Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week's Sunday Lesson 10/2/2011

Proverbs 29:16-25


V.16 "When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall

see their fall."

A. Certainly when there are more wicked folk there will be more trouble.

B. An important Biblical doctrine is noted.

1. Wicked nations and wicked families will eventually fall.

2. If it were not so in the process of time righteousness would be banished from

the earth.

C. Righteousness will always prevail according to God's design.

V:17. "Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy


A. Here. God gives us the results of following His commands to discipline our children.

1. In the long run the family will have rest because the child will become wiser and do

right things.

2. Because of the child's wise decisions, the family will rejoice.

a. Parents rejoice when their children follow God's commands.

V:18. "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is


A. When man rejects the Word of God, he follows his own path which may lead to his


1. The good will of man is established in the Will of God.

2. We will find true joy following the commands of God.

V:19. "A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not


A. Servant: in this case is one controlled by the lust of the flesh. a servant of the devil.

1. One who has no regard for authority or for doing right will not listen to the words

of wisdom.

2 . God's wisdom is foolish to the world.

B. A foolish man will not answer the call to the right thing because he is determined to

follow his own path.

C. We do well when we heed the corrections given by those in authority.

1. When we give reverence and respect to those in charge, our hearts are lifted up.

V:20. "Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of


A. A man who speaks without thinking, is likely to say the wrong thing and / or offend


1. We should be careful to consider our thoughts before making them public.

2. It would be better to say, "I need time to think about this" or "I don't know"

than to give a rushed answer.

B. A fool who listens can learn, but a hasty man even though he has great knowledge,

will end up saying or doing the wrong thing.

V:21. "He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his

son at the length."

A. When you treat someone as family, they soon become part of the family.

1. We are commanded by God to serve one another.

a. We are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

b. We are all part of the family of Jesus Christ.

c. Therefore we are to love and cherish each other.

B. We all can be of help to one another.

1. God has gifted each of us with talents and abilities to build the body of Christ.

2. Romans 12:6 says; "We all have different gifts".

a. Our gifts are to be used to edify the body of Christ.

C. Because we are members of the same body, we role model ourselves for Christ.

1. In so doing we train up others.

V.22. "An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression."

A. Two human emotions we must control

1. Anger is a normal human emotion.

2. Our anger prompts us when some action against us is wrong and does not line up

with the Word of God.

3. We must control our anger to keep us from sin.

a. We must not let the sun go down on our anger.

b. In others word; get over it and move on.

4. We must not allow our anger to disturb the peace of the family.

B. The state of being furious is anger out of control.

1. Furious: Hebrew, pashang; daring and profane transgression, such as passionate

oaths, taking God's name in vain

2. When we become furious we are controlled by our anger and will cause trouble

for ourselves and others.

V:23. "A man's pride shall bring him low."

A. When we take credit for what God has done, we are in a state of pride.

1. We can take credit for nothing. We must give God the Glory.

2. When we fail to give God the glory we anger God. (James 4:6)

B. "But honour shall uphold the humble in spirit."

1. God gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)

2. Christ is King, we must give him the honor and abide in His grace.

V:24. "Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and

bewrayeth it not." ( The accomplice of a thief is his own enemy;

he is put under oath and dare not testify. NIV)

A. When we steal, we brake God's command.

1.If we are an accomplice to a crime we are just as guilty.

2. If we witness a neighbor committing a crime, we have an obligation to

be truthful when call upon to testify.

B. Those involve in criminal activity have no regard for their own soul.

1. One involved in criminal activity set himself up for a fall.

V:25. "The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be


A. We should put our trust in God.

1. Man will let you down.

2. You can depend on God.

a. Those who trust man have a lack of conviction of God's Word.

b. Inner strength comes from a knowledge of God's Word.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PROVERBS 25:1-11



V.25:1."These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah
copied out."
A. Men of the "King" copied the Word of God.
1. Any time the Word is presented, you ought to take notes.
2. I find that I am more likely to remember the details of a lesson or sermon if I take
3. My notes can be compared to the Word of God.
4. The only way I can be sure that notes I took are in line with the Word of God
is to study the Word.
B. This text identifies the writer as Solomon.
1. God does not leave us in the dark as to the man He used to write His Word.
2. The text identifies the time of the initial writing; the time of Solomon. (1015 BC)
3. The text identifies the time of the copy; the time of Hezekiah the King (726 BC)
a. This is a historical document.
b. This is a divinely guided document.
4. There are 300 years between the first writing by Solomon and the copy by the men of
king Hezekiah.
a. This lend credibility to document being divinely inspired and divinely preserved.

