Friday, February 8, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior", 2/10/2013



Colossians 2:6-15


V:6. "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him."

       Defn: Receive = associate , assume the office

  A. We have been blessed with Jesus as the Messiah.

      1. We have been blessed with Jesus as our Lord.

      2. We have been blessed with Jesus as our Savior.

      3. We have been blessed with Jesus as our guide, provider and protector.

  B. Because we have been blessed, we ought to make Jesus our lifestyle.

      1. We are commanded to "Walk In Jesus".

      2. If we abide in Jesus and if we abide in His Word, He promises to abide in us.

      3. If you drink alcohol, you will be under the influence of alcohol.

      4. If you drink the Living Water of Jesus, you will be under influence of the Living


           a. Jesus said that he who drinks the Living Water will never thirst.

           b. The Word is a powerful tool because we gain inspiration, knowledge and

               understanding through the power of the Holy Spirit.


V:7. "Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."

 A. "Rooted and built up in Him."

      Defn: Rooted= become stable

     1. The Word is a seed that God plants in every believer.

         a. The initial planting come by the proclamation of the Gospel and the testimony

             about Jesus from a believer.

         b. The ground, which is us, is made fertile by Jesus.

         c. We are built up by the continued teaching of the Word of Jesus.

 B. "Established in the faith, as ye have been taught."

      Defn: Established= stabilized, confirmed

     1. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word.

     2. The teaching of the Word is important to Christian growth and maturity.

     3. Confidence in the Word comes through life's experiences, trials and tribulations.

         a. The more our faith is tested, the more rooted we become in our Lord and
             Savior  Jesus Christ.

 C. We have been blessed by the grace of God who called us out of the world and
       placed us in the body of Christ.

    1. We should be thankful for God's favor towards us.

    2. We can show our gratitude to the Father by faithful service.

    3. We can show our gratitude by our obedience to the Word.

    4. We can show our gratitude to the Father in praise and worship.


V:8. "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."

 A. We ought to always be on guard against the wise of the Devil.

     1. Satan will use the fleshly interpretation of God's word to deceive those in the
         body of Christ.

     2.  Those who willfully pervert the Word of God rob themselves of the blessings of


     3. When we know the truth, a lie is self evident.

          a. Believers have to study the Word of God for themselves to know the truth.

 B. Tradition does not always reflect the Word of God.

     1. People can mix a little bit of the Word with their tradition to make it sound good.

     2. If tradition disagrees with the Word of God, then tradition has to be discarded.

         a. The Word is always right.

         b. There are those who teach their tradition as if it is the Word of God.

             Acts 10:27-28

     3. If we are ignorant of the Word, we can easily be persuaded in the ways of the

 C. Everything we do must reflect the way of Christ.

      1. In the early church, it was common for the Jews to teach the traditions of the law
          as   the way to salvation rather than faith in Christ.

      2. Christ is the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

         a. The word rudiment is a translation from the Greek word "stoicheia" which
             means first principles.

         b.  The first principle of Christian doctrine is this; "salvation is by grace through

              faith in Jesus Christ and not by the works of man". Eph 2:8


V:9. "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

 A. In Christ dwells the fullness of the Father.

     1. In Christ dwells the fullness divine nature.

         a. Christ was God in every sense.

         b. Godhead is a translation from the Greek word "theotetos" which means divine

             power, state of being God.

     2. In Christ dwells the fullness of the Word of God.

        a. In Christ dwells the fullness of righteousness.

        b. In Christ dwells the fullness of grace and mercy.

        c. In Christ is all forgiveness.

        d. In Christ dwells the fullness of love.

 B. In Christ dwells the fullness of  the perfection of the Godhead.

     1. In Christ dwells the fullness of wisdom and knowledge.

     2. Christ in bodily form displayed all that God is.


V:10. "And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power."

 A. Believers are complete in Jesus Christ.

    1. The word complete is a translation from the Greek word "pleroo" which means

         level up, furnish or satisfy.

    2. Believers in Christ have been furnished with all they need to satisfy God's
        demand for justice and their election into heaven.

       a. We have all sufficiency in Christ for life on earth and eternal life. 2 Cor 12:9

       b. Believers have no need for instructions from the world on righteousness or


       c. The Word of God is all the instructions we need for life on earth.

       d. In Christ is all wisdom and knowledge.

 B. Christ is the head of all things on earth and in heaven.

    1. Christ is the head of the Church and the head of all entities.

    2. Christ is the ultimate authority and determines the destiny of everything and



V:11. "In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ."

