Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Making A Deal For Love", 1/3/2016


Genesis 29:15-30

Jacob and His mother deceived his father, Isaac who was blind and near death into
giving him the blessing that belong to his brother Esau. Fearing that Esau would
kill him, Jacob fled to Haran,  the place where his mother's brother lived.  

V:15-19. " Then Laban said to Jacob, Because you are my brother are you to be my servant for nothing? say now, what is your payment to be?
16 Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the
     younger was Rachel.
17.  And Leah's eyes were clouded, but Rachel was fair in face and form.
18.  And Jacob was in love with Rachel; and he said, I will be your servant seven years
       for Rachel, your younger daughter.
19.  And Laban said, It is better for you to have her than another man: go on living here
       with me.
A. It is not unusual for a man to evaluate a woman based on what he sees first.
   1. According to the text, Jacob fell in love with the face and  the body that he saw.
   2. Beauty on the outside does not reflect beauty on the inside. 
B. A deal should be a deal.
   1. Your word should be your bond.
   2. We should be able to trust the word of each other
   3. Family is not always the best people to trust.

V:20.  And Jacob did seven years' work for Rachel; and because of his love for her it seemed to him only a very little time.
 A. When you are enjoying yourself, time goes by fast.
          1.  During that time a diary was offered for a bride.
          2. Jacob did not have any money when he arrived at Haran.
          3. Having no sons, Jacob's labor was valuable to Laban. 
  B. The sins of Jacob deceiving his father and stealing his brothers birthright
       had been forgiven God.
      1. This is evident by the dream that Jacob had on the way to Haran of a ladder from
           heaven with angels descending and ascending into heaven.
           a. This may have been an indication the promised redeemer.
           b. Jesus descended from heaven and ascended back into heaven.
      2. God confirmed the promise he made to Abraham of the promise land and the
           that his seed would bless all the families of the earth (Prophecy of Jesus).
      3. Regardless of what lay ahead of Jacob, his future was secured by the Lord's
      4. The future of every believer is sure by the promises God recorded in His Word

V:21-25. "Then Jacob said to Laban, Give me my wife so that I may have her, for the
  days are ended.
22. And Laban got together all the men of the place and gave a feast.
23.  And in the evening he took Leah, his daughter, and gave her to him, and he went in to her.
24.  And Laban gave Zilpah, his servant-girl, to Leah, to be her waiting-woman.
25.  And in the morning Jacob saw that it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What have you done to me? was I not working for you so that I might have Rachel? why have you been false to me?
A. Jacob the deceiver  was deceived by his uncle.
    1. Just because God forgives your sins does not mean there want be a punishment
        for your sins.
    2. God's plan for our lives is not changed by our sins.
    3. God can and does bless us in our sin.
    4. Sometimes God allows us to sin to position us for the blessing He has in store for us.
    5. Jacob met his wife because of his deception.
B. Jacob was deceived because the bride to be was completely covered.
    1. The ceremony probably ended when it was dark
    2. It is obvious that Jacob didn't know Rachel by touch or smell.
         a. In the dark everything looks the same.
         b. Leah obedient to her father, probably kept  silent until morning
V:26. And Laban said in our country  we do not let the younger daughter be married before the older.
A. When people are serving their own interest, they always find an excuse to justify their
      mistreatment of others.
    1. Laban knowing that his time of free labor had come to an end, made a new rule to
        to get seven more years of labor by substituting Leah for Rachel in the marriage bed.
    2. Before you enter into an agreement with someone, check their reputation.
    3. In this case Laban had the advantage because he had what Jacob wanted.
B. Jacob was under the protection of the Holy Father who had planned that He
     would have twelve sons by four women.
   1. Sometimes God uses unfair situations to carry out His plans for us.
   2. We can learn from every situation.
   3. God's plan for us includes  the good and the bad.
V:27. Let the week of the bride-feast come to its end and then we will give you the other in addition, if you will be my servant for another seven years.
A. Jacob may have been up set, but not to upset to except Leah as His wife and Zilpah
     as the maid.
    1. The marriage feast lasted seven days before the consummation.
    2. Jacob got two women for the price of one.

