Luke 2:25-38
V:25. " And there was a man in Jerusalem
whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the
consolation of Israel ;
and the Holy Spirit was upon him."
A. In the church, you
will find those whose minds are focused on the Word of God.
1. The Lord
introduced us to a man who was focused on the promises of God.
2. He had a
lifestyle of holiness.
3. He followed
the commands of God and was devoted to service.
4. When you are
devoted to following the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will be
your guide.
B. Faith in the Lord
brings fulfillment in life.
1. Simeon was a
man who studied the Word.
2. He believed the
3. His hope was in
the Lord.
a. He waited
on the Lord to bring comfort to Israel .
b. He was
satisfied with the Lord.
C. When your focus is
on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will comfort you.
1. The Holy
Spirit is a helper, a teacher and a comforter.
2. The Holy
Spirit gives understanding to the Word.
V:26. " And it had been revealed to him by the Holy
Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ."
A. Simeon lived a
life looking for the Messiah, the anointed one, the redeemer of
1. He had a
promise from the Holy Spirit that he would see the promised seed
of Israel
before he died.
2. He was
divinely influence and protected by the Holy Spirit.
B. Because he lived a
righteous life, his dream of seeing the redeemer of Israel
be realized.
1. Simeon was a
patient man.
a. He waited
on the Lord to fulfill His promise to him.
b. He trusted
the Lord to keep His promise.
2. The text
indicates that he was old in age, but full of hope.
a. He did not
get discouraged because the Lord was long on keeping His promise.
b. We can
trust the Lord to keep all promises to us.
C. Simeon accepted
Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
1. When we
accept Jesus, we are baptized into His death and resurrected into the
newness of
life. 1 Cor 12:13
2. With Jesus,
you will not experience death, but will experience eternal life.
V:27. " And he
came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the
child Jesus, to
carry out for Him the custom of the Law."
A. Simeon allowed his
thoughts and actions to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
1. Mary and
Joseph brought Jesus, the author of righteousness into His temple.
2. According to
the Law, the first born belongs to the Lord (Num 18:15 -16).
a. According
to the Law, the first born could be redeemed with five shekels from
the Lord in the sanctuary ( a shekel was
about 66 cents).
B. The Holy Spirit
gives us an understanding of the Word.
1. The Spirit is the
guide to Jesus.
2. Simeon was
guided to Jesus by the Spirit.
C. Jesus, the High Priest of all believers came into His
temple. Heb 4:14
1. The great
prophet of times and events came into the temple. John 6:14
2. The King of
Kings came into the temple. Luke 19:38
3. The eternal
Word came into the temple.
4. God, Himself
came into the temple.
5. The best place
to be is in the Temple of the Lord.
V: 28. " Then he took Him into his arms, and blessed
God, and said, 29 "Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart
in peace, According to Your word."
A. We should at all
times worship the Lord.
1. In His sanctuary,
we should give Him praise.
2. The Lord should
be kept close to our heart.
B. Peace in our life is found in Jesus Christ.
1. With Jesus in
our life, we are released from the bondage of sin into eternal life.
2. With Jesus in
our life, we can see our eternal home in heaven.
C. It is important
that members of the Church pray for one another.
1. When a baby is
born, the Church should surround the family with prayer,
and support.
V:30. " For my eyes have seen Your salvation."
A. When we come to
Jesus, we come to our salvation.
1. We can only see
Jesus with our spiritual eyes.
2. The just live by
faith and not by sight.
B. Simeon was living
by faith.
1. It was his faith
in the Word that brought him into the temple to see
2. Babies were
normally brought into the temple to be dedicated to the
3. How did Simeon
know that this was the day when the Lord would be
in the temple
in the form of a baby?
a. His faith
through the power of the Holy Spirit guided him to Jesus.
b. His
knowledge of the Word gave him the time of the coming of the
V:31. " Which You have prepared in the presence of all
A. The Lord prepared
a family line to present Himself to the World.
1. The Lord
prepared a couple to be the earthly parents of Himself.
2. The Lord
prepared the body of Mary to receive the spirit of Jesus.
3. God set the
time for Jesus to be born in the flesh.
B. Jesus was
presented to all the people.
1. Regardless of
our history, past sins and conditions, Jesus is presented
to us as our
2. We don't deserve
Jesus, but He is a free gift.
a. By the Grace
of God, we were chosen to receive Jesus.
