Friday, March 23, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Be Obedient And Be Blessed", 3/25/2018


2 Chronicles 7:12-22

For this lesson, I used the " The Message, The Bible In Contemporary Language" by Eugene H. Peterson   2002
I use this version, not to change the King James version, but to see the Word
from a different perspective.

V:12 God appeared to Solomon that very night and said, "I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship."
A. After the 14 day dedication of the temple was over, God visited Solomon
    that night.
   1. Doing the celebration, there was prayer, sacrifices and lots of noise.
   2. Many people were busy doing the task that was assigned to them in 
       in the dedication of the temple.
   3. Sometimes God allows us to enjoy the celebration of Him before
       He gives us new directions.
   4. His voice would be downed out in all the noise.
B. It is in our quite time that God speaks to us.
   1. When you meditate on the Word, the Word though the power of
        Holy Spirit will speak to you.
   2. God responds to some prayers immediately.
   3. When it comes to our commitment to God, we will hear from Him.

V:13 If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people,
14 and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I'll be there ready for you: I'll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health.
15 From now on I'm alert day and night to the prayers offered at this place. "
A. Everybody who comes to church is not devoted to God.
    1. Solomon threw a big party for God and everyone showed up to celebrate.
    2. Many people show up for the celebration, but not for God.
B. God knew that heart of His chosen people had not changed with the dedication
     of the temple.
    1. God knew that His nation would continue to worship idol gods.
    2. God gave Israel a choice to follow His commands with a promise of
        abundance with their obedience.
C. God gives us the attitude we need to be blessed by Him.
    1. We must humble ourselves before Him.
    2. We must seek His presence.
    3. We must turn from our wicked ways.
    4. We must ask for forgiveness.
D.  The promise for obedience is prayers answered and restoration
       of the land.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
   1. Every believer in Jesus Christ can lay claim to this promise.
   2. Successful living  is a result of obedience to God's commands.

V:16. " Believe me, I've chosen and sanctified this Temple that you have built: My Name is stamped on it forever; my eyes are on it and my heart in it always."
A. Whatever we dedicate to the Lord with a pure heart and pure motives will be
      accepted by Him.
     1. Romans 12:1 states, " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that
         you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your        
         reasonable service."
    2.  1 Corinthians 6:19 states, " Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy 
          Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own."
 B. We were chosen by God before the foundation of the world.   Ephesians 1:4
    1. We were purchased with the price of the blood Jesus shed on the cross.
    2. We have been sealed until the day of redemption.

V:17-18. " As for you, if you live in my presence as your father David lived, pure in heart and action, living the life I've set out for you, attentively obedient to my guidance and judgments,
18 then I'll back your kingly rule over Israel — make it a sure thing on a sure foundation. The same covenant guarantee I gave to David your father I'm giving to you, namely, 'You can count on always having a descendant on Israel's throne.'"
A.  This covenant has both a conditional and a non conditional element.
    1.To the nation of Israel, the non conditional part of the covenant was fulfilled with the
       death and resurrection of  Jesus. 
    2. Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of lords.
    3. He reigns forever over all believers.
    4. Our salvation is not conditional on our own merits.
B. The conditional part of this covenant is being fulfilled in all those who
     reject Christ as their personal savior.

V:19-20 "But if you or your sons betray me, ignoring my guidance and judgments, taking up with alien gods by serving and worshiping them,
20 then the guarantee is off: I'll wipe Israel right off the map and repudiate this Temple I've just sanctified to honor my Name. And Israel will be nothing but a bad joke among the peoples of the world. "
A. The Nation of Israel as a whole continued to worship idol gods.
     1. They worshipped God with their lips, but their hearts was for from Him.
     2. In 586 BC, God allowed Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to destroy the temple
         that Solomon built, burned down Jerusalem and take Israel captive  for
         seventy years.
B. The Bible is a record of God keeping His promises.
     1. The temple was rebuilt after  Israel was released from Babylonian
     2. Again, the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by Titus after Israel
         rejected Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

V:21-22. " And this Temple, splendid as it now is, will become an object of contempt; tourists will shake their heads, saying, 'What happened here? What's the story behind these ruins?'
22 Then they'll be told, 'The people who used to live here betrayed their God, the very God who rescued their ancestors from Egypt; they took up with alien gods, worshiping and serving them. That's what's behind this God-visited devastation.'"
A. Today the temple in Jerusalem remains in ruins.
     1. The nation of Israel still reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
     2. The temple is now being rebuilt in the hearts of all believers.
     3. John 2:19 states, "Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it 
         again in three days."
B. The physical temple has never been rebuilt after it's destruction in 70AD.
    1. Only the western wall still stands today.
    2.  This is the fulfillment of God's prophecy resulting from Israel's
         rejection of Jesus as Lord and Savior.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 west Sam Houston Park Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs, and

(from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

Friday, March 16, 2018

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Old Fashion Holy Ghost Party", 3/18/2018


2 Chronicles 7:1-9

V:1. "Now when Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven  and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the house. "
A. God blesses our efforts   to honor him.
     1. Prayer is a way to communicate with God.
     2. Prayer is a way to honor God.
     3. Prayer is a way to praise God.
     4. Prayer is a way to tell God what we think.
B. God will show us that we are blessed.
    1. When Solomon finished praying, God acted on his prayer.
    2. God consumed his offering.
    3. We are blessed when God uses what we offer Him and shows us
         how he used our offering.
C. God loves to hear from us.
    1. God will show us that He heard us in a way that we will know
        that it  only  Him.
    2. Fire came down from heaven and consumed the offering.
    3. Part of the offering had been burnt but it had not been consumed.
    4. God consumed the entire offering.
E. God loves the time we spend with Him.
    1. We have to give God something to work with.
    2. It is what we offer Him that He will magnify before our eyes.
F. When we are in right standing with God, He will fill our house
     with His glory.
    1. The offering was in obedience to God's commands.
    2. The offering was honoring God before man.
    3. The offering was what God commanded the people to bring
         to Him.
    4. The offering was presented to God the way God commanded
         Solomon to present it.
    5. God will consume what we give and fill us with His spirit,
        when we are in right standings with Him.

V:2. " The priests could not enter into the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled the Lord's house. "
A. God and sin cannot be in the same place.
    1. All have sinned and fall shot of the Glory of God.
    2. We have to surrender ourselves to God and  focus our attention wholly                           
         on Him to be filled with His Spirit.
     3. A person who is filled with Spirit of God, does not look like, act like
        or walk like a person who is not filled with the Spirit.
     4. I would bet that we are not always filled with the Spirit
         a. We do to much worldly stuff.
         b. Our conversation is not always driven by the Holy Spirit
         c. The reason we don't see God's glory is because we don't position
             ourselves to see His glory.

V:3 ."All the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down and the glory of the Lord upon the house, bowed down on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave praise to the Lord, saying, "Truly He is good, truly His lovingkindness is everlasting."
A. Once you realize the presence of  God, you ought to fall down before Him.
    1. We ought to always worship God.
    2. We ought to always give God the praise of our lips.
B. Our praise ought to be all day long.
    1. Our praise ought be all day because God is good all day.
    2. Our praise ought to be all day because he loves us all day.
    3. Our praise ought to be all day because God is kind to us all day.
C. Don't take for granted God's work in creation.
    1. The rising of the sun is in God's Glory
    2. The moon and the stars are in God's Glory
    3. The air we breath is God's Glory
    4. All the functions inside of our bodies are miracles of God's glory.
    5. You don't have to go far to see God's Glory.

V:4-5. " Then the king and all the people offered sacrifice before the Lord.
5 King Solomon offered a sacrifice of 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. Thus the king and all the people dedicated the house of God. "
A. We ought to get prepared to party with Lord.
    1. The worship service went on for 14 days.
    2. There was seven days of worship for the dedication of the altar.
    3. There was seven days of worship for the feast of the tabernacle.
B. The people continued to bring offering for the extraordinary event of the
     dedication of the Lord's house.
    1. Extraordinary events of the Lord require extraordinary sacrifices.
    2. There are times when we need to put aside all our personal needs and
         focus completely on the Lord.
    3. When we serve the Lord, He expects us to give cheerfully and abundantly.
    4. We cannot beat God's giving, but we can show our love by our
         generous giving.

