Thursday, April 18, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson. "The influence of Jesus. Eternal Life", 4/21/2013



1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 5:1-11


V:13. "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."

 A. The God we serve is one of understanding.

      1. If we true meaning of “death”,  we need not be afraid

      2. Those who don't understand the work of Jesus on the cross are cannot
           understand His promise.

 B. Those who don't know Jesus, lack hope beyond the present world.

     1. Death brings sorrow when you don't understand that it is part of God's plan for

     2. Those who died in Christ, Jesus are enjoying another life with Christ.


V:14. "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him."

 A. The requirement for hope is knowledge of God's Word.

    1. The foundation of hope is the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

        a. Those who died in Jesus are in a quiet and calm disposition.

        b. They are experiencing no pain or sorrow.

    2. Just as Jesus died and was raised again, so do those who died with faith in Jesus.


 B. If we believe in Jesus, we must also believe in His second coming.

    1. At His second coming the Lord will bring the spirit of the dead in Christ with

    2. Believers share Christ’s Destiny: heaven.


V:15. "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep."

 A. Death before the second coming of the Lord does not change the of hope of the


    1. Those who are alive during the second coming have no advantage over those who
         as died in Christ.

    2. If we are living when the Lord comes we must be living in Him.

 b. The Lord is coming back for the living and for the dead in Christ.

    1. Those who are alive when Christ comes again are not honored above those

        who are asleep in Christ.


V:16. "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first."

 A. The Lord has a plan for the rapture of His Church.

    1. The Lord Jesus will show Himself with the full power of heaven.

    2. Jesus will come with a shout, a cry of excitement.

    3 .He will come with an arch angel (Chief angel). Judge 9, Rev 12:7, Dan 8:16

        a. The arch angels could be Gabriel, Michael or one of the seven mentioned in

            Rev 12:7 .

    4. He will come with music; the sound of a trumpet

    5. It will be an occasion for great joy.

 B. The dead in Christ will be raised first.

      1. They were first to enter the spiritual realm in faith and therefore first to be


V:17. "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

 A. This second coming of Christ will be miracle before our eyes.

     1. Those who are alive will be changed to be able to rise into the air with Christ.

     2. Out of these earthly bodies will be resurrected bodies that can be suspended in
        air.    1 Cor 15:52.

     3. The forces of nature that hold us to the ground will be dissolved in the

        a. A supernatural flight will take place to lift us in to the heavens.

        b. There will be no need for spacesuits, spaceships or rocket boosters, just the

             power of the Lord.

 B. This new position in with Christ will be eternal.

       a. Our eternal hope rests with our faith in God's Word.

       b. Jesus will assemble all believers to Himself at one time.


V:18. "Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

  A. Faith in the promises of Jesus should bring us comfort in troubling times.

      1. Life is full of trials and tribulations.

      2. Our grief and sorrow give way to the peace and joy of the Lord.

  B.  Jesus paved the way for eternal life with Him.

     1. This is not our home. We are just passing through.

     2. Our time on earth is preparation for heaven.


Chapter 5

V:1. "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you."

 A. We live in the time and the season for the second coming of Christ.

    1. Christ commissioned the Church to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

    2. The Gospel started in Jerusalem.

         a. The Gospel has moved out to the ends of the earth.

         b. Missionaries and electronic media have taken the Gospel to many places.

   3.  Computers can quickly translate the Bible into any known language.

       a. People around the world can read the Bible in their own language.

 B. God is not limited by time or circumstances.

    1. He moves according to His plan.

    2. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and major weather disasters are all signs
         that the end is near. Mat 24:6-8

    3. All of these signs are present in today's environment around the world. 


V:2. "For that you may know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."

 A. The second coming of Christ will be unexpected.

     1. The work of the Lord in the Church will not be complete until He comes back.

     2. We know that there is much work to be done.

     3. We can see the suffering all around us.

 B. We are charged to spread the Word, which will draw His elect to Him.

    1. We should be busy while expecting His immediate return.

    2. Just as Jesus came to save the lost, we have an immense and present work in

        spreading the Word to the lost.


V:3. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

 A. It is easy to be complacent when our situation is calm and peaceful.

     1. It is easy to forget that Jesus will return when you are satisfied with yourself.

 B. Day in and day, out we exist.

     1. As yet another sun rises and falls and Christ, and Christ still has yet to come, it
         becomes less and less present in our minds that Christ is on his way

     2. As sure as woman delivering a baby will have birth pains, Christ is coming


  C. The "they" in this verse are those who will not believe in Christ.

       1. Their destruction is certain, but the time is not made known.


V:4. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief."

  A. Believers have the Word of God and  never dwell in the dark.

     1. We do not know when Christ will return.

         a. We do know is that He is coming.

  B. We must wait with faith that Jesus’ return.

      1. We must live as though His return is immediate.

      2. We should always maintain fellowship with Jesus, perfecting ourselves in

           preparation for His return.

V:5. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."

 A. We belong to Jesus and therefore are Children of the King.

     1. We are the family of Jesus. He will not leave us in the dark.

     2. We have His Word in print so that we can know His will for ourselves.

 B. Darkness is a choice: we choose darkness when we choose not to study His Word or

      or not to believe in His Word.

     1. To be in the dark is to be ignorant of His Word.

     2. God has gifted us with spiritual eyes to “see” His second coming.

  C. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we have a omnipresent teacher, always

       available to aid in our understanding.


V:6. "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."

 A. We have a an obligation to be constantly aware of the Lord's coming.

      1. We have a responsibility to be work toward the Lord's coming.

 B. The word "watch" is to be awake.

      1. We should actively anticipate of His return.

 C. The word "sober" means to refrain from abuse of wine.

      1. We should not abuse the privilege of our salvation by acting as if this is

           our home.

      2. We should not  forget that Jesus’ return could be in the next moment.


V:7. "For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night."

 A. Night and day are made for each other.

   1. Christians should work during in the day, and sleep during the night.

   2. All of our work should be dedicated unto the Lord.

   3. The Lord gave us the night to rest.

   4. The night's rest is our time of rejuvenating before the next day’s work.


 B. Those who dwell in darkness do not know when to rest.

    1. They are drunk in the complacency of the belief that time is on their side.

    2. When they work, their work is not unto the Lord.

        a. The Lord has no need to give them rest because there is no work time in them.

        b. They worry and have no peace because their focus is on the world.

  C. People who dwell in the darkness are satisfied being in the dark because they don't

       know the joy of the light.


V:8. "But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation."

 A. Because we are Children of the day, we are commanded to wait for the

      second coming of the Lord.

 B. The wait is secure and sure in our faith.

     1. If we love the Lord, we will in continuously anticipate of His return.

     2. Faith in the Lord keeps us on course and protects us from ways of the world.

 C. Salvation is a free gift.

     1. During our time on earth, active faith feeds the hope in our hearts.

     2. Because we are grateful for this free gift, we serve the Lord with gladness.

V:9. "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ."

 A. Salvation is by appointment of the Lord.

     1. Jesus’ death on the cross was by appointment of the Lord for us.

 B. Not every person has been appointed by God.

     2. Through grace, he appointed some of us to salvation.

     3. He appointed some to wrath.

 C. Only God knows why some are appointed to salvation, and some to wrath.

1. We must rejoice in our appointment.


V:10. "Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him."

 A. Jesus is the reason for our salvation.

     1. We should be constantly mindful of the position we have in Jesus.

     2. We should be grateful for the grace of God that falls fresh on us during each

         moment of our lives.

     3. We belong to Jesus.

         a. Our lives are permanently tied to Jesus.

         b. He is our keeper.

     4. He keeps us whether living or dead.

 B. In Jesus we never die

     1. Even when we are dead to this world, we are alive in Jesus.

     2. We have eternal life with Jesus.



V:11."Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do."

  A. Given our eternal hope is in Jesus, we should encourage and uplift each other.
















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