Friday, December 27, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Heaven In Our Mist", 12/29/13



Luke 2:25-38


V:25. " And there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him."

 A. In the church, you will find those whose minds are focused on the Word of God.

     1. The Lord introduced us to a man who was focused on the promises of God.

     2. He had a lifestyle of holiness.

     3. He followed the commands of God and was devoted to service.

     4. When you are devoted to following the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will be
          your  guide.

 B. Faith in the Lord brings fulfillment in life.

    1. Simeon was a man who studied the Word.

    2. He believed the Word.

    3. His hope was in the Lord.

        a. He waited on the Lord to bring comfort to Israel.

        b. He was satisfied with the Lord.

 C. When your focus is on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will comfort you.

      1. The Holy Spirit is a helper, a teacher and a comforter.

      2. The Holy Spirit gives understanding to the Word.


V:26. " And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ."

 A. Simeon lived a life looking for the Messiah, the anointed one, the redeemer of

     1. He had a promise from the Holy Spirit that he would see the promised seed

         of Israel before he died.

     2. He was divinely influence and protected by the Holy Spirit.

 B. Because he lived a righteous life, his dream of seeing the redeemer of Israel would
      be realized.

     1. Simeon was a patient man.

        a. He waited on the Lord to fulfill His promise to him.

        b. He trusted the Lord to keep His promise.

     2. The text indicates that he was old in age, but full of hope.

        a. He did not get discouraged because the Lord was long on keeping His promise.

        b. We can trust the Lord to keep all promises to us.

  C. Simeon accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

      1. When we accept Jesus, we are baptized into His death and resurrected into the

           newness of life.  1 Cor 12:13

       2. With Jesus, you will not experience death, but will experience eternal life.


 V:27. " And he came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the

  child Jesus, to carry out for Him the custom of the Law."

 A. Simeon allowed his thoughts and actions to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

     1. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus, the author of righteousness into His temple.

     2. According to the Law, the first born belongs to the Lord (Num 18:15-16).

        a. According to the Law, the first born could be redeemed with five shekels from
           the Lord in the sanctuary ( a shekel was about 66 cents). 

 B. The Holy Spirit gives us an understanding of the Word.

     1. The Spirit is the guide to Jesus.

     2. Simeon was guided to Jesus by the Spirit.

C. Jesus, the High Priest of all believers came into His temple. Heb 4:14

     1. The great prophet of times and events came into the temple. John 6:14

     2. The King of Kings came into the temple. Luke 19:38

     3. The eternal Word came into the temple.

     4. God, Himself came into the temple.

     5. The best place to be is in the Temple of the Lord.



V: 28. " Then he took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said, 29 "Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, According to Your word."

 A. We should at all times worship the Lord.

    1. In His sanctuary, we should give Him praise.

    2. The Lord should be kept close to our heart.

B. Peace in our life is found in Jesus Christ.

   1. With Jesus in our life, we are released from the bondage of sin into eternal life.

   2. With Jesus in our life, we can see our eternal home in heaven.

 C. It is important that members of the Church pray for one another.

    1. When a baby is born, the Church should surround the family with prayer,

         encouragement and support.


V:30. " For my eyes have seen Your salvation."

 A. When we come to Jesus, we come to our salvation.

   1. We can only see Jesus with our spiritual eyes.

   2. The just live by faith and not by sight.

 B. Simeon was living by faith.

   1. It was his faith in the Word that brought him into the temple to see


   2. Babies were normally brought into the temple to be dedicated to the


   3. How did Simeon know that this was the day when the Lord would be

       in the temple in the form of a baby?

       a. His faith through the power of the Holy Spirit guided him to Jesus.

       b. His knowledge of the Word gave him the time of the coming of the

           promised seed.


V:31. " Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples."

 A. The Lord prepared a family line to present Himself to the World.

      1. The Lord prepared a couple to be the earthly parents of Himself.

      2. The Lord prepared the body of Mary to receive the spirit of Jesus.

      3. God set the time for Jesus to be born in the flesh.

 B. Jesus was presented to all the people.

     1. Regardless of our history, past sins and conditions, Jesus is presented

         to us as our salvation.

     2. We don't deserve Jesus, but He is a free gift.

         a. By the Grace of God, we were chosen to receive Jesus.  Rom 3:24,25


 V:32. " A LIGHT OF REVELATION TO THE GENTILES, And the glory of Your people Israel."

