Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dealing With The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, 6/3/2012


Exodus 23:1-9


V:1. "Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness." Ps 37:21

 A. Don't lie to anyone about anyone.

     1. If you got something to say, make sure it is the truth.

     2. Don't make negative comments about someone.

         a. You may not know the whole story.

         b. Our job is to bring people closer together in love, not put distance between them.

         c. A word of encouragement is always better than a negative comment.

 B. Don't join in with others to lie about another person.

    1. Expose the truth.

    2. Our job as Christians is to steer others in the way of the Lord.

    3. Unrighteousness is not acceptable to God no matter who is the cause.

 C. Remember that there is some bad in the best of us and some good in the worst of us.

    1. It just as easy to say something good about someone as it is to say something bad.

    2. There should be a difference between the world and a Christian.

         a. The world seeks to bring people down.

         b. Christians should seek to build others up because of their love for the Lord.


V:2. "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment."

 A. Don't follow the crowd to do wrong.

     1. Don't join in to fit in.

        a. Don't go along to get along.

     2. The crowd may not be going in the right direction.

     3. You have to be determined to follow after righteousness.

          a. The decision to do what is right is yours and yours alone.

          b. If you know someone is considering doing evil, you have the responsibility

              to say it's wrong, and walk away.

 B. "Decline and wrest" are the same Hebrew word, "natah" which means to bend away,

      or cause to yield (moral defection).

    1. Don't try to blend in with the crowd.

    2. Don't yield to peer pressure.

    3. There are those who are held in high esteem who lead others astray.

        a. Don't let your enthusiasm about a person's status cause you to abandon what is


        b. Don't get involved with the crowd that is trying to pull someone down unjustly.


V:3. "Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause."

 A. Just because a man is poor does not make him less than you or anyone else.

     1. Man is the "noun" and "poor" is the adjective.

     2. Man was created in the image and likeness of God.

        a. Poor is his present condition.

        b. A poor man might be rich in the Lord.

        c. Poor is a temporary condition that could change over night.

 B. A poor man may have much more to offer you than a rich man.

    1. Don't get caught up in riches and status.

        a. Do get caught up in the love of the Lord and the love of your neighbors.

 C. Don't show favor to a poor man because his condition is poor.  Acts 10:34

      (Countenance = hadar= to favor or honor)

    1. Everybody ought to be treated the same.

    2. In the eyes of the Lord everybody is equal.

    3. A poor man might choose to be poor to escape responsibility.

    4. When we can, we ought to help those in need, but not to their detriment.

       a. For example, we ought not give money to an alcoholic to buy more alcohol.

          i. We ought to help him get to a rehab center.

          ii. It takes work to get people the help they need to improve.

          iii. It easy to leave them in their present condition.

       b. Being poor is not an opportunity to be unfair.

       c. Fair is fair, rich or poor.

       d. Whatever we do, we ought to do in the name of the Lord.


V:4. "If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again." 2 Cor 9:6

 A. Be mindful of what belongs to others, whether it be a friend or an enemy.

     1. If you find something that belongs to someone else, return it to them.

         a. Do unto others, as you would do for yourself. Gal 6:7

         b. It is always good to be kind.

         c. It is always good to lend a helping hand when you can.  Mark 4:24

         d. The favors you do for others will return to you at a later time.

 B. You don't have to be ugly because someone else is ugly to you.

     1. Being mean upsets you.

     2. Being kind comforts you.

     3. The joy of revenge last for a short time.

     4. The joy of kindness last forever.

C. Christians ought to be prepared to go out of their way to be helpful.

    1. It is easy to be helpful to someone you like.

    2. It takes true love to help someone who hates you. Mat 5:43-44

    3. It takes agape love to go out of your way to help someone who hates you.

V:5. "If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him."

 A. The best way to show your love is to be kind when it is not expected. Prov. 25:21-22

     1. If you help someone with what they have a love for, you will win their heart.

     2. Your enemy is just a person with a heart problem.

          a. He is so busy hating that he can't see the love that is around him.

          b. A person who hates makes himself uncomfortable.

     3. Christian brothers and sisters should show themselves as a friend to all they

         come in contact with.

        a. Jesus was a friend to those who cried crucify him.

        b. He died on the cross for all men.

        c. Likewise, we must love our enemies as our friends.


V:6. "Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause."

