Thursday, October 4, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Servanthood, Character, Commitment And Service", 10/7/2012


 ACT 6:8-7:2


The early church chose it first deacons to serve the needs of the members. The qualifications are given in verses 6:3 and 6:5. Stephen was one of the men chosen.

From the life of Stephen, we can learn what it takes to be a servant of God.

V.6:3. "Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business."

  A. The men were chosen to serve tables, diakonein trapezais (verse 2). We get the
       word deacon.

      1. They were chosen to serve the needs of the poor, widows and orphans.

      2. All of God's elect are chosen to the office of serving others.

  B. Jesus was the chief Deacon of the Church. He said, "I did not come to be served

       but to serve; diakonethenai alla diakonesai."  Mat 20:28

      1. This position of serving others is an honor and a privilege from God.

      2. Jesus honored us with His service, therefore we ought to honor others

          with our service.    

V.6:5. "And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch."

  A. Faith is necessary for successful service.

  B. The Spirit empowers the service.

V.6:6. "Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them."

  A. The work of service should not begin without prayer and the anointing of God.

      1. God loves our prayers and answers them according to His Will.

      2. After the nomination, the Pastor has the responsibility of approving and
          ordaining deacons. V.3



V.6:8. "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people."

 A. Stephen was a deacon (recent appointment).  His job was to wait tables. He was a 

      distributor of the Church Charity.

     1. He took a low position and then magnified his service to glorify the Father.

     2. There is no greater position than to serve others.

 B. Verses 3,5, and 6 gives us the qualities of a good servant.

     1. He was available.

     2. He was willing.

     3. Throughout the community, he had a good reputation.

     4. He was full of wisdom.

     5. He was full of the Holy Ghost.

     6. He was full of faith (pistis= moral convictions, reliance on Christ). V.5

         a. His faith left no room for unbelief.

         b. His faith left room for Divine Grace.

 C. He was full of faith (charis = grace, divine influence upon the heart).

      1. He was full of divine power.

      2. It takes the grace of God to engage Divine Power.



D. "He did great wonders and miracles among the people."

       1. He was chosen to serve bread to the poor widows.

       2. His compassion for those he served expanded his service to great wonders and


      a. He did more than what he was assigned to do.

      b. He allowed God to use his service for greater works.

      c. Those who serve faithfully will always find more work to be done.

      d. Those who serve must rely on God to empower their work.

      e. We can never know what effect we can have unless we get involved.

V:9. "Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen."

 A. Stephen expanded his position of Deacon into teaching the Word of God.

     1. When God calls us, He calls us to use all our gifts.

     2. The teaching of Stephen was effective because he aroused the attention of many


     3. Men from three different continents joined in the discussion with Stephen.

        a. The Libertine may have been from Rome. The Cyrenians and the Alexandrians

            were from North Africa. The Cilicians were from Asia.

        b. The preached Word reaches far and wide.

        c. Those religious folk who have no faith in Jesus will oppose the preaching of the


        d. Sometimes it's our education that blocks the light of Jesus.

        e. We can be exposed to the same information and interpret it differently.

        f. Only the Holy Spirit can give you the correct interpretation of God's Word.

           John 14:26, John 16:13

        g. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. Those who opposed the Word lacked the

            Spirit.  John 14:17

            i. Those who lack the Spirit will not understand the Word of God. 1 Cor 2:14



V:10. "And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake."

  A. Stephen knew the Word.

     1. Stephen believed the Word.

     2. Stephen was not afraid to be opposed by His teaching.

     3. Stephen taught with the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

 B. Wisdom comes from the study of God's Word.  1 Cor 2:12

    1. Knowledge comes from the inspiration of the Word by the Holy Spirit.

    2. Conviction comes from faith in God's Word.

    3. Boldness comes from applying God's Word and leaving the outcome to God.

C. When teaching God's Word, you must stand on your beliefs regardless of the


    1. You must never compromise the Word to gain agreement.

    2. The Spirit of God will guide your teaching.

    3. The Spirit is more powerful than the greatest argument.

    4. The Spirit will guide your conversation so that it answers the needs of the

        a. Even those who oppose you will benefit from the Word because they have to 

            defend their position.   



V:11. "Then they suborned men, which said, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses, and against God."

 A. Suborned = hupoballo= to procure a person to make a false statement, to pay false

    1. When men cannot convince you of their way of thinking, they can become

       a. The ruling Jews paid men to make false statements against Jesus.

       b. The Church is propelled by the adversity of the world.

           i. Judas was paid to betray Jesus.

    2. God does not always save us from adversity, but He blesses us in adversity.

      a. God uses our faithfulness in adversity to bless others.

      b. Adversity is a test of our faith in God.

      c. Adversity is a test of our love for God.

 B. If you have to pay someone to support your position, then your position is suspect.

    1. If your position is based on the truth, it does not need outside help.

    2. Lies are the result of an impure heart.

 C. An eyewitness to the truth is better than hearsay.

     1. Accusations should be specific and not general.

     2. Those who accuse you from what they "heard", don't really know you.

     3. People are quick to believe something negative about someone without verifying

 V:12. "And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council."

 A. Misery loves company.

     1. If you can get others to believe what you believe, it confirms your position to
         you; right or wrong.

 B. These Jews used the Law of Righteousness to support their unrighteousness.

      1. A man could be put to death by two or three witnesses. Duet 17:6

      2. It is funny that we will use the Bible to support what we want, but we want use

          Bible to convict us of our sins.

