Thursday, September 20, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Saved By Grace", 9/23/12


HEBREWS 12:18-29

In this text two dispensations are presented; the dispensation of the Law and the dispensation of Grace. Verses 18-21 points to the dispensation of the Law. Verses

23-29 presents the dispensation of Grace.  Dispensation just means house rules; the way

God deals with man. God gave the Law to the Jews, but He gave Grace to all mankind.

The Law was fulfilled in Jesus death on the cross and Grace began.


V:18. "For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest."

A. God will not tolerate sin in His throne. The mount refers to Mount Sinai where God

     gave Moses the Law.

   1. The Jews were warned not to touch the mountain unless they were destroyed.          
       Ex 19:12

   2. The Holiness of God was separated from the sinfulness of man.

B. Those who willfully disobeyed God's commands faced the burning fire.

   1. Believers do not face the fire, but are saved by Grace through faith.

   2. The Law was given to the Jews as a tutor until Grace began.  Gal 3:24

V:19. "And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more."

A. The sound of the trumpet was a call to attention to God's also a battle sound.

     1. At the mount, they heard the Word of the Lord but they could not see
         Him. Ex 19:16       

     2. They were  frightened by the trumpet and Word of the Lord.

B. They prayed that the Word would not be spoken directly to them.

     1. The Lord is and awesome God and ought to be feared by all.

     2. In His presence, we ought to present ourselves holy and acceptable to Him.         

         Rom 12:1

C. The Jews preferred that Moses to be the mediator between them and God.

     1. His awesome power was fresh on their mind from the parting of the Red Sea and

         destruction of the Egyptian army.

     2. God had set them free from 400 years of slavery, yet they were afraid of His 

     3. If you are doing the right thing, you have no need to fear God.

V:20. "For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart."

 A. The voice of God was so powerful that the Jews could not stand to hear it.

     1. The voice of God reminds you of His holiness and your sinfulness.

     2. God's vastness and your littleness are recognized when you meditate on the

 B. Anyone who touched the mountain while God was present died.

    1. God separated Himself from the Jews to reinforce His Holiness. 

    2. This is illustrated by the death of Uzzah  (2Sam 6:6) when he touched the Ark to

         keep it from falling. The Ark represented the presence of God.

       a. The Ark contained the Stone Tablets which the 10 commandments were written.

       b. The Ark represented the Old Covenant of the Law.

       c. The Ark represented the presence of God.

    3. We are now under the New Covenant that was ratified with the blood of Jesus.

       a. We are made holy before God by the blood of Jesus.

V:21. "And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake."

 A. Moses, God's selected leader of the Nation of the Jews feared God and probably

     trembled in His presence.

    1. Moses understood the awesome power of God to destroy the unrighteous and save

      whom He please.

    2. Moses understood that God is no respecter of person and that the wrath of God

        could fall on anyone.

   3. Moses understood that the God he served deserved his respect and honor.

   4. Moses understood that the God he served was to be feared above all mankind.


V:22. "But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels."

 A. Sion is God's throne room made accessible to all believers through the blood of


    1. The throne room is the dwelling place of God.

    2. The throne of God is surrounded by a host of angels giving praise to God

         continuously. Rev. 5:11

    3. The throne of God is our heavenly hope.

        a. Jesus said, "Where I Am, you will be also."

 B. Believers have a place in heaven.

        a. Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you."

 C. We do not have to fear coming to the throne of God.

      a. We have been made holy by the blood of Jesus.

      b. God has not given us the spirit of fear.


V:23. "To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect."

 A. We are all part of one big family.

     1.  "To the general assembly"

         a. Those who have been predestined to be part of the church, but not yet called

         b. To the Jews, God's first family.

         c. To all the angels in heaven.

     2.  "To the church of the firstborn"

         a. Those who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.

         b. Those who are part of the body of Christ.

     3. "To the spirits of just men made perfect"

         a. We are made just before God through the death of Christ.

         b. We are only perfect in death.

         c. Those just men who died and are now with Christ.