V. 25:2. "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing."
A. God knows everything from the beginning to the end.
1. We do not know the beginning of things created or the end.
2. God has not made everything known to man.
a. If He did, it would be too much for our small brains to comprehend.
b. God is infinite and we are finite.
c. We may know of our beginning, but we were not there. We don't know of our
end for we will not be conscience of it.
b. But God is present all the time; from the beginning to the end.
3. It is good news that God is Omnipresent, because only He can guide our way.
4. The word "glory " is from the Hebrew word "kabod" which in this context means
honor or magnificence.
a. We have to give God the glory because He is Omniscience (knows all things).
b. God reveals to us that which is needed for our existence on earth.
c. There are some things that God knows that would be to hard for us to grasp.
B. "But the honour of kings is to search out a matter."
1. A king does not know all things, neither does he know completely the hearts of
2. A king is wise to investigate all matters before making decisions.
a. A king is wise to surround himself with trustworthy men.
b. A king is wise to surround himself with good counselors.

V.25:3. "The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is
A. We have no idea where the outer limits of space are.
1. As technology advances we can see further into the universe with telescopes,
rockets, and satellites.
a. Scientist are constantly discovering previously unknown stars and planets.
b. All that God did during the 6 days of creation will never be known by man.
2. Our universe is attributed to the Glory of God.
a. God's unlimited power and knowledge are displayed before us.
b. What we see in God's creation we cannot completely understand.
B. A king is responsible for and sees the whole of his kingdom.
1. His subjects understand that which affect them, but not all that the king is
responsible for.
2. Likewise we are only familiar with a small portion of God's creation.
3. Therefore we must put our complete trust in God and not question His
decisions for our lives.

V. 25:4. "Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the
A. Fire refines silver
1. It is by the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are refined.
2. Jesus died for our sins. He made all men savable.
3. Our redemption became effective with our faith in Jesus.
4. Our regeneration continues with our submission to Word by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
5. Our regeneration make us a useful vessel for God.

V.25:5. "Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established
in righteousness."
A. Established=kuwn= setup , framed, prepared., rendered prosperous.
1. The house of the Lord is framed in righteousness.
2. All prosperity comes from the Lord.
B. We should frame our households in the righteousness of God.
1. A house established by Word of God will be prosperous.
2. Wickedness can bring down the house.

V.25:6. "Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king,
A. Men in power want all the glory.
1. Therefore don't set yourself up for a fall by trying to glorify yourself before men
who consider themselves great.
B. "And stand not in the place of great men"
1. It is better to be humble before those in power.
2. God deserves all the Glory.
a. If we lift God up, He will draw us to Himself.

V. 25:7. "For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither; than that thou shouldest
be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have seen."
A. It would be most embarrassing to lift yourself up in the presence of men, and
then be brought down by the one you are trying to impress.
1. We should be careful to not let pride come before wisdom.
2. It is a normal human reaction to want to feel important before man.
a. It is also a normal human reaction for others to want to pull you down.

V. 25:8. "Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof,
when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame."
A. Don't be in a rush to accuse another.
1. Take time to gather the facts.
2. Never assume that the facts you have are 100% correct.
a. Some times people give information based on what they want you to believe.
b. Some times people give information based on what they heard.
3. It would be better to let a matter go, than to accuse wrongly.

V. 25:9 "Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another:
A. There are two sides to every story.
1. Be sure you have heard both sides before coming to any conclusion.
a. Hear say evidence is just that "hear say". There may be no truth in it.
B. Never bring to public, something you have heard in private.
1. A secret is not a secret if more than one person knows about it.
2. You may never be able to validate something revealed in private.
C. If you have a problem with a person, take the problem to him.
1. You may gain an understanding and discover it is not problem at all.
2. Some things can be left unresolved.
a. Some things are not worth pursuing.

V. 25:10. "Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away."
A. A person who reveals something told in secret can't be trusted.
1. Your reputation is very important.
2. Be careful what you say about others.
a. Lift others up with good words
b. If you don't have something good to say, it would be best to be quiet.