 A. Jesus is non denominational.

     1. He was born a Jew.

     2. The Jews were the first to receive Jesus.  Rom 1:16

     3. God brought to the nation of Israel His glory.

     4. The Jews were the first to hear the teaching of Jesus.

     5. The Church of Jesus Christ was born in Israel.  

 B. It is through the nation of Israel that Jesus was brought to the Gentiles.

    1. Any non Jew is a Gentile by birth.

    2. All who believe in Jesus is a Jew by adoption. Rom 8:23

    3. Jesus was given first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles.  Rom 1:16

    4. We should thank God that He chose us for adoption into the body of


  C. Jesus brought us into the Light out of a darken world.

      1. His Grace has fallen fresh on us with the revelation that He is the way

          to eternal life.

      2. Once he saw Jesus, Simeon was on his way to eternal life.



V:33. " And His father and mother were amazed at the things which were being said about Him."

 A. We should never cease to be amazed by the Word of God.

      1. No one can do what Jesus has done for us.

      2. Every waking hour, the amazing Grace of God is shown to us.

 B. All around us is the amazing glory of God.

      1. His creation is amazing.

      2. The gift of salvation is amazing.

      3. His love for us is amazing.

      4. We should continue to be amazed for what God does for us.


 V:34. " And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed."

 A. Simeon confirmed the prophecy of the life of Jesus.

    1. Israel would suffer disappointment, and ruin because they rejected the Lord Jesus.

    2. They falsely accused Him and condemned Him to death on the cross.

        a. Instead of receiving the light of the world, they chose darkness.

    3. Israel was looking for a King to relieve them from Roman occupation.

        a. Israel would be disappointed.

        b. Jesus came to give them eternal life, not life on earth.  

        c. Jesus came to free them from their sins, not the Roman government.

  B. Israel would fall because they rejected the Savior that came for their salvation.

     1. The temple would be destroyed.

     2.  Israel was taken into captivity. (70 AD)

  C. The Israelites who accepted Christ would rise to eternal life.

     1. The Church of Jesus Christ was born out of conflict with the Jewish hierarchy.

     2. Many who followed Jesus were persecuted.

         a. Those who follow Jesus receive the hope of eternal life.

         b. Those who follow Jesus receive peace in their hearts and peace with the



V:35. " And a sword will pierce even your own soul — to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed."

 A. Mary would see Jesus crucified on the cross. 

     1. Her heart would be pierced by witnessing the death of Jesus.

     2. She would hear the thoughts of many who wanted to kill Jesus.

     3. She would hear talk of her son being a sinner and a trouble maker.

     4. She would witness the good that He did, yet be discouraged by those

         who opposed Him.

B. Mary needed the strength of the Lord to endure the injustice done to Jesus.

    1. Many opposed the Gospel and many tried to destroy the Church.

    2. Mary needed the comfort of the Holy Spirit to encourage her.

    3. To endure this life, we must be reminded the Grace of God is sufficient

         for us.



V:36. " And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage."

 A. The Lord uses men and women to provide words of encouragement to His


     1. The older women are encouraged to give council and support to the younger


     2. Women who have devoted their lives to the Lord are excellent role models

          for younger parents.


 B. Anna was gifted by the Lord with words of wisdom to advise others in

     spiritual matters.


V:37.  "And then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving night and day with fasting and prayers."

 A. There are those whose contribution to the Body of Christ is fasting and praying.

     1. The prayers of the righteous are heard and acted upon by the Lord.

     2. Intercessory prayer is an important part of worship.

 B. Anna was constantly in the temple offering prayers to the Lord.

    1. There is no better activity than communication with the Lord through prayer.

    2. We can serve others in the body of Christ through our constant prayers

         for their well being.   


 V:38. "At that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and

  continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of  


  A. When we are in the temple of the Lord, we have an audience hungry for a

       word from the Lord.

      1. God communicated His Word to those who are continually in His

          presence with prayers and petitions.

      2. Anna was in the house when Jesus came in.

  B. Our attitude in the House of the Lord should be one of thanksgiving.

     1. To those who are dedicated to the Lord, special insight is given about

         Jesus Christ.

     2. Jesus is the redemption of the nation of Israel and to all mankind.

     3. The ministry of Jesus Christ began in His temple.

     4. His presence gives hope and encouragement to the Body of believers.     

Friday, December 20, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Biirth Of Our King", 12/22/12



Luke 2:1-17



V:1. "Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth."