     (The word "wrest" comes from the Hebrew word "natah" which means to bend away

      from what is right, cause to yield)

  A. Just because a man is poor is no reason to mistreat him or take advantage of him.

       1. He deserves equal treatment.

  B. Just because a man is poor is no reason to give him favorable judgment when he is


     1. Don't let your compassion for the poor lead you to injustice.

V:7. "Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked."

 A. If something is not true, it is false.

     1. Don't make false statements about someone. You may injure their reputation and

         worst yet cause them to loose their life.

     2. You never know how someone will react to a negative accusation.

          a. Even if the accusation is true, someone who is innocent could get hurt.

     3. A good rule of thumb is ; "if you don't have something good to say, be silent."

 B. God is watching your actions.

    1. God will judged all wicked behavior.

    2. God holds us accountable for every word we speak and action we take. Mat 12:36


V:8. "And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous."

 A. A man's integrity is tested when free money is involved.

    1. Justice cannot be brought.

    2. Justice is what is right and can only be obtained with the right frame of mind.

    3. If one has to be paid to render a verdict, then it is perverted.

    4. Money obligates one to do what the payer wants.

    5. No one should have to be paid to tell the truth.

 B. Righteousness cannot be brought, only perverted.

    1. Friendship, fellowship and relationship has no preference in justice.

    2. Power, status and popularity has no preference in justice.


V:9. "Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt."

 A. We should be kind to strangers.

     1. You never know when you might be entertaining an angel. Heb 13:2

 B. You should not take advantage of someone because of their lack of knowledge

     of a situation.

     1. The person you mislead may be the person that is best able to bless you.

     2. You never know why God put someone in your mist.

         1. You may be the person chosen to lend a helping hand.

         2. You may be the person God sent him(her) to bless you.

         3. The stranger may hold the solution to your problem .

         4. You are the person God chose to spread the Gospel.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Solution To Heart Trouble


John 14:1-14


V:1. "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me"

 A. Trouble starts in the heart.

   1. Heart= kardia= thoughts , feelings, mind

      a. Trouble=tarasso= agitate

   2. There is a solution to heart trouble.

       a. Trust God.

       b. Trust  Jesus.

   3. You can control weather you are troubled.

       a. You must trust the Word of God.


V:2. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

 A. The reason to be at peace.

      1. The Father has a house.

          a. House= oikia=residence

          b. mansions= monai= a staying, residence

      2. In the Father's house are many houses.

         a. Houses on earth are temporary.

         b. Houses in heaven are permanent.

 B. " If it were not so, I would have told you."

      1. Jesus had told His disciples that those who do the will of the Father would enter the

          Kingdom of Heaven. Mat 7:21

      2. All who believe in Jesus will have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven. John 3:16

      3. Jesus explains that His Words are not in vain. What He said before is true.

      4. Regardless of what the situation appears to be, heaven is the residence of the


 C.  "I go to prepare a place for you."

     1. Jesus was speaking of His death on the cross.

     2. The only way for believers to get to heaven is the cross.

     3. The blood of Jesus shed on the cross atoned for the sins of man so the believers

          would be reconciled to the Father. Rom 5:10, 2 Cor 5:18-19

     4. The hearts of the disciples were troubled when they saw Jesus dying on the cross.


V:3. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

 A. Only Jesus could prepare a place in heaven for believers.

     1. Only Jesus was a perfect unblemished sacrifice acceptable by the Father.

     2. Only the blood of Jesus could wash the sins of man away.

     3. The death of Jesus was the only acceptable wage for the sins of man.

     4. It was the death of God's Son that prepared the place in heaven for believers.

 B. "I will come again, and receive you unto myself."

     1. "I will come again" points to Jesus resurrection and ascension back to heaven.

        a. This statement points to His divine supernatural nature.

        b. Only God can take Himself to heaven and return by His own power.

     2. Jesus promises a second coming to receive believers to Himself.

     3. Jesus promises believers a heavenly existence with Him.

 C. "That where I am, there ye may be also."

     1. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. Mark 14:62

     2. Only Jesus can place believers in the throne room with Him.


V:4. "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know."