V.25:11. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
A. Your conversation should encourage others.
1. Your conversation should build up others.
2. Your conversation should give God the credit for all good.
3. Your conversation should promote the goodness of God. Phil 4:8-9.
B. Everybody needs a "Good Word".
1. In season and out of season, you ought to speak the Word of God.
a. In your daily walk.
b. In your conversation
c. In the way you treat others
2. Think of yourself as a child of God.
3. Think of others as children of God.
C. Remember God Loves You.
1. Therefore, you must love God.
2. You must love others,
a. Your family
b. Your friends
c. Your enemies
D. Successful Living Begins With Love

Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Week's Sunday School Lesson 9/18/2011 "Wisdom For Daily Living"

PROVERBS 15:21-33


Proverbs 15:21; Proverbs 15:22

V. 21. Folly (is) joy to (him that is) destitute of wisdom -

A. "Folly," i.e., sin.

1. Foolishness is joy to the unwise.

2. To act like an idiot is fun to the empty- headed.

3. The wicked ignores God and walks in sin

B. But a man of understanding walketh uprightly.

1. A wise man knows to be serious.

2. The wise makes a business of understanding the will of God.

3.The godly being men of understanding, have "joy" in uprightness, and therefore

'walk' on in it.

4. They are deeply sorry when they have been temporarily betrayed into sin (2

Corinthians 7:10-11).

V.22." Without counsel (Hebrew, sod-literally, secret counsel) purposes are


A. We don't know everything. We should consider the advice of others we know to be

wise when making decisions.

1. When we act without considering the consequences of our actions, we are likely

to make wrong decisions and therefore be disappointed.

B. "But in the multitude of (good) counselors they are (each) established."

1. The first thing we need to know is how to identify a good counselor.

2. Good counselors follow the Word of God.

3. We must be able to compare the advice of others with the Word of God.

4. Therefore, we must know the Word of God for ourselves.

a. Our primary counselor is the Holy Spirit.

b. When we yield ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our plans will


V. 23. "A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth."

A. We have the power to bless others with our conversation.

1. A word of encouragement can lift up another.

2. A word of encouragement can provide hope and incite into the goodness of God.

B. "And a word spoken in due season, how good is it!"

1. We must consider the situation of others when we speak.

2. Some things don't need to be said, for they can discourage.

3. Whatever we say should be out of the love we have for others.

4. Times of trouble are the times when encouragement in the Lord is needed.

5. Given at the right time, a good word can change a life or maybe save a soul.

V.24. "The way of life is above to the wise. that he may depart from hell beneath."

A. Those who follow God, must look to God as the source of their help.

1. Those who follow God, must look to God as the source of guidance and directions.

2. The redeemed of the Lord are blessed with eternal life.

B." That he may depart from hell beneath."

1. Death is the domain of the devil.

2. We were born in the devil's domain, but given the right to life though the

redemption in Jesus Christ.

3. A long happy life is promised to the one who fears the Lord

Verse 25. - The Lord will destroy the house of the proud

A. The Lord hates the proud for they think of themselves only and take advantaged

of the weak.

1. The proud are quick to take what is not theirs.

2. The evil of the proud will be their downfall.

B . " But he will establish the border of the widow"

1.God looks after the poor, the destitute, the helpless and widowers.

2. God keeps a record of how we treat others.

3. God knows if we obtain something dishonestly.

a. There is a punishment for stealing.

4. God will protect those in need including their property.

Verse 26. "The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD."

A. The Lord is not pleased with the wicked.

1. God hates the thoughts of the wicked.

2. God hates the conversation of the wicked.

B. "But the words of the pure are pleasant words."

1. God take pleasure with the pure in heart.

2. God is pleased with the conversation of the pure in heart.

3. God delights in purity.

a. Our devotion and meditation are accepted by God.

b. Our prayers and praise are accepted by God.

V.27. "He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house."

A. A greedy person is irrational.

1. He can easily be led to dishonesty

2, His measure of worth is based on what he has or can gain.

3. He is selfish and has little regard for the rights or needs of others.

4. He ignores the command of God to love his neighbor .

5. Because he is greedy, he walks the path of destruction and will eventually

bring his house down.

B. "But he that hateth gifts shall live."

1. One who is generous with what he has, sees his worth in his giving.

2. He is grateful to God for what he has and he favors others with his giving.

3. He finds his best living in his giving.

V.28. "The heart of the righteous studieth to answer."

A. A man right with God is slow to speak .

1. He considers the situation before giving an answer.

2. He speaks from a heart of love and compassion.

B. " But the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things."

1. The wicked speaks from the flesh.

2. He gives an answer without consideration.

3. He values his opinion over the rights of others or the righteousness of God.

V. 29. The LORD is far from the wicked."

1. An evil person can't expect his prayers to be answered.

a. He has no relationship with the Father.

b. He only calls on the Father in desperation.

c. When he calls on the father, he has no faith to expect an answer.

B. "But he heareth the prayer of the righteous."

1. Hear we have the conditions for prayers to be answered.

a. We must be right with God.

b. We must be right with our brothers.

c. We must ask in Jesus' name.