 A. God uses scheduled events in times and places to place us where He wants us to be,

      to be blessed.

    1. In Micah 5:2, the prophecy of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was given (710 BC).

    2. The census of the Roman government was the instrument God used to place

        Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, in the ninth month of Mary's pregnancy.

 B. God can use the desires of evil men to his advantage.

    1. Man makes plans, but God causes the increase.

    2. All the events of our lives are planned out by God.


V: 2. " This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. "

 A. God marked this historical event of Jesus birth by naming two Roman Officials

      who had jurisdiction over the Israelites. 

    1. We can go to our history books and find these men active during the time

        of Jesus birth.

    2. This should give us added confidence that the word of God is true.

 B. Nothing comes as a surprise to the Lord.

    1. He knows the end from the beginning.

    2. God uses local governments to bless His people. 



V:3. " And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city."

  A. For the event of Jesus birth, God insured that there was order in the Roman


     1. The authority of the Roman government was respected and feared ,so every man

         did as he was told.

     2. The order that everyone should return to their city of birth, ensured that there would

         be a crowd in each city.

         a. All available rooms would be occupied.

     3. Jesus was born among common people.

 B. Although the Israelites were under Roman control, it was a time of peace.

     1. Jesus is the author of peace for His people.

     2. The Lord wanted the focus to be on the blessed event of the birth of Jesus rather

          than other circumstances.



 V:4. " Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David."

 A. It was an eighty mile trip from Galilee to Bethlehem.

     1. Galilee was in the valley, and Bethlehem was on a hill.

     2. Galilee is 696 feet below sea level.

     3. Bethlehem is 2550 feet above sea level.

 B. This was no easy trip for Joseph, traveling with His wife that was in her 9th. month

      of pregnancy.

    1. God does not give us an easy way to carry out His will.

    2. We have to draw strength from the Lord to follow Him.

    3. We are on an up hill journey to the righteousness of God.



 V:5. " In order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with


  A. Jesus was born in the city of David and took up His reign from birth.

      1. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords were born in the king's city.

      2. Jesus was born into a humble family to begin a life of humbleness.

 B. Jesus was not seen as king by those who held royal status.

     1. The world does not know Jesus.

     2. God made Jesus known to His people, as their Lord and Savior.

 C. Joseph was from the line of David.

     1. Jesus was born into the line of David.

     2. This would fulfill God's promise to David that his kingdom would have no



V:6. " While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth."

  A. The Lord ensured that Mary did not give birth in Galilee or along the way

       to Bethlehem.

     1. An eighty mile up hill trip on rough roads could have caused complications

         for Mary. 

     2. The normal time for this trip would be about four days.

         a. Because of Mary's pregnancy, the trip may have taken a week or more.

 B. When God is on our side, He helps us endure difficult times.  

     1. The aches and pains of living are not eliminated when we serve the Lord.

     2. It is my belief that trouble in life are increased when we serve the Lord because

         the enemy is on the job opposing the Lord's work.

     3. The reward for serving the Lord far out weigh any trouble we endure.



V:7. " And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."

 A. You would think that since Mary was carrying the Son of God, He would have

       reserved a room for Mary and Joseph.

     1. Instead God reserved a cave used by shepherds to house their animals.

     2. The birth of Jesus was in a cave attended only by Joseph and perhaps a heavenly

          host of angels.

     3. No doctors or nurses were there to assist in the birth of Jesus.

        a. This verse does not indicate that Joseph assisted in the birth of Jesus.

        b. Mary birth, clothed and placed Jesus into the manger.

 B. The first bed of Jesus was a feeding trough for animals.  

     1. His first clothes were strips of cloth wrapped around Him. 

 C. It was the Lord's designed that His Son be born in the most humble circumstances.

     1. It was the Lord's design that the birth of Jesus not be witness by a crowd of


  2. The moment of the birth of Jesus was a private affair between Mary and God the

       Father and maybe Joseph.

  3. The birth of Jesus was a holy event.

      a. His conception was by the holy spirit and His birth was by the power of the


       b. Mary was strengthen by the Lord throughout her pregnancy and the birth of


   4. When God is operating in your life, all things are possible.

        a. What is difficult to others is made easy to the faithful.



V:8. " In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night."

 A. In keeping with the spirit of humbleness, God chose the lowly shepherds to be His

      first messengers of the Good News of Jesus birth.