  A. Jesus had talked with disciples about His death and resurrection.

      1. They had the Word, but did not understand what they had received.

          Mat 16:21, Luke 9:22, 18:31-32

      2. When we study the Word, we do not always get a complete understanding.

          a. The Word remains in our memory banks until God gives us an understanding.

          b. The Word cannot return void. Isa 55:11

      3. Our study of the Word should never cease.

V:5. "Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"

 A. When studying the Word, we should pause and consider that which we do not


    1. There are many Biblical tools readily available to help our understanding.

    2. Online are free commentaries, Bible dictionaries and Lexicons.

    3. As we research the Word, the Holy Spirit will guide our understanding.

B. Before we begin our study, we should go to the source of the Word which is Jesus

     Christ in prayer.

   1. Thomas went to the Lord Jesus expressing his lack of understanding.

   2. Lack of understanding in one area, may prevent understanding in another


      a. He didn't know where Jesus was going. How could he know the way?

      b. If we miss the basic, we want understand the complicated.

 C. We should never hesitate to seek answers to what we do not understand.

     1. There are others with the same lack of knowledge. Thomas said "we".

         a. Other disciples wanted answers.

         b. Your research will benefit others.


V:6. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

 A. "I am the way."

    1. Jesus is the way to the Father.

       a. Jesus alone provides the way to the Father.

       b. Jesus is the only one who died for the sins of all mankind.

       c. Jesus is the mediation between God and man.

 B. "I am the truth."

    1. Jesus is the truth that fulfilled the teaching of the Old Testament and all the

         requirements of the Law.

    2. Man is in the dark about his need for salvation until He is introduced to the truth.

       a. It is the Word, the Truth, that enlightens man to his need for salvation.

 C. "I am the life."

    1. Only Jesus can provide eternal life.

        a. He is the "way" to eternal life.

        b. He is the "truth" about eternal life.

    2. It was Jesus that created life in Adam.

        a. He breathed into a mold made of dirt and it became a living soul.

        b. It is Jesus that maintains life on earth.

        c. It is Jesus that provides eternal life for sinful men.

    3. Jesus is the life both in Grace and Glory.

 D. "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    1. Jesus is the only way to the Father.

    2. It is His blood that paved the way to the Father.

    3. Jesus is the way by His doctrine.

    4. Jesus is the way by His example.

    5. Jesus is the way by His sacrifice.

    6. Jesus is the way by His spirit.

V:7. "If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him."

 A. Jesus is identical to the Father.

     1. He is Spirit, the Father is Spirit.

     2. He has a divine nature, the Father has a divine nature.

     3. He and the Father are omnipotent, omnipresence, and omniscience.

     4. He and the Father must be worshipped in spirit and truth. John 4:24

 B. Jesus and the father are one. John 10:30.

     1. If you study Jesus, you are studying the Father.

     2. If you know Jesus, you know the Father.

V:8. "Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us."

 A. The Father is present with us all the time.

     1. We can only see the Father through His creation and through the daily

         miracles He does for us.

     2. We have to open our hearts and see God all around us.

     3. When we give God the credit for our existence, we will appreciate His works.

 B. The grace of God is sufficient for us.

     1. God said to Paul,  "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in


     2. The grace of God falls fresh on us each day.

         a. Our existence is a testimony to the grace of God.


V:9. "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?"

 A. Length of service in the Church is no guarantee that one knows Jesus.

     1. No matter how much you know, there is more to know about Jesus.

     2. Philip knew Jesus as his teacher and his Messiah, but there was more to know.

     3. We may not know everything about Jesus, but He knows all about us.

          a. Jesus knows each of us by name.

 B. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God.

     1. We see Jesus in the Word.

     2. We see the Father also in the Word.

 C. To "know Jesus" is to have a deep relationship with Him.

     1. To know Jesus is to have an intimate relationship with Him.

     2. To know Jesus is to understand His Works.

     3. To know Jesus, we must continue to study His Word.

 D. When you know Jesus, you Know the Father.


V:10. "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."

 A. In this verse is the unity of the God Head.

     1. The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father.

     2. The Father dwells in the flesh of the Son in the form of the Holy Spirit.

     3. It is the Father who does the work through the Son by the power of the

         Holy Spirit.

  B. Likewise, any work we do for Jesus in the name of the Father is made effective

       by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  C. We must believe in the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

      1. The Holy Spirit powers us to do the work of the Father according to the

           Word of Jesus.

V:11. "Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake."

 A. We must believe that Jesus and the Father are one.

     1. There is only one God.

     2. God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

         a. The God Head is one God in three persons.

         b. There is unity in the God Head.

