Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Week's Sunday School Lesson 10/9/2011

Ecclesiastes 9:13-18


13" I also saw under the sun this example of wisdom that greatly impressed me."

A. The wisdom of God is all around us.

1. All we have to do is open our eyes to see it.

2. The wisdom of the Lord is in His Word.

3. You will be exposed to the wisdom from those who preach and teach His Word.

4. You will be exposed to the wisdom of the Lord from those who live by the Word.

B. We ought to be inspired by the wisdom of the Lord.

1. Only the wisdom of the Lord leads to lasting success.

2. Only by the wisdom of the Lord are assured success.

14 "There was once a small city with only a few people in it. And a powerful king came

against it, surrounded it and built huge siegeworks against it."

A. Outside peace in your life will only last for a short period of time.

1. There is always some one or something ready to bring trouble in your life.

2. It is the wisdom of God that will get you through difficult times.

B. There is always someone with more power and more money than you who have

no regards for what you have and no regards for your rights.

C. God is bigger than the whole world against us.

1. Wisdom requires trust in the Lord.

2. Wisdom requires that our actions are guided by God's commands.

15" Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and he saved the city by his

wisdom, but nobody remembered that poor man. "

A. One man of God can make a big difference.

1. One man of God can change the course of history.

2. One man of God can save many lives.

3. We (the body of Christ) are that man.

B. Our Godly efforts will not be remembered long by the world.

1. The world does benefits but does not appreciate or recognize Godly help.

2. This man was poor by the world's standard, but rich in the Lord.

16 "So I said, "Wisdom is better than strength." But the poor man's wisdom is despised,

and his words are no longer heeded. "

A. The rich and the powerful measure their worth by what they have and what they


1. The worth of the poor man of wisdom is who he trusts and what he believes.

a. The poor man in this text trusted God, therefore, his wisdom led to the

overthrow of a kingdom.

b. In His Word, God gives many examples of "poor men" used in His plan.

1) David, a young shepherd boy defeated Goliath .

2) Because David relied on God, he brought down a nation.

3) David was ridiculed for his belief in God, but his wisdom brought down


c. The world does not see the worth of God's wisdom, even though they enjoy the

benefit of his wisdom.

2. Our Godly behavior will not always be appreciated by the world.

a. Our Godly behavior is noticed and rewarded by the Lord.

b. We set the example for others to follow.

c. It is by our Godly behavior that the world is exposed to what is right.

d. It is by our Godly behavior that the world is exposed to the proper way to treat


1) Spouse

2) Family

3) Friends

17 "The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of


A. Those who meditate on the Word of God will gain understanding and benefit from

His Wisdom.

B. Wisdom of God cannot be debated.

1, If debated, it will be lost in the argument.

2. God does not need your help to prove His Word.

3. Scripture proves itself.

4. God expects believers to develop an argument for His Word using His Word.

18 "Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good."

A. By weapons of war men use their might to fight the enemy.

1. Not knowing the will of the enemy to survive, the weapons may not be effective.

B. By the wisdom of God man develops relationships which may eliminate the need

for war.

C. A foolish decision ignores the wisdom of God and creates hostility and becomes


D. It would appear that the wisdom of man is more effective than the wisdom of God.

1. Man controls the financial market.

2. Man controls the manufacturing market.

3. Man controls the agricultural market.

4. However God controls the outcome of the plans of man.

a. God uses the energy of man to bless His creation.

b. We must remember that in all things, God is working for the benefit of the


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