Thursday, February 23, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "How To Live Like A Christian", 2/26/2017


Galatians 5:18-6:10

V:18. " But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law."
A. This should be the goal of every Christian; be led by the Spirit.
    1. It is the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to be our teacher, comforter and
    2.  We all(believers)  have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    3. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to teach us all things.
    4. So the question is, are we willing to listen to the Holy Spirit?
B. The Question is, how do we hear from the Holy Spirit?
    1. You hear from the Holy Spirit by studying the Word.
          a.  John 14:26 " But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father                           
               will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you                              
              of everything I have said to you. "
          b. John 16:13 :  "The Holy Spirit will not speak on His own, but will speak
              only what He hears."
    2. I believe that if it is a question of what is right or what is wrong,
        the Holy Spirit will prick our minds and hearts in the direction of
    3. Before you take any action, take time to meditate and the Holy Spirit will let you
        know  what is right.
    4. The key is to never act without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    5. Another key is to never think you know what is best without the
        Holy Spirit guidance.

V:19-21. " Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."
A. Verses 19 -21 list seventeen specific sins or categories of sins which corrupts us.
    1. We were born in the flesh and therefore subject to the sins of the flesh.
    2. Before Christ we were  powerless against our fleshly desires.
    3. If we are real with ourselves, we would admit we have been involved in
        some of these sins.
 B. We can't hide from our sins, so we should admit to the Lord and go to
      next step of repentance.  
   1. We participated in these sins before Christ and in some degree may still be
   2. Old attitudes are hard to change.
   3. Change is a growing process that takes place over time.

V:22-23. " But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."
A. Verses 22 and 23 list nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.
    1. As we grow, the old fleshly habits gradually change to new habits, which
        manifest themselves in fruits of the Spirit.
   2. All of us are in different stages of spiritual growth.
B. Following the flesh, leads to death.
   1. Following the Spirit leads to eternal life.
   2. The Good News is Christ death on the cross has freed us from the
       penalties of our fleshly sins.
   3. Christ is tolerant enough to allow us to grow into spiritual maturity.
   4. Christ is not surprised that all of the fruits of the Spirit are not yet
       manifested in us.

V: 24. " Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
A. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
    1. By position established with Christ, the flesh no longer has power over us.
    2. We have to learn to exercise God's power over our flesh.
B. Our fleshy passions and desires will subside over time as we grow in the life
     of Christ.
    1. I think we must be truthful with ourselves that we are not all that Christ
        desires for us.
    2. We are still on the road of spiritual growth with ourselves and those
        around us.
    3. Getting better never ends.

V:25-26. " If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. Bear One Another's Burdens"
A. The Christian lifestyle is a new way of living.
      1. We are to live by the spirit.
      2. We must yield ourselves to the influence of the Spirit.
      3. It is natural for us to be under the influence of the world.
      4. Since the world opposes the Spirit,  all we have to do is be abnormal.
        a The world says hate, the Spirit says love.
        b. The world says get even, the Spirit says forgive.
        c. The world says show your pride, the spirit says be humble.
 B. This Christian life is not all about us.
    1. The Christian life is about serving one another.
    2. Jesus said, I did not come to be serve, but to serve.
    3. Being a Christian, sometime means the  sacrifice of our desires for the desires of
        another. That is change.
    4. Our opinion does not have to be pushed all the time. Let the
        the other person have the spot light. 
    5. We don't have to be right all the time. Let the other person be right
        especially when it really does not affect anything.   

 V:6.1-2. " Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual,  
  restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too
  will not be tempted. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ"
A. The world says if anyone is caught doing something wrong, point it out
     so every one can see it.
    1. The new Christian attitude says treat everyone as you would like to be
    2. Don't be to quick to judge when you don't know the full story.
    3. Even if the fault is true, counsel the brother in private in the right way.
B. We should never be harsh when approaching someone.
   1. Treat everyone with the spirit of gentleness.
   2. Even if you are treated harshly, bless the other person with a spirit of gentleness.
   3. Love covers a multitude of sins.