C. The leaders sets the standard of giving that we should follow.
    1. Jesus set the standard of giving by offering Himself as a sacrifice for
         our sins.
    2. We are commanded to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and
         acceptable to God.

V:6. " The priests stood at their posts, and the Levites also, with the instruments of music to the Lord, which King David had made for giving praise to the Lord — "for His lovingkindness is everlasting" — whenever he gave praise by their means, while the priests on the other side blew trumpets; and all Israel was standing. "
A. Everybody has a place in the worship service.
   1. The preachers and teachers prepare and minister the Word of God.
   2. The Musicians  and the choir prepare and minister to us in
        praise and worship.
   3. I think about the unending effort of our culinary minister in preparing
       and serving food for funerals and all our special events.
       a. When one event is over, they clean up and get prepared for the next
       b. I see their faithful service without complaining .  
       c . Can you imaging killing and preparing 142,000 animals.
       d. Can you imaging the clean up that is required.
       e. God does things for us continuously that we cannot
           imagine or conceive.
   4. The text says all the people were involved in the worship
   5. No one should enjoy the service and go home without being involved
       in the work of the service.
B. God has been good to all of us.
    1. We ought to be good to God and all the members of the body of Christ.
    2. God's work is never done.
    3. We all have been blessed to serve.
    4. Therefore, while we live, our work is never done.

V:7. "Then Solomon consecrated the middle of the court that was before the house of the Lord, for there he offered the burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings because the bronze altar which Solomon had made was not able to contain the burnt offering, the grain offering and the fat. "
A. Whatever we use in the service for God should be consecrated to God.
     1. God is pure, therefore as best we can, we should make our service
         holy to God.
     2. All of the vessels and articles used  should be dedicated to God.
B. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we belong to God.
    1. As we grow, our area dedicated to the Lord should grow.
    2. Every area of our lives ought to be dedicated to the Lord.
    3. There should be no room for the devil to reside in us.

V:8-9. " So Solomon observed the feast at that time for seven days, and all Israel with him, a very great assembly who came from the entrance of Hamath to the brook of Egypt.
9 On the eighth day they held a solemn assembly, for the dedication of the altar they observed seven days and the feast seven days. "
A. Once we get into a habit of daily worship of the Lord, we should see it as a
     never ending service.
   1. God love for us is never ending.
   2. When we see ourselves as members of the body of Christ, we should
        see our need for continuous  none stop devotion.
B. Worship of the Lord should be seven days of the week,
   1. Every moment of every day ought to be devoted to the Lord.
   2. If God stopped loving us for one moment, we would not exist.
   3. We feast in the grace and mercy of the Lord continuously.
   4. No believer should ever feel like he/she does not have a
       responsibility to worship and serve the Lord.
   5. We are the church the  world sees continuously. 


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way North
Houston Texas 77041

For more lessons follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and

Friday, March 2, 2018

Sermon: "How To Do Battle With The Devil", 3/1/2018


Luke 4:1-13


We have got to understand that we are in a constant, never ending battle with the
devil. Ephesians 6:12 states "12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The devil is a master at working on the mind.  The Apostle Paul said
" but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members.
(Romans 7:23)

V:4. " Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness ."
A. Only baptized believers are equipped to handle a battle with the devil.
    1. To do battle with the devil you have to summit yourself to  the Holy Spirit.
    2. You have to be led by the Holy Spirit.
B. To do battle with the Devil, believers have to understand the value of a wilderness
    1. It is a time of meditation and prayer.
    2. It is a time to study the Word
    3. It is a time to be tested and strengthen by the Lord.
    4. A time to come to the conclusion that Word of God has power and
        authority over your life.

V:2. " for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they had ended, He became hungry. "
A. To do battle with the Devil you have to understand who he is,
     1. He is a fallen arch angel.    Ezekiel 28:12-17,  Isa 14:12-14
     2. He is the prince of the power of the air.   Eph 2:1-2
     3. He is the father of lies.   John 8:44
     4. He is Beelzebub, the ruler of demons.  Matt 12:44
B. To do battle with the Devil, we need know how he operates.
    1. He disguises himself as an angel of light.    2 Cor 11:14
    2. He knows the Word of God.
        a. He is a master of deception.  Rev 12:9
        b. His copy of the word has a lot of scratch outs and insertions.
    3. The devil goes to and fro to see who he may devour.  Job 1:7,  1 Peter 5:8

C. The devil knows your areas of weakness.
    1. He knows when you can be easily influenced
    2. He invades your space.
D. After 40 days without eating, Jesus was hungry.
   1. Satan appealed to Jesus flesh.
   2. Satan knows what your appetite is.
       a. It could be food.
       b. It could be clothes
       c. It could be the love of any number of things.
       d.. Whatever your appetite is, Satan will find a way to temp you.

V:3. " And the devil said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread."
A. The flesh was hungry. The devil used that as his invitation.
    1. Notice, the devil said  "if".
    2. If suggest a lack of confidence.
    3. One of the tricks of the devil is to undermine your confidence in yourself
        and the Word of God.
   4. Another  trick of the devil is to get you focused on your situation, rather
       the One , Jesus, who controls your situation.
B. When you are facing a crisis, its easy to see the negative, doom and gloom,
     rather than a positive outcome.
   1. If the Lord allowed your crisis, then He is in control  of it.
   2. If the Lord allowed your crisis, then He has a purpose for it.
C. To battle the devil you have to be confident in who you are and whose
     you are.
   1. There should be no "if". There should only be, you are a child of God.
   2. You cannot prove you are a child of God to someone who do not want
        believe it.

V:4. " And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE.".   Deu 8:3
A. The only way to fight the devil is with the Word of God.
    1. The only way to know the Word of God is to study the Word of God.
    2. The only way to get the Word of God ingrained in your mind is to
         meditate on it.
B. The only way to have confidence in the Word of God is to use it in your
   1. You cannot fight Satan without the power of the Word.
   2. Faith in the Word is your shield against the devil.
   3. You have to trust God to supply your needs.
   4. Jesus said whatever you as the Father in My Name will be given
       to you.
   5. It is not up to us to determine how God will act, but trust that He will
       act on our behalf.

V:5-7. " And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said to Him, "I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
7 "Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours."
A. Another temptation of the devil is to appeal to your desire to be in control
     of your situation.
   1. To put yourself in control is to eliminate God.
    2. To put yourself in control is to put trust in your ability and eliminate trust in God.
   3. to put yourself in control is to put the devil in control.
B. Another scam of the devil is to misrepresent himself.
   1. God never gave the devil authority over the world. God made the devil the
       ruler of darkness.
   2. In the book of Genesis, God gave man authority over His creation.
   3. You cannot give away something you don't own.
   4. If it sounds to good to be true, then most likely it is.
   5. The devil is the father of lies
       a. He will lie about anything to gain your worship of him.
       b. The devil wants to focus you on getting God's glory.
       c. Glory belongs to the Lord.

V:8. " Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'"   Due  6:13
A.  The devil's objective before his fall from grace was to take God's place.
     1. Isaiah 14:13 states, " You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise   
         my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on 
         the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. "
    2. The devil was placed in the Garden of Eden by the Father.    Ezekiel 28:13
    3. He became proud of his position as the "morning star" and he corrupted
B. It is the devil's objective for you to worship him.
   1. Notice, if the devil can get you attached and dependent on "things", he will
       have your worship to him.
   2. The devil tried to get Jesus focused on the things of the world.
   3. The devil is doomed to hell and there is no redemption for him and his

9 And he led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here;

A. The devil will work on your mind to get you to commit suicide.
     1. Philippians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by 
         prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
     2. Anxiety leads to depression and depression can lead to suicide.
     3. Many people in hopeless situations, due commit suicide.
B. Notice the devil quoted Psalms 91:11-12. But he carefully misstated
     the intent of the scripture.
     1. The intent of the scripture is if a believer finds himself in this
         situation, do to no fault of his own, God will be his protector.
     2.You don't cross a busy freeway and expect God to keep you from
         getting hit by a car.

V:12. " And Jesus answered and said to him, "It is said, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE  
  LORD  YOUR GOD TO THE TEST."    Deu 6:16
A. When my wife was raising our sons, she told them don't do stupid.
    1. We gave them freedom, as long as they did the right things.
    2. God gives us freedom in everything as long as we don't do stupid.
B. You don't test God for the sake of a test to prove your worth. Philippians 4:6
     states, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, 
     with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. "
    1. This last test of the devil was for the sake of a test.
    2. The devil started each temptation of  Jesus with "If".
    3. With God, "if" is always conditional on our obedience to His commands.
    4. God always design test for us to strengthen our faith.

V:13. " When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune   
A. You can only fight the temptation of the devil with the Word of God.
     1. The devil has no power other than persuasion.  
     2. He enters you mind with evil plans and ideas and lies.
     3. Without knowledge of the Word of God you cannot tell the difference between
          good and evil.
     4. Only believers has the knowledge of the Word.
B. Once the devil knows that you trust the Lord, he will leave you alone.
    1. But only for a season.
    2. The devil will return to temp you again when you are having issues with
        your family, friends, job or with your faith.
    3. You are never free from the devil's temptation, therefore you must
         always be on your guard.

Rev. M, Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

This Week's Sunday School Lesson,"God Will Get You Ready For The Next Level", 3/4/2018


Genesis 22:1-17

V:1. " It happened after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" He said, "Here I am."
A. God designs tests to strengthen your faith for the next level of your walk
     with Him.
    1. The Bible does not tell us the age of Abraham at time of this test.
    2. Some Bible Scholars suggest that he may have been above the
        age of 120.
    3. You would think at this age, his faith in God was well established and
B. This says to me that you never get to old for God to use you.
   1. This also says to me, you never get to old for God to test you.
   2. This says to me that you never get to old to respond to God's call.

V:2. " He said, "Now take your son, your only son, whom you love, even Isaac, and go into the land of Moriah. Offer him there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I will tell you of."
A. This is one of those commands that my 5 year old grandson would say, "are
     you serious".
   1. Can you imagine been told to sacrifice the love of your life?
   2. Abraham was 99 years old when Isaac was born.
   3. Isaac may have been in his late teens or early twenties when Abraham
       got this command from God.
B. Sacrificing children in worship may have been a common practice for
     those who served idol gods.
   1. As far as I know, this was the first request by God to sacrifice a child
       or man in worship.
   2. This command certainly was different from any of God's commands
        to Abraham.  

V:3. " Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. He split the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went to the place of which God had told him."
A. Abraham did not hesitate to do what God told him.
   1. Certainly Abraham had a special attachment to his son.
   2. Isaac was God's promise son to fulfill His promise to Abraham
       of  his descendants being as numerous as the sands on the sea shore.
B. I cannot imagine what was going through Abrahams mine as he walked with
     Isaac toward the mountain knowing that he had to kill his son.
    1. What we do know is Abraham acted out of obedience to the Lord.
    2.. He knew what he was going to do and I am sure it was a terrible
C. We do not know the mind of God.
    1. We have act on faith and leave the outcome to God.
    2. Whatever we do for God will work to our benefit.    .

V:4-5. " On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place far off.
5 Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go yonder. We will worship, and come back to you."
A. It was a three day walk to the mountain that God sent him to find.
    1. Abraham had plenty of time to meditate on God's Word on his
        trip to the mountain.
   2. We have no indication that Abraham doubted  God's command.
   3. Three is a significant number.
       a. There are three in the Holy Trinity
       b. Jesus spent 3 days in the grave.
       c. This may be a prelude to the scrifice of Christ.
       d. It was Abraham only begotten son. Jesus was the only begotten
           son of the Father.
B. Notice, Abraham did not discuss what he was going to do with the men
    that was with him or with his wife.
   1. Some things that God tells you to do have to be kept private.
   2. Other people may not understand God's plan for you or
       God mission for your life.
   3. Other people might oppose God's plan and try to persuade you to
        disobey God's command.
C. Notice Abraham did not allow the men who traveled with him to go
     up on the mountain to witness the sacrifice of his son.
   1. God spoke to Abraham in private, so he carried God's command
        in private,
   2. It is a testimony to Abrahams faith to remain calm while
       doing what was uncomfortable for him to obey God's