 B. In order to the do the work of the Father, you must believe in Jesus.

    1. The work of the Father is that you believe in the Father that sent Jesus. John 6:29

    2. Jesus came to do the work of the Father.  John 9:4


V:12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

 A. Jesus prepared His disciples to continue the work of the Father.

    1. Discipleship requires us to take the Gospel to the lost.

    2. For works sake, that is the Gospel sake, we must first believe in Jesus.

 B. There is much work to do. Mat 9:37

      1. The "greater work" is the greater number of lost souls that need to hear the Gospel.

      2. The "greater work" involves the greater number of disciples spreading the Gospel


 C. Our advocate in Heaven is Christ Jesus.

     1. The work of the Father will be effective through our prayers in the name of Jesus.

     2. When Jesus work was done on earth, He returned to the Father to continue the

          the work through us. John 4:34, John 17:4


V:13. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."

 A. The power of the Gospel is consistence prayer.

     1. Prayer is an essential ingredient in the work of the Lord.

     2. If you need resources, the answer is prayer.

     3. If you need mountains moved, the answer is prayer.

     4. If you need problems solved, the answer is prayer.

     5. If you need good workers, the answer is prayer.

B. Jesus promised that whatever we need we will have if we ask the Father in His name.

    1. Whatever, means whatever.

    2. Whatever includes everything you need.

    3. Whatever excludes nothing that you need.

C. There is a condition to getting mission prayers answered.

   1. The Father must be glorified in the Son.

   2. This is not a promise to get what we want for ourselves.

   4. This is a promise to get what we need to give God the glory.

D. Prayer moves the mission.

V:14. "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."

  A. Jesus has an interest in the success of the mission.

      1. He promises to do anything you ask.

      2. Anything means "Anything".

  B. If Jesus places something on you heart to do;

      1. Don't worry about how you are going to do it.

      2. Trust Jesus to make a way.

  C. The reason Jesus will do what you ask is so the Father gets the glory.

      1. The Mission of the Church ought to be so big that Jesus has to step in to

           make it happen.

      2. The Mission of the Church requires corporate prayer.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Resurrection", 5/20/2012


JOHN 11:17-27


V:17. "Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already."

  A. Death is a normal part of our human existence.

       1. Every person has an appointed time with death.

       2. Life on earth is designed to be temporary.  Job 14:1

  B. Tragedy fulfills the purpose of God. John 11:4

      1. Tragedy does not change the love of God for us.

      2. God may use our tragedy to glorify Himself.

      3. We should never see tragedy as an act of God against us but an act for us.

  C. Jesus waited four days before going to Bethany.

      1. There was a Jewish belief that the soul hovered over the body for three days

          hoping to reenter. They believed that the soul departed after the third day.

           a. This superstition would hinder the belief in the miracle of Jesus. So He waited

               until the fourth day. KJV Standard Commentary

      2. There was also the possibility that a person could fall into a comatose state and

           be buried alive.

           a. There was a custom to return to the grave after three days to check the body. 

               (JNT Commentary).

      3. Jesus allowed His love ones to go through the sorrow of death so that the

          witnessing of the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus would deepen their faith in


      4. Jesus may not come when you want Him, but He is always on time.

V:18. "Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs (two miles) off."

  A. Jesus is never too far away from us.

      1. Jesus is aware of our problem before it becomes a problem.

      2. Jesus has the solution to our present situation.

      3. Jesus solves our problems according to His divine plan; not ours.


V:19. "And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother."

 A. It is our duty to comfort others in their grief.

    1. The lost of a love one takes one through many emotions.

         a. There is sorrow.

         b. There is the feeling of emptiness.

         c. There is the feeling of being lost.

         d. There is confusion.

         e. There is feeling of guilt.

         f.  There is anger.

         g. There is loneliness.

    2. A person in grief needs reassuring words.

        a. A person in grief needs to be reminded that Jesus is in control.

        b. A person in grief needs to be reminded that their love one is in the

            hands of the Lord.

        c. A person in grief needs a calm environment not confusion that

            can be brought on by other family members.

 B. Good friends should continue to comfort with their presence and reassuring

      words from the Lord.

V:20. "Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house."

 A. Relief begins when we actively seek Jesus.

    1. Grief can immobilize a person.  Mary sat in the house.

        a. Everyone reacts to grief in their own way.

