Isaiah 12:1-6
V:1. "And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will
praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and
thou comfortedst me."
A. In the eleventh
chapter, Isaiah gave the prophecy of the reign of Jesus Christ; His
first coming.
1. The word
"day" refers to the time when Jesus came, established His Church and
made salvation
available to all through His death on the cross.
2. The Father should
be praised for His love for us.
a. His love is shown for us by sending His Son
to the cross.
b. The death of Jesus is the only
acceptable sacrifice for sin.
3. Only God can
rescue us from the penalty of our sins.
B. God made a perfect
world, but sin corrupted His creation.
1. After the
initial sin of Adam, man became progressively more sinful and
2. God destroyed
all mankind except for Noah and His family with a great flood and
the genealogy
of man continued through Noah.
a. God has
reason to be angry because the sins of man continue and
even to this day.
b. This
prompted God to say, "there is none righteous, no not one." Rom 3:10
C. Isaiah looking
forward to the "Day" when the Messiah would come said, "O Lord
I will praise
1. It is our job
to praise the Lord.
2. He favored us
with His Son as the perfect sacrifice for our lives.
3. Everything
that has breath should praise the Lord. Psalms 150:6
D. Before Jesus came
to our rescue, God was angry with us.
1. Our destination
was a fiery burning hell.
2. The death of
Jesus on the cross put an end to God's anger with us.
3. Jesus is the
only one who can reconcile us to the Father.
4. Jesus is the
only one who can cool God's anger against us.
E. Now that we have
Jesus, we can have comfort in our state as a child of the King.
V:2. "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and
not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He is also my
"Behold": Look, see, take notice, let me have your attention.
1. We need a good
understanding of this truth; God is our salvation.
a. He is my
deliverance from sin.
b. He is my
victory in life.
c. He is my prosperity.
B. I will trust the
1. Is there
anybody I can trust with my salvation other than Jesus?
2. We have a
decision to make; trust Jesus or trust the world.
3. God won’t make
that decision for you.
C. I will not be
1. In the hands of
the Lord we are safe.
2. God is the
source of our confidence.
D. God is my song.
1. All praises
belong to God.
2. There is none
worthy of praise but the Lord.
E. God is my
1. Salvation
=yeshuwah= God's act of help which has already happened.
2. Yeshuwah is the same root word we get the name "Jesus" (yeshuah).
V:3. "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the
wells of salvation."
A. "Ye shall
draw". The Jews used this phrase to describe the Holy Spirit.
1. The gift of
the Holy Spirit is given to every believer.
a. He is the
indwelling teacher of God's Word.
b. He is our
resident comforter. John 14:26
c. He is our
helper in making daily decisions and He is our power to resist the
B. Jesus is the
living water. (Samaritan woman at the well).
1. Jesus is the
answer to our thirst for life and its abundance.
2. Without water
all the inhabitants of the earth would die.
a. Without water there can be no produce
from the ground.
b. Without
water all plant life would cease to exist.
3. Jesus is the
giver of this life-giving water.
4. Jesus is the
giver of His Word, which is life to all believers.
a. Faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
b. We
continue to draw life giving water from Jesus.
John 4:14
C. It should give
us joy to call on the Lord.
1. He is our
present help. Heb 13:6
2. It is a privilege
to have a knowledge of Jesus and be able
to trust Him.
a. No one
can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him.
b. It is the Father who draws us to this
life-giving source.
V:4. "And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD,
call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that His
name is exalted."
A. "In that
day" is the time when Jesus made salvation available to all who believe.
1. We are
"In that day".
2. We are living
in the "Church Age".
a. This is
the time when Jesus is building His Church.
b. This is the time when disbelievers
become believers in the salvation of Jesus.
c. This is the time when Jesus, the bride-groom
is preparing His bride, the
Church, for
B. We should Praise
the Lord.
1. We should give
praise for our life.
2. We should give
praise for His goodness to us.
3. We should give
praise for our eternity.
4. We should give
praise just "Because".
a. Because He
is worthy to be praised.
b. Because He
is God.
c. Because He
died for our sins.
d. Because He
is our provider.
e. Because He
is all things we need.
C. We should call on
His name.
1. There is no
other help I know.
2. We should call on Him because He is the
3. We should call
on Him because He is righteous.
We should call on Him because He is our friend.
5. We should call
on His name because He is the only one who can provide
D. We should declare
His doings.
1. We have been
commissioned to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
2. Someone needs
to know the Jesus we serve.
3. We need to
tell others that there is life in Jesus.
4. We have a
duty to tell others that Jesus died and that they might have eternal
5. We have a
duty to tell others that Jesus is the solution to our troubles.
E. We should proclaim that name of Jesus, which
must be exalted.
1. At the name of
Jesus, every knee should bow and every heart should be
brought low. Rom 14:11
2. God hates the
proud but He exalts the humble.
a. Before
Jesus, we must have a humble spirit.
b. He is high
and we are lower than dirt.
3. God loves a
cheerful giver.
a. God loves
those who take time to offer a sacrifice of praise.
b. God loves
those who honor Him with their service.
V:5. "Sing unto the LORD; for He hath done excellent
things: this is known in all the earth."
A. Sing= Zamar= play
an instrument, celebrate with song and music.
1. The word
"zamar" is a verb in the imperative form. This is a command from the
2. It is our duty
to praise the Lord in song and with instruments.
a. Every day
for believers is a day to celebrate the Lord.
b. Every day His
grace and mercy falls fresh on us.
B. We should praise
the Lord because all of His works are excellent.
1. When we
consider His creation, we know it is excellent.
2. When we
consider His work in our lives, we know His work is excellent
3. When we
consider His love for us, we know His love is excellent.
4. When we
consider His Son, who died for us, we know He is excellent.
5. When we
consider all that God has done for us, we know He is excellent.
A. Cry out and shout.
1. Those who love
the Lord should never be silent.
2. We should express
joy and pleasure praising the Lord.
3. Our praise should
be loud and with excitement.
B. We are the
inhabitants of Heaven.
1. Jesus has
prepared a place for us.
2. We should be
excited because Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
C. There is none Holy but the Lord.
1. This Holy Lord
has claimed us as His people.
2. This Holy Lord
has made a way for us out of our trouble.
D. Jesus is in our midst.
1. Jesus said, “Where
two or more are gathered in My Name, I am in the midst.
2. Jesus lives in
a. He said,
If you abide in Me and my Word abide in you, ask what you will
and it
will be done for you. John 15:7
3. We should be
excited because the Lord hears our prayers.
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