V:28-30." And Jacob did so; and when the week was ended, Laban gave him his daughter
        Rachel for his wife.
29.  And Laban gave Rachel his servant-girl Bilhah to be her waiting-woman.
30.   Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love
        for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years."
A. Jacob worked an additional seven year to take Rachel as his wife.
    1. When a man loves a woman, he will go to great lengths to satisfy all the
         requirements for her.
B. God's planed for Jacob to have twelve sons.
   1. The four women in Jacobs life completed God's foundation for the
       12 tribes of Israel.
   2. Jacob had 12 sons by 4 women,
       a. Jacob had six sons by Leah.
       b. Jacob had two sons by Bilhah, Rachel's servant.
       c. Jacob had two sons by Zilpah, Leah's servant
       d. Jacob had two sons by Rachel his first love.
  3. Jacob worked for Laban twenty years before he was able to leave him and
      return home.
  4. Sometimes God uses the work we do for Him as the foundation for
      another person to build on.
      a. The descendants of Jacob's twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel.
  5. We should see our service as a small part of God's redemption for all

C. Sometimes  the sins we commit have far reaching effects on our lives.
    1. Jacob spent 20 years away from his mother and brother.
    2. He was not present when his father died and probably not present when
        his mother died.
    3. He spent twenty year believing his brother Esau wanted to kill him.
    4. For twenty years, Jacob couldn't enjoy the inheritance he stole from
        his brother.  
D. It is interesting to note that Rachel, the wife he wanted the most only give
     Jacob two of his twelve sons. Rachel died giving birth to her second son.
   1. God does not always play fair when it comes to sin.
   2. The Law had not being given when Jacob married.
        a. God's plan for marriage had not been put in print.
        b. With relationships with two wives and two servants of his wives.
             Jacobs family life was not ideal.
        c. Jacob's relationship with his uncle was a major source of pain for him.
   3. When we treat others in an ungodly way, we set ourselves up for future trouble.
   4. The Good News is the blood Jesus shed on  the cross covers all our sins.



Come join us for New Years Eve Service and Our Sunday Service

Rev M Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 Sam Houston Parkway
Houston , Texas

Friday, December 25, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Worship The Lord InSpirit And InTruth" 12/27/2015


