V:5. " My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."

 A.  When we study the Word of God, we will come to know Him.   Ps 111:10

     1. There are some things about God we will never understand.

     2. Some of God's commands will not make sense to us.

     3. We have to learn that whatever God commands us to do, will

         work in our favor.

 B. The more we follow God's commands, the more faith we will have in Him.

    1. Job never wavered in his faith in God.

    2. In all his severe trials, Job blessed the Lord out of the depths of his heart. 



V:6. " Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."

 A. Job realized that his sin was his pride in his righteousness.    Rom 3:23

      1. During his trials, Job failed to realize that all fall short of the righteousness of God.

      2.  Job failed to realize that he did not have the right to compare his righteousness

           to the righteousness of God.

 B. Having gained a greater understanding of the glory of God, Job realized his


    1. Job realized that he was not as righteous as he thought he was.

    2. We do not deserve the blessings of God.

    3. We have what we have because of God's grace.

    4. God has been slow to punish us for our sins because of His mercy.

 C. After talking to God, Job repented.

    1. Job had exalted himself. After taking to God, he humbled himself.

         a. The throwing of dust and ashes on oneself was a way of expressing


    2. Job saw himself as undeserving of punishment. After talking to God,

        he understood that his trials were an expression of God's love.

    3. Job may have thought that he was as close to God as he could get.

        a. After talking to God, he understood he needed to get closer.

    4. Job may have thought he knew everything about God.

       a. After taking to God, he understood that the wisdom of God was

          so far above him that he stood in amazement. 

 V:7.  " After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has. "

 A. Those who condemn us during our trials will hear a word of disapproval from God.

      1. We never know why people are going through trials and tribulations.

         a. We don't know how God is working with them through their trials.

         b. We don't know what God's purpose is for their season of trials.

      2. Our job is never to condemn, but to encourage.

      3.  In the mist of trials, we need a word of comfort that God still love us.

      4. In the mist of trials, we need a word of comfort that God is in control of our


 B. Job's friends, didn't stand with him, they stood against him.

     1. Job's friends exalted their righteousness over his situation.

     2. Job's friends claimed to have a word from God, when they didn't

         know what God was doing.

     3. Job's friends never prayed with him, interceding for him before God.

     4. Job's friends failed to take opportunity to bring God into the situation.

         a. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name, I am in the


         b. Job's friends never offered a sacrificial sin offering to God on Job's behalf.

     5. When someone is down, our first response is to go to God in prayer.

 C. God is angry with us when we fail to pray.

     1. When we start speaking without a word from God, we are in error.

     2. Wisdom comes from the Lord.

          a. Without the wisdom of the Lord, we proclaim the thoughts of the world.

          b. Without the wisdom of the Lord, we can lead others astray.

     3. Without the wisdom of the Lord, we have no idea how to treat others


     4. Without the wisdom of the Lord, there is no true love or compassion.


V:8. " So now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. You have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."

 A. The moment we start condemning others, we stand condemned before God.

      1. The only way I can condemn you, is to exalt myself.

      2. If I see your sins as greater than mine, I am already condemned.

 B. The very person you condemn, may be the person God uses to lift a prayer

      for you.

     1. Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

     2. God required Job's friends to offer up a sin offering for themselves.

         a. Job was not in sin.

         b. God was not punishing Job.

         d. God used Job's situation to show that our faith in the Word enables us

            to  endure the trials of life.

         c. Job's friends committed sins by condemning Job.

    3. Notice the number 7 in the verse.

        a. Seven is the number of completion.

        b. It took seven bulls and seven rams to atone for their sin of condemnation.

        c. The blood of Jesus completely atoned for our sins.

    4. God would not accept the prayers of Job's friends.

       a. God used Job's prayers to intercede for his friends.

       b. As bad as we are, God has somebody to pray for us.

  C. Don't miss the mercy of God in this verse.

      1. Instead of dealing with us according to our sins, God appoints a righteous servant

          to intercede for us with his prayers.

      2. That is what Jesus is doing for us at the right hand of the Father; interceding for us.

      3. We are guilty as charged. But God decided to let His Son be sin for us.   2 Cor 5:21

 D. One of our sins is our failure to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     1. Everybody deserves to hear the Good News from Us.

     2. We are privileged with the Good News so we can pour it out on others.

     3. God chose Job's friends to give him the Good News, but they presented him with

         the bad.

 E. God used the hardships of Job to teach us how to be faithful under trials.

     1. By God's own admission, Job was faithful.

     2. Trouble comes to the good and the bad alike.

     3. God may be using your trouble to encourage someone. 



V:9. " So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite did what the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job's prayer."

