Thursday, January 26, 2017

Blind From Birth, John 9:1-11


John 8:59-9:11

V.8:59. 9:1. " Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
9 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth."
A. Your testimony about Jesus will not always be received with joy.
     1. Some people will resent your testimony about Jesus.
     2. People can get hostile when you talk about the good news.
B.  To the leaders of Israel, Jesus defended His Sonship.
    1. Having heard the Word, the leaders decided to kill Jesus on the spot.
    2. They took up stones to stone Jesus to death.
    3. But Lord made himself invisible to His enemies.
        a. Jesus walked through the mist of them without being seen.
        b. God will protect you from your enemies.
C. You can't allow your circumstances to stop you from doing God's work.
   1. God will protect you while you are doing His work.
   2. By the time someone try to harm you, God will have His shield up around                 
       you to protect you.
D. Jesus saw ( eido) a man blind from birth.
   1. We are all blind from birth.
   2. It is faith in the Word that lifts the veil from our eyes.
   3. When Jesus looks at us He sees our needs.
   4. For Jesus to see, is to know all about us.  

 V:2 -3. "And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 3 Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him."
A. Some of your problems are not caused by you.
    1. The disciples probably had a misunderstanding of scripture.
    2. According to the disciples perhaps the man sinned in his mothers womb
        before his birth. He was born blind.
        a. Perhaps God was angry with parents and blinded the child before birth.
    3. God does not judge the sons based on the sins of the father.
        a. The disciples may have had a misinterpretation of Exodus 34:7
    4. Some of your problems maybe by God's plan for you life so that
        He gets the glory at some  future time.
B. Even though the man had a handicap, he was blessed with parents who
       loved and supported Him.
    1. He probable had friends who brought Him to the temple.
    2. Even at our worst, God surrounds us with what we need.
C. Sometimes your problems are a setup for a future blessing.
    1. God gets the glory when men see His works in you.
    2. Out of your problems, may come your blessings.

V:4. " I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.'
A. The mission of Jesus on earth was to complete the will of the Father.
    1. The Lord Jesus had a time limit set to complete the Father's work on earth
    2. The Lord has set a time limit on our lives.
        a. Three score and ten, seventy years is the average life span.
        b. God has appointed work for each of us to do.
        c. God has equipped each of us with gifts and skills to do His will.
        d. God empowered each us with Holy Spirit.
        f. Each believer will have to give an account to God for what he
           did with His gifts.
 B. The night time could be the day we die or the day we can no longer
    1. Jesus  was speaking of His death on the cross.
    2. God has called us to work, not to sit on the sidelines.
    3. God has not given us a time when He is coming back for us.
    4. One thing we know for sure is death is eminent.

V: 5. " As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
A. Without the Word, the world would be in a state of darkness.
     1. Jesus said , I am the way, the truth and the life.
     2. Jesus is the way to salvation.
     3. Jesus is the truth about salvation.
     4. Jesus is the life of salvation.
 B. As long as believers are around, lies will be exposed.
     1. As long as you are around, injustice will be exposed.
     2. As long as you are around, the truth will be told.
     3. As long as you are around, love will be the example.
     4. As long as you are around, hate should not be tolerated.
     5. As long as you are around, sin will be exposed.
     6. The Lord commands us to let our light shine.   Matt 5:16

V: 6 -7 " When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. 7 And He said to him, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam" (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing."
A. When Jesus comes into your life, change will take place.
    1. Jesus may take what seem ordinary and do the extraordinary.
    2. He took some dust from the ground and saliva or spit from His mouth as His
        anointing ingredients.
       a. It was the dust of the ground that God started with to make Adam.
       b. What is spit or saliva but water.
       c. This was no ordinary water, it was Jesus  living water.
       d. What better to use to eliminate blindness but living water.
       e. What was dead in his body came alive.
 B. Here is the key to gaining sight.
     1. Position yourself to hear the Word of God.  He was at the temple.
    2. Act on the Word of God.
    3. Be obedient to the Word of God.
    4. Do what the Word says do.
    5. Be patient while God works in your life.
        a. You may have wait before God acts.
        b. You may have to travel in your blind state before God acts.
    6. The pool of Siloam may have been 1/3 mile away the front
        of the temple.
        a. If the Blind man was at the door of the temple, he would have
            been a great distance above the pool.
        b. He would have traveled down a brick road  to the pool.   
    7. It was the Blind man's obedience to the Word that resulted in him
        receiving his sight.
 C. The previous  blind man  step into the pool and received his sight.
      1. When Lord has done something for you ought to show your gratitude.
      2.  When blesses you, become a testimony for His goodness.
      3. He return to Jesus, seeing Him for the first time.

V: 8-9. " Therefore the neighbors and those who previously had seen that he was blind said, "Is not this he who sat and begged?" 9 Some said, "This is he." Others said,  "He is like him."  He said, "I am he."
A. You can't judge someone's testimony about the goodness of Jesus by your
    1. Satan will work to undermine your testimony.
    2. There are some people who are uncomfortable with your recovery.
    3. There will be some who are jealous of what Jesus has done in your life.
B. But you can't let anyone cause you to doubt the work of God in your life.
    1. You can't let anyone put a damper on your faith in Jesus.
    2. You have to stand up for the truth so people can hear your story.

10 Therefore they said to him, "How were your eyes opened?" 11 He answered and said, "A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, 'Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.' So I went and washed, and I received sight.
A. Your testimony about Jesus is important to all who hear you.
    1. People are encourage by what you say about Jesus.
    2. Non Believers are drawn to Jesus by your testimony.
    3. Your faith is strengthen by your continuous reviewing of the goodness of Jesus.
B. Jesus was just a man to the blind man before he received  his sight.
    1. After his encounter with Jesus, the previous blind man had a
        testimony about his savior.
    2. He was blind, but now he could see.
    3. He had to be led to Jesus, but now he could lead others to Jesus.
    4. He had to be taken care of by others, but now he could take care of

Rev M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Praise Our Top Priority", 1/29/2017


Psalms 148:1-14

V:1. "  Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights above."
A.  Praise starts at the top.
     1. Praise of the Lord should be at the top of our agenda.
     2. The order of creation can be seen in this Psalms.
     3. God created the heavens first.
B. The existence of the heavens is the praise and glory of God.  
     1. When we look up as far as the eye can see and beyond is the glory
          of God.
     2. The beautiful blue sky is the glory of God which stands in His
     3. God put together a system to decorate the sky with clouds
         a. As air raises toward the sky, the moisture in the air condenses
            and forms ice crystals with forms clouds.
         b. When the weight of moisture in the cloud exceeds the updraft pressure,
             the moisture falls and we have rain.
          c. Clouds and rain is the praise of God.
 C. God set His throne in the heavens
     1. The height of the heavens are immeasurable.
     2. The praise of God began at a height above anything we can imagine. 

V:2. " Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. 3 Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars."
A. The second order in God creative plan was the creation of angels.
   1. They were set in heaven to give God praise continuously.
   2. They come down from heaven as God messengers  to bring us reasons
        to give God His due praise.
B. The Sun is a massive ball of fire.
    1. You can fit 1.3 million earths across the face of the  sun.
    2. The light of the sun, lights up the universe.
    3. The praise and glory of God is shown in His creation of the planets.
    4. They all receive their illumination from the sun
C. The moon and the stars dress the sky at night.
    1. We get a different view of the universe when we view the sky at night.
    2. The more we observe our universe the more we ought to be in awe of God.

V: 4-6. " Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 5 Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. 6 He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away."
A. It is God who  set order in the universe.
    1. He separated the waters from the heavens and from the waters of the earth.
    2. He contained the waters in the earth, in rivers, seas, oceans and underground
        reservoirs in permanent places.
    3. The God we serve is a God of order.
         a. God is to be praise for His order.
         b. Out of what was formless and void, God created the order we survive in.
B. It is by the Word of God that everything was created.
    1. It is by the Word of God that everything praises God.
    2. Everything that God created has a purpose that will be fulfilled
        according to His will.

V: 7-10.  "Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, 8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, 9 you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, 10 wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds. "
A. God created a weather system for man's environment.
    1. The thunder we hear is the voice of God
    2. The lighting across the sky reminds us that He is the light of the universe.  
    3. The repeating weather systems reminds us that God is in control.
B. God created the animals in the seas and on land in abundance for man.
    1. We owe God praise for His provisions.
    2. Animals not conscience of God, praise Him with their existence.

V:11-13. "King of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, 12 young men and maidens, old men and children. 13 Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens."
A. God's final order in the creation process was the making of man.
    1. Man is the only thing in creation that was made in the image and likeness of God.
    2. With the exception of the angels, only man was given the choice of
         being obedient or disobedient.
    3. Man was given the ability to choose to worship the Lord in gratitude and love.
B. Man was given the ability to observe God's creation and to be mindful of
     His glory.
   1. Man is the only living creature that can willfully communicate with God.
   2. Man is the only living creature that God sent His only Son to sacrifice His life
       for sin.
   3. We owe God praise  because His grace and mercy  was poured out
        on the cross for our sins.

 V:14. " He has raised up for his people a horn,  the praise of all his saints, of Israel, the people close to his heart. Praise the Lord. "
A. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    1 . God raise up believers from the pits of sin.
    2. God set us free from the bondage of sin.
    3. God gave us the gift of eternal life through faith in the shed blood of His Son.
B. God holds us dear to His heart because His grace and mercy is renewed each day.
    1. Our sins have been forgiven and have been cast far from us as the east is from the
    2. We have every reason that the  mind can imagine to praise the Lord.
C. The Lord calls us His saints, not because we have been good, but because of
     He is good.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77041

For more lessons follow me on facebook or visit my blogs or

Thursday, January 19, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Praise Is What I Do", 1/22/2017


Psalms 104:1-4, 25-30

"V:1.  Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty."
A. The greatness of the Lord can be seen in His works.
    1. God is spirit and no one has seen him at anytime.
    2. God reveals His awesomeness before our eyes for all to see.
    3. Believers and non believers cannot deny that the earth is an awesome creation.
    4. The universe is boundless. Our current technology will not allow us to
         know how big it is.
    5. Any new knowledge of stars, moons and planets just tells that the universe
        is bigger than we can imagine.
 B. The writer's  focus is on the magnificent  earth and it's atmosphere and
      therefore  he burst out in a Psalm of praise to God the creator.
    1. The Psalmist  praise of the Lord, started from within his heart.
         a. From deep in his soul, praise began.
         b. This probably was not a one time praise, but an on going adoration of God.
    2. He claimed the Lord to be his Lord.
        a. God is personal.
        b. We have a relationship with Him.
        c. When we become God's people, He becomes our God.
  C. Consider the Psalmist's approach to the Lord.
       1. The word 'bless'' is the Hebrew word "barak" which is from a root word which
            means to kneel.
       2. The word barak  is an act of adoration
       3. Every head shall bow and ever knee shall bend before the Lord.
  D. He addresses the Lord for who He is.
      1. The word Lord is Yehovah  which is self existent.
      2. God does not depend on anything or anybody
      3. The Hebrew for God is Elohiym which means the Supreme God,
           the one true God.  
      4. The Lord is the one Supreme, self existent God. 
      5. His character is lifted up, glorious and excellent.

V:2. " Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. "
A. God created light on the first day of creation
     1. Jesus said, " I am the light of the world".
        a. Without Jesus, the world would be full of darkness.
     2. God is full of wisdom and knowledge.
     3. God is omniscience; all knowing
     4. Out of what was originally formless and void came order and beauty.
         a. He spoke and it was so.
         b. There is power in the Word of God.
         c. Believers are empowered by the Word of God.
 B. He created the earth and covered it with a sky.
     1. God created an atmosphere suitable for His creation to exist.
     2. God created the sun to warm the earth, and the sky to filter out
         harmful rays.
     3. God considered our well being doing His creative process.

V:3-4 " He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;
4 He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers."
A. God is spirit.
    1. He has no shape or form.
    2. He is spread across the entire spectrum of His creation.
    3. God is omnipresence; He is everywhere all the time.
    4. Where can we go and not be in the presence of the Lord?
    5. God's people are never alone.
 B. Originally, in His creative process, everything was immersed in water.
    1. God separated the waters from the heavens and  from the waters of the earth.
    2, He made heaven His throne.
    3. Angels are God's created angelical beings, camped around His throne.
        a. They are his messengers equipped with the power to carry out His commands.  
        b. They give Him praise continuously.
        c. We would do good to follow the angels example.   
    4. From time to time God used His angels to carry out special missions
        for Him and to bring man special messages.
       a. We all have a special message about Jesus.
       b. It is our job to spread  the good news about salvation.
       c. After all, the Lord made man a little lower than His angels.

V:25. There is the sea, great and broad, In which are swarms without number, Animals both small and great. "
A. God created the seas and filled them with an abundance of creatures capable of
     reproducing themselves and to feed on each other.
    1. God contained the  seas in a permanent place  and made them self sufficient.
    2. 70 percent of the earth is covered with water.
    3. God's abundance for man stretches across the seas.
 B. God created nature so that everything is dependant on his resources.
    1. God created us so that we are dependant on nature.
    2. Everything living is interdependent on something in nature.
    3. We are directly dependant on the grace and mercy of God.
    4. Because we are dependant we owe God our highest praise.
    5. There is a line from a song that says, "Praise is what I do."

V:26-27. " There the ships move along, And Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it.
27 They all wait for You To give them their food in due season."
A. God made the seas as a source of labor and pleasure for man.
    1. God gave man the intellect to build ships to transport good and services
        from one land mass to another.
    2. The seas are used for travel for business and pleasure.
    3. The earth's land masses are separated by bodies of water.
 B. By God's divine design, the earth is populated with people of
      different nations with different languages and different resources.
    1. The glory of the Lord is shown in His creativity.
    2. The power and the authority of the Lord is shown in the vastness of
        His creation.
    3. All we have to do is observe our universe to see God in action.
    4. When we look and see praise ought to fill our hearts.

V:28-29. " You give to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.
29 You hide Your face, they are dismayed; You take away their spirit, they expire And return to their dust."
A. God is the provider for all His creation.
    1. Everything is dependant on God for it's existence.
    2. Consider the rain.
         a. When God open the clouds the rain waters the crops.
         b. Man and animals are dependant on God's rain.
    3. After a fresh rain the ground is soften and worms come to the
        surface for birds to feed on.
B. God is the controller of  life.
    1. Man has and average life span of 70 years.  Psalm 90:10
    2. It is God who controls every breath we take.
    3. As long as He gives us breath we live.
    4. At an appointed time, He will take our breath away and we will die.
    5. Good news for us, absent from the body present with the Lord.

V:30. " You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the ground."
A. God is continuously active in His creation.
     1. Life on earth is continuous because God is active in creating new life.
     2. The ground is continuously being rejuvenated for new growth.
B. The Lord is to be praise for His works.
     1. The Lord should be praised because He is Lord.
     2. We should continuously meditate  on the goodness of the Lord so that our
          praise is continuous.   


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas 77040

For more lesson follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Lord's Charge To Joshua, 1/12/2017

Joshua 1:1-9


V:1. " After the death of Moses the Lord's servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' assistant. "
    1. Every leader has a term limit set by God.
    2. Moses served 40 years. Then God took Moses to the valley of Moab where he died
        was buried.   Due 34:5-7
    3. God selects leaders for His people.
    4. God is in control of leaders.
    5. Every leader is allowed to take God's people to a certain level.
    6. Moses was commissioned by God to bring Israel out of slavery and to the
        edge of the promise land.

V:2. "He said, "Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them."
    A. When time for one leader is up, God selects another leader.
         2. Joshua was commissioned to take Israel into the promise land.
         3. God blesses his people according to His promises.  Genesis 13:15
         4. God keeps His promises.
         5. The promises of God to man in the Bible maybe more than 5500.
   B.  What happens to you has nothing to do with who is in office.
        1. What happens to you has to with God's plan for your life.
        2. Israel spent 400 years in slavery, not because the Pharaohs of Egypt were
            corrupt, but because God planned the nation development in slavery.
            Genesis 15:13

V:3-4 " I promise you what I promised Moses: 'Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you—4 from the Negev wilderness in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the land of the Hittites."
    A. Never set your hopes and aspirations on the leaders who are temporary.
        1. Set you hope on the God who is eternal.
        2. Set your hope on the God who never changes.
        3. God allows leaders to make polices and changes that affect you according to His
            divine plan for your life.
       4. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called
           according to His purposes.
  B. God's promises are not for a season.
      1. God's promises are forever.
      2. God's promises are for all generations.
      3. What He did for Israel He will do for you.

V:5. " No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you."
    A. No president or leader of any nation will be able to stand against God.
        1. No president or leader of any nation will be able to stand against the people
        2. Who are the people of God?
            a. Those who love the God are His people
            b. The evidence of our love for God is obedience to His commandments.
                 John 14:21
    B. The Lord cannot lie and He cannot fail.
         1. David said, I was young and now I am old, but I have never seen the righteous
             forsaken or their children begging bread.  Psalms 37:25
         2. World leaders are not the authority over your life, but God is.

