Friday, October 30, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Serving God Until Death", 11/1/2015


Acts 12:1-11

V:12. " It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. "
A.  The time was reported to be around 47 AD.
     1. About that time there was a famine in the promise land.
     2. About that time  the Church at Antioch took up a collection for the poor saints in
     3. About that time Saul and Barnabas were selected to take the collection to the saints
       in need.
 B. About that time King Herod Arippa, the grandson of King Herod the Great ( the
     reigning king during the time of Jesus) decide to kill some members of the Church.
     for his own gratification.
    1. When the Church moves for the good of it's members, Satan moves for bad.
    2. When the Church moves to encourage the body of Christ, Satan moves to discourage.
    3. When the Church moves to build up, Satan moves to destroy. 
V:2. " He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. "
 A. It is difficult to understand why God allows a faithful servant to be
      be killed at the hands of an evil person.
    1. We know that all things work together for the good of those who love the
         Lord and are call according to His purposes.
    2. When it happens in your family, you want to know why?
    3. You can think of all the good reasons why your family should have been
         spared this hardship.
 B. The God we serve has a history of allowing His faithful servant die a the hands of
      evil men.  
    1. Jesus, our Lord and Savior was accused, lied upon and crucified by members
        of his own race.
    2. The Word tells us, that It pleased God to bruised His own Son.
    3. The Word also tells us the while Jesus was dying on the cross, the Father
        was reconciling the world to himself.
    4. What God does or allows is for the greater good of the Body of Christ.

V:3. " When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread."
A. While the ruling Jews, the Chief priest, the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin were not
     involved in the death of The Apostle James, they were certainly pleased that another
     leading member of the Church was dead.
   1. The ruling Jews made it known to the King that they approved of James' death.
   2. That approval may have lead to King Herod's decision to put Peter in jail to
       be killed.
B. When you approve of what is wrong, you become involved in the evil.
   1. Notice this took place doing  the Holy days of the Passover festival.
   2. This was the time set aside to remember the Great works of God the Father
       in releasing the Nation of Israel from Egyptian slavery fifteen hundred years
   3. You would think that commemorating this event would remind at least the chief
        priest of the love, the grace and the mercy of God for His people.
   4. You would think that people who were oppressed would not be pleased to see
        their own people oppressed.
V:4-5. " After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover.  So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. "
A. Notice the King was inclined to observed the Holy Days of Israel, but not the
     God of Israel and not the people of Israel.
   1. The ruling Jews observed the Holy Days of Israel, but not the God of Israel.
   2. God said they worshipped me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
B. After killing James, Herod put  Peter in jail to be killed after the Passover.
   1. Man makes plan that sometimes he may not be able to complete.
   2. If your plans does not consider the Will Of God they may fail.
   3. Sometimes God will use your plans to execute His divine plan.
C. After the death of James, the Church prayed in unity for the life of Peter.
   1. The Church should not be without earnest and consistence prayer.
   2. The Church should always pray for those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
   3. The Word says pray without ceasing.  

V:6. " The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance."
A. King Herod took no chances in securing the jail that Peter was placed.
    1. Notice the power, the King believed the Church had.
    2. Peter was guarded by at least sixteen soldiers.
    3. Peter was  put in a cell and handcuffed to two soldier; one on each side.
 B. There may have been two more Roman guards at different gates in the
    1. God is Spirit and cannot be locked out of any place.
    2. There is no place that you can go and not find God.

V:7. " Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists."

A. When your mind is focused on God, you can rest in peace.
     1. Peter was not praying or worrying about his situation.
     2. Peter was sound asleep, with his fate in God's hand.
     3. When you trust God, you allow Him to fight your battles.
 B. God is a light in a dark tunnel.
    1. An Angel came and shined a light in the jail cell and woke Peter up.
    2. He loosed Peter from the guards  without disturbing the  guards.
    3. He caused the jail door to be unlocked .
    4. All this was done in an instant without lifting a finger.
 C. When you down, God can lift you up
     1. When you are bound, God can loose you.
     2. When doors are closed, God can open them.
     3. God can speak to you in mist of others who cannot hear Him.
     4. When God speaks you should be obedient and act immediately.  

V:8-9 " Then the angel said to him, "Put on your clothes and sandals." And Peter did so. "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me," the angel told him. "
9 Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision."
A. You must get dressed for the for the  blessing God has for you.
    1. Dress up your mind with hope, peace and joy.
    2. Dress up you heart with trust .
    3. Get prepared to move when God gives you notice.
B. Follow God's directions.
    1. It is the holy spirit that gives us divine knowledge of God's plan.
    2. We Must all times be tuned to the Word of God.
        a. Prayer and meditation on the Word of God is the way stay in tuned to God.
        b. God blesses those who are obedient to His Word.
    3. God has a way of escape for all those who trust Him.
C. You don't have to know how God will rescue you.
     1. You can be sure that God's will for your life will completed
     2. God's ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts

V.10 " They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him."
A. Miracles happen to us every day.
    1. Recognizing and giving God the credit for the activities of our day is the problem.
    2. God delivers us from danger every minute of our day.
    3. The King had armed guards posted along the escape route  of Peter.
    4. The Devil and his demons keep a careful watch on our path seeking ways
         to destroy the confidence we have in Jesus.
B. Notice the armed guard  were made unaware of the movement Peter and the Angel.
    1. God, in His own way immobilized all the posted guards in the jail.
    2. God opened the way for Peter's escape.
    3. Throughout our day, God immobilizes the actions of evil against us.
    4. We are mostly unaware of how much God does to keep us safe.
 C. Once we are safe at our destination, God Angels return to the Lord.