A. The one you condemn, maybe the one God uses to bless you.

    1. Job's friends condemned him.

    2. God used Job to bless his friends.

B. We are of  no use to God when we have an attitude of condemnation.

    1. It is a prideful person that condemns another.

    2. God hates the proud.

    3. The prayers of a prideful person are not accepted by God.

    4. Before we pray, we need to be sure we have humbled ourselves.  

 C. Job was used to show Satan that faith in God overcomes all evil.



V:10 "After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave

  him twice as much as he had before. "

 A. Whatever God takes from us, He can give back multiplied.    Mat 11:8

     1. Job gratefully and obediently prayed for the restoration of his friends.

     2. In Job's misery, he prayed for his friends.

     3. Job, grieving over the lost of his children, and all his assets, frustrated at the

         lack of faith from his wife and suffering from the pain of his sores, still prayed for

         healthy folk.

     4. Job kept his focus on the Lord and not his condition.

 B. Job lost all his worldly stuff, but he never lost his faith in God.

    1. Job lost all his worldly stuff but he continued to praise God.   Job 1:20

    2. Job covered in sores continued to praise God.    Job 2:10

    4. In due season, because Job did not faint, he reaped a harvest of God's good. Gal 6:9

    5. Faith triumphs over trials and tribulations.  Gal 6:9

    6. God rewarded Job's faith with the  restoration of his worldly possessions. 




 C. God used the suffering of Job to point to the suffering of Jesus.

    1. Jesus prayed for His enemies, then came down from the cross.

       a. Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing.   Luke 23:34

       b. The Lord commands us to pray for our enemies.   Mat 5:44

    1. Our faith in our Lord and Savior is rewarded with eternal life.

    2. If the Lord is for us, no one can stand against us.   Rom 8:31





Rev. M. Mitchell,  Asst Pastor of GMBC


Thursday, October 16, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "InThe Mist Of Trials, God Favors The Faithful", 10/19/14






Job 24:1, 9-12, 19-25, Psalms 55:16



V:1. "Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know

   him look in vain for such days? "

  A. Evil is all around us and there seems to be no end to it.

      1.There are people who seem to never learn that evil does not pay.

      2. Sometimes it does appear that there is no justice for the innocent.

 B.  Sometimes we may wonder why our God who has all power does not put

      an end to evil?

      1. Sometimes the righteous never see justice for the evil done to them.

      2. Nothing is hidden from God.

         a. He knows the evil in a man's heart before he puts it into practice.

         b. Why does God not stop a person before he harms another?

  C. God is longsuffering and He does allow evil to enter into our lives.

      1. God wants our hearts to be convicted so that we will not practice evil.

      2. The evil of men forces the believer to trust God for deliverance.




Job 24:9-13

V:9. "The fatherless child is snatched from the breast; the infant of the poor is seized for

   a debt. "

 A. In Biblical times, it was not uncommon for a man to be forced into slavery to pay

      his debts.

     1. If a father died leaving debts, his children could be forced into slavery to

         pay the debt.    2 Kings 4:1

        a. The rich had no compassion for the poor.

        b. They lacked respect for their fellowmen.

     2. The poor sometimes suffer injustice at the hands of the rich.

 B. Widows and orphans are often  defenseless in an evil system because there is no one

      to take up their cause.

     1. Why does an all knowing God stand by and allow this to happen?

     2. Perhaps it is to teach the faithful compassion for each other.

     3. Perhaps it is to draw us closer to Him.


V:10. " Lacking clothes, they go about naked; they carry the sheaves, but still go


    A. The poor were often forced to work in fields of the rich harvesting their crops.

        1. The poor was not given enough for their labor to feed or cloth themselves.

        2. Even today the minimum wage is not enough for a mother or father to provide

            for his/her family.

     B. A system of share cropping was established after the abolishment of slavery in the

         US that was designed to keep the poor in an impoverished state.

        1. There is nothing new under the sun.

        2. The poor still lack proper representation in the court system.

        3. The ones with the most money gets the most out of our systems.

        4. There is a difference in the quality of life between the rich and the poor.

            a. Guess who has the best quality of life?


V:11. " They crush olives among the terraces;  they tread the winepresses, yet suffer  


 A. The poor were forced to work for the rich without  adequate compensation.

     1. Oil from the crushed olives was used for fuel in lamps.

     2. The rich had the light and the poor were left in the dark.

 B. The poor was forced to work in the vineyards of the land owner producing

      wine but was not allowed enough drink to satisfy their thirst.

     1. Today major corporations make billions of dollars off the labor of the poor.

     2. The rich live in luxury while the poor struggle to pay rent.  


V:12. " The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out   

  for   help. But God charges no one with wrongdoing. "

  A. Even in the cities where there was easy access to the courts and judges, the wicked

       found the favor of men to support their evil practices.