      3. They used the Word, applied wrongly, to accuse a man.

      4. They used the Word to support their lies, but couldn't remember "thou shall not

 C. The mission of God draws adversity, but mission can't be stopped.

     1. There are always those who will oppose the man of God.

     2. They will stir up others to join in to their mission of destruction.

 D. God gives His men the courage to stand on His Word.


V:13. "And set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law."

 A. It is easy to stir up folk when you talk against that which they hold dear to their hearts.

     1. Jesus did say, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days." John

     2. Jesus did say, "I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law." Mat 5:17

 B. Stephen probably repeated the Words of Jesus in the promotion of the Gospel truth.

    1. People read into what you say, what they want to believe.

    2. They hated Jesus, therefore any word about Jesus made them angry and caused
        them to have violent thoughts.

    3. They could not convince Stephen that he was wrong, so they decided to silence

         by accusing him of criminal behavior.

        a. When you are right, you are right, but it might not make any difference to those

            who hate you.

 C. You have to ask yourself, "why can't Church folk see that it is wrong to lie and bare

       false witness?"

      1. These Jews knew the law, because they used the law to make their accusations.

      2. God uses what we hate to show us the weakness in our faith.

 D. For the sake of being seen as right, some folk will resort to doing wrong.

     1. These Jews had to have the last word.

     2. They did what was necessary for them to be seen as right.

     3. If you have to pay someone to lie and see no wrong in it, there is something

         with your religion.

     4. Even if I am wrong, your wrong to silence me want accomplish the righteousness

         of God.

V:14. "For we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us."

 A. Any two people reading the Bible may come up with different interpretations.

    1. There is no reason to get angry because we can't agree with each other.

    2. The best we can do is to learn from each other how we arrived at our different


   3. We might learn that the different interpretations give us a better understanding of

        the righteousness of God.

 B. The accusers heard right.

    1. Jesus came to destroy the focus of the worship.

    2. The focus of the worship is not the physical temple, but the heart.

        a. Out of the heart flows the issues of life.

 C. The accusers heard right.

    1. Jesus did come to change the customs delivered to Moses.

    2. Jesus did away with the temple sacrifices for the atonement of sins.

        a. Jesus death on the cross became the final sacrifice and the only sacrifice for the

            atonement of sin.

    3. Jesus did away with the Jewish high priest as the intercessor between man and

        a. Jesus is now the High Priest making intercessions for us.

        b. Jesus is the "CJIC"; The Chief Jew In Charge.

            i. You can quote Him. He said, "All power over heaven and earth has been
                given  to me."

   D. Our problem is that we can't stand for someone to claim to be right when we are

        convinced that we are right.

       1. We have to learn to live in harmony with our differences.

       2. It is our differences that causes us to see the truth of the Bible from different


           a. We can both be right. Others may have a different experience

               that will enlighten us.



V:15. "And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel."

 A. When you stand on the truth, there is a certain look on your face that expresses

       your confidence.

    1. When you stand on the truth, there is a certain look on your face that expresses

        your trust in God.

    2. When you stand on the truth, there is a certain look on your face that expresses

         your boldness in the Lord.

    3. When you stand on the truth, there is a certain look on your face that expresses,

        "for Him I live and for Him I will die."

 B. When you stand on the truth, everyone that sees you know that you stand for Jesus.

     1. When you stand on the truth, everyone who sees you, know you are not going

          to compromise the Word of God.

     2. When you stand on the truth, everyone that sees you, know you are not going to

          back down.

Acts 7:1. "Then said the high priest, Are these things so?"

 A. When you stand for Jesus, expect to be questioned about what you believe.

     1. If you have been saved by the blood of Jesus, you got a   
          testimony.         1John 5:10-11
     2. If you have been saved by Jesus, you got a right to tell somebody about His    

         goodness. Rom 14:12

     3. If you been saved by Jesus, you have an obligation to testify about Him. Act

 B. Children of the King have to say YES to the truth about Jesus.


V.7:2. "And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran."

 A. Some folk need a history lesson about Jesus.

     1. Some folk need to know that Jesus didn't just begin with His birth through Mary.

         a. They need to know that He always was and always will be.

         b. They need to know He is Alpha and Omega.  Rev. 22:13

         c. They need to know that He is the author of the Law and that He gave the Law

             to point to Himself. Heb 12:2, 1 John 5:7-8

 B. Some folk need to know that He is God all by Himself and He doesn't need their
      help to maintain His righteousness.

 C. Some folk need to know that He planned the Jewish nation to produce a woman

     called Mary, a suitable vessel for Him to be born in the flesh.

    1. Some folk need to know that without His death on the cross there would be no

        home in heaven.

When you are filled with the Spirit of God and have the intent on doing the will of God, your testimony will be effective, affective and convicting.

    1. The Word was effective.

        a. The Word of God cannot return void.  Isa 55:11

        b. Men of the synagogues from four different areas heard His testimony about

            Jesus Christ.

   2. The Word was affective.

        a. The Word affected the hearts and minds of those who heard it.

        b. They debated with Stephen to prove him wrong.

        c. When they could not prevail, they conspired to have him condemned.

   3. The Word was convicting.

     a. The chief council who tried the case against Stephen saw the Spirit within

         him because his face shown as that of an angel.

     b. They had to make a decision based on the false testimony they heard and the

         evidence before them.

When you make up your mind to serve God, He will equip you for success.








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