V:3-4." For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another."
A. Don't think to highly of yourself.
    1. To think highly of yourself is to think your are better than someone else.
    2. There is nothing wrong with knowing what you are worth and standing
        by what you believe.
        a. We have to be careful in so doing, not to devalue another person.
        b. To God, we are all equal, but have different skill sets.
B. When we boast, we should boast in the Lord.
   1. Give the Lord credit for your accomplishments. 
   2. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
   3. A good person is satisfied with his own work and
       and what he has accomplished with his labor.

V:5. " For each one will bear his own load."
A. You will reap what you sow.
    1. What you measure out will be measured back to you.
    2. Every man will have his proper reward.
    3. A virtuous man will find contentment in his works.
    3. A vicious man will find misery.
    4. One who is generous, will have others generous to him.
    5. One who causes trouble will constantly be in trouble.
B. God will judge those who judge others.
    1. We are commanded not to judge so we want be judged.
    2. The key is to do unto others what you want done to you.
    3. Whatever you do for Christ,  will have a  reward.

 V:6. " The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who
      teaches him."
    A. Those who teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be supported
         by those who benefit from the Word.   1 Cor 9:7-15
       1. A laborer is worthy of his reward.   1 Tim 5:18
       2. The congregation of any Church should take care of the shepherd
           of the Church.
   B. God looks out for His preachers and teachers who dedicate themselves to
     1. God blesses the members of the Church who bless their pastor.
     2. God has given us great spiritual resources through His shepherds.
     3. We should see it as our duty to share our material success with
          the pastor.

V:7-8. " Do  not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will   
 also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption,
 but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."
A. God does not like lazy and evil folk.
    1. God does not like the selfish or the proud.
    2. The success or failures of our lives depend on our own efforts.
B. Those who work hard will eventually reap the benefit of their labor.
   1. Those who serve the Lord will reap spiritual benefits.
   2. Those who cause trouble in the lives of others, trouble their own lives, 
   3. This is the simple principle of what goes around comes around.
   4. If you Sow good seeds, you will reap a good harvest.
   5. If you Sow bad seeds, you will reap weeds and thorns.

V: 9. " Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not
 grow weary."
 A. This is how faith operates and how faith grows.
     1. God is good to us all the time.
     2. God has been good to us, so likewise we ought to be good to others.
     3. It is easy to do nothing, or do bad, but it takes a change in the heart
         to do good to those you come in contact.
     4. It takes a change in our lifestyle to see our mission in life as
         doing good things for others.
     5. We don't just serve God by coming to Church. That is what we
         ought to do.
     5. We serve God when we sacrifice ourselves for the good of the Gospel.
     6. We serve God when we sacrifice ourselves helping others in need.
B. Our faith grows as we serve because we see the power of God working.
    1. There is a promise of a reward given in this verse.
    2. We will reap if we continue to serve.
    3. The word "weary" is a Greek word which means to relax or set yourself free,
        free from the burden of doing good.
    4. We have to endure a time of doing good for others before we see the
        good God has for us.
    5. Do not get discourage because you don't see a change in your life as
       you serve the Lord.
        a. God made this promise of reaping.
        b. Just hang on, and God will make good on His promise.
    6. Sometimes the reaping is when you see the joy that you bring others by
           serving them.
    7. Sometimes it is your serving that brings you joy and peace.

 V:10. " So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and
  especially to those who are of the household of the faith."
 A. Time is not on our side.
     1. None of us know how long we have to live.
     2. You don't have to be sick to die.  Healthy people die.
     3. You don't have to be old to die.  The young die also.
 B. The Apostle Paul urges us to do good all the time to all people.
    1. All people includes those you like and those you can't stand to be
    2. All people includes friends and enemies.
 C. Apostle Paul makes a special request that we do good to our brothers
      and sisters in Christ.
    1. How is it that we can get along with folk outside the Church but
        go the other way when we see certain people in the Church?
    2. We don't have to like what someone does, to treat them with kindness
        and gentleness.
    3. We really don't know what some one is dealing with when we see them.
         a. Their reaction to you may be a response to something that is
             troubling them.
         b. Your tender, loving response might be the encouragement they need.
    4. When you have a lifestyle of doing good, rewards will come to you. 