     1. Cruel and unjust practices prevailed over justice.

     2. Evil doers fear no punishment.

     3. The rich oppressed the poor.

     4. Robbery and murder cases go unsolved .

     5. The rich buy their justice and the poor are at the mercy of the court.

 B. The wicked make it their work to rob and steal.

      1. They take what is not theirs because it is easier than honest labor.

      2. They work to do evil and stay evil.

 C. We must be careful not to blame God for the injustice that we see.

     1. God established the law and the law givers.

     2. In His time, the wicked will receive their punishment.



Job 24:19-25:1

V:19. " As heat and drought snatch away the melted snow, so the grave snatches away

   those who have sinned. "

  A.  The enemy of snow is heat.

        1. God controls the formation of snow and the heat of the day.

        2. He allows them both for His purposes.

  B. The enemy of the wicked is themselves.

       1. God is not mocked, a man will reap what he sows.  Gal 6:7

       2. The destination of the wicked is the grave.

       3. The wicked cannot escape the grave for they have no salvation.

       4. Their time on earth is short, and the grave has been prepared for them.


V:20. " The womb forgets them, the worm feasts on them; evil men are no longer

   remembered but are broken like a tree. "

  A. An evil man is forgotten as soon as he dies and the dirt covers his body.

     1. There is no lasting memories of him.

     2. His body rots in his grave.

  B. The community is glad when the wicked perish.

     1. God purposed our lives to be role models of righteousness.

     2. We were made in the likeness and the image of  the God head.

     3. Righteousness should be stored in the hearts of men so that evil is rejected.

     4. Those who make a practice of evil, reject the righteous of God and will soon be



V:21. " They prey on the barren and childless woman, and to the widow show no

  kindness. "

  A.  During Biblical times, the weak and defenseless class were women who could not 

        bare children and widowers.

       1. They had no spouse or children to protect them.

       2. Oppressing these woman was considered extreme cruelty.

       3. The wicked showed no compassion  for anyone.

  B. The wicked have no conscience of what is right.

       1. They pursue evil and live in darkness.

       2. They are destined for the darkness of hell.

       3. They are destitute of righteousness and no good will come from them.

       4. They are cowards because they prey on the weak and the defenseless.


V:22. " But God drags away the mighty by his power; though they become established,

  they have no assurance of life."

  A. The wicked establish themselves in positions that can only be sustained by more


      1. Their success in wicked behavior drives them to be more wicked.

      2. They can't rest in peace because they are always looking over their shoulder

          trying to avoid justice.

  B. The wicked have no assurance of life because there is always someone more

       wicked than them who want what they have stolen.

      1. Ill gotten gain will soon be tracked and taken.

  C. No matter how strong the are wicked, they are no match for God.

      1. God allows the wicked to thrive for a season, but He will bring them down.

      2. God is always in control.

      3. God's way is always the right way.


V:23. " He may let them rest in a feeling of security, but his eyes are on their ways."

 A. The wicked gain their confidence when there is no lasting consequences for

       their evil activities.

       1. All day and all night, their activities never cease.

       2. They are the devil's workers. They steal, kill and destroy.

       3. There is no lack of workers for the devil.

 B. The Lord numbers their transgressions.

     1. At some point, in the Lord's appointed time, they will suffer His wrath.

     2. Those who fear the Lord, may never know or see the wicked punished.

     3. We can rest assured that God will be the avenger.      2 Cor 10:6


V:24. " For a little while they are exalted, and then they are gone; they are brought low

  and gathered up like all others; they are cut off like heads of grain."

  A.  According to Ecclesiastes chapter 3, there is a season for everything.

      1. The wicked exalt themselves, but they will be brought down.

          a. God hates the proud.       Luke 1:51-52

          b. God exalts the humble.

      2. God allows the weeds to grow among His wheat.

          1. At the harvest time, the wheat will be gathered for His use.

          2. The weeds will be gathered and burned.     Mat.  13:25- 40

  B. The Lord Jesus is coming again to judge the living and the dead.

       1. Those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.     John 5:29

       2. Those who have done good will rise to live.      John 5:29


V:25.  "If this is not so, who can prove me false and reduce my words to nothing?"

   A. The Word of God is the truth about every thing in this life.

        1. The one thing God cannot do is lie.     Heb 6:18

        2. Our hope is in God's promises.

  B. God has reserved judgment for the unrighteous.      2 Peter 2:9

       1. God has reserved heaven for the righteous.



Psalms 55:16

V:16. " But I call to God, and the Lord saves me."

  A. The help of the righteous is the Lord.     Act 4:12

       1. All believers were appointed to receive the salvation

           of the Lord.     1 Thes. 5:9

       2. We were chosen before the foundation of the world to be in

            Christ Jesus. Eph 1:4

 B. The wicked are not given the ability to know the Word of God.  1 Cor 2:14

      1. We should not be dismayed at the sins of the world for

           we were chosen to suffer for Christ sake.    2 Cor 12:10,   Rom 8:17


As I view the Bible from cover to cover there is a struggle between the rich and the poor.

There is the rich in the Spirit and the poor without the Spirit.

There is the rich in the wisdom God and the poor in the wisdom of the world.

There is the rich in the righteousness of God and the poor who reject God.

There is the rich in the kingdom of heaven and the poor destined for hell.


It is almost impossible for the rich of this world to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

But the poor of this world have an easier access into heaven because they trust in the Lord. The rich of this world trust in their stuff and find it difficult to rely on God

(Mat 19:24).


Perhaps, God designed the life of the faithful to suffer trials and tribulations so that

we can rely on Him and accept eternal life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



Rev. M. Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC