Thursday, December 29, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Praise The Lord With Joy And Thanksgiving", 1/1/2017


                                                           Psalms 33:1-9

V:1. "Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. "
A. God gave us an example of how to praise Jesus when He sent the angels to
    announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.
    1. One angel preached His birth.
    2. A heavenly host of angels  praise  Jesus in song.
B. In the Church to day, we have a preacher to preach Jesus.
    1. We have a choir to sing praises to the Lord.
    2.  Like the shepherds, the congregation participate in the praise and worship.
C. We praise and worship the Lord because He worthy of our praise.
    1. God does not expect the world to praise Jesus.
    2. God does expect those who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior to praise Him.
D. It is the Lord who is the source of our joy.
   1. When we consider His goodness we ought to be joyful.
   2. When we consider His grace and mercy toward us, we ought to be joyful.
   3. When we consider what God didn't allow to happen to us, we ought to
       be joyful.
   4. When we consider that God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sins,
       we ought to be joyful.

V:2. " Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. "
A. God commands us to praise Him with all types of musical instruments.
    1. God has gifted some with the ability to play musical instruments.
    2. God has gifted some with beautiful voices.
    3. Together, we lift up the Lord in praise and worship.
B. Every Christian has been gifted and commanded to give God praise.
   1. No one has an excuse not to give God  praise.
   2. God inhabits the praise of His people.  Psalms 22:3

V:3. " Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. "
  A. God expects us to write new songs of praise to Him.
      1. Hymn  books are full of songs of praise.
      2. But He expects us  to find new ways to praise Him.
          a. Our praise ought to be spontaneous and fresh.
          b. We receive new grace  new mercies from the Lord daily.
      3. Every believers has experiences with God that requires new and
          different praises.
 B. God expect us to develop our skills playing instruments.
     1. Practice make perfect.
     2. Choir rehearsal is necessary to perfect our songs of praise.
     3. We should give God our very best in praise and worship.
     4. Every Church member ought to be involved in Praise and worship.
     5. We ought to come into the Church with praise in our hearts.
C. Praise and worship promotes shouts of  Joy.
    1. One way to experience the joy of the Lord is perfecting
        our praise.
    2. Praise and worship is contagious.

V:4. " For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. "
 A. The Bible is the only source of truth.
     1.  The Bible is the sole authority of our lives.
     2. Our lives should be guided by the Word of God.
B. The Bible,  God's  Word, is complete with commands and promises.
    1. Blessings follow obedience to God's commands.
    2. Curses follows disobedience to God's commands.
    3. God will keep all His promises to us.
    4. Many of God's promises are conditional on our obedience
        to His commands.
    5. Obedience to God's commands is the evidence of our love for God.

V:5. " The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. "
A. The opposite of love is hate.
     1. God hates unrighteousness and injustice.
     2. We must be careful how we treat others.
     3. What we measure out will be measured back to us.
     4. Since God loves righteousness and justice, we ought to have the
         same attitude.
 B. God does not need the universe for Himself.
    1. He created the universe for man.
    2. He created man because of His love.
    3. He created an environment suitable for man to exist because of His love.
    4. Everything we see and that which is yet to be discovered was created by
        God because of His love for man.
C. God's creation is maintained by Him and cannot fail.
    1. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness there of.
    2. All we have to do is consider how the universe operates without
        failure to know that God's love does not fail.
    3. God maintains the perfection of His universe because of His
        love for man.


V:6. " By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of
        his mouth."
 A. There is power in the Word of God.
      1. According to Genesis chapter one, the world was originally formless and void.
      2. God spoke and everything came into being.
      3.  I have never been in a situation where every thing was formless and void.
          a. Everything I know has form, shape and takes up space.
          b. Man can change the form of what God has created, but he can not
              create anything new.
      4. God breathed and our environment came into being.
         a. God has power over everything living and non living.
         b. It is His breath that give life to every living thing.
   B. God has all power and nothing is too hard for God.
       1. God has all power and nothing became the everything we know.
       2. In the mist of "nothing" was all God needed to create every thing.
       3. We have access to God's power through faith in His Word.

V:7. " He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses."
 A. Genesis 1:1 state that God created the heavens and the earth.
     1. It is the earth that God spends two chapters laying out His creative
     2. Throughout the Bible, God does not tell us very much about heaven.
     3. God's focus in the 1st two chapter of Genesis appears to me to be the environment
         that He created for man's   habitation.
B. In this verse the focus is on God's power over man's habitation.
     1. Originally, according to Genesis 1:2, water, land and the heavens were
     2. According to Genesis 1:9, God separated the waters and formed dry land.
     3. God ordered the waters to be contained in oceans, rivers, seas and streams.
C. God set man on dry land to praise and worship Him.
    1. Man is the only creative being on earth, given the ability to voluntarily give
        God praise.
    2. Man was given the authority to rule over earth.
    3. God is love and He commands us to treat everyone with love.

V:8. " Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him."
 A. Man was given the awesome responsibility of being the overseer of all
      God's creation on earth.
    1. The only way we know how to be the caretakers of the earth's inhabitants
        is through God's Word.
    2. God gave us His commandments for successful living.
    3. Obedient to God's commands ensures our success.  1 John 3:22
B. How should we fear the Lord?
    1. We fear the Lord by our obedience to His Word.
    2. Every thought and action we have should be guided by the Word of
 C. We have a duty and an obligation to worship and praise the Lord.
      1. We are commanded to worship no other gods.
      2. Idol gods are nothing and have no power.
      3. Idol gods are the imagination of evil minds.
      4. Our focus should be on the one who created us in love.

V:9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
 A. Nothing made with human hands has power and authority over God's
      1. The essence of God's creative powers is in His Word.
      2. We have knowledge of God through His Word and through His
 B. Not only has God created everything but He maintains His creation.
     1. God is actively involved in His creation.
     2. He is the sole authority.
     3. What God began in creation in us , He will complete in the full redemption
         of us after the second coming of Jesus.
     4. It is God's love that redeems us from our sinful state.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lesson follow me on facebook and visit
my blogs. "", ""

Thursday, December 22, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Lord Is My Shepherd", 12/25/2016


Luke 2:8-20

V:8-9. " And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. "
A. Shepherds
    1. The Lord is my Shepherd.   23 Psalms
    2. It is fitting that the Lord revealed His birth to shepherds first.
        a. Jesus came in a low estate.
        b. He came in a humble spirit.
        c. Jesus is our shepherd and we are His sheep.
    1. They were on the job.
    2. They were busy.
    3. It was night time.
       a. It was a quite time. God often reveals His Word to us in our
          quite time.
       b. He has our attention when there are no distractions.
    4. God is pleased when we are where we are suppose to be,
        doing what we are suppose to be doing.
B. The shepherds were first to hear of the birth of Jesus.
   1. When God shows up in your life, you will know it is Him.
   2. It was the middle of the night in the mist of what would appear to be a flood
       light, that an Angel showed up.
C. God will comfort you in your fears.
    1. God may show up in an unexpected time and in an unexpected place.
    2. God may show up in an unexpected way.
    3. To receive a message from God, your mind has to be open to God.

V:10. " But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. "
 A.  Some times when you are not expecting anything, God will
       give you good news.
    1. God can give you joy in the mist of your work day.
    2. The Word of God is not just for you, but for everyone.
B. Sometimes the Word of God will not change your situation.
    1. But it will change the  way you see your situation.
    2. The Word can change how you deal with your situation.
    2. The joy I have, the world didn't give it and world can't take it a way.

 V:11. "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the           
          Lord. "
 A.   The Good News
     1. The birth of a Savior, Christ the Lord.
     2. The fulfillment of a promise.
     3. The blessing of hope
     3. This is personal, because Jesus is your Savior.
B. The location of the birth was Bethlehem
     1. Bethlehem means "house of bread".
     2. The Lord, the owner was born in the house of bread.
     3. When we hunger for Jesus, our appetite will be  satisfied.
C. The City of David is the home town of a king.
     1. Jesus is identified as Savior, King and Lord.

V:12. " This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
 A. The Lord's instructions are complete.
    1. You don't have to do any guessing, the Word is plain.
    2. The Shepherds knew how to identify the right baby.
         a. He would be wrapped in swaddling clothes.
         b. He would be lying in a feeding crib for animals. 
    3. Jesus took on human flesh in body of Mary.
    4. He was man and God.

V:13-14. " Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
  A. If we don't praise God, He has a host of Angels that can do the job.
      1. God sets the example of praise for Jesus.
      2. We should praise Him because He is God.
      3. We should praise Him because He is the supreme authority.
      4. We should praise Him because He came for our good.
          a. Our peace.
          b. Our good will.
          c. Our eternal life.
 B. Jesus is due our highest praise.
    1. The Lord has favored us with a knowledge of Jesus.
    2. The Lord has given us an example praise in the assemble of the saints.

V:15. " When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
A. It is  good to study the Word of God with other believers.
    1. When others are involved, you can discuss your proper response to the Word,
    2. What should we do after having heard the Word?
    3. In what way was our heart convicted?
 B. You should check the Word out for yourself.
     1. You can't always rely on others to give you the complete truth.
     2. When you search the Word for yourself, you get a better understanding.
C. When you hear the Word of God you first response should be to believe the
     the Word.
    1. You second response should be to act on the Word.
    2. Faith grows when you act on the Word of God.
    3. Faith without works is dead.

Verse 16. "So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger."
A. There are times when Word requires an immediate response.
     1. The baby would not be in that location long.
     2. The baby would not be wearing those cloths described by the Angel long.
     3. Sometimes when we don't act immediately, we lose opportunities.
 B. The shepherds dropped what they were doing and went to see Jesus for themselves.
     1. They saw the baby, His mother and His father.
     2. They found that the Word was true.
     3. Our confidence grows when we experience the truth of the Word for ourselves.

Verse 17. " When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child."
A. Once you know Jesus, your next job is to spread the Word.
    1. We are all God's disciples.
    2. We have been commissioned by Jesus to spread the Word.   Matt 28:19
    3. People are drawn to Jesus because of what we say about Him.
B. The shepherds were armed with Word of God and their personal experience.
    1. They heard the Word form the Angel.
    2. They witness the praise of Jesus from  a host of Angels.
    3. They acted on the Word and were drawn in faith to Jesus.
    4. They experienced the truth of the Word for themselves.
C. The Shepherds became the first evangelists of the Word.
    1. Instead of returning immediately to their flock, they made
        it their business to spread the Word.
    2. When spend time serving Jesus, He make sure your other responsibilities
        are protected.
    3. God protected the shepherd's sheep while they followed His call.

V:18. " And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. "
 A. The Good News is amazing.
     1. Your excitement about the Good News can excite others.
     2. Believers can't be ashamed of the Gospel.
     3. God will prepare hearts of those you come in contact with to accept the Word.
 B. Our job as believers  is to tell others who Jesus is to us.
     1. What experience have you had with Jesus?
     2.  He is Christ, the Messiah, Anointed by the Father.
     3. He is our Savior. He came to save us from our sins.
     4. He come down from heaven to bring us joy.

V:19. " But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. "
 A. One of the characteristics the Word keep reminding us about Mary
      is her meditation.
     1. All the experiences she had with Jesus were stored in her heart.
     2. She meditated on the Word.
     3. She was putting a picture of the Savior together in her mind.
     4. Her experiences was completing the picture.
B.  The Word becomes real to us as meditate on what God has done for us.
     1. If we consider our lives from day to day we can see God at work.
     2. I can see His blessings in what he has done for me.
     3. I can see His blessings in what He didn't allow to happen.

V:20. " The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."
A. Each encounter we have with God is a reason to praise and
    glorify the Name of Jesus.
    1. Praise and worship starts with you.
    2. We should continue without ceasing giving God praise and glory.
    3. He is worthy of our praise.
B. The shepherds went back to their job praising God.
    1. We ought start every day praising God.
    2. Jesus is the reason for our being.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77040

For more lessons, follow me on face book and visit my blogs and

Thursday, December 15, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Faithfulness and Patience: Keys to Successful Living", 12/18/2016


Luke 1:8-20

V:8-9. " Now it happened that while he was performing his priestly service before God in the appointed order of his division, 9 according to the custom of the priestly office, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense."
A. The Levite priest were divided into 24 groups. Because of the large number,
     a priest would serve in the temple once in his life time.
     1. Zacharias was chosen by lot to burn incense in the evening.
     2. In the Temple were two rooms, the Holy room and the Holy of Holies
          separated by a Veil.
     3. Zacharias service was in the Holy room of the temple
B. Only the High Priest from line of Aaron could enter the Holy of Holies.
    1. This position was non functioning starting 175 years before the time of Jesus.
    2. Caiaphas was the Roman appointed High Priest from a wealthy Sadducees
    3. The High priest office had degenerated to a political position.
C. The incense burning symbolize the offering of prayers for the Jewish people
      including the priest.

 V:10. " And the whole multitude of the people were in prayer outside at the hour of the incense offering."
A. When the shepherd of the church is in prayer, the church members should also be in
    1. The Lord hears the prayer of the righteous.     Proverbs 15:29
    2. Our prayers ought to consistent and continuous.
    3. Our prayers ought not be selfish.
    4. We should be in prayer for each other.
B. There are times when the Church should come together in prayer
    1. The place of prayer is the assemble of the saints.
    2. The entire Church body should be in prayer for the leaders of our nation
         who may not have God as the center of their activities.

V: 11-12. : And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. 12 Zacharias was troubled when he saw the angel, and fear gripped him."
A. Angels can bring good news or bad news from the Lord.
    1. When we are serving the Lord faithfully, the news will be favorable.
    2. The Angel position himself on the right side of the altar.
    3. The right side is a favorable side.
    4. Jesus sets at the right Hand of the Father.
B. Fear is a normal human emotion.
     1. From time to time we will be frighten by unusual and unexpected circumstances.
     2. But we must expect God to move in unexpected ways.
     3. We can expect God to do the unexpected.

V:13-14" But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John. 14 You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. "
A. God hears our prayers, but He answers them in His time.
     1. Because our prayers are not answered when we want, does not mean God
         has not heard them and want answer them.
     2. God has a purpose for delaying the answer to our prayers.
     3. God's purpose for the lives of our children may be different from ours.
     4. Zacharias and  his wife had been praying probably since their marriage ceremony
         for a child.
         a. God waited until they were past the child bearing age to give them an answer.
         b. God heard the prayer, but He waited until their prayer fit His agenda.
B. The Angel foretold the birth of son and provided his Holy name; John.
     1. The name "John" means the grace or mercy of the Lord.
     2. To John and to Elizabeth their son  was a favor from God.
     3. A blessing to others is a blessing to us.
     4. Our blessings are blessings to others.
C. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy given in Malachi 3 some 400 years earlier.
    1. In Malachi the mission of this Zacharias's son is given.
    2 John was born to prepare the way for the Messiah.

V:15-16. "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb. 16 "And he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God."
A. Can you imagine the years of frustration of a woman wanting a child and watching
     all her friends have children.
    1. Can you imagine praying, watching and waiting for a child  with no answer from
        God for many years.
    2. In his old age, Zacharias learns the mission and the purpose of his long awaited
    3. While other men had children in their young age, his son would turn many sons
        toward God.
    4. It should be a comfort to know in advance that your child is destined to be
        obedient and a servant of the Lord.
         a. His son would be filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore a wise servant of the
B. God rewards us for the obedient lifestyle that we lead.
    1. Zacharias reward was the promise of a godly child that would make a positive
        difference  in lives of others.
    2. Zacharias's reward was the promise of a child that he would not have to worry about.

V: 17 "It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
A. The revelation from the Angel to Zacharias was his son would be the lead to the
     Messiah with the preaching power of Elijah.
     1. It is good to know that your children are destined for greatness.
     2. It good to know that your children will have a positive influence on their peers.
B.  How do you prepare your children for greatness?
     1. The first thing you do is start with yourself.
     2. Are you a positive influence for those around you?
     3. Do you set a godly examples for others to follow?
     4. Are you committed to following God's commands?
     5. Are you committed to training up your children in the ways of the Lord?

V:18. " Zacharias said to the angel, "How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years."
A. When God reveals His plan for your life to you, don't question it with doubt.
    1. Zacharias looked at the physical limitations of his situation.
       a. He and his wife were old and beyond the children age.
       b. He probably didn't know any couples around him that had children
           in their old age.
        c. In his brief encounter with the Angel, he probably didn't remember
            that Abraham and Sarah had a son in their old age.
        d. Whatever God did for someone, He can do for you.
    2. Zacharias did not consider that there is nothing impossible for God.
    3. If God can create, then He can revive that which He created.
B. The job of  a Christian is to act on the Word of God in faith.
    1. We don't have to know how God is going to do something.
    2. We must believe that He can make it happen.

V:19. " The angel answered and said to him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news."
A. Gabriel spoke with the authority of God.
      1. Conformation of the Word is found in the Word.
      2. The Word of God is full of good news for us.
      3. The Word of God is our authority.
      4. God has no physical limitations.
B. Since we are God's Children, we have no limitations that God cannot overcome.
     1.There is nothing that we can't accomplish under the power of God.
     2. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
     3. Each believer plays a part in God's plan of redemption.
     4. Each believer has been equipped for success in God's plan.

V:20. "And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time."
A. Unbelief is an enemy to God's children.
    1. Unbelief is the work of the devil in our minds.
    2. Unbelief can cause us not to the seek the blessings God has promised.
    3. Unbelief can cause us to deny the truth of God's Word.

B. What God has for us is for us.
   1. Zacharias didn't lose his promised son, but his unbelief did cost him.
   2. He lost his voice for nine months.
   3. He lost the praise of his lips for nine months.
   4. Notice, we don't hear from Zacharias again until the naming of his son.
C. Even though Zacharias couldn't talk, he acted on the promise of the Angel
     and had sex with his wife.
    1. Even though Zacharias couldn't talk, he communicated with wife the
        promised blessing of a son.
    2. Whatever was dormant in their bodies, God regenerated, revived or made alive.
    3. What they couldn't accomplish on their own was accomplished under God's
    4. We must learn from our mistakes.
    5. If unbelief in the Word cost you once, don't let it happen again.


Rev M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Toll Way
Houston, Texas 77041

For more lessons, visit me on facebook and my blogs and

Thursday, December 8, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Two Ladies, Two Miracles Births", 12/11/2016


Luke 1:39-56

V:39-40. " At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea,
40 where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth."
A. Mary traveled 75- 90 miles going up hill from Nazareth to Elizabeth's home.
    1. We are not told how she traveled.
    2. Did she walk?
    3. Did she ride on a donkey or in a carriage?
    4. We are not told if she made trip with someone or by herself.
 B. Mary was informed by the Angel Gabriel that Elizabeth in her old
     age was pregnant with a baby.
    1. Did Mary travel to Elizabeth's house to see the miracle that the
         angel described?
     2. Did Mary go to comfort Elizabeth?
     3. What we do know is that Mary was guided and protected by the
           Holy Spirit.
     4. Life for a believer is a journey guided and protected by the Holy
     5. Life for a believer is an up hill walk toward Christ.

V:41-42. "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! "
A. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit from conception of Jesus in her body.
    1.Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit when she was greeted by Mary.
    2. How you greet a person can effect their mood and well being.
    3. If we are excited about the Lord, others will get excited.
B. While Elizabeth's pregnancy was a miracle because of her age, it was
      by human means directed by the power of God.
    1. Mary's pregnancy was without human hands and totally the work of the
        Holy Spirit.
    2. Both pregnancies was the fulfillment of prophecy and part of God's
         plan of redemption.  Malachi 3:1. Isa 7:14
C. Each believer play a part in God's plan of redemption.
    1. Each of us are blessed and highly favored.
    2. Every Christian ought to allow themselves to be used by the Holy
    3. Our relationship with God affects the well being of our children.    
    4. The training of a child begins in the womb.
     5. In the womb. the unborn baby is nourished by what ever the mother
          puts into her mouth and mind.
     6. The nourishing of an unborn child effect not only it physical
           well being, but also it mental well being.

V:43-44. " But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy."
A. Both Mary and Elizabeth were bonded together by the Holy Spirit.
    1. We should be careful who we associate with.
    2. The spirit of someone else can affect you.
    3. Stay away from negative and evil people.
    4. Their emotional state can affect your mental well being.
 B. When God favors us, we can pass on that favor to others with encouragement
      and support.
    1. When we are excited, we pass our excitement to others.
    2. When we are sad, we can pass on our sadness to others.
    3. What we hear can affect us eternally.

V:45. " Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
A. We must put our trust in the Word of God.
    1. God makes promises to us all throughout the Bible.
    2. We must study the Word to know God's promises
    3. Every stage of our lives is the fulfillment of the promises of God.
 B. The blessings of God are all around us.
     1. All we have to do is observe and see the glory of God in our lives.
     2. God gave us the ability to believe in Him.
        a. To each is given a measure of faith.
        b. We have to exercise our faith daily.
        c. Whatever we need, God will provide.
    3. We are blessed when we believe the Word of God.
        a. Many of God's blessings are realized when we act on the Word.

V:46-48. " And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed,"
A. The attitude of a Christian should be one of thankfulness.
    1. Love and joy comes from the heart.
    2. Deep inside of us are our true feelings.
    3. We can't hide  love or hate.  It will soon show itself.  
B. When we reflect on the goodness of the Lord, we should give Him glory.
    1. We can do nothing of ourselves.
    2. Any ability we have comes from the Lord.
C. God hates the proud.
    1. Those who humble themselves before the Lord will be lifted up.
    2. The love of the Lord never ends.
    3. Long after we have pass on, we will be remembered for what we did
        for the Lord.
    4. Only what we do for the Lord counts.
    5. Mary and Elizabeth are remembered for their sacrifice to the Lord.
    6. They both gave up their first born to the Lord.

V:49-51. " for the Mighty One has done great things for me —  holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. "
A. The love of the Lord for us is manifested in what He does for us.
    1. Whatever God does is holy.
    2. His grace and mercy never ends.
    3. Those who love the Lord and those who serve Him are blessed.
    4. What we do for God has an effect on our families and all who are associated
         with us.
B. The power of the Lord is manifested all around us.
    1. Everything that our eyes can see was spoken into existence.
    2. Faith in God has to start with the first Words that God recorded.
    3. The proof of the creation story is all around you.
    4. The proof of God's existence is in His creation.
C. When we consider our lives, we must come to the conclusion that
     all our good comes from the Lord.
   1. If the wages of sin is death, we should be dead.
   2. It is only by His grace and mercy that we still live.

V:52-53. " He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. "
A. Understanding the power of God comes by observation.
   1. History tells us that powerful armies have been destroyed by the Lord's work.
   2. Starting with the Pharaoh  of Egypt,  who was brought down before
       the Lord.
       a. The nation of Israel, untrained and unarmed was allowed to cross the
           red sea on dry land while Pharaoh's army drowned.
       b. The Bible is a history lesson on the greatness of God.
B. The Bible is also a history lesson on God's grace and mercy toward
     His chosen people.
    1. Our lives today is a record of God's mercy.
    2. Mary recounted the Word she heard doing Bible Study.
    3. It is very clear that Mary believed the Word of God.
    4. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

V:54-55. " He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers."
A. Mary remembered the rich history that her nation had with the Lord.
    1. Mary gave God credit for what had been done for her nation
    2. Belief in our history with God is an important part of our faith.
B. We can't just focus on our present situation, we must focus on the
     big picture.
    1. We have to find the grace of God in our present trials and tribulations.
    2. We can only understand the magnitude of God's grace and mercy by
        reviewing our long term history with God.

V:56. " Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. "
A. Mary came to Elizabeth when she was six months pregnant.
     1. So it appears that she stayed until John The Baptist was born.
     2. It is a good thing when we are there when people need us the most.
     3. I am sure that Mary was a great comfort and help to her old aged
     4. Both women being filled with the Holy Spirit may have comforted each other
         with the Word and praise and worship.
     5. That is what we should do for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
B. I am sure I am missing something here.
    1. We have no indication that Mary told anyone where she was going when
         she left Nazareth .
    2. Her trip to Elizabeth's home may have been as much as ninety miles,
        which may have been a ten day trip.
    3. There is no indication that she traveled with anyone or what her mode
         of transportation was.
    4. There is no indication that her family looked for her or was alarmed
         that she was gone for three months.
     5. In the story of the prodigal son, God shows a father looking and waiting
         for his lost son to return home. 
         a. We don't get a sense of anyone waiting for Mary's return.
         b. We don't even get a sense of Joseph waiting for his chosen wife to return.
C. Since the births of Mary and Elizabeth's babies were God designed and
     God controlled, maybe Mary was  supernaturally transposed from Nazareth 
     to Elizabeth's home and back to Nazareth.
     1. We know God can do this.
     2. Elijah was transposed by a whirlwind out of earth into heaven.   2 Kings 2:1
     3. It certainly would be no problem for God to provide transportation for
         Mary by a whirlwind.
  D. In case of the concern for Mary's well being, maybe God shut up the minds of
       the family.
     1. We know He can do this.
     2. Jesus shut up the minds of His disciples so that they could not understand
         His death until after the resurrection.
     3. The birth, death and the resurrection of Jesus are supernatural events that cannot
         be understood by human reasoning.
     4. We can only believe by the faith that God has measured out to us.
     5. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
     6. The Just live by faith and not by sight.


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Thursday, December 1, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Miracle Birth of Jesus", 12/4/2016


Luke 1:26-38
V:26-27. "In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary
A. In these two verses, God announced the fulfillment of prophecies made hundreds
     of years earlier.
    1. God the Father spoke about Jesus as the promise seed in Genesis 3:15   4000 BC
    2.  The prophets spoke of Jesus being called a Nazarene.  Matt 2:23.
        a. The name Nazareth come from the root word netzer which means branch
             Isa 11:1 ,  700 BC
    3. Isaiah spoke of Jesus being born of a virgin.   Isa 7:14
    4. Jeremiah spoke of Jesus being a descendant from the house of David.  Jer 23:5,
         600 BC
    5. Micah 5:2 is the prophecy of  the city of Jesus birth; Bethlehem.   700 BC
    6. Daniel 9:6  gives the time frame of Jesus birth and death.    600 BC
    7. God is in no hurry to fulfill His prophecies, but they will be fulfilled.
    8. Whatever God says He will do for you, He will do, but in His time.    
B. God's plan for your life supercedes your plans.
    1. Mary and Joseph had a planned marriage.
    2. God changed their plan to fit His plan.
    3. God's plan for your life is better than any plan you can make.  
C.  The Lord uses those who are faithful and just to carry out His plans.
     1. Mary and Joseph came from the line of David and were both righteous in their lives.
     2. We can infer this by what is said about Jesus.
     3. We can also infer that God would not have chosen unfit parents for His Son.

V:28-29. " The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.  Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be."
A. Our faithfulness gets God's attention.
    1. God rewards us on this earth for our love for Him
    2. God is on the side of the faithful
    3. There is no end to the favor of God for the righteous.
B. God's favor to us does not prevent us from facing the trouble of the world.
    1. God is with us through our trouble
    2. God comforts us in our trouble.
C. Like Mary, we ought to meditate on the Word of God.
    1. We ought to bless the Lord in our troubles and through our troubles.
    2. We ought to consider the favor of the Lord in our lives with thanksgiving.
    3. We ought to show our gratitude by our obedience to His commands.

V:30-32. " But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.  You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,"
A. God's favors include particular blessings.
    1. Not only will God bless us with children, but He has a plan for
        the future success of our children.
    2. God  named Jesus  according to the mission He had for Him.
        a. The name Jesus means savior or deliverer.
        b. Traditionally, Jewish male babies were named at the time they were circumcise .
        c. Traditionally, Jewish babies were name after a decease relative (grand parent).
    3. Jesus was not a traditional baby, therefore was not named according to tradition.
B. The birth of Jesus was not by human conception, but by the Holy Spirit.
    1. Normally for the ancient Jewish marriage there were two celebration, the betrothal
        and then wedding celebration.
    2. Normally, the conception of a baby took place after the marriage celebration.
    3. Since Mary was espoused to Joseph, a dowry had been paid to her father.
         a. She was legally married to Joseph, but the wedding celebration
             had not taken place.
    4. God eliminated the marriage celebration so Joseph would not have any
        part in the birth of Jesus or could claim he had any part.
 C. Jesus is not the son of Joseph, but the Son of the Heavenly Father.
     1. Joseph was father in the care taker sense.
     2. Joseph had the role of taking care of Jesus during his childhood.   
 D. God's plan for Jesus was greater than any plan Mary and Joseph
      could develop.
    1. Jesus is the Son of God.
    2. Jesus is the king of mankind forever.
    3. As His name implies, He is the Savior of mankind.

V:33. " And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end."
A. Jesus holds three eternal positions.
     1. He is King.
     2. He is our High Priest.
     3. He is our prophet.
B. Jesus is our Lord.
    1. He is our Shepherd.
    2. Jesus is our Savior.
    3. Jesus is our intercessor seated at the right hand of the Father.

V:34 "How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"
A. This question from Mary seem strange to me.
    1. Since Mary was espoused to Joseph, why wouldn't she naturally
        think that her wedding to Joseph would take place and she would
        conceive a son?
   2. Why would Mary think that the angel was speaking of a birth that didn't include
        her husband?
   3. Why was Mary not alarmed that the Angel was speaking of something that
       would be considered adultery by her community, punishable by death?
   4. Why didn't God inform Joseph first of His plan for Mary?
   5. Why didn't Mary immediately inform Joseph?
   6. Is it possible that Mary had a conversation with the Angel that is not recorded?
   7. Don't worry, God told us all He wanted us to know.
B. Sometimes God's plan for our lives does not follow our normal thought
   1. Before we jump to conclusions, we have to listen to the Word of God.
   2. If we don't fully understand God's Word, we should ask questions.
   3. God's plan for our lives always follows His Word.  Isa 7:14.

V:35. " The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God."
A. It take faith to act on God's Word.
    1. It takes faith to allow God to use you in a controversial way.
    2. It takes faith to believe that God can do something extraordinary with you.
    3. It takes faith to act on God's Word without consulting those you trust.
    4. It takes faith to act on God's Word when you have never witness what
        He commands you to do.
B. The body of Mary was used to house the Spirit of Jesus in human flesh.
   1. Jesus was God first, then God in human flesh.
   2. The Holy Spirit took charge of Mary's body to perform the Holy conception.
   3. The Holy Spirit was in charge of the growth and the development of the
        baby Jesus in Mary's body.
   4. The Holy Spirit claimed God as the Father of Jesus.
   5. Notice Joseph was left out of the process all together.
   6. God does not need your approval to do what He desires to those you love.

V:36. " Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month."
A. To give Mary comfort that God performs miracles, The angel pointed Mary to
     her relative who was pregnant in her old age.
    1. Elizabeth was well past the child bearing age, yet she was 6 months pregnant.
    2. While Elizabeth's pregnancy was a miracle, in my mind it was not on the same
        level as Mary's.
B.  Everyday, life on this earth is God's miracle. We just don't see life as a miracle.

V"37. " For nothing is impossible with God."
 A. God created man out of the dust of the earth.
     1. God spoke the universe into being.
     2. If we can believe the creation story in Genesis, it should be
         easy to believe God can do anything He desires.
     3. Just because we can't understand something, does not mean it is
       impossible for God.
B. Our ways are not God's ways and our thoughts are not God's thoughts.
   1. We must leave room in our prayers for God to do unexpected miracles
       in our lives.
   2. I believe we need to expect God to do the unexpected.
V:38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. "
A. Complete submission to God's Word takes complete faith in God.
   1. Mary set an example of what it takes to be faithful.
   2. We first have to see ourselves as servants of God.
   3. We have to allow God to take control of our lives.
   4. We have to be willing to suffer to follow God's Word.
B. We have to ignore the opinions of others when serving God.
   1. We have to put complete trust in God to carry us through
        any adversity we face while serving Him.
  2. We have to thank God for using us in His plan of redemption.


Rev M Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas 77041

For more lessons follow me on facebook and visit my

blogs. and

Friday, November 25, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Last Rights", 11/27/2016


Revelation 22:12-21

V:12 "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done."
A. Jesus said " Behold"  it is in the imperative form, meaning it is important that
     we pay attention.
     1. The word "quickly" has as one of it's meaning, it will be a surprise.
         a. He will not announce the time of His second coming, but Jesus is coming.
         b. No one knows the time of His coming but the Father.
 B. Jesus second coming will have a purpose.
     1. He will judge the living and the dead.
     2. He will reward all mankind individually, according to what was done while living
         on this earth.
     3. Everyone is responsible for his/her own actions.
     4. What we do now, is a setup for the judgment that Jesus will render  in heaven.

V:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
 A. We can take word "first" in a number of ways:
      1. Jesus was first born of the Father.
      2. Jesus was first born of the dead.
      3. He was first with the Word.
B. Jesus is eternal, He has no beginning or ending.
     1. Jesus always was.
     2. Jesus always will be.
     3. Jesus is the beginning of everything we know.
     4. Jesus is the end of everything we will know.
     5. Everything and everyone you and I know has a beginning and has an ending.
     6. It is beyond human understanding to know eternity past or eternity future.
     7. What has been revealed about Jesus is supernatural.

V:14. " Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. "
A. The washing of robes must be the washing of our sins through our faith in the blood
      of Jesus.
     1. We are made clean through the our faith in Jesus Christ.
     2. The right to the tree of life is granted immediately upon our faith in Jesus.
B. The new Jerusalem, now revealed in the text is the place Jesus said He would
     prepare for us.   John 14:3
    1. The city will have 12 gates open to all people, from the four corners of the world
         that confess Jesus as Lord and Savior.
    2. The unrighteous have a place prepared for them which is the eternal hell.

V:15. " Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying."
A. The word "outside" refers to  eternal separation from God.
    1. God identifies those people who will not be included in the Lamb's book of life.
    2. The dogs are those who turn against their owner. The owner is God.
B. All people who oppose the Word of God are listed as those who will not enter into
    the New Jerusalem.
   1. Those who practice magic are excluded from the tree of life.
   2. Those who are immoral are excluded.
   3. Those who worship idol gods are excluded.
   4. Those who show no regard for the life of others are excluded.
   5. Those who pervert the truth are excluded from the tree of life.

V:16 "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star."
A. Jesus uses His messengers to bring us a Word from Him.
    1. Jesus is the root of all mankind, yet subjected himself to be a descendant from Jesse.
    2. Jesus is a descendant from David, Jesse's son.
    3. Jesus consider David as man after His heart.
    4. David was a servant and King of Israel.
    5. Jesus said I did not come to be served, but to serve.
    6. Jesus is the King of all believers, the new Israel.
B. Jesus is the bright morning star.
    1. Jesus is the light of the world.
    2. Jesus is the new morning for all believers. He is start of every day.
    3. Jesus is the star of our lives.
    4. Jesus is our focus.
    5. We can look to sky and see the glory of God.

V:17. " The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost."
A. All believers have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    1. We have the job to invites others to come and join the body of Christ.
    2. We should inform nonbelievers that once accepting Christ as their person
         Savior, He becomes their protector and provider.
    3. Christ takes on the role of the husband of our lives.
    4. No man can match Christ in the complete responsibility as husband.
B. The gift of eternal life is without any cost.
     1. It not about us, but Christ love for us.
     2. Our responsibility is to accept His love and all His benefits without doubt.

V:18-19. " I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;
19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. "
A. The Bible is the authority and is not subject to man's opinion.
    1. There is a danger of intentionally misinterpreting the scripture.
    2. We cannot add any words to the scripture to it make agreeable to our ideas.
    3. We should not leave out portions of the scripture to fit our way of thinking.
    5. The Word is truth and does not depend on our beliefs or actions.
B. Those who disbelieve the scripture and those who knowingly distort the scripture are
     not part of the body of Christ.
    1. Those who knowingly distort the scripture will add hardships to their lives.
    2. Heaven or hell is a choice that we knowingly make.
    3. Belief in the Word is a personal choice.  Rejecting the Word is a choice.

V:20-21. " He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen."
A.  Jesus is the author of the Word.
    1.  He gives everyone a chance to make a decision regarding Heaven before He
         returns for His Church.
    2. He is coming back to judge the living and the dead; believe it or not.
B. Believers are chosen by God to believe.
    1. Unbelievers are left in their state of unbelief.
    2. God is sovereign and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
    3. It is by the grace of God that we have a place in heaven. 


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77010

For more lessons follow me on facebook and visit my blogs
www.revmmitchell,com   and goodnewsrevmitc,

Thursday, November 17, 2016

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Our New Eternal Home", 11/20/2016


Revelation 22:1-7

1. "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb."
A. There are several ways of interpreting this verse, but I prefer  Jameson Fausset and
     1. The crystal clear water of life could represent the full Gospel grace flowing from
         the throne of God.
     2. While we now receive God's Grace daily, it is hindered by the sin that exist in
         our lives.
         a. It is my belief, that we now receive only a small portion of the blessings that God
             has stored for us because of our unbelief and disobedience.
         b. Since we are influence by the flesh, our lives are more difficult than it could be
             because we are not completely right before God.
 B. The river of the water of life could also represent the Holy Spirit.
     1. Learning to yield to the guidance and the direction of the Holy Spirit is a continuous
          spiritual growth process.
     2. In the New city of Jerusalem, we will be completed consumed in the spirit.
         1. The river may represent an infinite abundance of life.
         2. Life in the New Jerusalem will be everlasting.
     3. The phrase "clear as crystal" may be the infinite righteousness of God that all the
          redeemed will possess.  
V:2. " Down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
A. In the New Jerusalem, there will be only one path and that is the path of righteousness.
     1. This path/ street has its' beginning at the throne of God.
     2. It is in the center because God will be the center of our eternal existence.
     3. The constant flowing river of life has on each side a tree of life.
          a. In the Garden of Eden, there  was a tree of life which Adam was prevented from
              eating after his sin.
          b. I suggest that if Adam had eaten from the tree of life after his sin, that
              there would be no chance of redemption for man.
B. The tree of life may represent the eternal life that all believers written in the
     Lamb's book of Life will receive.
   1. The promise of eternal life is received when we accept Jesus as our personal Savior.
   2. Believers are living in the hope of eternal life in the eternal Jerusalem.
   3. God's plan of redemption will be the complete and permanent state of purity in
       His New Jerusalem.
   4. We must keep in mind that the New Jerusalem, the bride of Christ is the
        spirits of all God's redeemed.
    5. It is only by God's Grace that we are His redeemed.
C. Twelve is one of God divine numbers that  is used through out the Bible.
    1. There were twelve tribes of Israel.
    2. Jesus chose 12 disciples.
    3. There are 12 months in the year.
    4. Twelve may represent the all sufficiency of the Lord.
    4. Each believer in the church of Jesus Christ is equipped with gifts to produce
    5.We are expected to produce fruit through out our Christian life.
    6. In heaven the fruit  will be produced by the Lord without any effort on our part.
    7. The fruit from the tree could represent the infinite provisions of the Lord throughout
         our eternal lives with Him.
  D. According to the text, the leaves on the fruit tree are for healing.
     1. We know in the eternal kingdom there will be no death, no sickness and no sorrow.
     2. We know that our final state will be one of eternal blessings.
     3. Therefore, I suggest that leaves represent the state of complete and perfect health
          that will exist throughout eternity.  

V:3. " No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in  
        the city, and his servants will serve him."
 A. After Adam sinned, human life was cursed and the ground of the earth was also
      1. Old things will pass away and a new sinless environment will exist in eternity.
      2. The "old" are all the evil and evil consequences that result from man's sins.
           a. Trials, tribulations, sorrows  and death to name a few,
           b. Hate, jealousy, envy, backbiting and all disobedient behavior.
  B. In the presence of God, there will be no sin or any capability to sin.
     1. In this present Church Age, all sin is covered by the blood of Jesus.  1 Peter 1:18-19
     2. There is no righteousness in us, but all righteousness is imputed to us by our
         faith in Jesus.
     3. Jesus now sits a the right hand of the Father making continuous intercessions for us.
C. In the New Jerusalem there will be no atoning of sin, because it will not exist.
    1. Those who enter the New Jerusalem will have been washed by the lambs blood into
        eternal purity.
    2. We will be like angels, serving God with continuous non stop praise and worship.
         Matt 12:25

V:4. " They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads."
 A. Presently, no man has seen God at anytime.
     1. In the New Jerusalem, all God's saints will see His face.
     2. We will see God in all His Glory.
B. The Good News is, God takes ownership of all believers.
    1. We will be His brand, because we will have His name on our forehead.
    2. The labels inside our clothes identifies the maker.
    3. In the New Jerusalem the maker of us is God the Father.

V:5. " There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever."
A. This New Jerusalem will be nothing like our current earth.
    1. In God creative process described in Genesis, God created the sun to rule the day
        and the moon and the stars to rule the night.
    2. When I think about this, it appears that Go made an allowance for man
         to corrupt himself.
    3. In God's creative plan was man's corruption and man's redemption.
       a. The night is the time when the righteous man rest.
       b. The night is the time when the sinful man carry out his evil plans.
 B. Since there will be no sun and no moon,  then all the planets will have been
    1. The new heaven and the new earth will have it light from God Himself.
    2. Since God's light will be universal in the new heaven and the new earth,
        there will not be any rotation like our current planetary system.
    3. Jesus is the light of world and will be the light in the new heaven and the
        new earth.
 C. The new heaven and the new earth will be permanent and we will reign with
       the Lord forever.
V:6. " The angel said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place."
A. Throughout the Bible, God uses angels as His messengers.
     1. From time to time, God uses his angels to reveal parts of His plan of redemption
         to us.
     2. The Word from the Lord through men and through angels are true.
     3. The Word of  the Lord is the authority and never changes.
     4. You can count on the Word to be true.
B. There are seventeen books of prophecy in the Old Testament.
     1. God is the Lord of all of the prophets and directed their writings.
     2. Their spirits were tuned to God's Spirit.
     3. The Prophets proclaim the Word of God  to His people.
     4. God's revelation was revealed to us through His prophets.
     5. This establishes the authority of the Old Testament.
C. In this Book of Revelation, God revealed more of the details about the
     end times that were first revealed in the Old Testament.
     1. The Book of Revelation is final book of the Bible written by Saint John.
     2. God revealed to John the final details of His New Heaven and New earth.
     3. The word "soon" must be taken in the context that a day is as a thousands years
          to the Lord.
     4. Soon could be today or thousands of years from now.
     5. What we do know is these events will take place and we must  be ready to
          meet the Lord at any moment. 

V:7 "Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in
        this book."  
 A. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.
      1.  Since the Word of God is true, we must accept it by faith.
      2.  Our human minds cannot understand the thoughts of a infinite God.
 B. We must accept the Word of God as true.
     1. We have the evidence in our lives that the Word of God is true.
     2. We must act on God's Word out of obedience.
     3. Our minds cannot conceive the beauty and the glory of the New Jerusalem.
     4. We know because of Word, that we have a home in the New Jerusalem.
     5. We know because we were chosen before the foundation of the World,
          that we are blessed.   1 Peter 1:20


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, Texas 77010

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