Thursday, February 13, 2014

This Week's Sunday School, "Faith And Works", 2/16/2014


James 2:14-26

V:14. " What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?"

 A. Apostle James speaks to us, the Church about our walk with Jesus.

     1. There ought to be some tangible evidence that we are following Jesus.

     2. We certainly can talk about our faith in Jesus.

         a. When someone from the outside look at our life,  can they see Christ in


         b. When someone from the outside looks at us, do they see the world or do they

             see something different from the world?

 B. We know a tree by the fruit it produces.

     1. Is it an orange tree, if it never produces any oranges?

     2. Is it an apple tree, if it never produces any apples?

     3. Do we have faith, if we never produce any works?

     4. Do we have faith, if we can't find time to do the good works of Christ?  Col 1:10

     5. Christ started a good work in us.  Phil 1:6.

     6. We have been equipped for good works. 2 Tim 3:16-17.

 C. We are saved by grace through faith.

     1. It is grace that gave us the faith to believe in Jesus Christ.

     2. We did not come to faith in Jesus Christ on our own, it was by God's grace.

     3. To each is given a measure of faith.   Rom 12:3

     4. The Apostle is questioning whether our faith is alive.


 V:15. " If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food."

 A. A living faith produces works.

     1. A living faith recognizes the responsibility to be a good steward of what God has

         given him.

     2. A living faith expresses its gratefulness through compassion for others.

     3. A living faith is not just words, but actions.  

 B. Notice God presents us with a situation that ought to convict our hearts to action.

     1. We have been blessed with what we need.

     2. The question is, do we have the heart to share what we have with someone in


     3. If we had not been blessed by God, we would be in need.

  C. Notice this is a brother or a sister who does not have clothes or food for the day.

     1. This brother or sister is destitute and we have been equipped to help.

     2. The question is, do we feel a need to be our brothers keeper?


V:16. " And one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?"

 A. Notice, God does not tell us how this brother or sister got in this condition.

     1. God does not tell us their life story.

          a. They could have been born poor.

          b. They could have had much, but lost all they had.

          c. They could be out of their minds and not capable of taking care of themselves.

     2. How this brother or sister got into this condition of need is not the issue.

         a. The issue is, what is the condition of your heart?

         b. The issue is, are you living by your faith?

         c. The issue is, are you dead in your faith because you have  been save by grace?

         d. The issue is, "I got mine and you got to figure out how to get yours."

 B.  Because we know the word and we been taught the word, we know how to


     1. Prayer is easy. It does not take much of our time.

     2. We give them this prayer, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,"

     3. We got the scripture to back us up, "The prayers of the righteous avails much".

     3. Their need is now, but we tell them to wait on God.

     4. The "Church Of God which is us, is standing in front of them.

 C. The Church Of God, which is us, has access to all the riches of God, but sends the

      brother or sister away with a prayer.

     1. The text tells us this was not a scam, it was a need and we knew it was a need.

     2. The text tells us this was a brother or a sister, not a stranger off the street.

     3. The text tells us that there is such a lack of compassion in us that we will not help

         even though we have the means to help.

     4. The brother or sister came to the place of helps, but we sent them away empty


         a. What we are saying is that the God in us is not big enough to be God for them.

         b. We got the help,  the capability, and the resources, but we tell God

              it is not proper or it is not convenient for us to help. 

  D. We say we got faith, but we don't act in faith when God presents us with the

       opportunity to exercise our faith.

      1. What the Apostle is asking, what good is the Word if we don't put the power

           behind it?

      2.  What good are we to God, if we do not  follow his will for us?


 V:17. " Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself."

  A. An active living faith produces works.

      1. An active faith has the discernment of God to know a need when it is presented.

      2. An active faith acts out of love and compassion.

      3. An active faith causes us to make a sacrifice for others.

      4. An active living faith does not hesitate to be helpful.

  B. It is not faith if I have to know for sure that something will turn out the way I want


      1. It is not faith if I have an opportunity to do good but neglect the good.

      2. It is not faith for me to tell God to find somebody else to do His will.

      3. We got faith, but it is dead and useless if it is not put into action.

V:18" But someone may well say, "You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works."

 A. Christian living requires us to do something for God.

     1. Christian living requires us to be at work for God and not sit on the sidelines

         watching others work.

     2. We got the light, but if we don't let it shine, no one can benefit from it.

     3. We got faith, but others are place in our lives to benefit from our faith.

 B. God blesses us so others can be blessed.

    1. God called us out of the world, so the world can see Him in us.

    2. We were called because we have worth.

    3. We were called because God has a job for us.

    4. We were called so we could store up treasures in heaven.

    5. We were dead in our sins, but made alive in Christ Jesus.

        a. We can't live like the dead, but must live like the living.

        b. Those living in Christ produce much fruit through their works.

    6. If we allow Christ to work in our lives, many will be saved.

 V:19. " You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and  


  A. Everyone believes in something.

      1. Demons believe in Jesus

      2. Demons hate Jesus and His works, and have no desire to change.

      3. Demons know the power of Jesus, and are afraid of Jesus, but they will not


  B. Believers should reverence the Lord by following his commands.

     1. It is our duty and obligation to show our gratefulness by actively involving

         ourselves in the works of the Lord.