     1. Jesus is the shepherd of all believers.

     2. David was a shepherd.

 B. God chose working people to serve Him.

     1. The shepherds were dedicated to their job.

     2. While everybody else was sleep, the shepherds were alert and on the job.

     3. The God we serve never sleeps or slumbers.

     4. We need to be careful that we are not sleep when the Lord visits us.



 V:9. " And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened."

 A. When we least expect it, the Lord can show up with a message for us.

     1. When we are good stewards of what God has blessed us with, He will show up

         with unexpected blessings.

 B. The angel of the Lord showed up with a dazzling display of God's glory.

     1. The shepherds recognized the angel as being from the Lord and were frightened.

     2.  We ought to be frightened in the presence of the Lord.

     3. We ought to expect a great blessing when the Lord shows up in our lives.

     4. We ought to humble ourselves in the presence of the Lord.

     5. The Lord is more likely to show up in our lives when we are humble.


V:10. " But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people."

 A. The message of the Lord is not just for you but to be shared with others.

     1. The Word of the Lord is designed to bring joy to your life.

     2. The Word of the Lord is good news to the heart.

 B. When the Lord calls on our lives, we must not be afraid to respond with service.

     1. God selects us because of our unique ability to influence others.

     2. God's call, is our opportunity to bless others.


V:11. "For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

 A. The best news we can get is the fulfillment of the promise of God for a Savior.

      1. Our hope for eternity with the Father rest with Jesus Christ.

      2. Our hope for peace with the Father rest with Jesus.

     3. God promised David that his kingdom would have no end.

         a. Jesus is the everlasting King.

         b. Jesus is the fulfillment of a promise.

  B. The first to get the good news of the birth of Jesus were the lowly shepherds.

      1. Shepherds were the outcast of Israel and their work made them ceremonially


      2. Jesus came to lift up the lowly and draw in the outcast.

      3. Faith in Jesus cleansed us of our sins.   



V:12 "This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

 A. God gives us a clear road map to Jesus.

     1. The good news comes with directions to salvation.

     2. It would be unusual to find a new born baby in a cave lying in an animal feeding


 B. God specializes in the unusual.

     1. It is unusual for a king to place himself in a poor family.

     2. It is unusual for a king to be the salvation of the whole world.

     3. It is unusual for a king to be the provider of the whole world.  

     4. It  is unusual for a king to die for his subjects.

     5. It is unusual for a king to give all we need and ask nothing in return but love

         and obedience.



V:13. " And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."

 A. God sent down a praise team of angels to give Himself praise.

     1. This angelic praise team is the holy example of how we should praise God.

     2. We should come together to give God praise.

     3. We should proclaim the glory of the Lord.

     4. We should give God the highest praise.

  B. Jesus is the peace on earth.

     1. The purpose of the birth of Jesus was to die on the cross satisfying God's demand

         for justice.

     2. The shed blood of Jesus on the cross atoned for the sins of the world.

         a. Since our sins have been blotted out by the blood of Jesus, we have peace with

             the Father.

         b. The old man in us was buried with Jesus and the new man was resurrected
             with the resurrection of Jesus.

     3. Faith in Jesus is the only way to please God.

         a. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.



V:15. " When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, "Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us."

 A. The angels from God gave the shepherds a message of hope.

      1. They were informed of the birth of the Savior.

      2. They were told how to identify Him.

      3. They were told how to find Jesus.

      4. They were shown how to worship Him.

 B. When they heard the Good News, they dropped what they were doing and went looking for Jesus.

     1. Our Job as believers is to continue seeking Jesus.

     2. There is nothing more important than a relationship with Jesus.

     3. There is nothing more rewarding than fellowship with Jesus.


V:16. " So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger."

 A. We should be in a hurry to get to Jesus.

      1. We should be in a hurry to get to the house of prayer.

      2. We should be in a hurry to fellowship with other believers.

          a. Where two or more are gathered in My Name, Jesus said I will be in the mist.

 B. Outside of the family, the shepherds were the first to witness the new born King.

      1. The lowly shepherds were the only men to hear an angelic choir give praise

          to Jesus.

      2. The lowly shepherds were the first to seek to confirm the Word by searching the

           the Word.

  C. Scripture confirms scripture.

       1. Meditating on scripture guides you into a deeper study of scripture.

       2. Searching scripture guides you into a deeper understanding of scripture.  



V:17. " When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. "

 A. Once you have seen Jesus for yourself, you should proclaim Jesus to someone else.

      1. Once you know the Lord, you have an obligation to preach Jesus.

      2. You should get excited in the presence of the Lord.

      3. You should share your excitement about Jesus with others.

  B. The lowly shepherds were the first evangelists for Jesus.

      1. We are all God's evangelists.

      2. Let's proclaim Joy To The World And Peace On Earth because Jesus is

          Lord and Savior.