V:6 "Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them."    Genesis 13:15
    A. God never said that your life would not have problems.
        1. God never said that everyone would treat you with justice.
        2. God did say that the life of a man is but a few years and full of trouble.
   B. Notice the text; God did say that we need to be strong and courageous because
        we will have trouble.
       1. God did say that you will get what I promised you.
       2. God did say that our work will be successful.
       3. The reason you need to be strong and courageous, is because you will have stand
            against the wise of the devil.
       4. The reason you need to be strong and courageous is because you need the
            patience to stand by and watch God take care of you problems.
       5. God is glorified in our troubles.

V:7-8. " Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do.8 Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do."
     A. Some of God's promises are conditional on our obedience to His commands.
         1. You can't modify God's Word to fit your beliefs.
         2. Don't go to the right, don't go to the left, do exactly what God said for you
             to do.
    B. Study God's Word so you know for yourself what it means.
        1. Study the Word so you can apply it to your life.
         2. Make the Word of God the basis for any decision  you make.
         3. Make the Word of God the basis for any action you take.
    C. God promised that if you keep His commands, you will be prosperous.
        1. God promised that if you keep His commands, you will succeed at what
            ever you do.
V:9.  " This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
    A. God commands believers, you and me;
        1. To be strong
        2. To be courageous
        3. Not to be afraid.
        4. Not to be discourage
        5. This is a command, not an option.
            a. Your success is contingent on you trusting the Lord.
            b. The promise of success is dependant on your obedience.
    B. The reason for these commands is that He is with us.
        1. God is on the side of faithful believers.
        2. God stands with believers no matter what they are experiencing.
        3. God provides the victory for believers.

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Praise The Lord With And Thanksgiving", 1/15/2017


Psalms 65:1-2, 9-13

V:1. " There will be silence before You, and praise in Zion, O God, And to You the vow will be performed."
A. Praise is due God because He is God.
    1. God is due our highest, most sincere praise.
    2. God ought to be praised because of His works.
    3. God ought to praise because of the salvation He made available to man.
B. We ought not praise man the way we praise God.
    1. To praise man is to do dishonor to God.
    2. Every thought and action of man is due to man's dependence on God.
    3. Every thought or action of man, good or bad, is in the control of God.
    4. God is due praise, man is due consideration.
C. God is due praise because I was lost and now found.
    1. God is due praise because I was blind, but now I see.
    2. God is due praise because I was stuck in mud of sin but now I am set free on the
        rock of His righteousness.
    3. God is due praise because I was hell bound, but now my sights are on heaven.
D. The Psalms were designed as hymns of praise to the Lord in Zion, the
     presence of the Lord. 
    1. Every baptized believer is part of Zion's  chorus. 
    2. God has authored songs of Praise to Himself to be song by all believers
        in worship of Him.
    3. We ought to praise God in the assembly of the saints.
 E. Our praise is but silence before the voice   of God.
    1. Consider our praise against the roaring thunder of God.
    2. Consider the volume of our praise against God's lightening in the sky.
    3. Praise ought to begin in silence in our hearts then burst in sounds
        glorifying the Lord.
 F.  Any vow we make to the Lord ought to be performed or carried out.
    1. Normally, when we are in need, we will make promises to the Lord
        in prayer.
     2. It is God who hears and answers the prayers of believers.
         a. When God answers our prayer, we ought to make good on our vows.
         b. God is faithful in all His promises setting the example for our faithfulness.
         c. When we realize the goodness of God, we ought to be moved to vows of
             service  to Him to show our gratefulness.

V:2. " O You who hear prayer, To You all men come."
 A. Notice the personal pronoun, you; in the King James its thee or thou.
     1. The Psalmist proclaims God as personal to Him.
     2. It is not the idea of God, but the true and living God  who hears and
         answers prayers.
     3. We have a personal God who expects our prayers.
     4. God sits high, but stoops low to hear our prayer and show compassion
          to us.
     5. It is the Lord who draws men to Himself.
        a. Jesus said, no one can come to me unless the Father draws him.
        b. Jesus elects and calls those He predestined to himself.
     6. According to Spurgeon, when we heed the call of Christ we ought to
         come weeping in conversion, hoping in supplication, rejoicing in
         praise and delighting in service.