     4. "To God the Judge of all"

         a. God is the Father of us all.

         b. It is by His judgment that we will enter into heaven.

         c. Good News; we were predestined before the foundation of the earth to be

             in heaven.   Eph 1:4, Rev. 13.8

B. " Which are written in heaven"

    1. All who God has claimed as His, have their names written in the

        Lamb's Book of Life. Rev. 21:7

V:24. "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."

 A. We have to give thanks to Jesus for volunteering to die for our sins.

     1. The old covenant was made with blood of animals.

     2. Abel brought the first and the best of his flock for a sacrifice to God as an
         offering for sin.

       a. The problem with Abel's offering, was it had be continuously reoffered.

B. The blood Jesus shed on the cross ratified a new covenant with God for the sins of

     man.  Luke 12:20.

C. Jesus is now the mediator between God and man.

    1. The blood of Jesus on the cross cleanses man of all unrighteousness before God.

    2. The sacrifice of Jesus was made and once for all.  Heb 10:10


V:25. "See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven."

 A. We should be careful to pay attention  tothe Word of God.

      1. The Word is the truth concerning the righteousness of God.

      2. The Word is the truth concerning the way of life.

      3. The Word is the truth concerning the rewards for living according to God's


      4. The Word is the truth concerning evil.

      5. The Word is the truth concerning the consequences of sin.

B. God gave His Law to the Israelites through Moses.

     1. Obedience to God's commands resulted in successful living.

     2. Disobedience caused God to withdraw His hedge from around them and

         they suffered the consequences of God's wrath.

 C. We have the Word of God from heaven.

     1. We have an advocate in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father.

     2. If we disobey God's commands, we will be chasten by the Father.

V:26. "Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven."


A. It was by the Word of the Lord that the world came into being.

     1. It was by the Word of the Lord that the earth was flooded.

     2. It was by the Word of the Lord that the earth was repopulated.

     3. It was by the Word that Jesus came down from heaven and died

         for the sins of man.

B. It is by the Word of the Lord that the current heaven and earth will be

     destroyed by fire.

   1.  It is by the Word of the Lord that a new heaven and a new earth will

        come into existence.  2 Pet 3:13

   2. It is by the Word that saints will live forever with God.


V:27. "And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain."

 A. Under the Law, certain commands of God to the Jewish nation were temporary 

      to be done away with the coming of Jesus Christ.

    1. The sacrifice of animals for the atonement of sin was replaced with final

        sacrifice of the life of Jesus.

    2. Under the Law, the priest interceded for the people with the Father.

        a. Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father is the intercessor.

   3. Under the Law, the Veil in the Temple separated holy of holiness from

       the rest of the Temple. Only the High Priest could enter the Holy of

       holiness where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.

       a. At the death of Jesus, the Veil was split into from top to bottom.

       b. Believers now have direct access to the Father through Christ Jesus.

 B. With the death of Jesus all of the requirements of the Law was fulfilled.

      1. Under Grace, Jesus is the one true sacrifice.

      2. Under Grace, the temple is the body of believers.

      3. Under Grace, sin is atoned for by the blood of Jesus.

      4. Under Grace, the Spirit of the Lord dwells in all believers.

      5. God now deals with man by Grace and not the Law.


V:28. "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear."

 A. Jesus is the King on the Throne over all mankind .

     a. Jesus said, "All Power Has Been Given To Me Over Heaven And Earth."

     b. We receive the Kingdom by Grace through Faith.

 B. The Kingdom of God is permanent.

     1. Our citizenship is secured by the Holy Spirit.

     2. The purpose of our being is to serve God and give Him glory. 1 Cor 15:58

     3. We are to serve the Lord with our whole heart.  Eph 6:7

V:29. "For our God is a consuming fire."

 A. God is the great Judge of all mankind.

     1. He has the power to create and the power to destroy.

     2. He deserves our praise and worship.

     3. He deserves our undivided devotion.

     4. He deserves our complete love.

     5. He deserves our complete obedience.

 B. It is by the fire of God that we receive eternal life with the Father. Mat 3:11

     1. It is by the Spirit's fire that we are stirred up to serve God.  1 Th 5:19























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