    2. Jesus comes to us when we meditate on His Words.

    3. The Words of Jesus will in time provide the comfort needed.

B. When trouble comes our way, we need a talk with Jesus.

   1. Martha went to the source of comfort.

   2. The best thing friends and family can do for us is to remind us of Jesus.

   3. The Sooner we get to Jesus, the sooner we will find comfort.


V:21. "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."

 A. Martha was disappointed that the Lord didn't show up before her brother died.

     1. Martha and her sister loved Jesus.

     2. Martha and her family served the Lord.

     2. They were constantly in His company and provided for Him from their


     3. These sisters threw a dinner party for Jesus and His disciples.

 B. Martha knew the word; she studied under Jesus.

     1. Martha had complete confidence in Jesus ability to heal.

         a. Martha may have been an eye witness to the miracles of Jesus.

 C. When sickness visited Her house, Martha naturally expected Jesus to show up.

     1. Mary and Martha had prayed to the Lord for a healing. V.3

     2. Jesus, by divine purpose delayed coming until Lazarus was dead. V.6

 E. Having lost a wife to cancer, I know the grief and the disappointment  that

      Mary and Martha experienced.

     1. The Lord that they loved had a different plan than their own.

     2. We have to trust that the Lord's will is better than our will.

     3. Regardless of our disappointment, we have to trust that the Lord's

         way is the best way.

 F. What Martha didn't know was  that Jesus could heal from a distance.

     1. We cannot get to far from Jesus.

     2. He is omnipresence; everywhere all the time.


V:22. "But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee."

 A. Martha continued to express her trust in Jesus.

    1. We can't let our personal tragedy cause us to stop believing in Jesus.

    2. Martha was hurt, Martha was disappointed, yet she still loved the Lord.

    3. Just because the Lord does not do what we want Him to do, we can't stop

        believing in Him.

 B. We have to trust the Lord's will for our lives.

    1. This is hard to do when it is not what we want.

    2. It is the best thing to do because we do not know what is best.


V:23. "Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again."

 A. Jesus has a better plan and a better way.

     1. The Lord sees the big picture.

     2. We only see what we know.

     3. Our vision is limited by our lack of knowledge.

 B. Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new spiritual life with Christ.

     1. The body returns to the dust from which it came and the spirit returns to the

          Lord. Ecc 12:7

     2. At Jesus second coming all believers will rise  to heaven with the Lord.

          1 Th 4:16-17.

V:24. "Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day."

 A. Martha knew the scriptures concerning the resurrection of the dead.

    1. Martha had the best teacher; Jesus.

    2. We have the best teacher; Jesus.

        a. The Words of Jesus are recorded in the Bible.

        b. We should be constant in our study of the scriptures.

        c. When trouble arises the Holy Spirit will remind us of Jesus teaching. John 14:26

        d. It is in the Word that we will find comfort and renewed Joy.

 B. Martha trusted the Word of Jesus concerning the future resurrection at His second


     1. She did not understand that at this time, Jesus was speaking of an immediate


     2. We should never limit the answer to our prayers to our expected outcome.

     3. Jesus can answer prayers in ways we cannot understand.


V:25. " Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."

 A. Jesus sometimes will allow trouble in our lives so we come to Him with questions.

    1. His answer to our questions will lead to a deeper understanding of His Word.

 B. It is only through Jesus that there is resurrection and new life.

    1. We are resurrected from a spiritual death; separation from the Father.

    2. We are resurrected into a spiritual life; communion with the Father.

    3. Those who believe in Christ have eternal life from the moment of belief.

 C. We have to suffer a physical death to begin eternal life with the Father.

V:26. "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"

 A. We gain the physical death with no effort. We are born to die.

     1. We born in a state of eternal damnation.

 B. We gain eternal life just by believing in Jesus.

     1. Our eternal life begins on earth and continues forever in Heaven.

     2. The only requirement for eternal life is belief in Jesus.

     3. After accepting Christ, it not us that live, but Christ that lives

         in us. Gal 2:20


V:27. "She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world."

 A. The first thing we must believe is that Jesus is Christ, the Savior of the world.

      1. Jesus was anointed to be the Messiah. Dan 9:25-26

 B. The second thing we must believe is that Jesus is the Son of God.

      1. Only the Son of God qualifies as the Savior of the world. Isa 45:21

      2. Jesus has a divine nature.

         a. He is God in the Person of the Son.