V:9. " You visit the earth and cause it to overflow; You greatly enrich it; The stream of God is full of water; You prepare their grain, for thus You prepare the earth. "
A. We have provisional reasons to praise the awesomeness of God.
     1. God in creation prepared the earth for man's habitation.
     2. The earth overflows with provisions for man's existence; plants.
          fruit trees and animals.
     3. At creation, the earth was created as fertile ground.
         a. God planted a garden called Eden.
         b. In it was every plant and fruit for man to eat.
         c. Every animal on land and in the water was created in abundance for
             man's pleasure.
     4. Oceans, rivers and streams were created with an endless supply of
         water and fish for man's enjoyment.
 B. The atmosphere was created with an endless supply of ingredients  for
      the respiratory system.
     1. God didn't need creation for Himself.
     2. God existed before creation and was perfect in Himself.
     2. Maybe He decided to create man for conversation and worship.

V:10 You water its furrows abundantly, You settle its ridges, You soften it with showers, You bless its growth.
11 You have crowned the year with Your bounty, And Your paths drip with fatness."
A. Not only did God create the earth for man, but He continues to maintain
    1. God supplies the earth with plentiful rainfall to keep the ground soft and ready
        for the planting of seed for growth.
    2. God created the four seasons for  crop growth and for mans health.
       a. We have the winter for the rest of the ground.
       b. We have the spring for planting.
       c. We have the summer for growth.
       d. We have the fall for harvest and preparation of the ground for the next planting
   B. It is God who blesses the ground with the necessary nutrients for growth.
       1. It is God who gives the sunlight for growth.
       2. It is God who causes the planted seed to germinate under ground.
       3. Without God's continuous intervention, growth would not be possible.
       4. It is God who causes each plant to produce seeds for the process of
           growth to continue.
    C. It is God that gave each species of animals the ability to reproduce
      1. It is God who gives man the intellect to use what He created to
          continue to produce more.
      2. God's provisions for man is inexhaustible .
      3. Our love and gratitude for God ought to be inexhaustible.
V:12- 13." The pastures of the wilderness drip, And the hills gird themselves with rejoicing.
13 The meadows are clothed with flocks And the valleys are covered with grain; They shout for joy, yes, they sing."
A. The tender mercies of God  toward man is seen in the abundance of the harvest in 
    1. For those who trust the Lord and follow His commands, God promises to provide
        for them.
    2. Believers ought to rejoice when they see the abundance in the fields.
    3. Anytime we go to the grocery stores and see the shelves filled, we ought to
        break out in songs of joy before the Lord's work.
B. The clothes we are dressed with first clothed the animals of the field.
     1. God provides food for the animals so that they become food and clothes
         for man.
     2. The food on our tables first covered the fields in abundance for our good.
     3. We owe God praise for His constant provisions.
     4. We ought to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and

Thursday, January 5, 2017

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "New Praises For The Lord", 1/8/2017


Psalms 96:1-6, 10-13

V:1-2. "O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.
2 Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day."
A. This is an exuberant hymn of Yahweh's kingship. It is a victory celebration.
    1. The word "O sing" is the Hebrew word "shiyr" which denotes strolling while
        singing, perhaps with musical instruments. It is a victory dance.
    2. We are commanded to sing a new song to the Lord, one that had not been
         heard before.
        a. When David brought the Ark into Jerusalem, he danced and celebrated
            with joy.  1 Ch 15:27-29
        b. Because of David's dance all Israel danced with Him in celebrating
            the salvation of the Lord.
    3. Everyone, around the world is commanded to join in the praise.
    4. Praise is contagious.
        a. Praise is infectious.
        b. Praise unifies the hearts of believers in Love.

B.  The object of our praise is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, because of His
      death on the cross and His resurrection.
    1. We  celebrate His  victory over death and our release from the torment
        of sin.
    2. We are celebrating Jesus atoning blood that paid the price for our sins.
    3. Jesus provides us with new life in Him, worthy of new songs of praise.
C. A song less faith celebrates, defeat and death.
    1. When we don't celebrate the Lord, we are ignoring His Work on the cross
        for us.   
    2. Our new songs of praise looks toward our eternal, glorious life with Christ.

V:3. " Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people."
 A. We are surrounded by unbelievers. They need to hear our praise and worship
       of the Lord.
     1. When we give God   praise for what He has done, others are introduced to
         the wonders of the Lord.
     2. We are commanded to teach the Gospel of Jesus everywhere we go baptizing
          in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
     3. The preached Word of God has the power to change unbelievers into believers.
     4. It is our job to tell people what God has done for us.
     5. We should point to God's glory in creation.
     6. Unbelievers may not recognize the glory of God in creation until it is pointed out
         to them in our praise.