V.30. "The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart:."

A. We ought to see the good in others.

1. A word of encouragement can lift up others.

2. It our duty to be concerned about the well being of others.

3. We should see the good around us.

a. The works of God is wonderful.

b. It does the heart good to praise God for His wonderful works.

c. We can complain about the heat, or give God praise for His sunlight.

i. The complaint brings us down.

ii. The praise lifts us up.

d. We can complain about not having what we want, or praise God for what we


i. The complaint brings us down.

ii. The praise lift us up.

B. "And a good report maketh the bones fat."

1. It is good to hear something good about those we love

2. It is good to hear that our friends are walking according to God's Word.

V. 31. " The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise."

A. It is good to have friends who correct us when we are wrong.

1. It is a wise man who listen to advice of others and corrects his ways.

V:32. "He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul."

A. The error of the sinner is to ignore the value of his soul.

1. It is good friend who cares enough to council us.

2. It is a wise man who take council to heart.

3. A. fool ignores good council

B. "But he that heareth reproof getteth understanding."

1 It is good to learn from our errors.

2. True success in life depends on doing the right things.

3. The soul is secured by following God's ways.

V:33. "The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is


A. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

1. When we humble ourselves before the Lord we can receive His instructions.

2. Life is most profitable when we trust the Lord with it.

3. Following God's commands is the only path to true success.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Week's Sunday School Lesson 9/11/2011

PROVERBS 4:10-15, 20-27


V.10. "Hear, my son, and accept my sayings, And the years of your life will be many."


A. "Hear my son"

1. This indicates a personal relationship with the Father

2. This indicates a family relationship.

a. When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, it became personal and

we became part of God's family.

B. This is a loving relationship.

1. God's love for us is indicated by the giving of His Word to us; "accept my saying".

2. God's love for us is indicated by the giving of an understanding of His Word.

a. The world is not giving the ability to understand His Word.

b. The world does not have the teacher (Holy Spirit) of His Word.

C. God's love for us comes with promises

1. "Years of life will be many."

2. God's love for us comes with provisions

a. To live long means He will supply our needs.

3. God's love comes with protection.

a. To live long means God will protect us.

V. 11. " I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths."

A. God's love for us comes with guidance and directions.

1. Wisdom is a precious jewel.

a. It cannot be brought.

b. It can only be obtained with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

B. The Bible is a permanent record of God's Word.

1. God's Word is true and unchangeable.

2. If we follow God's Word we will always be on the right path.

3. If we follow God's Word, we will be guided in making proper decisions.

4. We must study and mediate on the Word of God to be ready to apply it to our

daily situations.

V. 12. When you walk, your steps will not be impeded; And if you run, you will not


A. One who lives according to the Word of God takes times to consider every action

or decision.

1. He is honest and fair in his dealing with others.

a. When you are honest and fair, you don't have to look over your shoulders.

2. He will not be embarrassed by his decisions because his ways are strait (that is his

ways are strict. wisdom is a narrow way).

B There are times when speed is required.

1. He will not stumble because his actions are according to the Word of the Lord.

2. Because he cannot change the order of things, God will order his steps so he will

not stumble.

V.13. "Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life."

A. Having received God Word, we must make it our business to hold on to it.

1. Because of the trials of life, we must not become impatient or weary.

2. We are tempted most in troubled times to stray away from God's rule.

3. Satan is always busy trying to temp us in straying from God's rule.

4. It is in tough times when what we believe about God is tested.

B. We must at all times let the Word be our hope and encouragement.

1. Jesus is the Word. Because He is, we can't bear to let him go.

V.14. "Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not proceed in the way of evil men."

A. Here is a great caution. If you see evil coming, go the other way!

1. Do not entertain the evil ways of men; you may get comfortable in them.

2. Do not even consider the evil ways of men. Evil ways begin with evil thoughts.

a. Evil thoughts considered, soon become evil ways.

V.15. "Avoid it, do not pass by it; Turn away from it and pass on."

A. Evil is all around us.

1. The only way to avoid evil is to put on the whole armor of God.

2. We must meditate on the Word of God.

a. God is our path around evil.

3. We must keep evil a distance from us. We can easily be drawn to it.

V.20. "My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.

A. Hear is our path away from evil. Meditate on the Word.

1. We must listen carefully to the Word of God.

a. Listen as if this is the most important thing for this moment.

2. We must manage our time. No we must manage God's time

3. We could give attention to the world, but world will lead us astray.

a. Attention to the world is a poor use of God's time.