V:6 -8. "Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. He took in his hand the fire and the knife. They both went together.
7 Isaac spoke to Abraham his father, and said, "My father?" He said, "Here I am, my son." He said, "Here is the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"
8 Abraham said, "God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son." So they both went together."
A. Abraham walked up the mountain with his son in obedience to God's command.
    1. Abraham knew that he and Sarah was well past the child baring age when God
        gave them a son.
    2. Abraham probably considered that if God could raise up a son from a dead womb,
        He could also raise up Isaac from the dead.
B. With Abraham's confident in his God, he calmly assured Isaac that God would provide
    a lamb for the offering.
  1. Abraham loved God so much that he did not tell Isaac that he was the sacrifice.
  2. Abraham loved God so much that he did not tell Sarah that her son was God's
  3. Abraham loved God more than his family.
  4. What love one would you die for to satisfy God's command?
C. Like Jesus, Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice.
    1. Like Jesus, Isaac walked with his executioner.
    2. Like Jesus, Isaac was innocence of any crime requiring death.
    3. Like Jesus, the father planned the execution of his son.

V:9. " They came to the place which God had told him of. Abraham built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, on the wood."
A. Isaac stood and watched as his father build an altar without seeing a lamb.
    1. Since the Bible does not tells, what do you think?
    2. What do you think Abraham said to his son as he was tying him up for the altar?
    3. Do you think Isaac resisted being tied up and placed on the altar?
    4. Do you think God was in control of Isaac to make sure he didn't resist?
B. Do you think Abraham had an regrets for putting his son on the altar?
    1. What emotions do you think Isaac had toward his father as he was laying on
        the altar?
    2. Do you think Isaac thought that his father loved God more than him?

V:10-12. " Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to kill his son.
11 The angel of Yahweh called to him out of the sky, and said, "Abraham, Abraham!" He said, "Here I am." 12 He said, "Don't lay your hand on the boy, neither do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me."
A. Abraham showed that God was first in his life by preparing to kill his son.
    1. Abraham showed that any possession he had was noting compared to
        his love for God.
    2. Abraham trusted God with the outcome of his situation.
B.  God will show up in the mist of your circumstances.
    1. He will always be on time.
    2. Your circumstances are tests to see if you trust God.
    3. Just as Abraham, was bout to kill his son, God showed up
        and stopped Him.
   4. The purpose of Abraham's test was to show God that
        he trusted Him with the life of the one he loved the most.
   5. The Lord God we serve is a jealous God and will not be second
        to anyone or anything.
   6. Sometimes God has to remind us to put Him first.

V:13. " Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and saw that behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering instead of his son."
A. You will know when God is at work in your life.
    1. Out of nowhere will come the solution to you problem.
    2. The solution to your problem will come from God with no help
        from you.
    3. Sometimes the solution is in front of you, but God has to open your eyes
        to see it.
B. The Ram was caught by it horns in the thicket.
    1. By it's horns so it could not break free.
    2. By it's horns so it would be easy for Abraham to capture it.

V:14. " Abraham called the name of that place Yahweh Will Provide . As it is said to this day, "On Yahweh's mountain, it will be provided."
A. To commemorate God's intervention into your life, you should give the
     event a name.
  1. Abraham name the place Yahweh Will Provide.
  2. How many time can we count that God provided what we needed?
B. If God heal you, name the place in His honor.
   1. If God fought your battle, call it Yahweh Nissi
   2. If God brought peace into your life, you call it Yahweh Shalom.
   3. If God has guided you,  call it Yahweh Ro'i


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way North
Houston, Texas 77041

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