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and

Friday, February 17, 2017

Bible Study Lesson, "Stand On Your Faith" 2/15/2017


Daniel 6:1-28

V:6:1-3.   A Godly Attitude Makes A Difference
     A. Your attitude makes a difference to those around you
          1. Daniel was preferred over workers because of his spirit.
          2. Daniel was elevated.
          3. He was trusted ( Because of his obedience to God).

   V:4-9  Everybody Is Not Pleased With Your Worship
         1. Daniel was hated by his peers because of because of the
             favor of the King.
         2. Really. He was hated by his peers because of the favor
             of his God.
         3. Some folk, envious of the what God has done for you will
             try to destroy you.
         4. Verse 5: It is a good thing when the only fault people can
              find against you is you faith in God.
         5. Daniels peers concluded together to make Daniels religion
             a problem with the King.
               a. Three things Daniel's enemies didn't know:
                   1). The king was the Lord's servant.  Jer 27:5-7
                   2). The king had faith in the Lord of Daniel's life.
                   3). Daniel life was protected by the Lord.
         6. According to the conspiracy of Daniel's peers, the king signed an
             order that if anyone  worshipped someone other than the king
             they would be put to death. 

V:10-14. Worship God Doing Your Troubles
       1.  Verse 9: Daniel, knowing the threat on his life openly worshiped his God.
       2. The worship of the Lord does not prevent trouble in your life.
       3. Sometimes the worship of the Lord invites trouble into your life.
       4. Nevertheless, Stand On You Faith In God.
       5. Verse 14: Because Daniel trusted the Lord, the King was on his side.
           a. Your faith in God affects folk in high places.
           b. Your faith in God causes others to believe in God.

V:15-18.   God Will Test  Your Faith
      1. God allows trouble in your life to test your faith.
      2. Can you trust God with your life?
      3. Some things you can't change.
      4. Verse 18. When you are in trouble, God will have other folk
           praying for you.
      5. The King stayed up all night long praying for Daniel.

V:19-23. Give God Credit For Your Success
     1. God answers prayers.
     2. Give God credit your you delivery.
     3. Thank all those who prayed for you.
     4. Verse 23:  Other folk rejoice in your delivery
          from trouble.
     5. Your faith in God gives others cause to rejoice.

V:24. Your Enemy Is Not Your Problem
    1. God will take care of your enemies.
    2. The battle is not yours, it is the Lords.

V: 25-28. Your Faith Makes A Difference In The Lives Of Others
    1. The faith of one person can make a difference in a
         whole nation.
    2. Never doubt the effect that your faith in God has on others.
    3. God uses your faith in Him to develop the faith in others.
    4. God introduces trouble in your life to show His power and
        authority to the world.
    5. In times of trouble, stand on your faith and God will elevate you.
    6. Daniel's faith caused a revival in a whole nation.

Rev. M Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Church


This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "We Are Free, Free Atlast", 2/19/2017