V:11. " Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating."
A. It is usually in retrospect at the end of the day when we realize how much God did to
     keep us safe.
    1. We should never consider that just because our day was uneventful that God was
        not working miracles in our lives.
    2. I believe that we come to ourselves, when we realized that God has been good
        to us all the time.
    3. We are in our right mind when we give glory to God for the good and the bad in our
    4. We are in our right mind when we realize that God protect us all the time.
B. In this passage of scripture there are two faithful Christians put in jail for
     preaching Jesus.
   1. One was not protected from  the evil minded king and one was protected.
   2. One of the Apostles was killed and the other was protected from the evil desires of
       King Herod.
   3. Were there no prayers for James? Why was there cooperate prayer for Peter?
   4. Did God think more of one than He did for the other?
   5. Did God love Peter more than He loved James?
C. We must remember that we belong to God, and He can do anything He wants with us.
   1. God has a plan for each of our lives, and some time His plan includes tragedy. 
   2. In this case, may be James death brought the Church together in prayer.
       a. Stephen's death was a continuation of the persecution  of the church.
       b. His death marked  the scattering of the Church in according to the great
           commission Jesus gave His disciples to move the Gospel to the
           ends of the earth.   Matt 28:19
   3. Even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and mine.
       a. The death of a love one often brings families together to fellowship.
 D. Who got the better treatment, James or Peter?
      1. They both were equal with Lord.
          a. James died at the start of the ministry. He went home to glory early.
          b. Peter had to suffer many more year preaching the Gospel before his
              violent death.
      2. When we have completed the job God called us to do, He will call us home.
          1. Peter was known for his preaching skills and drawing many to Christ.
          2. Peter had two books in the Bible to write before his death.
          3. To write 1st and 2nd Peter, He needed his testimony with Lord
              developed through his life trials.

Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Sering God Until Death", 11/1/2015


Acts 12:1-11

V:12. " It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. "
A.  The time was reported to be around 47 AD.
     1. About that time there was a famine in the promise land.
     2. About that time  the Church at Antioch took up a collection for the poor saints in
     3. About that time Saul and Barnabas were selected to take the collection to the saints
       in need.
 B. About that time King Herod Arippa, the grandson of King Herod the Great ( the
     reigning king during the time of Jesus) decide to kill some members of the Church.
     for his own gratification.
    1. When the Church moves for the good of it's members, Satan moves for bad.
    2. When the Church moves to encourage the body of Christ, Satan moves to discourage.
    3. When the Church moves to build up, Satan moves to destroy. 
V:2. " He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. "
 A. It is difficult to understand why God allows a faithful servant to be
      be killed at the hands of an evil person.
    1. We know that all things work together for the good of those who love the
         Lord and are call according to His purposes.
    2. When it happens in your family, you want to know why?
    3. You can think of all the good reasons why your family should have been
         spared this hardship.
 B. The God we serve has a history of allowing His faithful servant die a the hands of
      evil men.  
    1. Jesus, our Lord and Savior was accused, lied upon and crucified by members
        of his own race.
    2. The Word tells us, that It pleased God to bruised His own Son.
    3. The Word also tells us the while Jesus was dying on the cross, the Father
        was reconciling the world to himself.
    4. What God does or allows is for the greater good of the Body of Christ.

V:3. " When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread."
A. While the ruling Jews, the Chief priest, the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin were not
     involved in the death of The Apostle James, they were certainly pleased that another
     leading member of the Church was dead.
   1. The ruling Jews made it known to the King that they approved of James' death.
   2. That approval may have lead to King Herod's decision to put Peter in jail to
       be killed.
B. When you approve of what is wrong, you become involved in the evil.
   1. Notice this took place doing  the Holy days of the Passover festival.
   2. This was the time set aside to remember the Great works of God the Father
       in releasing the Nation of Israel from Egyptian slavery fifteen hundred years
   3. You would think that commemorating this event would remind at least the chief
        priest of the love, the grace and the mercy of God for His people.
   4. You would think that people who were oppressed would not be pleased to see
        their own people oppressed.
V:4-5. " After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover.  So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. "
A. Notice the King was inclined to observed the Holy Days of Israel, but not the
     God of Israel and not the people of Israel.
   1. The ruling Jews observed the Holy Days of Israel, but not the God of Israel.
   2. God said they worshipped me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
B. After killing James, Herod put  Peter in jail to be killed after the Passover.
   1. Man makes plan that sometimes he may not be able to complete.
   2. If your plans does not consider the Will Of God they may fail.
   3. Sometimes God will use your plans to execute His divine plan.
C. After the death of James, the Church prayed in unity for the life of Peter.
   1. The Church should not be without earnest and consistence prayer.
   2. The Church should always pray for those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
   3. The Word says pray without ceasing.  

V:6. " The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance."
A. King Herod took no chances in securing the jail that Peter was placed.
    1. Notice the power, the King believed the Church had.
    2. Peter was guarded by at least sixteen soldiers.
    3. Peter was  put in a cell and handcuffed to two soldier; one on each side.
 B. There may have been two more Roman guards at different gates in the
    1. God is Spirit and cannot be locked out of any place.
    2. There is no place that you can go and not find God.

V:7. " Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists."

A. When your mind is focused on God, you can rest in peace.
     1. Peter was not praying or worrying about his situation.
     2. Peter was sound asleep, with his fate in God's hand.
     3. When you trust God, you allow Him to fight your battles.
 B. God is a light in a dark tunnel.
    1. An Angel came and shined a light in the jail cell and woke Peter up.
    2. He loosed Peter from the guards  without disturbing the  guards.
    3. He caused the jail door to be unlocked .
    4. All this was done in an instant without lifting a finger.
 C. When you down, God can lift you up
     1. When you are bound, God can loose you.
     2. When doors are closed, God can open them.
     3. God can speak to you in mist of others who cannot hear Him.
     4. When God speaks you should be obedient and act immediately.  

V:8-9 " Then the angel said to him, "Put on your clothes and sandals." And Peter did so. "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me," the angel told him. "
9 Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision."
A. You must get dressed for the for the  blessing God has for you.
    1. Dress up your mind with hope, peace and joy.
    2. Dress up you heart with trust .
    3. Get prepared to move when God gives you notice.
B. Follow God's directions.
    1. It is the holy spirit that gives us divine knowledge of God's plan.
    2. We Must all times be tuned to the Word of God.
        a. Prayer and meditation on the Word of God is the way stay in tuned to God.
        b. God blesses those who are obedient to His Word.
    3. God has a way of escape for all those who trust Him.
C. You don't have to know how God will rescue you.
     1. You can be sure that God's will for your life will completed
     2. God's ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts

V.10 " They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him."
A. Miracles happen to us every day.
    1. Recognizing and giving God the credit for the activities of our day is the problem.
    2. God delivers us from danger every minute of our day.
    3. The King had armed guards posted along the escape route  of Peter.
    4. The Devil and his demons keep a careful watch on our path seeking ways
         to destroy the confidence we have in Jesus.
B. Notice the armed guard  were made unaware of the movement Peter and the Angel.
    1. God, in His own way immobilized all the posted guards in the jail.
    2. God opened the way for Peter's escape.
    3. Throughout our day, God immobilizes the actions of evil against us.
    4. We are mostly unaware of how much God does to keep us safe.
 C. Once we are safe at our destination, God Angels return to the Lord.

V:11. " Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating."
A. It is usually in retrospect at the end of the day when we realize how much God did to
     keep us safe.
    1. We should never consider that just because our day was uneventful that God was
        not working miracles in our lives.
    2. I believe that we come to ourselves, when we realized that God has been good
        to us all the time.
    3. We are in our right mind when we give glory to God for the good and the bad in our
    4. We are in our right mind when we realize that God protect us all the time.
B. In this passage of scripture there are two faithful Christians put in jail for
     preaching Jesus.
   1. One was not protected from  the evil minded king and one was protected.
   2. One of the Apostles was killed and the other was protected from the evil desires of
       King Herod.
   3. Were there no prayers for James? Why was there cooperate prayer for Peter?
   4. Did God think more of one than He did for the other?
   5. Did God love Peter more than He loved James?
C. We must remember that we belong to God, and He can do anything He wants with us.
   1. God has a plan for each of our lives, and some time His plan includes tragedy. 
   2. In this case, may be James death brought the Church together in prayer.
       a. Stephen's death was a continuation of the persecution  of the church.
       b. His death marked  the scattering of the Church in according to the great
           commission Jesus gave His disciples to move the Gospel to the
           ends of the earth.   Matt 28:19
   3. Even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and mine.
       a. The death of a love one often brings families together to fellowship.
 D. Who got the better treatment, James or Peter?
      1. They both were equal with Lord.
          a. James died at the start of the ministry. He went home to glory early.
          b. Peter had to suffer many more year preaching the Gospel before his
              violent death.
      2. When we have completed the job God called us to do, He will call us home.
          1. Peter was known for his preaching skills and drawing many to Christ.
          2. Peter had two books in the Bible to write before his death.
          3. To write 1st and 2nd Peter, He needed his testimony with Lord
              developed through his life trials.

Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

Thursday, October 22, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Spreading The Gospel", 10/25/2015


Acts 11:1-18

V:1. " The apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God."
A. Whatever you do has a way of traveling to other people and other places.
    1. You never know who is watching what you do.
    2. You never know who is associated with someone who knows you in other places.
B. It would be better for good news to travel than for bad news to travel.
    1. We are God's ambassadors.
    2. The more we promote Jesus, the more the Gospel will spread.
C. Peter, at the command of Jesus, preached the Word to Cornelius, who
     was a Gentile and a Roman commander.
    1. The Word was also preached to Cornelius  family and friends.
    2. In a vision, God corrected Peter's attitude that Jews were the chosen race
        and the Gentiles were excluded from a relationship with God.
    3. The prevailing attitude was that the Gentiles being uncircumcised,
         were unclean. 
 D. God does not act on majority opinion.
    1. God gave the mission to Peter  to preach the Gospel to Cornelius, but not to
        the other Apostles.
    2. God does not give everyone the same mission.
    3. God does not need your input to used someone  in a way that you don't

V 2-3 " So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him 3 and said, "You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them."
A. No matter what you do for the Lord, there will be someone who will find fault
     in what you have done.
   1. Some people will judge you when they don't know the whole story.
   2. Don't get upset, because before God cause you to change, you may
       have had the same attitude.
   3. We have to be as tolerant with others as God has been with us.
   4. People need good role models to follow and you may be the one
        God has chosen.
 B. Notice the tone of Peter's accusers was one of authority, power and
   1. Jesus had given the Apostles the authority to take the Gospel to the ends
       of the earth.
       a. Jesus had given His Apostles the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven
   2. The Church had receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
      a. They had power to lay hands on new believers and baptize them
          with the Holy Spirit.
      b. They had the power to admit new believers into fellowship with
          the Church.
  3. BUT, they had their convictions.
      a. They were convicted by their traditions.
      b. They were convicted by their Law.
      c. Their laws and their convictions prevented them from fellowshipping
          with non Jews or Gentiles.
      d. The word Gentile comes from the Greek word "ethnos" which means
          heathen or pagan. (We get the word ethnic).
  4. Their Law required that every Jewish male baby  be circumcised on the
       eight day after it's birth.
       a. This was a sign of the covenant God made with Nation of Israel (Gen 17:10-12).
       b. To them, Gentiles were uncircumcised heathens.
  5. What the circumcised believers didn't understand was that Jesus death on the
       cross had fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.
     a. They didn't understand that to be circumcised was no longer a requirement
         for a relationship with God.
     b. They did not understand that the only requirement for a relationship with
         the Father was faith in His Son.    John 3:16
     c. Jesus, while He lived on earth did not talk against the law because He had
        to fulfill all the requirements of the Law with His shed blood on the cross.
   6. The Jews and  the Jewish proselytes who had converted to faith in Jesus
        had to realize that the Church was not under the Law but under Grace.
       a. The Law condemns; Grace redeems.
       b. The Law is death; Grace is life.
       c. The Law separates; Grace promotes unity.
       d. The Law reveals our sins; Grace reveals the righteousness of God.

V:4-9." Peter began and explained everything to them precisely as it had happened: 5 "I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw something like a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to where I was. 6 I looked into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds of the air. 7 Then I heard a voice telling me, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.' 8 "I replied, 'Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.' 9 "The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."
A. Some times God will use your experiences and testimonies to explain the doctrine of
    Salvation to others.
   1. Just as Peter needed a visual example of how belief in the shed blood of Christ
       makes us clean, they needed Peter's testimony.
   2. The traditions and the history of the Jews, blinded them from seeing others outside
       their race and their beliefs as being equal to them.
 B. Peter followed God's command not his own directive.
   1. The circumcised Jews  followed the letter of the Law, but not spirit of the Law.
   2. They allowed the letter of the Law to block their love for other races.
   3. They allowed the letter of the Law to cause them to believe that they were the only
       ones God considered to be clean and worthy of His favor.
   4. They forgot that Law said love your neighbor as yourself.
   5. They defined their neighbors as people who looked like them.
C. Their are times when we need to listen to others to get an understanding of the Word.
   1. It is the Word that changes our heart and our actions
   2. It is the Word that causes us to see others as equal in Christ Jesus.
   3. It is the Word that dissolves any and all prejudices we have against others.

V:10-12. " This happened three times, and then it was all pulled up to heaven again. 11 "Right then three men who had been sent to me from Caesarea stopped at the house where I was staying. 12 The Spirit told me to have no hesitation about going with them. These six brothers also went with me, and we entered the man's house."
A. God prepared Peter for his mission by showing and telling him His doctrine of
   1. God know how much meditation on the Word we need to understand His directives.
   2. Sometimes it takes an actual experience to help us get an understanding of the Word.
   3. God  may  puts us in the mist of  trials to help us understand that we can trust Him.
   4. Sometimes God puts us in the mist of someone different from us to get us
       to understand that we are all the same.
B. Sometimes God prepares us for a mission before He sends us on the mission.
  1. God knows what problems and issues we have.
  2. If we are going to be effective on the mission, we have clear up any issues that will
      hinder the mission.
  3. Before the vision with God, Peter's heart was not right.
      a. He saw the Gentiles as unclean.
      b. God showed Peter that being clean or unclean was not based on his opinion.
      c. From the vision, Peter understood that it is God that makes one clean. 
C. Once Peter was ready for the mission, God's prepared people, were made available
     to take him to the mission field.
     1. Maybe you are not on the mission field because God is still preparing your heart
         for the mission.
     2. Not only did God prepare people to take Peter to the mission field (Cornelius's men)
         but He also prepared six disciples to go with him.
     3. When God sends you somewhere you have never been, He will not leave you
     4. Peter had six disciples to travel with Him.

 V:13. " He told us how he had seen an angel appear in his house and say, 'Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. 14 He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved."
A. Sometimes God will confirm His mission to you, using other peoples.
    1. Peter had a vision from God regarding his mission.
    2. Peter had a confirmation from Cornelius men about his vision from God.
B. Once Peter understood the Word, He preached the Gospel to a receptive
     Gentile audience.
   1. Not only that, Peter had six disciples who witness the conversion and
       the giving of the Holy Spirit to Cornelius and his family.
   2. Sometime we need the testimony of others to change our ways to God's ways.
   3. We have to see people outside the Church as equal with us, and in need of salvation.
   4. It is not our job to count anyone out but to count every in according to the Will of

V:15 "As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them as he had come on us at the beginning. 16 Then I remembered what the Lord had said: 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
A. Peter preached the Gospel as commanded by God and witness the Holy Spirit
     being given to the Gentiles who he had previously discounted.
   1. It was the seeing that caused Peter to believe the Word he had heard from Jesus.
   2. It was the seeing that caused Peter to remember the Word. (Acts 1:5)
B. Peter witness the equality of God's gift among different races of people.
    1. Peter witness God doing the same thing with the Gentiles as He had done with the
    2. His witness convicted his heart that God treats everyone as equal.
    3. Notice, part of  Peter's testimony was the doctrine of the baptism by the Holy Spirit,
        and not the water baptism by human hands.
V: 17-18. " God gave them the same gift as he gave us, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could oppose God?" 18 When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, "So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life."
A. It is one thing to witness a miracle. It is another thing to give the credit to God.
    1. We should give God the credit for all things that happens in our lives; good or bad.
    2. We do not have to understand why God does what He does, but we do have to
        accept His Will.
B. It is one thing to accept the blessings of God for yourself.
    1. It is another thing to deny that same blessings to someone else because they are
        different from you.
    3. We must understand that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not
        our thoughts.
    4. We must accept that all things work together for those who love the Lord and are
        called  according to His purposes.
    5. You cannot get too bad to be saved by God.
C. It is the grace of God to provide salvation to all who call on His name.
    1. We are all God's creation made new through the shed  blood of Jesus
         on the cross.
     2. We should at all times, give God the Glory for this wonderful undeserved gift.
     3. We should always be ready to share Gospel of Jesus Christ  will all people
          regardless of their nationality or faith.


Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

Thursday, October 15, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing By The Word", 10.18/2015


Acts 10:24-38

This story starts with a vision from God to a Roman soldier who loved God and was generous to the poor. Because of his prayers, his love for God and his love for the poor,
God made available to him the preaching of  the Gospel through the Apostle Peter.
At that time, Jews were still holding on to their law that they could not fellowship
with Gentiles (anyone who was not a Jew).

