Jeremiah 33:1-11
V:1. " While Jeremiah was still confined in the
courtyard of the guard, the word of the Lord came to him a second time."
A. In the mist of our
troubles, God wants to communicate with us.
1. When you are
going through trouble, you may not see the end, but God does.
2. God will not
leave you comfortless.
B. In troubled times, keep your focus on the Lord.
1. Study the Word
of God daily.
2. Through your
studies, God will reveal to you what He
wants you to do.
3. It is the Word
that gives comfort and assurance in times of trouble.
V:2 "This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth,
the Lord who formed it and established it — the Lord is his name."
A. We must continue reminding ourselves that God is in control of
our circumstances.
1. We must keep
our focus on the truth; the earth is the
Lord's and the fullness
2. God is able to
take care of all our needs according to His will
B. God uses us and
the circumstances He places us in to build up the body of Christ.
1. Someone is
always watching and can be encouraged by how we handle ourselves.
2. God is the creator
and the supreme authority who use us to benefit others.
3. The more times you open your Bible, the more
times God will speak to you.
V:3. "Call to me and I will answer you and
tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
A. Prayer is the
believers way to communicate with the Lord.
1. God commands believers to pray without ceasing. 1 Thes 5:17
2. God has all
3. God is
4. You will never
get to the point where you know everything about God.
B. Everything we need
to know is in the Word.
1. God promises to
answer our prayers. John 15:7
2. The prayers of
the righteous does much good.
3. Jesus said
whatever you ask the Father in His name will be done for you.
C. There are some things that God has not given
us an understanding of.
1.There are some
things that God has not brought to our attention, that we do
not know
2. There are some
things that we have not studied that we need an understanding of.
D. God has some great
things He want us to know.
1. Our minds are
2. God chooses
the time when He will take us into a higher knowledge of Him.
E. God has some
things that He wants us to know that we cannot find out on our own.
1. There are some
things that God causes to happen to us that we cannot conceive,
that is in our
best interest.
2. When we submit
ourselves to God's service, He will get us involved in some
things that are unimaginable that bring Him
V:4-5 " For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel,
says about the houses in this city and the royal palaces of Judah that have
been torn down to be used against the siege ramps and the sword 5 in the fight
with the Babylonians: 'They will be filled with the dead bodies of the men I
will slay in my anger and wrath. I will hide my face from this city because of
all its wickedness."
A. The God we serve
is longsuffering, but true to His Word.
1. Sometimes God
is long on keeping His promises when it comes to punishment.
a. The
Children of Israel
had been disobedient since God gave the law to Moses.
b. In the law
was a promise of prosperity if they kept the Law and a promise of
punishment if they fail to keep the law (1500 BC).
B. The time was at
hand when God wrath fell on Israel (600 BC).
1. God sent the
Babylonians to destroy their houses, their city and the temple.
2. God is in
control of your enemies and any action that succeed against you.
3. The one thing
you don't want God to do, is turn His face away from you.
4. You are
playing with fire when you continue to disobey God.
5. You may get
away with sin today, but tomorrow is not promised.
V:6 "Nevertheless,
I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them
enjoy abundant peace and security."
A. It is a good thing
that God's promises do not depend on our obedience.
1. What God
promised for the nation of Israel
took place, and there were
some casualties.
2. Most of the promises that God made
to Israel were
not individual but national.
a. God made both individual
promises and national promises.
b. A whole generation of Israelites
died in the desert and did not enter the
promise land.
c. God grew up another generation
in the desert that did enter the promise land.
B. It was Israel 's
sin that angered God and resulted in 70 years of captivity.
1. At the time of God's wrath on Israel ,
He promised their restoration.
2. Many Israelites died doing the war
and the 70 year captivity, but a remnant survived
and were restored to the promise
3. Israel 's
sin took them into captivity, but God's love brought them out.
This next series of verses may cover three different time
1. The immediate
return of Israel
from the 70 year captivity in Babylonia
2. Birth of the
Jesus in the flesh.
a. His death and resurrection.
b. The beginning
of the present Church age with Jesus as Lord and Savior.
3. The rapture of the
a. The 1000 year
reign of Christ
b. The new heaven
and new earth.
V:7. " I will
bring Judah and
Israel back
from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before."
A. After the 70 year
period of chastisement, Israel
was restored to the promise land.
1. The city of Jerusalem
was rebuilt.
2. The walls
around the city was rebuilt.
3. The Temple
was rebuilt.
B. Israel again
worshipped God in the promise land.
1. This period of
restoration did not last long, before Israel
began disobeying
2. Israel
fell under Roman occupation before the birth of Christ.
V:8. " I will cleanse them from all the sin they have
committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me."
A. Israel and all
believers are cleanse from their sins by the blood Jesus shed on the
B. The atonement of
sins come only through the blood of Jesus Christ
1. This present
age of Grace began with the death of Jesus on the cross.
2. Our faith in
Jesus created a new creature in us.
3. We now belong
to Christ. He is our Lord and Savior.
V:9. " Then this
city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth
that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will
tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it."
A. In Christ a new
creation is born,
1. In Christ a
new Israel is
a. This new Israel
includes all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
B. It is in Christ
Jesus that we bring praise and honor to God the Father.
1. Peace with the
Father is obtained by our faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
2. The joy we
have originates from the heart because of the love of Jesus.
a. God so
loved the world that He gave His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.
C. Prosperity in life
comes through being a good steward of the gifts and talents
God gives us
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
D. Awe from those who
are outside the body of Christ come because of our
ability to
handle the trials and tribulations of life with peace and joy in our
V:10-11. "This is what the Lord says: 'You say about
this place, "It is a desolate waste, without men or animals." Yet in
the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are deserted, inhabited by
neither men nor animals, there will be heard once more 11 the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices
of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to
the house of the Lord, saying, "Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the
Lord is good; his love endures forever." For I will restore the fortunes
of the land as they were before,' says the Lord. "
A. The Church is the
bride and Christ is the bride groom.
1. Before the
coming of the bride groom, cities were spiritually desolate.
2. Man was a
waste dump or all kinds of sins.
3. Without Christ,
none can claim the righteousness of God.
B. In this present age of Grace, the Church is being prepared
as the bride of Christ.
1. Our sins are
washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. We are cleanse
by the Words of Christ through the indwelling power of the
Holy Spirit.
C. When we reflect on the goodness of God, we are able to give Him thanks and
1. Through the
enlightenment of the Word, we realize that the Lord is good
all the time
and His mercy endures forever.
2. During the
millennium the fortunes of Israel
will be restored. Rev 20:4-7
3. After the millennium,
God will create a new heaven and new earth
a. All
believers will be in heaven in God's prepared place forever. Rev 21:1-2
Rev M Mitchell, Asst Pastor of GMBC