Galatians 5:1-17

V:1-2. " It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you."
A. The text identifies two doctrines: the Law and Grace.
     1. The Law was the old covenant introduce to the Jews after they were
         freed from slavery in Egypt.
     2. The law was designed as a tutor for the Jews in the righteousness of God
     3. The law was not designed for salvation but for condemnation.
     4. The law pointed to the sins of man, and it still does.
     5. No man except Christ Jesus was able satisfy all the requirements of the Law.
B. The blood of Christ shed on the cross atoned for all the sins of mankind,
     past, present and future.
     1. Christ death, ended the Age of the Law and ushered in the Age of Grace.
     2. Faith in Jesus, freed all believers from the requirements of the Law.
     3. Adherence to the Law is works salvation which is no salvation at all.
C. Circumcision was the sign of an everlasting covenant God made with Abraham and
     his descendants regarding the possession of the promise land.      Gen 17:10
     1. Circumcision was  included in the Law for all Jews.
     2. Belief in circumcision is belief in the law which is slavery.
D. The Law and Grace opposed each other.
     1. The Law condemns. Grace saves.
     2. The Law enslaves, Grace frees.
     3. Those who believe in the Law nullify the effects of Grace.
     4. Salvation is by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
     5. Salvation is a free gift of God and not of works.

 V:3-4. " And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. 4 You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace."
A. If the Law could save there would be no need for grace.
    1. If the Law could save, Christ would not have  died for our sins.
    2. I think the  problem is, if you are born and breed in  traditions that
        have served the nation for generations, you will have difficulty disregarding your
    3. When some new belief comes along, it is hard to let go of the old.
B. The Jews had been trained incorrectly in their traditions , so that
     they could not see Christ as the answer to salvation.
    1. For generations, Jewish male babies were circumcised on the eighth
        day after birth in obedience to the Law, but not for salvation.
    2. Paul presents the doctrine of salvation by Grace, free from the Law.
    3. Whoever combines conditions of the Law with Grace, nullifies Grace.
    4. We are not justified by works of the Law, but by Grace only.
    5. Those who seek salvation by adding a condition of  the Law, fall from Grace.
    6. Circumcision is of no value to salvation.

V: 5-6. " For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.
A. God is  love.
    1. Everything God has done, and will do is out of His love for us.
    2. God gave the Jews the law as a tutor for a season until Grace came.   Gal 3:24-25
    3. The Law is good and teaches us the righteousness of God.
    4. The Law was never designed to save, but to show us how far short we fall from
         the glory of God.
    5. There is no good in us to justify salvation.
B. It is the baptism of the spirit through faith in Jesus Christ that renders us right before
     the Father.
   1. Christ having fulfilled all the requirements of the Law with His death on the cross
       open the door for believers to enter into heaven.
   2. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for us.
   3. Circumcision is works of the Law and not of love.
   4. In Christ, there is equality of all believers of which circumcision has no part.
   5. Equality in the body of Christ comes through faith in Jesus alone.

 V:7-8. " You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you."
A. We do well in our Christian faith when we tune out the world and it's opinions.
    1. We are a peculiar people which the world cannot understand.
    2. The World cannot receive the spirit of truth, because it is foolishness to them.
B. It is very important that we study the Word of God for ourselves.
   1. The preaching and teaching of the Word by others may help our understanding.
   2. It is when we study the Word for ourselves that the Holy Spirit enlightens the
       truth that will be engraved in our hearts.
   3. For this reason, Satan is ready to bring in outside influences to destroy our                  
       hope in Jesus.
V:9-10. " A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. 10 I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view; but the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment, whoever he is."
A. In this twenty first century, the influence of the world is all around us. It is in the
     news and in the internet.
   1. Miss information about Biblical Truths even comes from the pulpit.
   2. From the pulpit we hear sermons about the blessings of God, but rarely about the
       sin that corrupts us.
   3. We rarely hear from the pulpit that some of the blessing of God are contingent
       upon our obedience to the Word of God.
  B. Acceptance of a little bit of sin will eventually lead to more sin which
       can corrupt the whole body.
     1. If we listen to the world, we would come to believe that certain sins
         are worse than others.
     2. Is murder worse than lying?   
        a. Is adultery worse than rape?
        b. Certainly, according to our laws, one carries a greater penalty than others.
        c. But according to God's commands, all sin carries the penalty of death.
     3. If we are not careful, the world will influence us to believes lies about
         the righteousness of God.
 V:11-12. " But I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished. 12 I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves."
A. The lie about circumcision as a condition of salvation was propagated by
     those who opposed the Christian faith.
   1. We as Christians, have to know the truth so that we can stand against the
        opposition to our faith.
   2. There are many religions today that do not accept Christ as the way to
   3. Some say Christ was a good man and that He did some good things, but
       He was not the son of God.
 B. There are some religions that do not recognize our God as the true and living
    1. We as believers cannot change the worlds belief about their gods.
    2. It is the Word of God that we proclaim that has the power to change minds.
    3. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
    3. We should not get discouraged by the false information we hear about Our
         God, but stand firm in our beliefs.
    4. God is here to strengthen us in the face of opposition.