Rom 3:24 ,25
V:32. " A LIGHT
OF REVELATION TO THE GENTILES, And the glory of Your people Israel ."
A. Jesus is non
1. He was born a
2. The Jews were
the first to receive Jesus. Rom 1:16
3. God brought to
the nation of Israel
His glory.
4. The Jews were
the first to hear the teaching of Jesus.
5. The Church of
Jesus Christ was born in Israel .
B. It is through the
nation of Israel
that Jesus was brought to the Gentiles.
1. Any non Jew is
a Gentile by birth.
2. All who believe
in Jesus is a Jew by adoption. Rom 8:23
3. Jesus was given
first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. Rom 1:16
4. We should thank
God that He chose us for adoption into the body of
C. Jesus brought us
into the Light out of a darken world.
1. His Grace has
fallen fresh on us with the revelation that He is the way
to eternal
2. Once he saw
Jesus, Simeon was on his way to eternal life.
V:33. " And His father and mother were amazed at the
things which were being said about Him."
A. We should never
cease to be amazed by the Word of God.
1. No one can do
what Jesus has done for us.
2. Every waking
hour, the amazing Grace of God is shown to us.
B. All around us is
the amazing glory of God.
1. His creation
is amazing.
2. The gift of
salvation is amazing.
3. His love for
us is amazing.
4. We should
continue to be amazed for what God does for us.
V:34. " And
Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this Child is
appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel ,
and for a sign to be opposed."
A. Simeon confirmed
the prophecy of the life of Jesus.
1. Israel
would suffer disappointment, and ruin because they rejected the Lord Jesus.
2. They falsely
accused Him and condemned Him to death on the cross.
a. Instead of
receiving the light of the world, they chose darkness.
3. Israel
was looking for a King to relieve them from Roman occupation.
a. Israel
would be disappointed.
b. Jesus came
to give them eternal life, not life on earth.
c. Jesus came
to free them from their sins, not the Roman government.
B. Israel would fall
because they rejected the Savior that came for their salvation.
1. The temple
would be destroyed.
2. Israel
was taken into captivity. (70 AD)
C. The Israelites
who accepted Christ would rise to eternal life.
1. The Church of Jesus Christ was born out of
conflict with the Jewish hierarchy.
2. Many who
followed Jesus were persecuted.
a. Those who
follow Jesus receive the hope of eternal life.
b. Those who
follow Jesus receive peace in their hearts and peace with the
V:35. " And a sword will pierce even your own soul — to
the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed."
A. Mary would see
Jesus crucified on the cross.
1. Her heart
would be pierced by witnessing the death of Jesus.
2. She would hear
the thoughts of many who wanted to kill Jesus.
3. She would hear
talk of her son being a sinner and a trouble maker.
4. She would
witness the good that He did, yet be discouraged by those
who opposed
B. Mary needed the strength of the Lord to endure the
injustice done to Jesus.
1. Many opposed
the Gospel and many tried to destroy the Church.
2. Mary needed the
comfort of the Holy Spirit to encourage her.
3. To endure this
life, we must be reminded the Grace of God is sufficient
for us.
V:36. " And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter
of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with
her husband seven years after her marriage."
A. The Lord uses men
and women to provide words of encouragement to His
1. The older
women are encouraged to give council and support to the younger
2. Women who have
devoted their lives to the Lord are excellent role models
for younger
B. Anna was gifted by
the Lord with words of wisdom to advise others in
V:37. "And then
as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving night
and day with fasting and prayers."
A. There are those
whose contribution to the Body of Christ is fasting and praying.
1. The prayers of
the righteous are heard and acted upon by the Lord.
2. Intercessory
prayer is an important part of worship.
B. Anna was
constantly in the temple offering prayers to the Lord.
1. There is no
better activity than communication with the Lord through prayer.
2. We can serve
others in the body of Christ through our constant prayers
for their
well being.
V:38. "At that
very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and
continued to speak
of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of
A. When we are in
the temple of the Lord, we have an audience hungry for a
word from the
1. God
communicated His Word to those who are continually in His
with prayers and petitions.
2. Anna was in
the house when Jesus came in.
B. Our attitude in
the House of the Lord should be one of thanksgiving.
1. To those who
are dedicated to the Lord, special insight is given about
Jesus Christ.
2. Jesus is the
redemption of the nation of Israel
and to all mankind.
3. The ministry
of Jesus Christ began in His temple.
4. His presence
gives hope and encouragement to the Body of believers.