Luke 1:46-56
V:46. " And Mary said: "My soul exalts the
A. When we think
about how good the Lord has been to us, we ought to give Him praise
from the depths
of our hearts.
1. Mary rejoiced
because God chose her to be the earthly mother of Jesus.
2. Mary rejoiced
because she was a vessel in God's divine plan of redemption.
3. The word exalt
or magnify is the Greek word "megaluno" which means "to show
a. Mary
celebrated the greatness of the Lord.
B. We are all part of
God's divine plan of redemption.
1. We have all been chosen by God for a
specific purpose.
2. We have reason
to rejoice because God chose us for heaven.
3. We serve a God
that is great and that is the reason to celebrate.
4. God is greater
than anything we can think of.
V:47. " And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."
A. Mary was excited
to be chosen to be the mother of the Messiah.
1. God saved her
from an ordinary life into an extraordinary life.
2. God chose her
above all other women to bare the Savior of the world.
B. God has chosen us
out of the world to have a relationship with the Savior.
1. We are God's
divine selection to have eternal joy.
2. We should
rejoice in the spirit with the Lord.
3. It is by God's grace and mercy that He saved us from
V:48. "For He has had regard for the humble state of
His bondslave; For behold, from this time on all generations will count me
A. Mary considered
herself as a slave to the Lord.
1. Mary
considered herself free only to do what the Lord wanted her to do.
2. Mary did not
consider herself as being lifted up but in a low estate.
3. Everybody is
special to the Lord regardless of their condition.
B. Mary realized how
blessed she was having been chosen for this special task of
baring the Son Of
1. For all time,
Mary will be remembered for having been chosen by God for
the awesome
task of carrying Jesus in her womb for 9 months.
2. Mary had the
opportunity of being the shepherd of Jesus.
a. Mary heard
His first words.
b. Mary saw
Jesus take His first steps.
c. Mary had a
relationship with Jesus that only a mother could experience.
V:49. "For the
Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is His name. "
A. Mary became a
pregnant single woman.
1. According to
Jewish Law, she broke a sacred vow.
2. She was subject
to being scorn by her community.
3. Mary was not
bounded by law, tradition or her community.
a. Mary's
devotion was to the Lord.
b. Mary did not
worry about any consequences of carrying the Holy Child.
4. Mary gave God the
praise for doing a great thing to her.
a. Mary expressed
her gratitude to the Father for His divine favor.
B. God has shown all believers divine favor by giving us a
a. Like Mary, we
all are vessels for God's use.
b. Like Mary, we
all have a cross to bare for Jesus Christ.
c. Like Mary, the
Mighty One has done great things for us.
V:50. "AND HIS
A. God delights in
those who are obedient to Him.
1. God delights
in those who reverence Him.
B. The mercy of the Lord is upon all believers.
1. God loves His
2. The mercy of
the Lord endures forever.
V:51 "He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has
scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart."
A. The God we serve is spirit.
1. The works of
the all powerful God are often described as being executed with
a. The arm and
the hand of the Lord are described as being used to bring about the
against the Egyptians (Ex 3:20 , Ex 15:16 ).
b. God is
described as having a mind and a heart.
2. During the creation God spoke and the world
came into existence.
B. We cannot
adequately describe the power of God or His operation in the World.
1. What we do know
is the heavens and the earth declare his glory.
2. All around us
is the works of the Lord.
C. Mary carried the spirit of Jesus in her body.
1. She was under
divine influence.
2. She carried
supernatural knowledge in her body.
a. In this
Psalm, she spoke of the mighty works of the Lord that she had not
b. Israel
was under Roman occupation long before her birth.
c. Mary had not
experienced God scattering the proud.
d. She spoke
with confidence and conviction.
e. Her words
were influenced by the spirit of the Lord within her.
3. She carried the
source of all power in her body.
4. She carried the
source of all joy in her body.
5. She carried the
author of peace in her body.
D. Mary had the
protection of God surrounding her.
1. Mary was under
divine guidance.
E. When we study and
meditate on the Word, we are under divine guidance and
1. When we study
the Word, we are covered by the protection of the Lord.
2. When we speak, we should let our
conversation be guided by the Holy Spirit.
V:52 "He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
And has exalted those who were humble.
A. With the divine
Word within her, Mary spoke of what God had done in the
past with clarity.
1. With the divine
Word within her, Mary had a full understanding of the victories
of the Lord
over evil.
2. With the divine
Word within her, Mary had a full understanding of God elevating
the humble
and bring down the proud.
B. With the divine
Word within her, Mary's mind was quicken with the Lord.
away the rich empty-handed."
A. With the divine
Word with in Her, Mary was filled with compassion.
1. Mary
understood how God feeds those who thirst for Him.
2. Mary was poor
in substance, but rich in the spirit.
3. Mary carried
the kingdom of God
within her.
4. Mary had
access to all riches of heaven.
B. All believers are
rich in the spirit of the Lord.
1. All believers have access to the riches of
2. All believers
are the product of the compassion of Jesus.
3. We maybe empty
by the world's standards, but we are rich in the Lord.
a. We are
rich in His grace.
b. We are
rich in His mercy.
c. We are
rich in His love.
V:54 "He has given help to Israel
His servant, In remembrance of His mercy."
A. We are all part
of the nation of Israel
through our faith in Jesus Christ.
1. Israel ,
as a nation rejected Christ as their Savior.
2. Christ
grieved for Israel ,
yet He promised that all Israel
would be saved.
B. We don't deserve
Jesus because of our sins. Yet He died for us.
1. The mercy of
the Lord endures forever.
2. Because of
His mercy, we have a duty and an obligation to serve Him.
3. We should
always remember that heaven is our destination because of Jesus
death on the
C. Jesus is our
present help.
1. Jesus is all
we need.
2. When everybody
fails us, Jesus is there.
3. What a friend
we have in Jesus.
4. He promised that
He would never leave us or forsake us.
5. There is no
greater love than a man who lays down his life for his friends.
6. The good thing
about Jesus is He laid down His life, then He took it up
V:55. " As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his
descendants forever."
A. The Word of the
Lord is forever.
1. Jesus said,
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words are Eternal".
2. Jesus never
changes. He is same to day as He was yesterday and as He is
B. The good news about Jesus is that He is all
about us.
1. He is the only
sacrifice worthy of the atonement of our sins.
2. Not only is
Jesus the atonement for our sins, but the sins of the whole world.
V:56. " And Mary stayed with her about three months,
and then returned to her home."
A. Jesus was a
friend to Mary.
1. Mary was a
friend to Elizabeth .
2. A good friend shows up when you need
B. A good friend
gives encouragement when it is need.
1. A good
friend shares in the joy of others.
2. A good
friend shares his/her testimony of the goodness of God.
C. A good friend
knows when to go home.
1. A good friend
want wear out his/her welcome.
2. A good friend
knows when to give advice.
3. A good friend knows when to leave so
that the other can meditate on
his/her advice.
4. A good friend knows when he/she has
done what God expects.
D. Mary went home to share the blessing of God
with her family.
1. We can't neglect our home while doing
good for others.
2. Our families need to hear a word from
God through us.
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