Friday, December 13, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Living An Extraordinary Life", 12/15/2013


Luke 1:57, 67-79




 V:57. " Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she brought forth a son. "

 A. Zacharias and Elizabeth were living an extraordinary life before God blessed them

      with what they wanted most; a son.

      1. In their old age, well pass the child baring time of their lives, they were visited
          by an angel who informed them that they would have a son.

      2. 397 years prior to the birth of their son, the Prophet Malachi foretold his birth .

          (Mal 3:1).

      3. This barren old couple lived a righteous life following God's commands.

      4. Extraordinary living opens the door for an Extraordinary blessing of God.

 B. They were told that they would have a son who would preach Jesus.

      1. Extraordinary living begins when you preach Jesus.

      2. The Bible says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he

          will not depart from his training (Prov 22:6).  

      3. If you preach Jesus to your children, they will grow up preaching Jesus.       


Luke 1:67-79

V:67. " And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying."

 A. When you preach Jesus as Lord and Savior you will get a visitor from heaven.

      1. Jesus said that if two are more gather in my name, I will be in the mist.

      2. Zacharias was in the temple performing his duties as priest when an Angel from
          the Lord gave him the good news.

      3. Because Zacharias did not believe the Angel, his speech was taken from him for
          9 months.

         a. Extraordinary living comes by believing the Word.

         b. Zacharias lost the ability to speak for nine months because he didn't

             believe the Word pertaining to him and his wife.

         c. Oh what peace we often forfeit all because we do not trust Jesus.

 B. After the birth of his son, Zacharias regained his speech as the Angel promised.

      1. Zacharias learned his lesson and immediately began preaching Jesus.

         (The Word from Genesis to Revelation is Jesus.  John 1).

      2. He had another visitor from heaven; the Holy Spirit.

          a. Before the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit visited men and women for a

              season. After the resurrection, the Spirit indwells all believers.)

      3. The Holy Spirit will confirm the Word of the Lord to you.

      4. The Holy Spirit will give you an understanding of the Word.

      5. The Holy Spirit will tell you what God wants preached, in the time He

           wants it preached and to the people He wants it preached to.


V:68 "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people."

 A. One of the key's to living an Extraordinary life is accepting Jesus as  Lord

      and Savior.

     1. Jesus redeemed us from a living hell.

     2. Jesus is the atonement for all our sins.

     3. Jesus satisfied God's demand for justice with His shed blood on the cross.

 B. Extraordinary living begins, when we start praising God for His greatness.

   1. The Lord visited each believer with the gift of His Son.

   2. God gave us the right to the tree of life through His Son.

   3. God lives in each believer through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

V:69. " And has raised up a horn of salvation for us In the house of David His servant."

  A. The "horn" is a symbol of strength, power, glory and light.

      1. The "horn" is also a symbol of the altar and a kingdom.

      2. Jesus Christ is our strength.

      3. Jesus is all power.

      4. Jesus is the altar of our sacrifice.

      5. Jesus is the King of Kings  and  the Lord of Lords.

  B. The Father raised up a new and everlasting Kingdom in Jesus Christ.

      1. Jesus became our servant giving up His life for our salvation.

      2. The flesh of Jesus came through the line of David fulfilling the prophecy

           that his kingdom will have no end.

   C. Extraordinary Living relies on Jesus for strength.

       1. Extraordinary living glories the Lord in all activities.

       2. Extraordinary living relies on the Lord for guidance and direction.

       3. Extraordinary living is serving the Lord with all our mind soul and



  V:70. ". As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old."

    A. The Lord fulfills His prophecies.

        1. Abraham was told by God that He would be the father of many nations before

            he had a son. Gen 15:5-6, 1900 BC

        2. God told David  that  his son would build a house for Him and that his kingdom

             would have no end. 2 Sam 7:13, 1000 BC

        3. Isaiah was told that a virgin would conceive and have a son.   Isa 7:14,  750 BC

        4. Daniel was given the time the Messiah would reign on earth (His first coming,

            Dan 9:25, 540 BC).