Prior  to the visit to Cornelius, a Roman soldier, God visited Peter in a vision.
God had to break down the belief in Peter's mind that the Jews were better than
Gentiles. God made it known to Peter that He was no respecter of people, and
the Gospel of Salvation was available to all who would believe.  Acts 10:1-23

V:24. " The following day he arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends."
A. You have to expect that God will do what He says He will do.
    1. The Christian life ought to be one of happy expectations.
    2. We ought to get up in the morning expecting God to do something special in our
B. We should be so excited about God, that we share our excitement with friends and
   1. People around us need the Word just as much as we do.
   2. We get excited when our favorite team wins. Why not get excited about Jesus?
   3. With Jesus, we are always on the winning side.
   4. We know that the battle has already been won, so that should be the source of
       our joy.

V: 25-26. " As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. 26 But Peter made him get up. "Stand up," he said, "I am only a man myself."
A. No preacher or teacher should be reverenced.
    1. We are all equal servants in God's eyes.
    2. The only person we should bow down to is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
B. All believers have a job to do and are at different stages of spiritual development.
   1. We all have been given the ministry of reconciliation.  2 Cor 5:18
   2. Some of us are new to the ministry and some are mature.
   3. The older mature Christians ought to teach the younger Christians.
   4. Peter was teaching respect of God and not man.

V:27-29. " Talking with him, Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people. 28 He said to them: "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean."
A. When you have been trained in the Word, you should live by the Word.
    1. One of the things we find common in Peter and Cornelius is obedience to the
        Word of God.
    2. God said, and they both acted upon the Word.
    3. God said, and they both acted immediately upon the Word.
    4. God said, and they both believed the Word.
B. You never know what ministry God has for you when you visit the lost.
    1. A large crowd of people in the dark need to hear the word of truth
        from you about the light that is Jesus Christ.  
    2. To much is given, much is required.
    3. We get much preaching and much teaching in the Church.
    4. God expects us to do much sharing of the Word outside the walls of the Church.
C. All us have a testimony of what we use to be.
    1. All of us have a testimony of how God change our heart to focus on Him and His
    2. It is the sharing of our testimonies that encourages and uplifts others.
    3. We have not always been right. We got a history of being wrong.
    4. People need to know that it is Jesus that makes a difference in our lives.

 V:29-32. " So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. May I ask why you sent for me?" 30 Cornelius answered: "Four days ago I was in my house praying at this hour, at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes stood before me 31 and said, 'Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor. 32 Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea."
A. Sometimes God will send us some where or direct us to do something without giving
     the reason for His command.
   1. When you meditate on the Word and are open to hear from God, He will give
        insight and enlightenment when your mind is on the Word.
   2. You will notice that both Peter and Cornelius were in prayer when they got a
        vision from God concerning important activities in their lives.
      a. Their prayers were prayers of devotion.
      b. Their prayers were prayers of service.
      c. Their prayers were on a regular basis.
      d. They had a lifestyle of prayer.
   3. God is every where, all the time and knows what you need when you need it.
B. God prepares the hearts of people to hear a Word from Him through you.
   1. God chooses the time of our conversion.
   2. God chooses the place of our conversion.
   3. God chooses the person who will be the first to preach the Gospel to us.

V: 33 So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us."
A. There is a window of opportunity to hear the Word of the Lord.
     1. Tomorrow is not promised to us.
     2. The Word of the Lord is so important that we need to move immediately to
          listen to the man of God proclaiming His word.
 B. It is God who gives the preacher a Word to give to His people.
    1. Peter knew that he was speaking to a group of people who knew God,
        but had not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    2. There are Churches on every corner who have different beliefs about God, Jesus
        and the Holy Spirit.
    3. There are many who believe in God, but have no knowledge of the saving Grace
        of Jesus Christ.
    4. There are many who believe that God is God and Jesus is the son created by
 C. It is the Job of the preacher to teach that God is the Father and Jesus is the Son but
      equal with the Father.
     1. Jesus said that I am one with the Father.
     2. It is the job of the preacher to proclaim the Gospel of salvation through faith
         in the atoning blood of Jesus. 

V: 34-35. " Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. 36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all."
A. One of the main doctrines of God the Father is that we are all equal.
    1. The Word states, that there is none righteous, no not one.
    2. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
B. God's example to Peter in his vision was one of foods that the Jews held to be
   1. It was true under the Law that some foods and animals were considered unclean, but
       not true under Grace.
   2. Jesus death under the Law fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.
   3. Jesus death freed us from the penalty of the Law.
   4. The Law was unforgiving, but Grace is all forgiving.
   5. The Law condemns, but Grace saves.
C. Peter preached the keeping of God's commands.
   1. Jesus said if you love me, keep my commands.  John 14:15
   2. Jesus said, if you love me, love your neighbor as yourself.  Luke 10:27
   3. We have peace with God through the atoning blood of Jesus.

V: 37-38. " You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached— 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him."
A. To bring salvation to the World, God followed His perfect plan that was published
      in the Old Testament hundreds of years earlier.
   1. Isaiah 40:3-5 is the prophecy of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus Christ
      ( 700 BC).
   2. Isaiah 53  is the prophecy of coming of the Messiah,  Jesus Christ to be the blood
       sacrifice for the sins of man (700 BC).
   3. The Old Testament contains the complete record of God's plan of redemption.
B. Peter preached the fulfillment of God's Plan of Redemption in the crucified Christ.
   1. Peter knew Jesus through the prophecies about Him, the witness of His miracles
       and the witness of His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.
   2. Peter had a solid foundation in the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
   3. It is up to us to study and meditate on the Word Of God for ourselves.
   4. God has a mission for each of us.
      a. He communicates to us through prayer,
      b. He communicates to us through others devoted to Christ.
      c. We must at all times be open to a word from God.
      d. We are blessed when we serve others.


Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church


Thursday, October 8, 2015

This Week's Sunday School, "The Conversion Of A Murderer", 10/12/2015


Acts 9:18-31

Saul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Church. He was accompanied
with armed men ready to take those who believed in Jesus to be tried and persecuted
by the ruling Jews in Jerusalem. Jesus met him on the Damascus road and
blinded him for three days so he had to be led by others. This encounter with Jesus
caused Saul to see Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Saul was on a mission to destroy the Church. After His encounter with Jesus, his
mission was to build up the Church. Saul's conversion took place on the Damascus
     1. He was awaken to Jesus Christ as the Messiah in the scriptures.
     2. He had a change in directions
     3. He had a change in relationship.
     4. He had a change in his Lordship.
     5. He had a change in his heart.
     6. He had a change in his position from being proud to being humble.

V:18-19 "Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength. Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus"
A. We were born in the dark, but God arranges our circumstances so we can see
     the truth.
   1. Each of us was on a different path until we met Jesus.
   2. Jesus chose us from the foundation of the earth and kept us to the time of our
       conversion.   Eph 1:4-5
   3. The Apostle Paul (Saul) said He was separated by God from his mothers womb
       and called by grace.      Gal 1:15.
B. Once we come to the light of Jesus, we are baptized into His death and made
     a new creation.  Rom 6:3
   1. Our strength to do the work of the Lord come from Jesus himself.
   2. Jesus said we can do nothing without Him.   John 15:5
   3. We were called to serve, not just observe.

C.  Jesus sent Ananias, one of His disciples to Saul to receive his spiritual sight.
    1. Once Saul received spiritual sight, he regained his physical sight.
    2. To follow Jesus, we have to drop some relationships.
    3. Saul was previous an enemy of Jesus now became a friend of Jesus.
    4. We are in this world, but we are not of this world.  John  17:16

    5. We cannot have fellowship with this world.
    6. Believers must fellowship with other believers.
    7. Those who do not know Christ, will not be a friend of Christ.
    8. Since we are one with Christ, the world is not going to be friends
        with us.

 V:20-21. " At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. 21 All those who heard him were astonished and asked, "Isn't he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn't he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?"
A. Saul (Apostle Paul) had a horrible past.
    1. Once converted to faith in Jesus, Saul immediately begin preaching the  Gospel
        in the Jewish Synagogues.
    2. The Jewish leaders rejected him and conspired to kill because he changed sides.
    3. Saul was also rejected by the Church because they thought he was a fake.
    4. The Church did not accept him because he had a reputation of persecuting believers.
B. Part of growing in Christ is learning to accept and expect the rejection by the world.
    1. Once in Christ, we are in this world but not of this world.   Col 2:20
    2. Those who do not know Jesus, think they are doing God a favor by rejecting
         Christians.     John 16:2

 V:22.-24 " Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ. 23 After many days had gone by, the Jews conspired to kill him, 24 but Saul learned of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him."
A. When you stand for Christ, the world stands against you.
    1. The more you preach the Word the stronger you will get in Christ.
    2. Paul was trained in the Old testament scriptures  by the leading
        doctor of the law in Jerusalem, Gamaliel.
    3. He was not taught to see Jesus in the Old Testament Scriptures.
        a. By Jewish thinking, no man could claim to be God or the
            Son of God.
        b. To claim to be God was blaspheme.
        c. The Jews were expecting the coming of a Messiah, but Jesus didn't
             fit their profile of a Messiah.
    4. Once  Saul saw Jesus in the Old Testament, his teaching became
       so powerful that it angered the leading Jews.
        a. Before his conversion, he was on a mission to destroy the church.
        b. After his conversion, he was on a mission to promote the Church.
 B. The wisdom of God far exceeds all the wisdom of man.
     1. It is from the study of the Word that we gain knowledge and confidence in Jesus.
     2. The truth in the Word threatens the lifestyle of the wicked.
     3. In this case, the wicked Jewish leaders sought ways to kill Saul.  

 25 But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall.
A. When trouble comes, God provides a way out for His disciples.
     1. People in the dark are agents the devil will use to attempt  to destroy any faith we
         have in Jesus.
     2. When we are threaten  doing God's work, He will  show up and block
         evil actions against us according to His Will. 
 B.  When we are dedicated to God, He gives us favor among men.
     1. The ruling Jews planned to kill Saul, but God made their plan known to
         Saul's followers.
     2. God is always one step ahead of the enemy.
     3. Saul's followers devised a plan to get Him out of the city unnoticed.
     4. God's plan for our lives will not be stopped by anyone or any circumstance.
     5. In fact, God will use the evil desires of man to promote His plan.  Gen 45:5-7

V:26-27. " When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. 27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus."
A. In our journey for Christ, there will be times when we will need someone to encourage
    1. People inside the Church will not always believe we are dedicated to Christ.
    2. God's forgives, but sometimes the Church will use our past  against us.
    3. Sometimes the Church will use as past as evidence that our love for Christ
        is not real.
B. We all need someone  we can confide in who will get to know us and encourage us in
      the Lord.
    1. God always has a "Barnabas" for us.
    2. When folk in the Church rejected Saul, Barnabas stood up for him.
    3. New believers need someone to standby them as they grow in Christ.
    4. All of us ought to take it upon ourselves to encourage someone.
    5. We all struggle from time to time.
    6. Even mature faithful Christians need a pat on the back from time to time.
C. Someone need to hear your testimony about Jesus and come to know that it is real.
    1. It does not matter how long you been in the ministry, there will come a time
        when you will need someone to lean on.
    2. People are judging us all the time. We will need somebody who can see some good
        in us.