B. Attention to the Word is most profitable.

1. It is a source of comfort.

2. It is a source of hope.

3. It is a source of Joy.

4. It is a source of right directions.

5. It is the only path to heaven.

V.21. " Do not let them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst of your heart. "

A. God gives us directions for handling His Word.

1. We must Keep sight of His Word.

2. The Word is the light of life

3. The Word is the rule of life

4. The Word is the straight and narrow path of life

5. The Word is the only source of good advice.

B. We must keep the Word in our heart.

1. Out of the heart flows the issues of life.

2. The Word must be stored in our heart where we ponder and meditate.

3. The Heart is the door to the soul

4. The Word is food for the soul.

5. The Word is a treasure worth more than all the gold and precious jewels.

6. We must empty our hearts of the world to store up the Word.

V.22. " For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their whole body."

A. The Spiritual life is guided only by the Word.

1. The spiritual life can only grow by the Word.

2. It is the Word that draws us closer to the Father.

3. It is by the Word that we understand the Father.

a. We can't know who the Father is unless we study His Word.

b. We can't know the goodness of God unless we study His Word.

B. Our mental health is based on the Word.

1. Jesus said that Father sent the Holy Spirit to teach us all thing and remind us of

Word (John 14:26).

2. Our mental health controls our physical health.

a. It is our faith in Jesus that makes us well.

b. It is our faith in Jesus that makes us whole.

V.23. " Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life."

A. The Word keeps the mind from vanity.

1. The Word keeps our understanding clear of error .

2. The Word guides our thoughts and clears our mind of bad thoughts

3. It is by the Word that we pray and an sanctify our soul.

4. It is by the Word that faith grows.

B. The heart is the place where all actions of life are derived.

1. The heart is the seat of Spiritual life.

2. The heart guided by the Word springs right principles directed to right ends.

3. Great care should be taken of the heart, because the goodness of life depends on


V.24. "Put away from you a deceitful mouth, And put devious lips far from you."

A. A deceitful mouth comes from a heart that is void of the Word or a heart that

ignores God's Word.

B. A heart guided by the Word will not flow devious words.

V.25. " Let your eyes look directly ahead, And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of


A. Our eyes should be focused on the path of truth and holiness

1. We should not look to the right or to the left, but straight ahead to the path of life.

a. To the right or left is the world which distracts us from the path.

B. In front of us is faith, hope, joy and eternal life.

V.26. " Watch the path of your feet, And all your ways will be established. "

A. A Heart guided by the Word will consider what is right or wrong and be

guided in the right path.

B. It is the righteousness of God that establishes our ways.

1. It is the righteousness of God that keeps us steady and constant and

guides us in divine truths.

2. The promises of God are fulfilled in our lives when we focused and driven

by God's truths.

V.27. "Do not turn to the right nor to the left; Turn your foot from evil."

A. The path of righteousness is the narrow way

1. The path of life proceed on the narrow way.

2. The path of light is the narrow way.

B. Darkness is to the right or left.

1. Evil lurks outside of the narrow path.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Giving God's Way

Matthew 6:31-33


There is popular car commercial, where the car company uses rats to advertise their car.

Have you seen it? The rats are dress with their gold chains an jamming to the beat.

There are the cool rats who drive the new car. They compare this to the uncool

rats who move around in a card board box.

The commercial has a hip hop beat. You Can deal with this or you can deal with that

You can deal with this or you can deal with that,

The commercial is all about options. You have the option of driving a cool car, You can

deal with THIS. Or move around in a card board box, You can deal with THAT.

Did you know that God give us options. It is in the text. Matthew 6:31-33

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or,

Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that

ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall

be added unto you.


In this passage of scripture, Jesus identifies two classes of people;

Christians, believers, that you Greater Macedonia.

and the second class is the world, Gentiles, he call them.

To the believers, you Greater Macedonia, Jesus gives options

You have the option to worry or trust God. "You can Deal with This"

Non believers don't have an option. They can only worry. "They have to deal with that"

You Greater Macedonia, you can worry about what to eat, what to drink and what cloth

to ware. Or you can trust God to provide.

Deal with This; trust God,

Or deal with That; Worry.

Look at your neighbor, say Neighbor You Got options, Trust God or Worry.

There is a requirement to exercise your options.

It's in the text. : Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

What does that mean? Follow God's Commands. If you follow God's command, you

don't have to worry. You can trust God. It's easy to DEAL WITH THIS.

One of God Command concerns this offering The Bible says, "God Loves a Cheerful

Giver. Give and it will be given to you. YOU CAN DEAL WITH THIS

It's blessing Time Greater Macedonia, Exercise your option. DEAL WITH THIS

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