Isaiah 59:15-21
V:15 Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil
becomes a prey." The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no
justice. "
A. The Lord looked down from His heavenly throne.
1. He surveyed
the situation of man.
3. He was not
pleased with what He saw.
B. This is what He found.
1. There was no
a. God's
people were not living according to the truth.
b. There was
no life style of righteousness.
3. Those who were
living a righteous life had become the prey of evil men.
4. There was no
a. There was no
punishment for unrighteousness.
b. The norm was
to mistreat one another as if it was the right thing to do.
c. The Nation of Israel
lived according to their own standards.
V:16. " He saw that there was no one, he was appalled
that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation for him,
and his own righteousness sustained him.
A. God was affected by what He saw.
1. He was grieved
at what He saw.
2. His prophets,
His teachers and His preachers were not interceding in prayer on
behalf of the
3. There was no
one to administer justice.
B. God saw that there was no cure for sin.
1. We were born in
sin, shaped in iniquity.
2. Sin is
a. It infects
the mind the body and the soul.
3. Sin is
a. It moves
from person to person.
b. A little bit
of leaven, leavens the whole dough.
4. Sin is
a. It is passed
on from one generation to the next.
b. It is in our
c. Except for
Noah and his 7 family members, God wiped out the human population
with a flood.
d. That did not
work because sin was in Noah's DNA.
C. God decided to
deal with sin.
1. The only way to
deal with sin was for God to provide a perfect sacrifice for sin.
2. The sins of man
can not be eliminated, but they can be covered with the
atoning blood
of Jesus Christ.
a. There is
none righteous, no not one.
b. All have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
c. The wages of
sin is death.
d. While Jesus
was dying on the cross, God was reconciling the world to himself.
D. It was Jesus
Christ that worked salvation into our lives.
1. It is the
righteousness of Jesus that maintains our salvation.
2. Believers in
Jesus Christ have been sealed to the day of redemption by the Holy
V:17. " He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and
the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and
wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak."
A. The Lord is our army. He will fight our battles.
1. No matter what
problem we face, God is there for us.
2. We have to put
our troubles in the Lord's hand and trust that He will take care of
3. We are no match
for the devil and His demons.
B. The armor of God
starts with the protection of the heart.
1. The breast
plate was part of the Roman's soldiers armor that protected the upper
part of the
2. Out of the
heart flows the issues of life.
a. Out of hearts
flows the goodness of life.
b. Out of our
hearts also flows the bad things of life.
3. Life is found
in the Word of God.
4. God is
righteous and all the world is sinful.
5. It is the
righteousness of God that protects our hearts from the lust of the flesh.
6. The only truth
is the Word. Everything else is a perversion that leads us away
form the
path of righteousness.
C. The helmet is a soldiers
armor that protects the head.
1. Our minds
have to be protected by the Word of God.
2. In our minds,
we formulate thoughts and make plans for action.
3. Our thoughts
and our plans must line up with the word of God.
4. If Satan can
corrupt our minds, he can control what
we do.
5. It is not what
people do to us, it is how we respond to them that counts.
6. The standard
for our response is the Word of God.
D. The Lord says,
vengeance is mind.
1. We don't
fully know the enemy nor what he/she is capable of doing.
2. God knows the
thoughts of the enemy before they are formulated in his/her mind.
3. God knows
your enemies and what can hurt them the most.
4. God may cause
your enemy to bless you.
5. God can make
the wrongs of the enemy work out for
your benefit.
E. God has a zeal to
protect His people.
1. God is in
2. The enemy can
not do anything to you that God does not allow.
V:18. " According to what they have done, so will he
repay wrath to his enemies and
retribution to his
foes; he will repay the islands their due. "
A. God knows the enemy and all of his deeds.
1. Nothing
escapes the Lord.
2. He is
omniscience. He knows everything.
3. God keeps
track of the enemy and all of his wrongs against you.
B. God will repay the wrongs done to you by you enemies with
His wrath.
1. God can do more
harm to your enemy than you can do or think.
2. God can use
other people to do harm to your enemies.
3. What goes
around comes around.
4. Whatever your enemy did to you will be
repaid to them.
V:19. " From the west, men will fear the name of the
Lord, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will
come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the Lord drives along. ".
A. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
1. Men will know
the glory of the Lord from all parts of the universe.
2. Men will know
and fear the Lord from the west to the east.
3. At the name of
Jesus, every knee shall bow.
B. God has a way of making your enemies know that He is the
one that causes
trouble in their
2. When your enemy
get up in the morning they will fear the day before them.
3. A sinful person
is always looking over his/her shoulder to see who is trying
to catch up
with them.
C. God can use his
breath to cause a flood of problems to show up in your
enemy's life.
1. One thing about
a flood, it can destroy everything in its path.
2. That being the
case, you need to stay out of your enemy's face and let
handle revenge.
V:20 "The Redeemer will come to Zion ,
to those in Jacob who repent of their sins," declares the Lord."
A. We must confess our sins before the Lord and accept Jesus
as our redeemer.
1. As the prophecy
states, Jesus came from Heaven and sacrificed Himself
for the sins
of the Jews and the entire world.
2. Only those who
come to Jesus will be saved.
3. Jesus
said, I am the way the truth and the
B. The Lord not only takes care of our enemies, but He also
takes care of us.
1. The Lord
reminds us of who we are and whose we are through the power
of the Holy
1. Even though we
are in the Church, we are not all the Church.
2. Some of us have
not committed ourselves to God.
3. We still have
some un-confessed sins.
4. We cannot serve
the Lord and the world at the same time.
5. The Lord our
God is a jealous God and He will not share us with anyone.
V:21 "As for me, this is my covenant with them,"
says the Lord. "My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in
your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your
children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and
forever," says the Lord."
A. God is a God who cannot lie.
1. God keeps his
promises and covenants with us.
2. Whatever God
said He will do, He will do.
B. The Spirit of the Lord dwells in all believers because of
death and
resurrection of
Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
1. God has given us
His word and has preserved the inspiration of it
2. The Holy Spirit
is our divine teacher of the Word.
3. The Holy Spirit
convict us of our sins by the Word.
4. The Holy Spirit
convict us of the righteousness of the Word.
5. Jesus said,
" Heaven and earth will pass away but my word is eternal."
6. The copies of
the Bible we have are accurate.
7. In 1952, a
Bedouin shepherd chasing a stray
stumbled into the Qumran caves near
birth of
8. The fragments
they found are word for word accurate with our present day Bible.
a.122 Biblical
Scrolls were found representing every book of the Old Testament
except for
b. Jesus read
and quoted from the same scriptures we are now reading.
c. God
maintains His Word so that His people will always have His reference for
Rev. M. Mitchell,
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia
Baptist Church