V:28. " So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord. 29 He talked and debated with the Grecian Jews, but they tried to kill him."
A. Satan's has a lot of demons roaming around, and some study the word to find fault
     with us.
    1. The stronger you get in Christ, the stronger the opposition will be against you.
    2. Saul had the favor of some in the Jerusalem community, but He had many who
        opposed his teachings of Jesus.
    3. Everybody does not believe what you believe about Jesus.
    4. What we have to learn and expect is that preaching Jesus develops enemies.
B. I believe that God uses our enemies to develop and test our faith in Him.
    1. Saul had enemies in Damascus and God protected him.
    2. He learned that God protected him from his enemies in Jerusalem.
    3. God protects those who  serve Him and those who teach and preach His Word.

 V:30 "When the brothers learned of this, they took him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus."
A. Saul was working in God's Plan.
    1. The rejection of the Gospel by the Jews moved the Gospel to the Gentiles.                     
         Rom 1:16
    2. In the early part of Saul's preaching, he was in God's training program for the
        his mission to move the Gospel into the Gentile nations.  Acts 13:2
    3. It was fourteen plus years after Saul's conversion before he and Barnabas
        got the call to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles   2 Cor 12:2
 B. Tarsus was Saul's home town which was his base of operation.
    1. Saul preached in Jerusalem,  Arabia, Syria and Chicia before getting
        God's call.  Gal 1:17-21.
    2. When God calls us out of the world to be his disciples, it maybe some time before
         we know His mission for us.
    3. We must continue to faithfully do the work set before us until God reveals His plan.
    4. If we are faithful in a few things, God can makes us rulers over many things.
        Matt 25:21

 V:31 Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord."
 A. God's plan for us includes times of trials and times of rest.
     1. The times of trials are the times when we are being tested, shaped and molded to be
          the servants God desires.
     2. The times of rest are times to reflect on the goodness of God in our lives.
     3. When we reflect on our past we can see how God has guided and protected us
          throughout our journey with Him.  

 B. Our strength in the Word and the mission of God is by the power of the Holy Spirit.
     1. The Holy Spirit equips us with insight into Word and the world around us.
     2. The Holy Spirit empowers us to do the work of God.
     3. The Holy Spirit is the power that enables us to resist the devil.
     4. The Holy Spirit is comforter in all times.
     5. The Holy Spirit is our teacher of God's Word.   John 14:26
     6. The Holy Spirit serves to remind us of God's Word.


Rev. M Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, 'Growing In Jesus Takes Time", 10/4/2015


Acts 8:8-24

V:8. " So there was great joy in that city."
 A. After the stoning of Stephen, at the hands of Saul, the Church was persecuted and
      many were scattered to other cities and countries.
     1. Samaria was one of the cities that the Jews and Gentile Christians came and settled.
     2. Philip went to Samaria and preached the Gospel.
     3. It is strange that before the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Jews would not
         deal with the Samaritans.  John 4:9
     4. Because of the persecution, Samaria became one of the cities they sought protection
         from their own people.
         a. Do not burn a bridge because you never know when you will have to cross over
            it again.
         b. The very folk you reject might be the ones you need in the future.
 B. There was joy in Samaria because the Word of God was taught to them by the
      same people who had rejected them.
      1. Philip the Deacon, healed the sick and cast out demons in the name of Jesus.
      2. Many believed in  Jesus Christ as their redeemer because of Philip's teaching.

 V:9-10. " Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great,  and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power."
A. Simon was a magician masquerading as if he had the power of God.
    1. He used his magic abilities to gain influence, fame and fortune.
    2. He was skilled in his trade and knew how to mislead and deceive
        people in all levels of the city.
 B. He enjoyed the praise of man.
    1. He love the fact that people believed he had divine powers.
    2. He kept his trade a secret, because no one knew he was deceiving them.
 C. When the Word of God is not being taught, Satan has a field day.
    1. Satan is the father of deception.
    2. Without the Word of God, you cannot stand against him.  

V: 11-12. "They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic. But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women."
A. When you know what is real, a fake is easily recognized.
    1. Simon didn't heal anyone, he just fooled everyone.
    2. Following Simon, the Samaritans were not enlighten , they stayed in the dark.
    3. Simon didn't teach the Word because he had no knowledge of the Word.

B. When Philip came preaching and teaching the Word of God, the deceptions of
     Simon became clear.
   1. When people were healed and lives were changed, the falsehood of Simon was
       was brought to the light.
   2. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
   3. The Word has convicting power, convincing power and condemning power.
       a. The Word convicts us of our sins.
       b. The Word convinces us of our need for a redeeming Savior.
       c. The Word condemns our evil behavior.
  4. The Word has enlightens power, enabling power and equipping power.
       a. The Word enlightens us to the love of God, the grace of God and the mercy of God.
       b. The Word enables us to resist the temptation of sin and fight the devil's advances
            into our lives.
       c. The Word equips us with the power of the Holy Spirit, all spiritual gifts and all
            things necessary to do  the will of God.
   5. When the Samaritans witness the miracles brought by the hands of Philip and the
        power of the Word of God, they quit following Simon and followed Jesus.
 V:13 Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw."
A. The Word of God is so powerful that it can turn an enemy into a disciple.
     1. We all are witnesses to this power.
     2. Before Jesus came into our lives, we all were enemies of the cross.
     3. Before Jesus, we all were liars, deceivers and cheaters, just to name a few of our
 B. When Simon heard the Word and witnessed the power of the Word,
      he abandoned his trade and followed the teachers of Jesus.
    1. Simon, followed the foot steps of the  original disciples of Jesus who dropped
        their trade and embraced Jesus.
    2. Simon was living in the dark, until he heard the Word of truth.
    3. Simon knew His magic was an illusion, but the power of the Word was real.  
    4. Once Simon was introduced to the light, he abandoned his dark world.
    5. The Word ought to be life changing and continuing life improvement. 

