Haggai 1:12, 2:1-9
V:12. " Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of
Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of the people obeyed the
voice of the Lord their God and the message of the prophet Haggai, because the
Lord their God had sent him. And the people feared the Lord. "
Defn: Zerubbabel= sown in Babylon
Shealtiel= I have asked God
Joshua= praised
Jehozadak= Jehovah righted
= festive
( Hebrew names had meaning. They sometimes described the
mission, position or
state of a person.
Zerubbabel was born
in Babylon , perhaps because his
father asked God for a son.
Joshua praised God perhaps because his father taught him to
love God.
Haggai served God during the festive time of Israel 's
return from Babylon . (My thoughts only).
A. It is interesting note that God had a habit of bypassing
the governor and the Chief
Priest and
speaking through his prophets. This may have begun when Israel
the rule of God's
Judges and priest and asked for a King to rule them. They wanted
to be like the pagan nations around them (1 Samuel 8:6).
to be like the pagan nations around them (1 Samuel 8:6).
1. This event
marked the spiral down fall of Israel .
They chose the rule of man over
the rule of God.
the rule of God.
2. After God
reminded Israel
of the trouble their disobedience was causing them,
they listen to
the word of the Prophet Haggai and obeyed His command to rebuild
the temple.
B. After hearing the
Word, the people feared God.
1. We need a holy
fear of God to listen to His Word.
2. We need a holy
fear of God to obey His commands.
3. We need a holy
fear of God to understand that God is in control of all the
activities of our lives.
activities of our lives.
4. Obedience makes
our living easier. Our disobedience brings about tough times.
C. Notice the text says that there was a remnant of the
people in Israel .
1. Some of their
people were killed doing the Babylonian invasion.
2. Some of their
people died in captivity.
3. Some of their people were left in Babylon .
4. Loss always
follows disobedience.
5. Disobedience
sometimes leads to violence in our lives.
D. The God we serve,
is faithful to save those He chose before the foundation of the
world. Eph 1:4
Haggai 2:1-9
V:1. " On the twenty-first day of the seventh month,
the word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai."
A. This date is near
our October 17th.
1. This is the
last day of the feast of the tabernacles.
Lev. 23:33-44
a. Solomon's temple was dedicated during the
feast of the tabernacles (1 Kings
2. After the
exodus from Egypt ,
Israel lived in
3. This festival
reminded Israel of God's glory, mercy, grace and love in freeing
them from slavery.
them from slavery.
B. Rebuilding the
temple should have been a celebration of their exodus from
Babylon .
1. When the
people of God work together in unison, the work of the Lord can be
done with speed and ease.
done with speed and ease.
2. The temple was
rebuilt in 3 years according to the Jewish Encyclopedia.
V:2. "Speak to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of
Judah , to
Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people. Ask
V:3. "Who of you is left who saw this house in its
former glory? How does it look to
you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? "
you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? "
A. Solomon's temple
was probably much larger and lavishly furnished with silver and
1. The first
temple was designed by God to be a house of prayer, sacrifice and
2. It was David's
desire to build a house for the Lord that prompted Him to design
and to provide
the resources to build a showcase for His Love for Israel
for all
the world to come and worship.
the world to come and worship.
B. Even though this
rebuilt temple was smaller, it was still God's house of prayer.
1. The question
is, how do you see the structure we call the church?
2. Are you
impressed with the size and the furnishings of the building?
3. Are you
impressed with the size of the congregation?
4. Why do you
come to church?
a. Do you
like the pastor?
b. Do you
like the choirs?
c. What is
your reason for being in church?
d. Would you
prefer a large church or a small church?
C. It is not the
size of the building that counts, but the size of the hearts of the
believers in
the building that counts.
1. Do you see
church as a place of prayer and worship or just a place of
2. Are you here
to serve God or are you here to be served by God?
3. Are you here
to be impressed or are you here to learn the Word of God?
4. If you are here to serve the Lord, you
can do that in any size building.
5. If you are
here to praised the Lord, you can do that without a building.
D. Sometimes our
disobedience puts us in a position where we loose everything and
have to start
over again.
1. We don't
always regain all we have lost.
2. Israel
lost their homes, their love ones and their Temple .
a. They began
to worship the temple and not the God of the temple.
b. They began
to bless themselves and not the God who blessed them.
c. Their
interest became more important than the God who gave them the
mind to
have interests.
d. Israel
forgot what was most important; God.
3. If we put God
first, He will supply our every need.
V:4 But now be strong, O Zerubbabel,' declares the Lord. 'Be
strong, O Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people
of the land,' declares the Lord, 'and work. For I am with you,' declares the
Lord Almighty."
A. The encouragement of the Lord should start with the
leaders of the local church.
1. God commands us
to be strong, regardless of our personal situations.
2. We should be
strong in our faith and strong in our dedication to the Lord.
B. The next command God gave was to "work".
1. Our love and
our dedication to the Lord ought to result in serving the Lord.
C. Serving the Lord is a command to everybody, not just a
1. Everyone has
been gifted, equipped and empowered to do the work of the Lord.
2. Everyone has a
responsibility to the Lord because of His goodness to us.
D. God says, I am
with you.
1. Anytime you decide to serve the Lord, you can expect someone to
2. But God says,
I Am with you.
3. Your focus
should never be on the opposition, but on the work of the Lord.