 V:13-14. " For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."
A. Love is the key to our freedom in Jesus Christ.
    1. All the requirements of the Law are fulfilled in our love for each other.
    2. God began His creative process with Love.
B. Love frees us from the emotion of hate.
    1. Love promotes forgiveness.
    2. Love sees the good in worst of people.
    3. Love promotes tolerance and harmony.
    4. Love sees the friend that our enemies can be.
    5. Love allows us to be all that God desires.

 V:15. " But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another."
A. What you measure out will be measured back to you.
    1. Discouraging words promote more discouraging words.
    2. Hate promotes more hate.
    3. Corruption promotes more corruption.
    4. You can't keep a person down without bringing yourself down.
    5. The very evil you crave will consume you.
B. In all that you do, do it with love and compassion for others.
    1. Let the aim of you day be to promote love and peace.
    2. When opposition comes your way, see it as an opportunity to
        show love.

V:16-17. " But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."
A. When we accepted Christ, we were given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    1. We must seek to allow the spirit to lead and guide us.
    2. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to reminds us of what Jesus would do in our situations.
B. The Holy Spirit reminds us that the best way to handle any situation is with love
     and kindness.
    1. We can face down the devil with love.
    2.  A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stirs up anger.    Prov 15:1
    3. It is a normal human reaction when push into a corner to come out fighting.
    4. The Holy Spirit reminds us that the battle is not ours, it is the Lords.
    5. The best thing to do is to bestow love and kindness on those who oppose us.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and

Thursday, February 9, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Be Watchful So That You Don't Fall Away", 2/12/2017


Galatians 4:8-20

V:8 "However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which
       by nature are no gods."
 A. How is it that when you were in the world you followed the ways of the world?
     1. How is it when you were in the world you were held bound by ways of the world?
     2. When you were in the crowd, you readily followed the crowd.
     3. When you were in the crowd you had a crowd appetite.
     4. When you were in the dark, you had an appetite for darkness
     5. When you were in the world, you lack the wisdom of God.
     6. When you were in the world, the world was your god.
     7. Since idol gods are nothing, you had nothing for a god.
B. The world, your idol god, provided nothing of value.
    1. The world, your idol god, was a constant drain on your emotions,
        your trust and your pocketbook.
    2. The world, your idol god, drove a wedge between you and your neighbor.
    3. People spent thousands of dollars to get to the super bowl and came away with
        nothing but an experience.
       a. An experience for some that ended in frustration and disappointment.
       b. An experience that made the rich richer and the majority poorer.
       c. They experienced the excitement for a few hours, now it is just a memory
   4. Let me give you an example of how much influence the world has on us, the
       ( I not trying to make anyone feel quilt, but making a point about our focus.
         There is nothing wrong with having a good time, but put God first)
      a. Just before the super bowl there was a plea  from the pulpit
          to help a totally incapacitated deacon of a church who lost everything he                 
          owned in a fire.
      b. The majority of the church walked out without helping, headed straight
          to their destination and some I am sure, to a super bowl party.
      c. The majority of the church missed an opportunity to participate in
          the grace of giving.     2 Cor 8:7
      d. We give our money to the world which gives back nothing.
      e. We give up the finer things in life for things that have no lasting value.
      f. We have the SUPER BOWL OF FAITH which we exercise only when we
          need something for ourselves.