V:14-16. "When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus."
A. The work of God is a team effort.
    1. We all have different gifts, different talents and different assignments, but we serve
         one God.
    2. Philip introduced the Samaritans to the work, the power and love of God.
    3. God used the apostles to pray for the new believers to receive the Holy Spirit.
    4. There is power in corporate prayer.
    5. We have a duty to pray for other believers that they may be empowered and  
         equipped to serve God.
 B. When we serve God, He knows when we need  help to accomplish His will.
    1. God sent two of His veterans Apostles to assist in the work of laying hands
        on the new believers to receive the Holy Spirit.
    2. This served as a reinforcement to the Samaritans that they were truly accepted and
         one with the Jews in the body of Christ.

 V:17. " Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit."
   A. Some commentary writers say the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit
           when they first believed.
       1. The laying on of hands by Peter and John added the miraculous manifestation of
           the Holy Spirit to them. 
       2. Acts is considerate by some commentary writers as a transition period between
           the Law and the age of Grace.
       3. While the apostles lived, the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit by the
           apostles was the common practice.
       4. After the book of Acts in the New Testament, you will not find the Holy Spirit
           being given by the laying on of hands by believers.
  B. Having received the Holy Spirit, the Samaritans  were empowered to resolve
      all differences with the Jews to continue the spread of the Gospel.
    1. There must be unity in the body of Christ to fight the battle against the devil.
    2. The devil will use any division to separate us from the mission of Christ.
    3. When we focus on our differences, we want be wholly focused on Christ.  
 C. In the great commission, Jesus commanded the Jews to start the spread
    of the Gospel in Jerusalem first then to Samaria second.
   1. We cannot call ourselves children of God if we cannot make peace with our
   2. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. 
   3. It took the persecution of the Church to move the Gospel out of Jerusalem.

 V:18-19. " When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money  and said, "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit."
A. You can take a man out of the hood, but you may have a hard time getting the
      hood out of the man.
   1. We don't completely change over night.
   2. We are saved, sanctified and justified by the blood of Jesus once we believed in Him.
   3. Accepting Christ as our personal Savior is just the start of our regeneration.
B. Any man in Christ is a new creation.
   1. The new creation starts out as a babe in Christ which has to grow in Christ.
   2. The new birth is ignorant of the ways of Christ.
   3. The Word says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old
       he will not depart.
   4. Simon showed his immaturity by trying to buy the ability to cause others
      to receive the Holy Spirit by the touching of his hands.

 V:20-21. Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God."
A. It is the duty of the older mature Christians to steer the new Christians in the
     right direction.
   1. Peter himself got the same rebuke from Jesus several times.    Matt 16:23,  John 13:8
   2. Simon did not know that his request was offensive to God.
   3. Simon had to be trained in the Word to know the ways of God.
   4. After all, the Jews had denied the Samaritans access to the Synagogues where
       the word was taught.  John 14:19-21
B. Simon had made His livelihood by being a master of his trade.
   1. He wanted this gift which he probably thought was similar to his previous
      a. Simon may have asked for this gift so that he could glorify God with his hands.
      b. Simon may have asked for this gift so that he could be as effective serving
          God as he had been promoting himself. 
   2. Simon was probably not an eye witness to the miracles of Jesus nor
       was he a student of Jesus.
  3. He probably had not received  the Holy Spirit to give him insight into
      the Word.

V:22-23 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin."
A. This may have been the first training that Simon had received concerning the Word
     of God.
   1. First, Simon was taught that there are sins against God.
   2. Second, he was taught to pray.
   3. Third, he was taught that the  God he served was a forgiving God.
   4. Forth, he was taught not to envy the gifts of other Christians.
   5. Fifth, Simon was taught that God gives His disciples insight into the hearts of
   6. Sixth, Simon was taught that sin did not change his relationship with God but
       his fellowship with God.
   7. Seventh, He was taught that when he sinned he needed to repent and ask for
   8. He was taught that fellowship with Jesus is restored when there is an absent of         
       un-repented sins.

B. Simon was in the best place with the best people to learn the Word of God.
   1. He was blessed to follow Peter and John while they did the work of God.
   2. Simon had to learn that there is growth in our mistakes.

       a. Some commentary writers say the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit
           when they first believed.
       b. The laying on of hands by Peter and John added the miraculous manifestation of
           the Holy Spirit to them. 

V:24 "Then Simon answered, "Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you have said
  may happen to me."
 A. To ask for prayer is a sign of Christian growth.
     1. Simon did grow because he knew that there is power in intercessory prayer.
     2. Simon grew because He ask God to be tolerant with him.
     3. Simon grew because his encounter with Peter and John gave him a testimony
         to the goodness of God in his life.
 B. Simon learned to fear the one true God.
    1. The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord.
    2. We must learn that not everyone is as mature as we are in the Lord Jesus.
    3. We must learn that we still have much spiritual growth ahead of us.
    4. We must learn to be tolerant with others as God has been tolerant with us.

Some commentary writers say the Simon was not saved and was still a pretender.
But the text says that he believed and was baptized. We must remember that Peter
was rebuked by the Lord Jesus from heaven and by the Apostle Paul after his conversion.
Acts 11:10, Gal 2:11.

You also must remember that Peter lied 3 times about knowing Jesus after walking
with Him for three years ( John 13:38).  I am not bad mouthing Peter, I just giving Simon
the benefit of my ignorance. 


Sometimes you have to look in the mirror before you start judging folk.
Just because other people don't look like you, talk like you, walk like you and
think like you don't mean they are not saved and have a prepared place in heaven.
You be the judge. The Lord did not tell us that Simon was not saved.

Everyone of us has a past that God has not used to deny us heaven.
Everyone of us has a past life of sin that Jesus has covered with His blood.
Every believer while he still lives is growing in Christ.


Rev M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church.