Thursday, May 17, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Resurrection", 5/20/2012


JOHN 11:17-27


V:17. "Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already."

  A. Death is a normal part of our human existence.

       1. Every person has an appointed time with death.

       2. Life on earth is designed to be temporary.  Job 14:1

  B. Tragedy fulfills the purpose of God. John 11:4

      1. Tragedy does not change the love of God for us.

      2. God may use our tragedy to glorify Himself.

      3. We should never see tragedy as an act of God against us but an act for us.

  C. Jesus waited four days before going to Bethany.

      1. There was a Jewish belief that the soul hovered over the body for three days

          hoping to reenter. They believed that the soul departed after the third day.

           a. This superstition would hinder the belief in the miracle of Jesus. So He waited

               until the fourth day. KJV Standard Commentary

      2. There was also the possibility that a person could fall into a comatose state and

           be buried alive.

           a. There was a custom to return to the grave after three days to check the body. 

               (JNT Commentary).

      3. Jesus allowed His love ones to go through the sorrow of death so that the

          witnessing of the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus would deepen their faith in


      4. Jesus may not come when you want Him, but He is always on time.

V:18. "Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs (two miles) off."

  A. Jesus is never too far away from us.

      1. Jesus is aware of our problem before it becomes a problem.

      2. Jesus has the solution to our present situation.

      3. Jesus solves our problems according to His divine plan; not ours.


V:19. "And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother."

 A. It is our duty to comfort others in their grief.

    1. The lost of a love one takes one through many emotions.

         a. There is sorrow.

         b. There is the feeling of emptiness.

         c. There is the feeling of being lost.

         d. There is confusion.

         e. There is feeling of guilt.

         f.  There is anger.

         g. There is loneliness.

    2. A person in grief needs reassuring words.

        a. A person in grief needs to be reminded that Jesus is in control.

        b. A person in grief needs to be reminded that their love one is in the

            hands of the Lord.

        c. A person in grief needs a calm environment not confusion that

            can be brought on by other family members.

 B. Good friends should continue to comfort with their presence and reassuring

      words from the Lord.

V:20. "Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house."

 A. Relief begins when we actively seek Jesus.

    1. Grief can immobilize a person.  Mary sat in the house.

        a. Everyone reacts to grief in their own way.

    2. Jesus comes to us when we meditate on His Words.

    3. The Words of Jesus will in time provide the comfort needed.

B. When trouble comes our way, we need a talk with Jesus.

   1. Martha went to the source of comfort.

   2. The best thing friends and family can do for us is to remind us of Jesus.

   3. The Sooner we get to Jesus, the sooner we will find comfort.


V:21. "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."

 A. Martha was disappointed that the Lord didn't show up before her brother died.

     1. Martha and her sister loved Jesus.

     2. Martha and her family served the Lord.

     2. They were constantly in His company and provided for Him from their


     3. These sisters threw a dinner party for Jesus and His disciples.

 B. Martha knew the word; she studied under Jesus.

     1. Martha had complete confidence in Jesus ability to heal.

         a. Martha may have been an eye witness to the miracles of Jesus.

 C. When sickness visited Her house, Martha naturally expected Jesus to show up.

     1. Mary and Martha had prayed to the Lord for a healing. V.3

     2. Jesus, by divine purpose delayed coming until Lazarus was dead. V.6

 E. Having lost a wife to cancer, I know the grief and the disappointment  that

      Mary and Martha experienced.

     1. The Lord that they loved had a different plan than their own.

     2. We have to trust that the Lord's will is better than our will.

     3. Regardless of our disappointment, we have to trust that the Lord's

         way is the best way.

 F. What Martha didn't know was  that Jesus could heal from a distance.

     1. We cannot get to far from Jesus.

     2. He is omnipresence; everywhere all the time.


V:22. "But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee."

 A. Martha continued to express her trust in Jesus.

    1. We can't let our personal tragedy cause us to stop believing in Jesus.

    2. Martha was hurt, Martha was disappointed, yet she still loved the Lord.

    3. Just because the Lord does not do what we want Him to do, we can't stop

        believing in Him.

 B. We have to trust the Lord's will for our lives.

    1. This is hard to do when it is not what we want.

    2. It is the best thing to do because we do not know what is best.


V:23. "Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again."

 A. Jesus has a better plan and a better way.

     1. The Lord sees the big picture.

     2. We only see what we know.

     3. Our vision is limited by our lack of knowledge.

 B. Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new spiritual life with Christ.

     1. The body returns to the dust from which it came and the spirit returns to the

          Lord. Ecc 12:7

     2. At Jesus second coming all believers will rise  to heaven with the Lord.

          1 Th 4:16-17.

V:24. "Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day."

 A. Martha knew the scriptures concerning the resurrection of the dead.

    1. Martha had the best teacher; Jesus.

    2. We have the best teacher; Jesus.

        a. The Words of Jesus are recorded in the Bible.

        b. We should be constant in our study of the scriptures.

        c. When trouble arises the Holy Spirit will remind us of Jesus teaching. John 14:26

        d. It is in the Word that we will find comfort and renewed Joy.

 B. Martha trusted the Word of Jesus concerning the future resurrection at His second


     1. She did not understand that at this time, Jesus was speaking of an immediate


     2. We should never limit the answer to our prayers to our expected outcome.

     3. Jesus can answer prayers in ways we cannot understand.


V:25. " Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

 A. Jesus sometimes will allow trouble in our lives so we come to Him with questions.

    1. His answer to our questions will lead to a deeper understanding of His Word.

 B. It is only through Jesus that there is resurrection and new life.

    1. We are resurrected from a spiritual death; separation from the Father.

    2. We are resurrected into a spiritual life; communion with the Father.

    3. Those who believe in Christ have eternal life from the moment of belief.

 C. We have to suffer a physical death to begin eternal life with the Father.

V:26. "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"

 A. We gain the physical death with no effort. We are born to die.

     1. We born in a state of eternal damnation.

 B. We gain eternal life just by believing in Jesus.

     1. Our eternal life begins on earth and continues forever in Heaven.

     2. The only requirement for eternal life is belief in Jesus.

     3. After accepting Christ, it not us that live, but Christ that lives

         in us. Gal 2:20


V:27. "She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world."

 A. The first thing we must believe is that Jesus is Christ, the Savior of the world.

      1. Jesus was anointed to be the Messiah. Dan 9:25-26

 B. The second thing we must believe is that Jesus is the Son of God.

      1. Only the Son of God qualifies as the Savior of the world. Isa 45:21

      2. Jesus has a divine nature.

         a. He is God in the Person of the Son.

 C. The third thing we must believe is that He came down from heaven to be the

     perfect sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:14


1. Jesus allows tragedy in our life. V:4-6

2. Jesus uses our tragedy to glorify the Father. V:4

3. Jesus is the solution to all our problems.

4. Jesus allows us to suffer so we can learn of Him. V:21

5. The glory of God is shown in His miracles.  V:40

6. Our faith in God is strengthen when He does the impossible  in our lives. V:40

7. Miracles begin with our prayers V:41-42

8. In Jesus is all we need. V:43

9. We are loosed from our problems when we trust Jesus with them. V:44

10. There is no better love than the love of Jesus for us. V:5

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