V: 9. " But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is  
          it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which
          you desire to be enslaved all over again?"
A.  Now that you know God, you are no longer blind but in the light.
     1. Now that you know God, you are no longer without the wisdom of God.
     2. Now that you know God, you have been freed from the bondage of the world.
     3. Now that you know God, you have access to all God's commands and
         the power of the Holy Spirit to understand them.
     4. Now that you know God, you have the power and the authority of God to live
         a successful and profitable life.
     5. Now that you know God, you have experienced the grace and mercy of God.
     6. Now that you know God, you know the love of God.
B. How is it that you know the eternal God and still turn back to the control of
     idols and worthless gods of this world?
    1. How is it that knowing what the truth is, that you turn back to false things?
    2. How is it that knowing the light, you turn back to darkness?
    3. How is it that knowing what true value is, that you turn to things that are
    4. How is it that having been freed from the troubles and frustrations of life
        that we run back to them?

 V:10. " You observe days and months and seasons and years."
A. Paul makes the case, I know you are not dumb.
    1. You know the days, the months the years and the seasons.
    2. Not only that, you know what is to be done in each of these
        time frames.
 B. I know you have street knowledge and know how to
       take care of yourself in this worldly environment.
     1. I know that you are blessed by the almighty God.
     2. You are not using the God given gifts you have.
     3. If you were using  God gifts, you would not look
         like the world.

 V:11. " I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain."
 A. The Word of God cannot return void.
    1. We have knowledge of the Word of God, but lack the wisdom of
        God to apply the Word to our lives.
    2. The Apostle Paul was concerned that the Galatians, having experienced
        the Glory of God through their conversion were back sliding and
        falling away.
   3. The Apostle Paul was concerned that instead growing in Christ, the
       Galatians were allowing themselves to be bound by the Jewish traditions
       and rules of the Law.
B. Knowledge of God and faith in God are two different concepts.
    1. All believers have a knowledge of God, but not all believers
        exercise faith in God.
    2. Pastors and teachers proclaim the Word of God with the hope that
        there will be conviction of hearts and noticeable change in the
        lives of the hearers.   

 V:12-13. " I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are.
        You have done me no wrong; 13 but you know that it was because of a bodily
         illness that I preached the gospel to you the first time;"
A. Paul reminded the Galatians that He was a Jew and once zealous of the Law and its
     traditions. Paul laid all that aside to take on the Christian faith.   Acts 22:3
   1. Paul admonished the Galatians to become like him.
   2. He encouraged the Galatians to put away the traditions of the Law to fully
       embrace their faith in Jesus Christ.
 B. Paul had an illness that may have detained him in Galatia for a time.   2 Cor 12:9
    1. However, the Galatians received the message of God and professed
       their faith in Jesus Christ during that time.
    2. Initially the Galatians embraced Paul and became one with him in the faith.

 V:14.  "And that which was a trial to you in my bodily condition you did not despise or  
           loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself."
A. You cannot let you personal conditions stop you from proclaiming the
     word of God.
   1. Paul's illness turned out to be an a blessing to the Galatians.
   2. When we minister to others, that favor will be returned to us.
B. The Galatians received the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a church was formed.
   1. Our personal conditions may become a catalyst to the growing faith of
       another individual.
   2. Initially the Galatians received the Word of God gladly because it freed them from
       hopelessness of the Law and gave them a new hope in Jesus Christ.

 V:15. " Where then is that sense of blessing you had? For I bear you witness that, if
           possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me."
A. Initially the Galatians were so excited about their new faith in Jesus that they
     would have gone to any length to embrace Paul.
   1. As time went, their excitement for the Gospel died out and was replaced
       again with the hopelessness of the Law.
   2. There were those who may have been waiting for Paul to leave Galatia so that
       they could impose the traditions of the Law as a condition of their salvation.
B. This proves that continued Bible study is necessary to maintain our faith in the
      Word of God.
   1. Satan is always on the job trying to find a weakness in our knowledge of the
       Word to push false doctrine into our beliefs.
   2. There is nothing more profitable than personal study and meditation of the Word.

