Thursday, February 16, 2012

This Week's Sunday Lesson, "Christ, The Promise Seed", 2/19/2012


Galatians 3:15-18, 4.1-7

V. 3:15. "Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto."
A. In a contract among men, both parties agree to the terms to be fulfilled. After the
contract is signed and witnessed it becomes a legal document cannot be altered
1. God made a covenant with Abraham, but no agreement was required of him.
2. God's promise to Abraham was unconditional.
3. Fulfillment of the promise had nothing to do Abraham's activities.
4. God promised a "SEED" starting with Abraham through generations that would
blessed the whole world.

V.3:16. "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to
seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."
A. Abraham was the vessel that God used to bring salvation to the whole world and He
made His plan known to Abraham.
1. The promise "SEED" had nothing to do with Abraham and every thing to do with
sin of Adam and God's plan to reclaim perfection for His creation.
2. Sooner or later you will face the argument about man's free will to accept Christ
as His personal Savior.
3. It is God's permissive will to allow man the privilege to accept Christ which is
Grace in action.
4. It is God's permissive will to make all mankind savable through the promise "SEED".
5. Through one man's sin namely Adam, all mankind is condemned.
a. Through one man's death, namely Christ the promised "SEED" all men are made
b. All men are made savable, but not all are saved. Mat 22:15
c. Christ chose you, you did not choose Christ. John 6:70, John 15:16
b. Man by himself will not choose Christ. Rom 3:10-12

V.3:17. "And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,
the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should
make the promise of none effect."
A. The covenant was a contract that God made with Himself to bring about the
righteousness of man through the promised "SEED, Christ.
1. The law was the house rules given to govern the nation of Israel through which
God would bring the promised "SEED" to flesh.
2. The law was the tutor until the righteousness of Jesus Christ was put into effect to
redeem mankind.
3. The law was not given to save, but to show the condemned state of man.
4. Faith came before the law, namely Abraham. Faith reign through the law. And
Faith reigns today, namely Christ.

V.3:18. "For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to
Abraham by promise."
A. God gave Abraham the promise by which all men would be made savable.
1. God did not give Abraham the law by which man if he lives by law is
2. Why would God give a promise to save then a law to condemn?
3. The promise came first by faith, which is the foundation of salvation.
a. The law came second because it contains the rules by which we live. Gal 3:19, 23
b. The law is good because it leads us to Christ. 3:24.

V.4:1. "Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant,
though he be lord of all."
A. When we first came to Christ, we were young and immature, not much different than
the world.
1. God grows us up to be what He desires, so that we can serve Him and be effective
in the ministry.
2. God's elect were always heirs to the kingdom. Eph 1:4-5
a. At the appropriate time God call us out of the world to be His servants. Rom 8:28-

V.4:2. "But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father."
A. When we were children, we were under house rules.
1. We were governed by our parents and our school teachers.
a. Our parents taught us to respect others and the Lord Jesus Christ
([But is under tutors] Epitropous. Guardians and governors; oikonomous, those who
have the charge of the family. These words are nearly similar; but we may consider
the first as executor, the last as the person who superintends the concerns of the family
and estate until the heir become of age; such as we call trustee.) Adam Clark
2. When we became of age we were on our own, but also under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit.
a. Having a foundation laid by our parents, we could govern ourselves.

V.4:3. "Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the
A. Before we came to Christ, the world ruled us.
1. We could do no better, because we did not have the power of the Holy Spirit to
resist sin and the temptations of the world.
2. Anyone that is not in Christ is in the world and bounded by the world's standards.

V.4:4. "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a
woman, made under the law."
A. At the time Adam sinned, God's plan of redemption went into effect. Gen 3:15
1. Christ was revealed as the victor over Satan and his demons. 1 Pet 1:19-21\
2. At the exact appointed time, according to the scriptures Christ was born
into this world by virgin birth. Daniel 9:24-27, Isa 7:14

V.4:5. "To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of
A.[To redeem them] Exagorasee. To pay down a price for them, and thus buy them off.
1. The redeeming price for our sins was Christ death on the cross. Heb 9:26-28
2. Christ died for all believers while we were enemies of the cross. Rom 5:10
3. Christ death brought peace between man and God.
B. Adoption= huiothesia= placing as a son (Christian sonship).
1. Christ died on the cross at hands of man to satisfy God's demand for justice so that
we (believers) could be placed as sons of God the father. Rom 8:15
2."Which adoption we could not obtain by the law; for it is the Gospel only that puts us
among the children, and gives us a place in the heavenly family. " Adam Clark

V.4:6. "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your
hearts, crying, Abba, Father."
A. The first benefit of being placed as a son of the Father is the placing of the Holy
Spirit in the hearts of the believer.
1. The Holy Spirit is believers teacher and guide opening up his understanding to the
wisdom of God.
2. This verse is presents the truth of the Holy Trinity; God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit.
3. The Father sent the Son and the Holy Spirit to benefit all believers.
4. Both the Son and the Spirit are advocates to the Father for believers.
5. The Father sent the Son to redeem men to Himself and the Spirit to keep
believers mindful of the Father.

V. 4:7. "Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God
through Christ."
A. The position of man changes when he comes to Christ.
1. Before Christ, man was bound by his sins, guilty and deserving death.
2. Upon accepting Christ, man is freed from the penalty of sin, having been rendered
innocent by the blood of Christ and placed immediately in family of God.
B. Heir=kleronomos= getting by apportionment, a sharer by lot, a possessor
1. In Christ the blessings of God belong to the believers.
2. What we as believers inherit is Christ who made all things.


Bondage Inheritance Freedom from Tutor

Law Tutor Age of Responsibility Full rights of Son


Sons and Servants are the same

Bondage Son Inheritance

World The Cross Freedom

God's Elect God's Elect Redeemed

Adoption as Sons

Received the Spirit

Gen 12:3 Ex 12:40

Abraham Moses Christ, The Promise Seed

Promise Law Christ + Grace
Born under The Called Out
the Law

Seed Tutor Freedom from the law

Covenant Government Adoption as Sons

Justification by
All Nations Blessed

Working Example
Contracts and Agreement

Signed Sealed + Legally Binding + No Changes acceptable + Protected by Law

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