        5. Malachi was told that a forerunner to the Messiah would be born;

            John The Baptist.   Mal  3:1, 397 BC

     B. The Bible is a record of God fulfilling His promises throughout history.

        1. The Word of God is the only truth we can rely on.

        2. God has made promises recorded in His Word to all believers that we can rely


        3. Extraordinary living expects God to keep His promises to us.

        4. Extraordinary living trust God in all things. 


 V:71. " Salvation from our enemies, And from the hand of all who hate us."

     A. The hand of the Lord protects all who believe in Him.

         1. The enemy of the believer is Satan and all his demons.

         2. God has saved us from our sins.

         3. Satan was defeated on the cross, where our Messiah shed His blood.

     B. The death and the resurrection of Jesus provide salvation to all who believe in


         1. The birth of Jesus in the flesh was the beginning of His ministry of the Good

             News of salvation.

         2. Extraordinary living finds hope in the salvation of Jesus.

 V:72. " To show mercy toward our fathers, And to remember His holy covenant"

   A. We serve a God of mercy.

        1. Mercy is the Greek word "eloeos" which is God's divine compassion.

        2. It is because of God's divine compassion that He sent His Son to die

            on the cross for our sins.

        3. For God so loved the World that He sent His only begotten Son to die for

            our sins.

   B. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of many nations

        (Gen 22:16-18 , 1900 BC).

      1. Fulfillment of the covenant of God does not depend on us or our behavior.

      2. God fulfills His covenant because of His love for us. 

      3. Extraordinary living reflects on the Goodness of the Lord.

      4. Extraordinary living is a grateful spirit.


 V:73-75. "The oath which He swore to Abraham our father, 74 To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear, 75 In holiness and righteousness before Him all our days."

(Gen 15: 13-14)

 A. Extraordinary living responds to God's call to serve.

     1. God has a purpose for our lives.

     2. God saved us from ourselves so that we can serve Him.

     3. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can resist the temptation to sin.

     4. Satan Has no power over us.

  B. God saved us so that we can live our lives according to His righteousness.

     1. We were saved to worship God and to give Him glory.

     2. Extraordinary living gives God continuous praise.

  C. Zachariah and his wife praised God for His goodness.

      1. The husband and his wife ought to be a praise team for the Lord.

      2. Children learn to praise the Lord from their parents.

   D. The Lord is our rock and our refuge. Whom shall we fear?

      1. Extraordinary living is a life that boldly proclaims the goodness of the Lord.

      2. Extraordinary living is a life without fear.

          a. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love and sound mind.

          b. Extraordinary living is confidence in the Lord.


 76 "And thou, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways."

 A. God has purposed our lives to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

     1. The job of the believer is to proclaim faith in the death and resurrection of

          Jesus as the only way to Heaven.

     2. We are the light to the lost and the encouragement to the saved.

 B. Extraordinary living takes on the obligation of evangelizing the world.

 V:77. " To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their


     A. Zachariah and Elizabeth were vessels that God used to produce a son that

          would preach Jesus.   Mal 3:1

     B. Our children are gifts from God.

         1. Parents have the awesome responsibility of training them to know and to

             honor the Lord.

    2. Parents have the responsibility to teach their children that their purpose in life is

        to serve the Lord.

      a. Extraordinary living is a life of service so that others may see our love for the


      b. Believers should live in obedience to God's commands so that others are drawn

          to Christ.


 V:78. " Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high

     shall visit us.

   A. The tender mercies of the Lord fall fresh on believers each day.

        1. Extraordinary living is a life of success because it is under the guidance and the

            direction of the Lord.

        2. God shows us mercy each day by ordering our steps.

        3. God's divine protection makes us fearless before the enemy.

            a. No weapon formed against us can prosper.

   B. Jesus is the light of the world.

       1. Jesus is the source of wisdom and knowledge.

       2. Extraordinary living looks to Jesus for guidance and direction into all activites.

       3. Extraordinary living looks to Jesus for incite into future events.

  V:79. " To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide
    our feet into the way of peace."

   A. Extraordinary living seeks to know and to proclaim Jesus.

      1. To know the dignity of His person.

      2. To know Him as the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of sins.

      3. To know more about His grace and mercy.

  B. Extraordinary living seeks to be the light that guides others to Jesus Christ.

      1. Believers are at peace with the Father through faith in Jesus Christ.

      2. Our Job is to claim that peace with the Father through Jesus Christ is necessary

          for eternal life.

      3. Extraordinary living is a state of peace, joy, contentment and love.