4. You say, you
don't have time, God says, I will make some time.
5. You say, I
don't have the money, God says, I will give you the money.
6. You say, I
don't have the skills, but God says start working and you will develop
the skills.
E. The Lord's says, I
got the power, I got the authority to ensure that what I planned
will take place.
1. We are the
vessels God uses to carry out His plan.
2. God did not
make vessels that are not fit for His use.
V:5. "This is what I covenanted with you when you came
out of Egypt .
And my Spirit
remains among you.
Do not fear."
A. God displays His
mercy to us all the time.
1. Even though we
messed up, disobeyed God commands and failed to worship
Him, He keeps
His promises.
2. God is long
a. He tolerates our disrespectful
behavior and gives us another chance to
get right
with Him.
b. God's plan
for our lives is not dependent on our behavior, but His love.
B. God plan for Israel
was that redeemer would come through the line of David and
the seed of
Abraham would bless many nations.
1. God will ensure
that His plan is successful.
2. God does not
promise us that we will not have trouble in our lives.
3. God promised
that in good times and bad times that He
will be with us.
C. God promised that
those who serve Him have nothing to fear.
1. God is more
than the whole world against you.
2. Believers
should face trouble with victory in sight.
3. Our troubles
are opportunities for God to be glorified.
V:6 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'In a little
while I will once more shake the
heavens and the
earth, the sea and the dry land."
A. Even though we
messed up and our lives are torn apart, God says, I can put you
back together again.
back together again.
1. " In a
little while".
2. The Lord says
be patient.
a. The Lord
says be faithful.
b. The Lord
says return your dedication to Me.
3. You didn't get
messed up over night, and you want get cleaned up over night.
a. It took awhile for you to tear down what
God prepared for you.
b. It will take
awhile for God to restore some of what you lost.
B. If you remain
faithful, God promises to show you favor from the heavens and
the earth.
1. Once you return
back to the Lord, you have to work to regain the favor of the
2. We have to
learn to rely on God.
3. We have been
train to relay on ourselves.
4. When we walk
away from God, we walk into the gutter of the world.
a. We have to
get the gutter out of us before we can trust God.
b. The world
infects us with a virus of mistrust and disobedience.
c. We treat
the virus with the Word.
Unfortunately this worldly virus resist the Word until we learn to
submissive to the Word.
C. God said I caused a drought in your life
because of your disobedience.
1. If you remain
obedient, God will end the drought and release the rains
of blessing
back into your life.
2. The continued
prosperity of our lives depends on our obedience to God.
V:7. " I will
shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill
this house with glory,' says the Lord Almighty."
this house with glory,' says the Lord Almighty."
A. God's glory has
nothing to do with the size of your church building but the size of
your love for
1. When the church
has a love for God, the world will be drawn to your footsteps.
2. God shows up
when the people who love Him show up.
B. If we want God to
be in our presence, all we have to do is start praising Him.
1. Psalms 22:3 says
God inhabits the praise of His people.
2. The nation of Israel
refused to praise God and as a results they walked away from
the blessings
of God.
3. The nation of Israel
refused to serve God by building the temple
He commended
and as a result He refused to bless the works of their hands.
and as a result He refused to bless the works of their hands.
C. When we return to
God, He returns His favor to us.
1. Solomon's
temple was glorious, but the temple to come will be the Glory of the
2. The temple to come will not be built
with human hands.
3. The temple to come will be the body of
Jesus Christ.
4. Jesus will
build a temple that will have no boundaries.
5. The temple
of Jesus would is in believers all
over the world.
V:8. "The silver is mine and the gold is mine,'
declares the Lord Almighty."
A. The Lord has
unlimited resources.
1. Everything
belongs to God.
2. This second
temple was smaller because it was not built to be worshipped, but
built to be a place of worship.
built to be a place of worship.
3. This second
temple was not built for show, but built for prayer.
B. Perhaps this
second temple was smaller than the first temple because Israel
did not
appreciate the
first temple.
1. According to
Malachi, the people of Israel
brought lame and sick animals to be
a. The
Israelites refuse to pay their tithes and offering.
b. Israel
had a history of disobedience.
2. Israel
failed to realize that all they had belonged to the Lord.
a. Yet God's
mercy continued to flow on His chosen nation.
b. We should
continue to remind ourselves to bless the Lord.
V:9. "The glory of this present house will be greater
than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place
I will grant peace,' declares the Lord Almighty."
A. This second temple
was enlarged by King Herod just before the birth of Jesus.
1. This second temple was visited by Jesus in
the flesh.
2. Jesus was
dedicated in this second temple.
3. Jesus taught
the Word in this second temple.
4. Jesus healed
the sick in this second temple.
B. In this second
temple the veil separating the Holy of Holiness from the Holy
was torn in half
from top to bottom ending the job of the Chief priest of
being the
mediator between God and sinful man.
1. From the top of
the second temple, Jesus was tempted by Satan.
2. Jesus was
rejected by the Pharisees, the Chief Priest and the scribes of this temple.
C. This second temple
was destroyed after the resurrection of Jesus (70 AD).
1. This second was
only a shadow of the temple to come.
2. The spiritual temple
is Jesus Christ.
3. The spiritual
temple is not built by human hands.
3. Jesus is the
temple, the Chief Priest, the prophet and the King.
4. Each believer
is the temple of the Lord.
Rev. M. Mitchell
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