Friday, March 22, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Lord's Supper", 3/24/2013



Luke 22:14-30



V:14. "And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him."

 A. There is a time and place for every thing.

      1.The hour was the Pass Over feast prior to Jesus going to the cross.

         a. The Pass Over was a commemoration of the day the death angel passed over

             the first born sons of Israel and brought death to the first born sons of all


          b. This act of God prompted the Egyptian Pharaoh to release the Israelites from

              hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt.

          c. This act of God showed His love and mercy for Israel.

      2. Jesus is our Pass Over.

          a. His death on the cross atoned for our sins and enabled us to escape death and

              enter into the eternal heaven.

      3. Jesus came to this prepared place with His inter circle; the twelve disciples.


V:15. "And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer."

 A. Jesus, the great Pass Over for all believers, ate His last meal with His disciples.

     1. A good leader observes all the laws that are in place.

     2. Jesus observed all of His laws and commands.

 B. The disciples of Jesus became His immediate family.

    1. He showed His constant love for His disciples with fellowship. 

 C. Jesus proclaimed His upcoming death on the cross to His disciples.

    1. Jesus makes the future plain to those who love and study Him.  

    2. A close relationship requires the truth.

    3. Those who study Jesus gain incite to the trouble they will face.

 D. Jesus comforted His disciples in His suffering so they could take comfort in their


  E. Jesus desired to eat the Pass Over with His disciples because the Father would get

     the glory in His death and the redemption of man.

     1. Jesus was delighted to do His part in the will of the Father making Him the

         mediator  between the Father and man.

V:16. "For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God."

 A. The death of Jesus on the cross established the kingdom of God in the hearts of all


     1. The death of Jesus on the cross made heaven the hope of all believers.

     2. The shed blood of Jesus is the only atonement for the sins of man.

     3. Faith in the death of Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the pass over for all

 B. The death of Jesus on the cross fulfilled the promise of God for a redeemer for



V:17. "And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves."

 A. The head of the household traditionally gave thanks before any meal began.

     1. Jesus gave thanks not for the literal bread but for the spiritual bread which the

         literal bread represented.

     2. Jesus blessed and ordained the channel of spiritual nourishment.

     3. With this cup, He gave thanks for the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt and the

          preservation of the first born.

         a. This is not the sacramental cup which would be taken later.

         b. This first cup represented the traditional paschal cup which would be

 B. This traditional paschal cup was divided among the disciples, giving them some

      responsibility for their souls, in accepting the new cup offered in the blood of

      a. The disciples would now have to reject their tradition in favor of the new
          covenant in Jesus.


V:19. "And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me."

 A. Jesus established the first ordinance of the new Church; The communion.

   1. Again, Jesus gave thanks to the Father ( I suppose) for the opportunity to complete

       His will in the redemption of man.

   2. It is the duty of the believer to express His gratitude to the Father for this great

       love in the sacrifice of His Son.

 B. The bread represents the flesh of Jesus wounded for the sins of men.

    1. The disciples were commanded to eat the bread in remembrance of Jesus
        completed  work on the cross.

       a. Jesus who knew no sin became a sin offering for the sins of mankind. Rom 8:3.

    2. Jesus voluntarily offered Himself up as a sin offering for man.

       a. It is good to remember that Jesus is our sin offering.

       b. It is good to remember that eternal life comes through faith in Jesus. John 5:24


V:20. "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."

 A. Jesus made a new agreement with Himself that His shed blood would be the

     atonement for the sins of man for all time, past, present and future.                              
    Heb 9:26, 10:12 

       1. The old covenant, the Law did not have the power to save but was a tutor until

        the death of Christ on the cross. Gal 3:11,24

   B. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the scripture and the Law

        concerning redemption.  John 19:28.

      1. Jesus shed His blood for us, not for Himself.

      2. Jesus loves us so much that He gave His life as a substitute for our sins.



V:21. "But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table."

 A. In the middle of the mission, Satan is always busy.

     1. Satan can easily enter the minds and the hearts of those who follow Jesus and

         distract them from their focus on the Lord.

     2. One of the problems with Judas was greed.

          a. He was more concerned about money than Jesus.  John 12:6

          b. Judas was a thief.

          c. Anytime we refuse to worship God, we are stealing His glory.

 B. All of our actions and our thoughts are open before the Father.

     1. The Father knows those who will betray Him before they do it.


V:21. "But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table."

 A. Those who are against you, may be the ones close to you.

     1. Satan may show up as a friend, and at the same time plot to bring

         you down. 

 B. There is a consequence to those who refuse to worship the Lord.

     2. The ever lasting consequence of disobedience to God is eternal death.

       a. After Judas betrayed Jesus, he could not recover.

       b. Judas did not have the mind to come to Jesus and ask forgiveness.

       c. He did not have the mind to come to his fellow disciples and confess

           his sin.

       d. Judas took the easy way out and hung himself.


V:23. "And they began to inquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing."

 A. It is human nature to be concerned about the welfare of friends.

      1. We should hope that our brothers in Christ stay focused on the Lord.

      2. When we know  one is astray, we can council with him and pray

           for him.

 B. In this case, it was God's plan that the mind of Judas not be known to

      the other eleven disciples.

     1. Jesus knowing Judas plan, did not reveal it to the others.

     2. There are some things God hides from us to keep us from getting in the




V:24. "And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest."

 A. Notice the disciples could not stay focus on the important issue before them; the cross.

    1. Their conversation turned to their selfish desires of greatness.

    2. Jesus our redeemer was discussing His death and they turned their attention

        to foolishness.

 B. We must be careful not to waste our time on selfish motives, but rather the

       righteousness of God.


V:25. "And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors."

 A. A good teacher uses every opportunity to teach godly attitudes.

     1. Jesus used their worldly conversation to contrast the ways of the world

         against the ways of God.

     2. The worldly kings rewarded their soldiers with a portion of the bounty

          they recovered from their expeditions.

           a. The soldiers gained worldly benefits from their service.

           b. A soldier could become rich and great based on his service to the king.



V:26. "But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve."

 A. The way of the world is to become rich or great because of service.

      1. The way of God is to humble ourselves and serve without worldly gain.

      2. The reward of the believer is not worldly gain from men but spiritual

          gain from the Father.

      3. The reward of a believer for his service is treasures stored in heaven.

 B. Greatness before the Father is humble service.


V:27. "For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth."

 A. In the Kingdom of Heaven, greatness is not the one who sits at the

      head of the table, but greatness is the one who serves the table.

     1. The greatest among Christians is the one who serves others the most.

     2. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the first will be last and the last will be first.

 B. Jesus used Himself as the example for us to follow.

    1. Jesus said, "I did not come to be served, but to serve."

    2. Jesus is the greatest servant of all, because He laid down His life for our sins.


V:28. "Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations."

 A. A good leader values His followers.

     1. Jesus commended His disciples for their service with Him.

     2. Even though the times have been tough, the disciples stayed with Him.

 B. Men will stay when things are going well, but will run when it is tough.

     1. The disciples weathered the storm with Jesus.

        a. They endured with Jesus to the end.



V:29. "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me."

 A. Jesus gave His humble submission to the Father for appointing Him to establish

      the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts of His disciples.

    1. Jesus appoints His disciples to establish the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts

        of all believers.

       a. The disciples are commissioned to establish the Church of Jesus Christ through

           faith in Him.

       b. The disciples would become great in the eyes of the Father for their faithful

           service and their sacrifice.

 B. Jesus the Chief Corner Stone, established His disciples as the building blocks of
      His Church.

      1. Jesus recognized that the task before them would require faith and endurance.

      2. Like Him, all the disciples would endure trials and persecutions at the hands of

          the world for His sake.


V:30. "That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

 A. The disciples reward for their humble and faithful service on earth will be held in


      1. They will have glory with Jesus in Heaven.

      2. They will be rewarded a position at His table.

      3. They will be given authority with Jesus to judge the tribes of Israel.
B. All believers will have a reward in heaven for their faithful service on earth.























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