 V:16-17. " So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? 17 They eagerly seek
        you, not commendably, but they wish to shut you out so that you will seek them."
A. The Jews who opposed the Christian doctrine made Paul an enemy to the Jewish
        faith and their traditions.
    1. While Paul was away establishing churches in other areas, Satan was busy
         undermining the Christian Church.
    2. We have to be on guard and watchful because a weak faith can easily be destroyed.
B. The enemy wants to shut you out of the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior
     Jesus Christ.
    1. The truth is, once we confess our faith in Jesus we are sealed to the day of
         redemption.     Eph 4:30
     2. Ignoring that fact, Satan wants you to feel hopeless in your redeemed state.
     3. It is Satan's desire to make you think God is your enemy when trials
         show up in your life.
     4. If  Satan can keep your focus on the your circumstances rather than the God
         who controls your circumstances, he will succeed in sucking the joy out
         of your life.

V:18. " But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you."
A. It should be our aim to present ourselves as angels of light so that world is
     drawn to us.
    1. If we lift up Jesus in our talk and actions, He will draw men to himself.
        John 12:32
    2. We should resist the temptations to walk in darkness, so others can see
         our devotion to Christ.
  B. We ought to be Church folk in the Church and outside the Church.
     1. Evangelism gets it's promotion in the Church but is put into
         action outside the Church.
     2. In the Church, we are talking mostly to believers, but it is outside the Church
         where we will find  the unsaved.   Matt 28:19

 V:19-20. " My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you —   
          but I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am
          perplexed about you."
 A. It is our job to pray for believers constantly, because we can easily be drawn away
      from Christ by our environment.
    1. Prayer is a labor of love for the Gospel and those in Christ.
    2. It is our job to mother the weak with encouragement and love as they grow
        stronger in their faith.
 B. We can't be around the weak in Christ all the time, but we can offer our prayers
       to God continuously.
    1. Paul makes his plea personal; he says "my children".
    2. He takes responsibility for his children.
    3. Parents should never give up on their children
    4. The prayers of the righteous accomplishes much.
    5. Prayer is a powerful tool that we must exercise.
    6. Our prayers changes lives.
    7. We never know how God works in our children lives
         because of our constant prayer.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lesson visit me on facebook and my blogs and

Thursday, February 2, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Salvation By Faith" 2/5/2017



Galatians 3:26-4:7

V:26. "  For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. "
A. Salvation begins with faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
    1. God so loved the world that He sent His Son that whosoever believes in
        Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16
    2. This letter was written to the church in Galatia.
        a. They had accepted Christ but were weighed down by their environment
            and false Christian doctrine.
        b. Some Jewish converts were trying impose the Law as a condition for their
 B. Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone.
    1. Salvation is not obtained by good works.
    2. We can never be good enough to deserve salvation.  
 C. Through our faith in Jesus, we become sons of the Holy Father.

V:27. " For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
A. The moment we believe, we are spiritually baptized into the death and resurrection
      of Jesus Christ.
   1. Any man in Christ is a new creation.   2 Cor 5:17
   2. God clothes us with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.    Rom 9:30
   3. All our sins are atoned for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
B. The Holy Spirit take up dwelling in us the moment we believe.
   1. We are equipped with the power to understand the Word of God.
   2. The Holy Spirit becomes our teacher of the Word.
C. At first belief, Jesus becomes our role model for Christian growth.
   1. With our new nature in Christ, we are no longer sin bound.
   2. With our new nature, the regeneration process began in us to be more like Christ.

