John 20:1-11
V.1. "Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was
still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. "
A. "The first day of the week"
1. The death and resurrection of Jesus was the beginning of the Church Age.
2. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.
3. Man is no longer under the penalty of the Law but under the Grace of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
4. Justice demands death as the penalty for sin. BUT THE GRACE OF JESUS
imputes righteousness for all believers.
5. The normal worship day for the Church is Sunday, as opposed to Saturday for
Jews under the Law.
B. Mary Magdalene and the other women got up early to serve the Lord.
1. God ought to be first in our day.
2. We ought to start the day off worshipping the Lord.
3. You need to have a plan to serve the Lord each day.
C. While it was still dark they came looking for Jesus.
1. Without Jesus, we are in the dark.
2. Jesus is the light of the world.
3. They came out of the dark into the marvelous "LIGHT".
D. The stone had been rolled away from the tomb.
1. Roman guards were placed in front of the tomb to keep the disciples of Jesus
from getting to Him.
2. No army is a match for Jesus.
3. Jesus can open doors that no man can closed.
4. When Jesus is on your side, you don't have to worry about the enemy on the other
V.2. " Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved,
and said to them, "They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know
where they have laid Him."
A. " Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple."
1. They heard the word that Jesus was alive. Good News ought to be spread.
2. When you got Good News, "You Ought To Run And Tell That.".
2. There is always somebody that need to hear a word from the Lord.
a. They came looking for Jesus sad, but they left happy.
b. They came with no hope, but left with new hope.
c. They came with no possibilities, but left with all possibilities.
3. All things are possible with Jesus.
B. Women have always had a special ministry with Jesus.
1. These women supported Jesus with their substance.
a. They entertained Him in their homes.
b. They studied the Word under the master teacher.
c. They anointed Jesus with perfume.
d. They came to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus.
e. There are certain things that women consider that men may not think about.
2. These women were the first to receive the Gospel message.
a. They were the first to take the message to the street.
B. The Lord instructed the angel to be sure to tell Peter that Jesus was alive. (Mark 16:6)
1. Peter was probably feeling real bad because he had denied knowing Jesus three times.
2. Peter had let the Lord down, in his mind
3. Jesus wanted Peter to know that He was not mad at him. He wanted Peter to pick up
his life and spread the Gospel.
a. The Lord's love is unconditional. The Lord's love don't depend on your goodness.
b Any time we sin, we let the Lord down. Don't worry about it. Just ask for
forgiveness. He is faithful and just to forgive.
C. The women didn't understand how the Lord got out of the tomb, they just knew He
was not there.
1. We don't have to understand how the Lord will do things.
a. We just need to believe He can do whatever we ask.
b. Our business is to believe. We need to leave the doing to Jesus.
c. The just lives by faith and not by sight.
D. " We do not know where they have laid Him."
1. The women had some issues.
2. They heard the Word, but they didn't understand the Word.
3. We will not always understand the Word when we hear it. But in time, the Holy
Spirit will give you an understanding.
V.3. " Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple, and were going to the tomb."
A. There are some things you ought to check out for yourself.
1. You need to know for yourself that Jesus died and arose from the dead.
2. There are times when you ought to study the Word with others.
3. It is good when two can walk together in the Lord.
4. When it comes to the Lord, you got to drop your "hang ups" to serve Him.
B. To serve the Lord, you got to get out of the house.
1. You can't run the race sitting down.
2. The mission of the Lord is in the streets.
V. 4 "So they both ran together, and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb
A. When it comes to serving the Lord, you don't have to keep pace with anyone else.
1. Everyone is given different gifts.
2. We ought not be slow in studying Jesus.
V. 5. " And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen cloths lying there; yet he did
not go in."
A. God gives each of us different desires, interest and abilities.
1. One disciple got to the tomb first, but he just looked in.
2. He observed what he saw, but he just looked in.
3. He stood on the outside and looked in.
4. His interest would not take him any further.
5. He was satisfied with what he saw.
B. We need to be careful that we don't get too satisfied with what we know about
the Lord.
1. There is a lot more we can do if we have the mind for it.
V.6 "Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the
linen cloths lying there."
A. Peter went into the tomb to investigate further.
1. Peter took a closer look.
2. When it comes to the Word, investigate further.
B. When it comes to the Word you got to take a closer look to get the best
1. You can't understand the Word standing on the outside.
2. We need try to place ourselves into the situation to get a better understanding.
V.7 "And the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths,
but folded together in a place by itself."
A. Peter was acting like a detective.
1. No detail was to small for him to consider.
2. The Word of God is very detailed.
a. To get the best understanding, we must consider all that God gives us.
B. Look what Peter observed.
1. The handkerchief that was placed on His head was in a separate place.
2. The linen that was wrapped around His body was folded placed in another location.
3. This was proof that a thief didn't steal the body of Jesus.
a. When thieves break in, they normally leave a house in disarray.
b. A thief would not have taken the time to unwrap the body of Jesus.
C. The tomb was borrowed.
1. Jesus left it in the order that He found it.
2. We need to be careful that we are not the reason for any disorder in the Church.
V.8 "Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first, went in also; and he saw and
A. Sometimes what we do, encourages others to do more for Christ.
1. The other disciple believed after He followed Peter and did his own investigation.
2. Whatever conclusions we come to about Jesus, it ought to be based on our own
V.9 "For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead."
A. Jesus had told his disciples on several occasions the manner of His death and His
resurrection after three days.
1. The disciples faced with the facts, recalled the Words of Jesus. John 2:22
2. The Holy Spirit had not been given to man at this point.
a. The Holy Spirit was given to empower the Church, fifty days after the
resurrection of Christ.
3. One of the jobs of the indwelling of Holy Spirit is to remind believers of
the Words of Jesus.
4. When we face difficulties, the Holy Spirit will remind us of the comforting Words
of Jesus.
V.10. "Then the disciples went away again to their own homes."
A. Death, hell and the grave could not hold Jesus.
1. Jesus is the Head of the Church seated at the right hand of the Father.
2. We serve a risen Lord.
a. There is no grave marker with His name on it.
3. Jesus resurrection points to the believers immortal body resurrection to Heaven at
His second coming.
B. Death, hell and the grave have no claim on the spiritual life of the believer.
1. When we think about what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us, we ought
to be filled with great Joy.
V.11. "But Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into
the tomb."
A. Death is our way to heaven.
1. At some point in time, every believer will face the death of a love one.
2. Even though we know they are in heaven with Jesus, grief is the immediate
effect of our lost.
3. Our grief will soon turn to joy as we embrace the hope of Christ.
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