Thursday, December 27, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "It's All About The Family", 12/30/2012


Ephesians 5:21-6:4


V:21. "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

 A. One of the keys to keeping peace in the family is to summit your self to the
     direction of another.

     1. Don't get to proud that you can't take advice from or work with another person.

     2. You don't always have to be in charge.

     3. A marriage is a partnership.

         a. Two minds are sharper than one and can accomplish more.

         b. A partnership works best when both are equal participants.

 B. After creating a world suitable for habitation, family was God's first order of

    1. God loves family.

    2. God loves unity in the family.

    3. Submission is against our human nature, but is necessary for order and unity in
       the family.

 C. The reason we submit ourselves to one another is our love for the Lord.

    1. Submission is not one sided. It goes both ways.

    2. God has designed the family so that we are dependant on one another.

    3. We all have gifts that are different and necessary for family unity.

    4. It is by mutual submission that we can keep the order set by God.



V:22. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."

  A. In a family God has established positions.

      1. There is a wife of the family and there is a husband of the family.

      2. In the garden of Eden, God created Adam first and then formed Eve around a rib

          bone of Adam.

          a. God bonded them together in marriage.

          b. In Genesis 2:24 God said, " Therefore shall a man leave his father and his

              mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

          c. Even though the husband and the wife are two people they should act like

    B. The wife is placed under the leadership of the husband.

        a. The leadership of the husband is limited to the will of the Father.

        b. The husband, the man of the family, should counsel, teach, lead and provide

            according to the will of the Father.

        c. For those women who do not have a husband, God is the head of their



V:23. "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body."

 A. How is Christ the head of the Church?

     1. He is the protector and the provider of the Church.

     2. He and the Father are One, so He leads according to the will of the Father.

     3. Christ is the great Shepherd of the Church.  

 B. The husband, as the head must lead according to the will of the Father.

     1. The Husband is the guardian of  his wife and has the responsibility to provide

          and protect her.

     2. The Husband must be careful to consider the will of the Father in all his



V:24. "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

 A. The husbands should trust Christ in all things.

     1. Therefore, the wives trusting their husbands are trusting Christ.

     2. Wives are dependant on their husbands as their husbands are dependant on

 B. Christ is the center and the focus of the Family.

     1. Since Christ is the center, the values of the husband and the wife ought to be the


     2. The husband and his wife should strive to have the same goals and aspirations
         and so being unified in their thinking and their activities.


V:25. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it."

 A. Christ is the example for man to fulfill his obligation to his wife.

     1. The word love is the Greek word "apapate" which means to esteem or find joy in.

          a. The Husband is to esteem his wife.

          b. He is to find joy in his wife.

          c. He is to respect his wife.

 B. C. I. Scofield described Christ love for the Church in threefold; past, present and


     1. For love, He gave Himself to redeem the Church.

         a. The husband should labor to provide for the physical, social and spiritual well

              being of his wife.

     2. In love, Christ is sanctifying the Church.

        a. The husband should take time to teach his wife the Word of God and be God's

            example to her.

     3. For the reward for His labor of love, Christ will present the Church to Himself in


       a. The husband should labor to uplift and buildup his wife to present her to himself

           as a beautiful jewel, priceless and perfect in the Lord.


V:26. "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word."

  A. It should be the object of the husband that his wife looks good before him in the
      eyes of the Lord.

     1. Love is the center piece of the marriage and the Word is the guiding light.

     2. We are cleaned up and regenerated by the Word of God.

     3. When the husband and the wife are involved in the Word, they will grow in love

          and have respect for one another.

   B. The Word expresses truth in the marriage. .

      1. It is faith in the Word of God that sanctifies us in the Lord Jesus Christ.


V:27. "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

 A. At His second coming, Christ will present the Church to Himself, prefect and
     without blemish.

     1. Christ, Himself is the perfection of the Church.

     2. When His work is complete in the Church, He will return to redeem it to

  B. It is the duty of the husband to grow his marriage into spiritual maturity.

     1. The spiritual growth of the marriage allows the couple to endure tough times as

         well as the good times.

     2. The husband should continue beautifying his wife in love so to continue
         presenting her to himself.  



V:28. "So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself."

 A. In order for the marriage to grow and flourish, the husband has to love his wife as he

     loves himself.

     1. If he treats his wife well, then He is treating himself well.

     2. If he mistreats his wife, then he mistreats himself.

 B. When a husband looks at his wife, he should see the love of his life.

      1. When his wife has joy, he should have joy.

      2. When his wife hurts, he should hurt.


V:29. "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church."

 A. It is God's intention that the husband and the wife becomes one flesh.

      1. In a unified marriage, there is no him or her, just "them."

      2. In a unified marriage, there is no his or hers, just "theirs."

 B. The objective of the marriage is an unselfish devoted relationship.

     1. The husband and the wife should nourish and cherish each other as Christ does

          the Church.


V:30. "For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones."

 A. A marriage should be an extension of the Church of Jesus Christ.

     1. We are all family and should treat each other as family.

     2. Because we are family, we are all equal in the sight of Jesus Christ.

 B. Because we are in Christ and Christ is in us, the Church is what we should

      always be for the world to see.

 C. Enjoyment in the marriage comes from our love for Christ and our love for each


V:31. "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.:

 A. Once in a marriage, a man's primary focus is his wife and not his parents.

    1. In- law problems can contribute to problems in the marriage.

    2. A marriage needs its own space to grow and develop.

 B. We can take counsel and advice from our parents, but any decisions are strictly

     between the man and his wife.

    1. Only Jesus can keep a marriage together in love.

    2. We must trust Jesus with the solutions to all our problems.


V:32. "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church."

 A. All believers are one with Christ, therefore our actions should be an imitation of


    1. Christ is building His Church with grace and mercy in love and truth.

    2. We should treat each other with grace and mercy in love and truth.

 B. The foundation of a marriage is love which unifies it in to one body.

    1. If unselfish love is our focus, the marriage will continue to grow.

    2. Love never looks back, but focuses on what is good and perfect.


V:33. "Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband."

 A. In a marriage, love and respect is mutual.

     1. Neither the husband or the wife should consider themselves more important than

         than the other.

     2. God so designed us that we have a need for each other.

         a. We are helpmates to each other.

     3. Mutual honor and respect breeds peace in the marriage.

        a. When there is peace in the marriage, love and joy increases.



V.6:1. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."

 A. Parents have a responsibility and duty to obey the Lord.

     1. The attitude of children reflect the attitude of their parents.

     2. If the parents have no respect for the Lord, the children will have no respect for

         the Lord.

 B. The first obligation of a parent is to be obedient to the Lord.

     1. It is the duty of the parents to train their children in the ways of the Lord.

     2. Children will know and respect the Lord because their parents respect the Lord.

 C. You can command children to obey their parents because they have been trained to


    1. You can't expect a child to behave in a certain way if they have not been trained.

        Prov 22:6.


V:2. "Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)"

  A. It is a command to honor your father and mother. It is not an option.

      1. Children learn from their parents first.

      2. Children learn to listen from their parents.

      3. Children learn to obey from their parents.

      4. Children learn the Word of God from their parents.

  B. We can expect our children to obey God's command because we as parents obey

       His commands and have taught our children obedience.

     1. The discipline of a child is the duty and obligation of the parents.  Prov 13:24

     2. Without discipline, a child will not learn the importance of obedience.

     3. Without obedience, a child will be unruly, disrespectful and harmful to himself

          and others. Prov 23:14, Prov 29:15


V:3. "That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."

  A. Parents impact the outcome, quality and length of their children lives by

       teaching them obedience to God's Word.

     1. This is a conditional promise based on obedience.

     2. An obedient child is a happy child ready to be successful in life.





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