 A. Believers are circumcised in the spirit upon their confession of faith.

     1. The word circumcise mean to cut around.

     2. Under the Jewish law, a male baby was circumcised on the 8th day after birth.

         a. The Jewish circumcision was by divine ordinance. Gen 17:11

         b. This circumcision was a covenant sign for all men.

     3. Believers are separated from their sins by the blood of Jesus Christ.

     4. The believers circumcision is of Christ and not by the hands of man.

 B. The believers circumcision is the putting off the sinful nature and also

      the putting off the flesh . We put on the righteousness of Christ.

    1. Positional, believers are in Christ and Christ is in them.

    2. Experientially, we are still in sinful flesh, but separated from our sins through

    3. Believers are under a new covenant made effective with the blood of Jesus.

        Luke 22:20, Heb 9:15.


V:12. "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."

 A. Before our relationship with Christ, we were dead in our sins with no eternal hope.

    1. At confession of faith in Christ we were spiritually baptized into the death of
       Jesus.         Rom 6:4.

    2. We were raise with Christ into new life. Eph 2:5-6.

 B. It is by the power of God that believers have faith to believe in Jesus. John 6:44

     1. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

     2. It is the operation of God that those He elected out of the world will hear His
         word.  Rom 8:30, 11:7

 C. Christ was raised from the dead by the Father.

     1. Believers are raised from the dead through faith in Jesus Christ.

     2. Salvation is God's design for man through faith in Jesus Christ.


V:13. "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses."

 A. Man was born in sin because of the sin of Adam.

     1. Sin without Christ is separation from God.

     2. Dead is the Greek word "nekros" which means a corpse.

     3. Those without Christ are the walking dead.

 B. The walking dead are uncircumcised, meaning they are not separated from their sins.

    1. Without Christ, the walking dead are waiting the final judgment into the eternal


    2. Without Christ, the walking dead have no eternal hope.

C. By the grace of God, all believers are quickened together with Christ.

    1. Quicken  means to be made alive with Christ.

    2. Believers are raised from death to life through faith in Christ.

D. The sins of the believers are atoned for by death of Jesus on the Cross.

   1. All of the sins of believers are forgiven; past, present and future.

   2. Christ died for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2

       a. Only the sins of the believers are forgiven.  

       b. Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ imparts spiritual life to all



V:14. "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross."

 A. The "handwriting of the ordinances" is the Mosaic Law.

    1. The Law of God was given to the Jews through Moses.

    2. The Law was given to show the righteousness of God.

    3. The Law of God could not be kept by any man.

    4. The Law was a hindrance to salvation.

    5. The Law was a tutor until Christ came. Gal 3:19, 23,24

 B. Man in the flesh does not have the power to keep the law. John 7:19

     1. Jesus came to fulfill all the requirements of the law.

     2. Man is now under grace.

         a. Christ death on the cross fulfilled all of God's requirements for

             the Law.


V:15. "And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."

 A. Jesus death on the cross and resurrection gave us victory over death.

    1. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy.

    2. Satan no longer has any power over believers.

B. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life".

    1. Jesus is the Way.

       a. Jesus is the Way to heaven. No one comes to the Father but through Jesus.

       b. Jesus resolve the hostility between man and God with his atoning blood on the


       c. Jesus is the mediator between man and God making intercessions for us.

       d. Jesus gave us peace with the Father and thus peace within ourselves.

       c. The Father drew us to Jesus with faith to believe in Him.

       d. Jesus is the way of righteousness for us to follow.

   2. Jesus is the truth.

      a. The author of the Word is Jesus.

      b. Jesus took his Word which had been perverted by evil men and showed us the

          truth in it.

      c. The tradition of man left Jesus out of His scriptures. But Jesus showed us
          Himself  in  all Scripture.

      d. When Jesus ascended back into heaven, He sent us the Holy Spirit to teach and

           guide us through the Word of truth.

           i. Men can no longer deceive believers because the Holy Spirit guides the

              understanding of God's Word.

   3. Jesus is the Life.

      a. All life originated in Jesus.

      b. Jesus is the creator and the sustainer of His creation.

      c. It is Jesus that makes life on earth possible.

      d. Jesus gave us objectivity for our labors on earth; store up treasures in heaven.

      e. Jesus gave us perspective for our labors on earth; heaven

      f. Jesus gave us purpose for our labors on earth; glorify God the father.

 4. This is Hallelujah time, which means Praise The Lord.

     a. We can praise Him for who He is.

     b. We can praise Him for what He has done.

     c. We can praise Him for keeping all His promises to us.

     d. We can praise Him for His Son.

     e. We can praise Him because He has been good to us.








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