1 Samuel 7:3-11, 15-17
V:3. "And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel,
saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the
strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the
LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the
A. Sometimes God
allows adversity in our lives to bring us to our senses.
1. Israel
was in sin worshiping idol gods.
a. As a
result, they were facing destruction by the Philistines.
b. When we
quit trusting God, we enter the road of destruction.
c. Trouble
follows disobedience.
B. Israel had put their trust in idol gods.
1. The idol gods
were the gods of their neighbors. They
were to
have no relationship with them.
2. As a result
of their disobedience they were in danger of being destroyed.
C. God gives His
people a way out.
1. Put away
strange gods.
a. Stop what
you are doing that displeases God.
b. Return to
worshipping the one true God.
2. Prepare your
a. Repent
and ask forgiveness.
b. Focus on
the Lord.
3. Serve Him
a. Commit your self to the mission of the
b. Get
active. Work for the Lord.
D. God will take charge of your battles.
1. The enemy is
no match for God.
2. There is
nothing to big or to bad that God can't handle.
V:4. "Then the children of Israel
did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the LORD only."
A. It is wise and
profitable to follow the commands of God.
1. There is only
one God to serve and that is the Lord.
2. All other gods
are false.
3. You know you
are serving the wrong god when you can't get help when you are
in trouble.
B. Israel had a
history with God.
1. When trouble
arises, it is best to return to what you know works.
C. The Hebrew words 'Baalim and Ashtaroth" are plural,
they worship
many foreign gods.
1. The
attraction to these foreign gods were their sexual impurity and
behavior and the promise of success in all areas of life.
2. Ashtaroth was
the fertility goddess.
3. Baalim was
the male god.
4. Their worship
included sexual prostitution and child sacrifice.
5. Worship of
these foreign gods was expressly prohibited by God.
V:5. "And Samuel said, Gather all Israel
to Mizpeh, and I will pray for you unto the LORD."
A. Mizpeh= a meeting
place, a look out point
1. Prayer should
be the starting point of all our activities.
a. We ought to
come together for corporate prayer.
2. Their sins were
nationwide, so their prayers should be nationwide.
a. All the
people were gathered together in one place to pray.
3. Samuel the Judge
was acting as Priest and the intercessor for the people before God.
a. Jesus is our
Priest, judge and intercessor before the Father.
B. Samuel exercised his duty to pray for the people.
1. We all have a
duty to pray for others.
a. Our prayers
can be specific and general as the need requires.
2. Samuel
volunteered to pray for the people.
a. We should be
in prayer for others continuously.
A. "Drew water
and poured it out before the Lord"
1. The pouring
out of water represented the pouring out of ones heart before the
the Lord in
repentance. Ps 62:8, Lam 2:19
B. "And fasted
on the day"
1. The Israelites
abstained from eating for a day.
a. They
denied themselves food to devote themselves to prayer and worship.
b. There are
times when we need to set aside some time to devote to the Lord
any distractions.
2. There is power
in unity. Gen 11:5-7
a. When believers
come together in prayer, God listen.
b. There is
power in corporate prayer.
C. "We have sinned against the Lord."
1. To get our
prayers answered, we must first prepare our hearts.
a. Confessing
our sins before the Lord is one of the keys to right fellowship with
the Lord.
b. We need to
see ourselves as we are; sinful by nature.
c. We need forgiveness. Jesus is the answer.
D. "Samuel
judged the children of Israel ."
1. To get right
with the Father we must first get right with our brothers.
2. If we have an issue with someone, go settle
it. Ask forgiveness.
V:7. "And when the Philistines heard that the children
of Israel were
gathered together to Mizpeh, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel .
And when the children of Israel
heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines."
A. There is always
someone who sees you as an easy target.
1. When your enemy
don't know that the Lord is on your side, they don't know
the power
that is behind you.
B. The Children of
Israel were afraid because they knew their sin.
1. Israel
ceased to trust the Lord when they begin worshipping foreign gods.
a. If you
deny God before men, He will deny you. Mark 8:38
2. To stand in
confidence in the face of adversity, you must believe that the Lord is
with you.
a. For God to
be on your side, you must be in right fellowship with Him.
V:8. "And the children of Israel
said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that he will
save us out of the hand of the Philistines."
A. Regardless of your
situation you ought to start your day off in prayer.
1. Believers ought
to pray without ceasing. 1 Th 5:17
2. The enemy is
always around you.
3. Some of your enemies
you know and some you don't.
4. Everybody that
smiles at you or pats you on your back is not on your side.
a. Some people
you think are with you, may be against you.
B. Israel cried to Samuel to pray for them.
1. We have an
advocate in Heaven named Jesus.
a. We are
commanded to pray to the Lord in the name of Jesus.
2. God hears the prayers
of the righteous. Pr 15:29
a. There is no
need to panic.
V:9. "And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it
for a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel ;
and the LORD heard him."
A. The wages of sin
is death.
1. If the
Israelites sinned, they were commanded by God to bring a lamb to the altar to
be sacrificed
for a peace offering.
2. Jesus is our
peace offering before the Lord.
3. Deliverance is
available to those who have sinned, if they repent and return to the
the Lord. 1 John 1:9
B. Samuel cried to
the Lord in faith.
1. Whatever we ask
of the Lord, it must be asked in faith. Heb 11:6
2. God hears our
V:10. "And as Samuel was offering up the burnt
offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel :
but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines,
and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel ."
A. God may not come
when you want Him, but He is always on time.
1. As Samuel was
making the offering, the enemy was coming to do battle.
2. God sometimes
delays an answer, so that there is no doubt that He is giving
the victory.
a. God arranges
your circumstances so He gets the Glory.
B. God can use some
unusual ways to get rid of your enemies.
1. He caused a
thunder to confuse the enemy.
2. God's thunder
caused the enemy to stumble.
3. God caused
many of the Philistine army to fall dead by the sound of His voice.
4. Don't limit
what God's does by your way of thinking.
a. God works
in ways that we cannot understand or conceive.
V:11. "And the men of Israel
went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they
came under Bethcar."
A. When God gives you
the upper hand, you have to take advantage of it immediately.
1. God destroyed
most of the enemy, but He left some for Israel
to destroy.
a. When we
are down, God has a way of restoring our confidence.
b. God leaves
us a part in our victory.
2. When God does
His part, you have to do your part.
3. God opens the
door, but you have to go through it.
4. When God gives
you a job, you have to do the job.
V:15. "And Samuel judged Israel
all the days of his life."
A. God never retires
His servants.
1. Samuel served
God until his death.
2. God never stop
blessing us, so we should never stop serving
V:16. "And he went from year to year in circuit to Bethel ,
and Gilgal, and Mizpeh, and judged Israel
in all those places."
A. God defines the
responsibility of His servants.
1. He expects us
to be in our place in time and location.
2. Samuel was
assigned to judge the people in three cities.
1. He was to
be at each place at a given time.
2. To serve
God, we have to be available, reliable, respectable and prompt.
3. To serve
God, we have to follow His directions and commands.
V:17. " And his return was to Ramah; for there was his
house; and there he judged Israel ;
and there he built an altar unto the Lord."
A. God expects his servants to be findable.
1. If Samuel was
not on the road, he was at his home ready to serve.
B. Worship of the
Lord should be a regular part of our routine.
1. Samuel built
an altar to the Lord.
a. We ought to
have a special place where we go to worship the Lord.
b. It is
through prayer that we continue to get His guidance and directions.
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