     2. If we have faith in the Word that belief in Jesus saves, we should have faith in

         the Word that our works are important to God.

 V:20. " But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?"

 A. We have to exercise faith for it to do us or anyone any good.

     1. It is the same as having a car and never using the car.

     2. Unless you get in the car, it can't take you anywhere.

 B. At some point in our spiritual maturity, we must recognize that faith cannot grow

     unless it is active.

      1. Unless we trust  God,  we  want  know what  trust is.

      2. The work that God has for us to do cannot be accomplished by our strength

           and knowledge alone.

      3. If we can see our way through, it is not faith.

  C. To do work for the Lord requires commitment and dedication.

     1. One of the reason we have trouble doing the work of the Lord, is we can't fit him

         in our schedule.

     2. We generally call on God in faith when we have a need we can't satisfy.

     3. It is our faith that stirs us to do things for God that we can't see how it can be


     4. The just live by faith and not by sight.

 V:21. " Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?"

 A. Sometimes God works in ways that are strange to us.

     1. At 75, God promised Abraham that his seed would bless many nations.

     2. God waited 25 years to fulfill this promise.

         a. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

         b. Isaac was in his teens when God commanded Abraham to offer him as a

             sacrifice.  Gen 22:2

     3. God's command to Abraham was a test of his faith.

 B. God tested Abraham to see if he loved Him more than his son.

     1. Abraham did not hesitate to do as God commanded.

     2. Being a father, I am sure that God's command was a cause for concern.


V:22. " You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected."

 A. Abraham trusted God to do what was best for him and his wife.

     1. I am sure he knew the sorrow of being childless.

     2. Yet he did not let his personal preferences rule out God's command.

     3. Perhaps he considered that God gave him Isaac and he could give him another


 B. Abraham was obedient to God because he had faith that God could make

     everything  work in his favor.

   1. He trusted God with his son.

      a. Can you imagine the look in your son's eyes as you swing a knife to kill him?

   2. He trusted God with his marriage.

      a. Can you imagine having to tell your wife you killed her son as a sacrifice to

   3. He trusted God with his mind.

      a. Can you imagine living with yourself after killing your son?

      b. This was one time when it looked like God was asking too much.

   4. The more we trust God's directions for our lives the more our faith grows.


 V:23. " And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED  


  called the friend of God."

 A. God rewards the faithful.

     1. It takes courage to follow God.

     2. Because Abraham loved God more than his son, he was counted as righteous.

 B.  Because Abraham was obedient to God's commands, he was called a friend of

    1. You cannot have a better friend than God.

    2. Nobody can do you like Jesus.

    3. Nobody can take care of you like Jesus.

    4. Nobody knows you like Jesus.


V: 24. " You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone."

 A. A living faith is accompanied with works.

      1. Abraham was considered righteous because he acted upon the Word of God.

      2. Hearing the Word, he believed the Word.

 B. Believing the Word of God is action.

     1. Jesus died for our sins.

        a. Believing that He died for our sins is the work of Christ in us.

     2.  No one can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father.  John 6:44

        a. The drawing is an action by the Father on us.

     3. The evidence of our faith will be good works at some point in our walk

         with Christ.


V:25. " In the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?"

 A. Rahab received the Word from the men of Israel who came to spy on her city,
     Jericho would be destroyed.

      1. She believed that the men of Israel worshipped the true and living God.

      2. She hid the spies in her roof when the men of Jericho came looking to

          kill them.

      3. She made a deal with Lord that her family would not be harmed when He

         destroyed the city.   Joshua 2:11- 16...

     4. Rahab let the spies escape through a window of her house which was located

         in the wall of the city.

 B. It was Rahab's faith in the Word of God which caused her to act to save her life.

     1. It was God who sent the spies of Israel to Rehab's house drawing her into a

        belief of the Word.

     2. Once she heard the Word, she had faith in the Word which saved her life.

     3. Rahab showed mercy and the mercy was shown to her.

        a. Rahab's faith in the Word caused her to show mercy to the spies which was the

            works which saved her and her family.

C. We heard the Word about the Salvation offered through the blood Jesus shed

      on the cross.

    1. Whoever believes this Word is saved.  John 3:16

    2. Belief in the Word of God is the work of God who saves.


 V:26. " For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is   


  A. The Spirit of God enters those who are called out of the world by God upon their

       confession of faith in the death and resurrection of the Son of God.  2 Th 2:13

      1. God does the drawing of us to himself,  putting a measure of faith in us to  
          believe  in His Son.  Rom 12:3

      2. It is God's love for us that gives us the opportunity to do works of faith.

      3. Faith and works go together.

         a. Faith will produce good works.

      4. It was Jesus who began a good work in us.  Phil 1:6

 B. The giving of the Holy Spirit to those who believe is a selective work of God.

      1. We were called and given the Spirit which made us alive in Jesus Christ.
          1 Pet 1:2

      2. The world is not given the Holy Spirit.  1 John 4:6



M. Mitchell   2/12/2014

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