Matthew 23:2-12, Mark 12:38-44

Matthew 23:2-12
V:2-3. " The scribes and the Pharisees have the authority of Moses;
3 All things, then, which they give you orders to do, these do and keep: but do not take
   their works as your example, for they say and do not."
 A. The Scribes and the Pharisees exercised the authority that God gave Moses.
     a. God never gave them any authority.
     b. The synagogues were established during the Babylonian captivity as a place of
         worship and teaching of God's law.
     c. A number of religious sects were established to teach God's Law while
         Israel was in captivity. The Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes became the teachers
         of the Law.   
  B. Since there was no temple in Babylon, no animal sacrifices for atonement of sins
      were made.
       1. After the seventy year captivity ended and Israel was returned to the promise
           land,  the temple was rebuilt.
       2. During the post exile period there was a dual system of worship.
          a. The Synagogues was the place where the Pharisees and Scribes taught the law.
          b. The Chief priests should have been the spiritual arm of God's Word.
       3. However, The Chief Priest and teachers of the Law were in conflict with
           Jesus and His teaching.
  C. Jesus instructed His disciples to follow the teaching of the Law, but not the examples
       set by the teachers who did not follow God's Word.
      1. They taught one thing, but did another .
      2. They taught the Word. but disobeyed the Word.
   D. God made the Law and He made the Law keepers.
      1. God allows man to be governed by His Laws.
      2. We should obey the laws of our government, as long as they do not violate God's
          a. Our laws allows for a divorce, but God says He hates divorce.  Matt 19:3-6
          b. Our laws allows for same sex marriages, but God says that is sin.
V:4. " They make hard laws and put great weights on men's backs; but they themselves
         will  not put a finger to them."
  A. There are some church folk who use the Word of God to condemn others but
       do not apply the same standards to them selves.
      1. The Pharisees and the Scribes add their traditions to the burden of the Law.
      2. For example, "Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy" is the command
          a. The Sabbath was designed as a day of rest for man and his animals.
          b. The Law keeper applied unreasonableness to it.
          c. The Law keepers saw the disciples of Jesus breaking corn from corn stalk
              and eating it on the Sabbath.
          d. In there interpretation breaking the corn from the corn stalk was work
              and a violation of the Law.   Matt 12:1,2
  B. The Pharisees and the Scribes considered healing a person on the  Sabbath
       a violation of the Law.  Matt 12:10
     1. God made the Law for man, not Man for the Law.
     2. The Pharisees and the Scribes made up rules to add to the Law to favor their views.
         a. They made up a rules that allowed them to lie to the parents to keep from
             supporting them. 
        b. It was the rule of Corban.  Mark 7:11-13
C. We should judge ourselves by the same standards we judge others.
    1. We should not expect others to do what we are not willing to do.
    2. We must remember that all unrighteousness is sin.
    3. Even what we consider to be a small sin carries the penalty of death.
    4. It is the blood of Jesus that covers our sins.
V:5-7. " But all their works they do so as to be seen by men: for they make wide their
   phylacteries, and the edges of their robes,
6 And the things desired by them are the first places at feasts, and the chief seats in the
7 And words of respect in the market-places, and to be named by men," Teachers
A. There are some who pretend to be religious for pride and prestige ,
     rather than service and humbleness.
   1. Being a Christian is not about How we look, but about what we are.
   2. Outward appearances is no indication of what's in the heart.
   3. There are some who want to appear religious, but who are rotten on the inside.
B. Clothes don't make the man., The man makes the clothes,
   1. The Pharisees and the scribes wore pieces of scriptures on their soldiers and
       forehead to show the pride of their position and their pretend righteousness.
   2. The bigger the piece of scripture, the more religious they felt.
C.  The children of Israel was required to put ribband of blue on the borders of their
      1. The Pharisees made theirs larger than the average person to appear more
      2. The larger the border the more prideful the heart.
      3. The Lord hates the proud.
      4. Those who pump themselves up, God will bring down.
D. Respect is earned from how you treat people and what we do for others.
     1. Words of respect are easy from the mouth.
     2. Real respect comes from the heart.
     3. You can demand a person to say what you want to hear, but you can't demand
     4. The Pharisees demanded respect because they had the backing of the Roman
     5. If you are seeking the applause of men, that will be your reward on earth.

V:8. " But you may not be named Teacher: for one is your teacher, and you are all
 A. The truth is, we only have one true teacher and that is Jesus Christ.
    1. The Word is the guide to our feet.
    2. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
 B. Jesus, our elder brother is Lord of us all.
    1. All believers are brother through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    2. We are adopted sons of the God the Father.

V:9. " And give no man the name of father on earth: because one is your Father, who is in
  A. We have earthly biological fathers, but only one heavenly Father.
       1. God our Father is the provider.
       2. God our Father is the protector.
       3. God our Father is our keeper.
       4. God our Father is our redeemer.
 B. No man on earth can fill the shoes of our heavenly Father.
    1. No man on earth deserves the honor of our heavenly Father.
    2. No man on earth deserves the praise of our heavenly Father.
    3. No man on earth is the truth of our heavenly Father.
    4. No man on earth hold our eternal life in his hands.

V:10. " And you may not be named guides: because one is your Guide, even Christ."
  A. The Word of God is our guide.
      1. In the Word is everything we need to know about life.
      2. The Word is our comforter in troubled times.
  B. The Word never changes. It is the same today as it was yesterday.
     1. In the Word is the righteousness of Christ.
     2. In the Word is the truth about every situation.
     3. In the Word is the solution to every situation.
 C. No man on earth can guide us because he does not know the path that
     God the Father as set for us.
    1. If you going to follow someone, you ought to follow the one who always
        knows the end from the beginning.
    2. Jesus is the only who can serve as our guide