 C. The third thing we must believe is that He came down from heaven to be the

     perfect sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:14


1. Jesus allows tragedy in our life. V:4-6

2. Jesus uses our tragedy to glorify the Father. V:4

3. Jesus is the solution to all our problems.

4. Jesus allows us to suffer so we can learn of Him. V:21

5. The glory of God is shown in His miracles.  V:40

6. Our faith in God is strengthen when He does the impossible  in our lives. V:40

7. Miracles begin with our prayers V:41-42

8. In Jesus is all we need. V:43

9. We are loosed from our problems when we trust Jesus with them. V:44

10. There is no better love than the love of Jesus for us. V:5

Thursday, May 10, 2012



John 10:7-18


V:7. "Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep."

 A. Jesus has an established relationship with all believers.

     1. He is the only way one can enter into heaven.

     2. The word "verily'' means trustworthy.

         a. Jesus gives us this truth and He confirms this truth with His Word.

     3. If you want to be the sheep of Jesus, you must receive Him as your savior.

 B. Jesus is speaking to each and every one of us.

    1. Everyone is given the opportunity to be saved.

    2. Not everyone will go to the door to be saved.

V:8. "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them."

 A. There are those who are false shepherds.

     1. Their real purpose is to steal physically and spiritually.

 B. Notice, God fixed the mind of His sheep so they are not deceived by false teaching.

     1. Those who are connected with Jesus know the difference between the true Shepherd

          and the Imposters.

V:9. "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

 A. Salvation comes through Christ and Christ only.

      1. "Any Man". Everyone is given the opportunity to be saved.

      2. "Shall be saved". Coming to Christ is effective.

          a. You shall be saved.

          b. There is no sin to bad, that salvation is not given by God.

B. 'Shall go in and out"

     1. Through out the affairs of life, the believer is secure in Jesus.

     2. His salvation cannot be lost.

 C. "Find Pasture"

     1. Jesus provides for the provisions of the believer.

     2. Jesus is the peace of the believer.

     3. Jesus is the rest of the believer.


V:10. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

 A. The mission of Satan

    1. Satan came to Steal.

       a. Satan came to steal the peace and joy of the believer.

    2. Satan came to Kill.

      a. If it were possible the eternal life of the believer would be taken.

      b. If we let him, he can kill our ability to be effective witnesses for Christ.

    3. He came to destroy.

       a. Satan came to destroy the Church and the body of Christ.


  1. He came to provide eternal life for the believer.

  2. He came to provide useful effective life for the believer while he lives on earth.

  3. He came to provide Joy for the believer.

  4. He came to provide peace for the believer.

  5. He came to provide security for the believer.

V:11. "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

 A. The commitment of the Good Shepherd.

      1. Protect the sheep

      2. Provide for the sheep

      3. Direct the sheep into the path of righteousness.

      4. Teach the sheep the Word of God.

 B. The Sacrifice of the Shepherd.

     1. Death on the Cross so that sheep can inheritant eternal life.

V:12. "But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep."

 A. If Christ is the Good Shepherd, then there are some Bad Shepherds.

   1. The Bad Shepherd is not in the ministry for the sheep.

       a. The Good Shepherd is in the ministry for the Sheep.

   2. The Bad Shepherd is in  the ministry for personal gain.

       a. He is in the ministry to get paid a wage.

       b. He is in the ministry for vain glory.

       c. He is in the ministry for power and control.

       d. He is in the ministry to get glory for himself.

       e. The Good shepherd is in the ministry to see that sheep gets the gain.

       f. The Good Shepherd is in the ministry to see that God gets the glory.

   3. The Bad Shepherd leaves when trouble arises to protect himself.

       a. The Good Shepherd stays to protect the sheep.

  4. The Bad Shepherd does not care if the sheep get hurt.

       a. The Good Shepherd tries to ensure that sheep do not get hurt.

   5. The Bad Shepherd will divide the Church to get what he wants

      a. The Good Shepherd will stand up for the sheep to see that God's will is done.

 B. The Bad Shepherd will pervert the Word.

      1. The Bad Shepherd teaches only the Word that lets the sheep feel good in their


      2. The Good Shepherd teaches the Word that convict the sheep of their sins and

           encourages the righteousness of God.

V:13. "The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep."

