PROVERBS 15:21-33
Proverbs 15:21; Proverbs 15:22
V. 21. Folly (is) joy to (him that is) destitute of wisdom -
A. "Folly," i.e., sin.
1. Foolishness is joy to the unwise.
2. To act like an idiot is fun to the empty- headed.
3. The wicked ignores God and walks in sin
B. But a man of understanding walketh uprightly.
1. A wise man knows to be serious.
2. The wise makes a business of understanding the will of God.
3.The godly being men of understanding, have "joy" in uprightness, and therefore
'walk' on in it.
4. They are deeply sorry when they have been temporarily betrayed into sin (2
Corinthians 7:10-11).
V.22." Without counsel (Hebrew, sod-literally, secret counsel) purposes are
A. We don't know everything. We should consider the advice of others we know to be
wise when making decisions.
1. When we act without considering the consequences of our actions, we are likely
to make wrong decisions and therefore be disappointed.
B. "But in the multitude of (good) counselors they are (each) established."
1. The first thing we need to know is how to identify a good counselor.
2. Good counselors follow the Word of God.
3. We must be able to compare the advice of others with the Word of God.
4. Therefore, we must know the Word of God for ourselves.
a. Our primary counselor is the Holy Spirit.
b. When we yield ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our plans will
V. 23. "A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth."
A. We have the power to bless others with our conversation.
1. A word of encouragement can lift up another.
2. A word of encouragement can provide hope and incite into the goodness of God.
B. "And a word spoken in due season, how good is it!"
1. We must consider the situation of others when we speak.
2. Some things don't need to be said, for they can discourage.
3. Whatever we say should be out of the love we have for others.
4. Times of trouble are the times when encouragement in the Lord is needed.
5. Given at the right time, a good word can change a life or maybe save a soul.
V.24. "The way of life is above to the wise. that he may depart from hell beneath."
A. Those who follow God, must look to God as the source of their help.
1. Those who follow God, must look to God as the source of guidance and directions.
2. The redeemed of the Lord are blessed with eternal life.
B." That he may depart from hell beneath."
1. Death is the domain of the devil.
2. We were born in the devil's domain, but given the right to life though the
redemption in Jesus Christ.
3. A long happy life is promised to the one who fears the Lord
Verse 25. - The Lord will destroy the house of the proud
A. The Lord hates the proud for they think of themselves only and take advantaged
of the weak.
1. The proud are quick to take what is not theirs.
2. The evil of the proud will be their downfall.
B . " But he will establish the border of the widow"
1.God looks after the poor, the destitute, the helpless and widowers.
2. God keeps a record of how we treat others.
3. God knows if we obtain something dishonestly.
a. There is a punishment for stealing.
4. God will protect those in need including their property.
Verse 26. "The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD."
A. The Lord is not pleased with the wicked.
1. God hates the thoughts of the wicked.
2. God hates the conversation of the wicked.
B. "But the words of the pure are pleasant words."
1. God take pleasure with the pure in heart.
2. God is pleased with the conversation of the pure in heart.
3. God delights in purity.
a. Our devotion and meditation are accepted by God.
b. Our prayers and praise are accepted by God.
V.27. "He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house."
A. A greedy person is irrational.
1. He can easily be led to dishonesty
2, His measure of worth is based on what he has or can gain.
3. He is selfish and has little regard for the rights or needs of others.
4. He ignores the command of God to love his neighbor .
5. Because he is greedy, he walks the path of destruction and will eventually
bring his house down.
B. "But he that hateth gifts shall live."
1. One who is generous with what he has, sees his worth in his giving.
2. He is grateful to God for what he has and he favors others with his giving.
3. He finds his best living in his giving.
V.28. "The heart of the righteous studieth to answer."
A. A man right with God is slow to speak .
1. He considers the situation before giving an answer.
2. He speaks from a heart of love and compassion.
B. " But the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things."
1. The wicked speaks from the flesh.
2. He gives an answer without consideration.
3. He values his opinion over the rights of others or the righteousness of God.
V. 29. The LORD is far from the wicked."
1. An evil person can't expect his prayers to be answered.
a. He has no relationship with the Father.
b. He only calls on the Father in desperation.
c. When he calls on the father, he has no faith to expect an answer.
B. "But he heareth the prayer of the righteous."
1. Hear we have the conditions for prayers to be answered.
a. We must be right with God.
b. We must be right with our brothers.
c. We must ask in Jesus' name.
V.30. "The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart:."
A. We ought to see the good in others.
1. A word of encouragement can lift up others.
2. It our duty to be concerned about the well being of others.
3. We should see the good around us.
a. The works of God is wonderful.
b. It does the heart good to praise God for His wonderful works.
c. We can complain about the heat, or give God praise for His sunlight.
i. The complaint brings us down.
ii. The praise lifts us up.
d. We can complain about not having what we want, or praise God for what we
i. The complaint brings us down.
ii. The praise lift us up.
B. "And a good report maketh the bones fat."
1. It is good to hear something good about those we love
2. It is good to hear that our friends are walking according to God's Word.
V. 31. " The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise."
A. It is good to have friends who correct us when we are wrong.
1. It is a wise man who listen to advice of others and corrects his ways.
V:32. "He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul."
A. The error of the sinner is to ignore the value of his soul.
1. It is good friend who cares enough to council us.
2. It is a wise man who take council to heart.
3. A. fool ignores good council
B. "But he that heareth reproof getteth understanding."
1 It is good to learn from our errors.
2. True success in life depends on doing the right things.
3. The soul is secured by following God's ways.
V:33. "The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is
A. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
1. When we humble ourselves before the Lord we can receive His instructions.
2. Life is most profitable when we trust the Lord with it.
3. Following God's commands is the only path to true success.
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