V:4.-5. " For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the Lord made the heavens."
A. There is a comparison between the Lord and idol gods.
     1. The Lord is great.
         a. The greatness of the Lord can be realized by observing His creation.
         b. Nature proclaims God's glory and His power.
     2. Idols are nothing.
         a. The Hebrew word for "idol" is "eliyl" which means things that are nothing.
         b. The Apostle Paul said the same thing in 1 Cor 8:4
         c. Idols gods are the evil imagination of man and the rejection of the Lord's
         d. The worship of idol gods is man's outward rebellion against the sovereign Lord.
B. There nothing greater than the Lord.
     1. God spoke and everything we can see and know came into being.
     2. We are commanded to praise God for His greatness.
     3. We are subject to Him whether we praise Him or don't praise Him.
     4. If you want God to pay attention to your needs, you should give Him your
         undivided praise.
        a. God inhabits the praise of His people.   Psalms 22:3
        b. Any good that happens in your life, comes from God, the sole provider.
     5. We should praise God because He is God.
         a. We should praise God before unbelievers so that they have a witness to
             the goodness of God.
         b. We should praise God before believers to encourage their praise.
         c. We should honor God with our praise in His sanctuary.
C. Since idols are nothing, then nothing can come from nothing.
     1. The Lord created the heavens for His Glory.
     2. God created us to glorify Him.

V:6. " Honor and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary."
A. It is the duty of the believer to praise God in His sanctuary
     so that others can join in.
   1. There is strength in numbers who come together with one purpose; to praise
       and honor the Lord.   Psalms 133:1
   2. David said, " How good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity".  Psalms 133:1
B. We cannot find anyone we can trust like the Lord.
   1. We can't find anyone who can make every thing work out for our good like
        the Lord.
   2. We can't find anyone who knows us so intimately that He counts the hairs on our
       head like the Lord.
   3. Believers ought to honor the Lord at all times in all situations.
   4. We dwell in the sanctuary of the Lord when we consider His Word in our hearts.

V:10. " Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously."
A. It is our testimony about the power and authority of the Lord that gets the
     attention of unbelievers around us.
   1. Those who don't know the Lord don't consider His works in creation that is
       before them.
   2. Those who don't know the Lord don't know that He is in control of everything
       that happens.
   3. Those who don't know the Lord may not know that there is a heaven and there is
       a hell that we are headed toward according to our beliefs.
   4. How will the world know that there is salvation in Jesus Christ if we keep our
       mouths shut?
B. Jesus command us to proclaim the Gospel  to all we come in contact with. 
     Matthew 28:19
   1. Believers have to continuously point to the glory of God so others can see
       what we see.
   2. It is the proclamation of the Word that draws unbelievers to Christ.
   3. We have the power through the Word of God to change the lives of those around

V:11-12 " Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof.
12 Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice."
A.  The whole world rejoices because of our testimony about the goodness of the Lord.
     1. The whole world benefits from our testimony about the power and authority of the
         Lord over the universe.
     2. Even those who claim that there is no God have to consider the possibility
         that there is a God when they hear our testimony.
     3. An atheist has to talk about God to defend his position that there is no God.
     4. When an atheist hear us glorifying God and rejoicing in the presence of the Lord,
          he is forced to develop his defense that there is no God.
  B. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
     1. The world need to hear believers glorifying God and see believers acting according
         to His Word.
     2. It is the continuous prayers of the Church that blesses the world.
     3. It is the rejoicing of the church that lifts the hearts of the unsaved.

V:13. " Before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth."
A. How will the world know the truth about Jesus Christ unless they hear it from
    1. You have to first know Jesus to know that He is coming back to judge the world.
    2. Our job is to lift up Jesus so the world can see Him.
    3. Jesus said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.
B. It is the giving of the Holy Spirit to believers that will convict the world of their
    1. John 16:7-11 states:
        "7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, 
        the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
        8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and 
        righteousness and judgment:
        9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me;
       10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see  
            me no longer;
       11 and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands 
  2. John chapter 16 highlight the importance  of the testimony of believers to the
  3. The praise, worship and honoring of the Lord begin in the hearts of believers.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons, follow me on facebook and visit my blogs and