V:28. " There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
A. In Christ Jesus, there is equality.
   1. There are no race differences. We are all the same race, Christian.
   2. In Jesus, there are no class differences. Our human state does not affect our
       spiritual state.
   3. There are no sex inequalities.
B. We are all one with Christ.
    1. One body: the body of Christ   Rom 12:5,  1 Cor 12:13
    2. One mind: the mind of Christ   2 Cor 13:11
    3. The essence of us is our spirit, that God gave us at
         conception.   Ecc 12:7
    4. Our spirit's final destination is heaven.

V:29. " And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according
          to the promise."
  A. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of many nations
       Genesis 17:5.
      1. Abraham was counted righteous because he believed the Word of God.
          Gen 22:15-17, Romans 4:3
      2. Abraham is the father of faith.
      3. The descendents of Abraham became the Nation of Israel.
      4. What makes us Abrahams descendents is our faith in the Word.
 B. All Israel consider Abraham their father.
     1. When the nation Israel  was freed from slavery in Egypt,
          God gave them His commands (the Law).
     2. As a free nation, Israel was under the guardianship of the law 
     3. Israel as a nation was not obedient to God's commands, therefore lack faith.
     4. Their Father Abraham was faithful to the Word of God.
     5. Their unfaithfulness made them bastards rather than sons.

V:4:1-2. " Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave
       although he is owner of everything,
      2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father. "
A. Under Jewish tradition, a child was under the guardianship of the father.
     1. The child was treated no different than a slave until the age of fourteen.
     2. At the age of fourteen the child became a man and treated as the legal heir to the
 B. Although the son was a heir from birth he was tutored until the age of fourteen.

V:3.  "So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental  
         things of the world. "
      A. The state of being a child, refers to state of blindness before our relationship
            with Christ.
          1. Sin is a state in which we were born.
          2. Spiritual blindness is a state in which we were born
          2. But we were predestined to be in the body of Christ before the foundation
              of the world.   Ephesians 1:5
          3. God gave us His commands to be our tutor until He called us out of the world.
          4. Once God called us out of the world, He placed His sight in  us and
              atoned for our sins.
B. While we were in the world we were held in bondage by sin.
        1. We were born with a sin nature and unable to follow God's commands.
        2.  Our flesh controlled our actions.
        3. We are now new creations in Christ Jesus and not of this world.  John 8:23

V:4-5. " But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a
          woman, born under the Law,  5 so that He might redeem those who were under the
          Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons."
A. The Spirit of Jesus was planted in the body of Mary where He took on human flesh.
    1. He was man and God.
    2. He had a human nature and a spiritual nature.
B.  Jesus was born under the Law.
    1. He was born in the flesh, but was sinless .
    2. He died under the Law to fulfill all the requirement of the Law.   Matt 5:17
    3. His last words on the cross was It is finished.
C. Having died on the cross under the Law, He was raised on the third day and
     given the all power to redeem those predestined by the Father.
   1. With our faith in Jesus, we were adopted as sons of God.
   2. We were held bondage by Satan, but set free by our confession of faith.

V:6. " Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts,
        crying, "Abba! Father!"
 A. Upon confession of faith in Jesus, we were sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of
      of redemption.  Eph 4:30
    1. It is the power of the Holy Spirit the gives us the ability to overcome our
        sin habits.
    2. We have a relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ.
    3. Our relationship with the Father is permanent.    Eph 4:30

V:7 "Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through
       God. "
    A. By our confession of faith we became adopted sons of God.
      1. We are no longer slave to sin, but free in Jesus.
      2. Faith in Jesus  guarantees our place in heaven.
   B. Believers in Christ Jesus are legal heirs to the throne of God.
      1. Jesus claims us as His own.  John 6:39                                                                                                    
      2. Whatever we need, we can ask Jesus and He will give it to us.  John 14:14                   
      3. Jesus said that all power over heaven and earth has been given to Him,                          
      4. Because of our relationship with Jesus, We have access to His power.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst. Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons follow me on facebook of visit my blogs and