 A. The Bad Shepherd is in the Ministry for himself.

     1. The Bad Shepherd flees from the ministry of Jesus when his ministry will be hurt.

    2. The Bad Shepherd will not teach the Word that will upset the Sheep.

    3. The Bad Shepherd teaches the word that pleases the Sheep.

 B. The problem in the ministry of Christ Jesus is too many folk have lost their focus and

      their purpose which is the SHEEP.

    1. Whenever we let our individual hurts and feelings direct our decisions in the body of

         Christ, the SHEEP suffer.

    2. When our focus is on us, it is not on the SHEEP.

    3. Instead of being GOOD SHEPHERDS, we become BAD SHEPHERDS.

C. Christ Jesus died on the cross for the SHEEP.

    1. It was the SHEEP who cried crucify Him.

    2. It was the SHEEP who stood by with a closed mouth while an innocent man, Jesus

        was put to death.

    3. It was JESUS who said, "Father forgive them (THE SHEEP)  for they do not know

        what they do."

 D. The evidence of a BAD SHEPHERD is he runs back to the world when trouble comes.

    1. The GOOD SHEPHERD stands because protection of the SHEEP is his mission.

    2. The GOOD SHEPHERD stands because he loves the SHEEP more than his own life.

    3. The GOOD SHEPHERD stands because the SHEEP needs continuous directions for

        their journey to heaven.

V:14. "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine."

 A In order to know the Sheep, you have to get involved with them.

    1. To know the Sheep, personal distraction have to be laid aside.

    2. To know the Sheep, you have to know their hearts.

    3. To know the Sheep, you have to know their wishes

    4. To know the Sheep, you have to know their circumstances.

    5. To know the Sheep you have to know their problems.

    6. The Sheep will take up all your time.

B. For the Sheep to know the GOOD SHEPHERD, they have to be taught the WORD.

    1. The Good Shepherd  must know the Word.

    2. The Good Shepherd must spend much time in the study of the Word.

    3. The Good Shepherd must live the Word as an example for the Sheep.

    4. The Sheep must know the GOOD SHEPHERD as their protector and their Savior.

V:15. "As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep."

 A. A Good Shepherd has an intimate relationship with the Father.

    1. A Good Shepherd is trusted by the Father.

    2. The Father can trust the Good Shepherd to follow His commands.

 B. The Good Shepherd is obedient to the Father, even unto death.

    1. The Good Shepherd knows that He must live His life so that it is worthy

        as a sacrifice to redeem the sheep.

    2. We must live our lives worthy as role models of Jesus for others to follow.

V:16. "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

 A. There are those in the Church and those waiting to be drawn to the Church.

     1. There are those who know the Lord and those who are still in the dark.

     2. Those in the Church are role models for those outside the Church.

 B. All believers were predestined before the foundation of the world to be part of the

     Church of Jesus Christ.  Eph 1:4

    1. Believers were not born in the Church, but were called out of the world to be part of

        the Church. 1 Cor 1:9

    2. Now since we know it is by the Grace of God that we are called out of the world,

        we have an obligation to walk worthy of our calling. Eph 4:1, 2 Thes 1:11

    3. We are the "Light of The World" that draws those in darkness to Christ. Mat 5:16,

        Luke 1:78-79


V:17. "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again."

 A. Adam disobeyed God's command and as a result all mankind was born in sin and in

      need of a Savior.

    1. God's plan of redemption for man rest in Jesus Christ.
        a. Christ became man through a virgin birth.

        b. Christ became the light of the world teaching the Word of God for three and a half


        c. Christ died on the cross to redeem mankind.

        b. On the third day He was resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the Father

            making intercession for the sheep.

 B. The Father loves the Son because He fulfilled all requirements of the Law making

      redemption of mankind acceptable to Him.


V:18. "No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father."

 A. Jesus came down from heaven with the power and authority to complete His mission

     of salvation to man.

    1. Jesus death on the cross was voluntary.

    2. Jesus death on the cross was by divine plan.

    3. Jesus death on the cross accomplished God's purpose.

    4. Jesus used the evilness of man to display Himself on the cross as the sacrificial lamb.

    5. Jesus death on the cross was by His own power.

    6. Jesus death on the cross was the final sacrifice for the atonement of sin for all time.

 B. The resurrection of Jesus was by His own power.

    1. The resurrection of Jesus was the beginning of the Age of Grace.

    2. Jesus is the High Priest making intercessions for man to the Father.

    3. Jesus is the true friend of man.

    4. Jesus is the permanent and final message from the Father.