V:11,12: " But let the greatest among you be your servant.
12 And whoever makes himself high will be made low, and whoever makes himself low
     will be made high."
A. The key to being a good steward for Jesus is making yourself servant of others.
    1. God has gifted all believers with talents and gifts to be used in the Gospel
        of Jesus Christ.
    2. I think God puts in our mist things we can do to serve others in need.
    3. To serve you have to put the needs of others above your desires.
    4. Along this walk with Jesus, He will show us ones in need we can serve.
       a. It may be a family member.
       b. It may be a stranger.
    5. We have see a person in need and take it upon ourselves to help.
B. God does not define greatness in our personal accomplishments.
    1. Greatness is defined in our devotion to God and as a result, our devotion
        to other believers.
    2. To be great we have to humble ourselves and see others as equal children of

Mark 12:38-44
V:38,39. " And in his teaching he said, Be on your watch against the scribes, whose  
      pleasure it is  to go about in long robes and be respected in the market-places,
39 And to have the chief seats in the Synagogues and the first places at feasts."
 A. The Word "scribe" is like our English word for lawyer.
     1. Lawyers know how to persuade others that wrong is right.
     2. Lawyers know how use the Law to their advantage and at the same time the
         disadvantage of others.
     3. Some are like the devil masquerading as an angel of light.
 B. The Lawyers should be working for the good of the public.
     1. Oftentimes, they are working the public for their personal gain and enrichment.
     2. That is why the Lord tells us to beware of the Lawyers because they may look
         good while doing you harm.   

V:40. "Who take away the property of widows, and before the eyes of men make long
      prayers these will be judged more hardly."
 A. The evidence of unrighteousness shows up in how we treat others.
     1. The Pharisees and the Scribes were enemies to the Cross and to man.
     2. They stole from the poor and the helpless and justify it using the Law.
     3. They prayed to God as if they have no sin.
     4. For show, they made long prayers and were not convicted of their sins.
B. It may appear at times that we get away in our sins.
    1. But the truth is, God is always watching.
    2. The text indicates that when we know to do right and do wrong, we will be judged
        more harshly by God.
    3. In other words God is saying that what goes around comes around.
        a. What you do to others will revisit you.
        b. I have learned, that God does not play fair when it comes to sin.
V:41,42." And he took a seat by the place where the money was kept, and saw how the
      people  put money into the boxes: and a number who had wealth put in much."
42 And there came a poor widow, and she put in two little bits of money, which make a
A. How we treat God with our money is the evidence of our love for God.
    1. The Bible says, that love of money is the root of all evil.
    2. Everyone can look at themselves and determine if God is more important than
    3. Will you give God your money when you have something more pleasurable to do
        with it.?
    4. Will you follow God's commands when it comes to giving in the offering?
 B. Notice in the text, God watch what you give to His Church.
    1. Jesus keeps track of how much you give.
    2. Jesus keeps track of why you give.
    3. Jesus knows weather your giving is for show or for love.
V:43,44" And he made his disciples come to him, and said to them, Truly I say to you,
     This   poor widow has put in more than all those who are putting money into the box:
44 Because they all put in something out of what they had no need for; but she out of her
     need put in all she had, even all her living."
A. Jesus identifies the widower as poor and making a life threading sacrifice.
    1. The money she gave was all she had.
    2. The money she gave she needed to for a meal for herself.
    3. The widower valued her love for the Lord more than her life.
    4. Her poor offering was truly sacrificial.
B. Jesus valued the poor offering of the widower above all the other offerings
     combined because hers was sacrificial and the others were given out of habit or
     just following God's commands to the letter of the Law.
  1. God commands a tithe and an offering.
  2. True love gives God all of ones self.
  3. I urge you brothers to offer yourself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
      which is your reasonable service.  Rom 12:1




Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Park Way
Houston Texas

Thursday, December 17, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus The Lamb Of God", 12/20/2015


Exodus 13:13-15, Luke 2:22-32

Everything in the Old Testament points to birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All the prophecies in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament
with the birth death and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  God
established the sacrificial offerings among the Jews to represent the sacrifice of
His Son, Jesus Christ for the atonement of the sins of the world. Jesus is the first born
of the dead. He is the first born of the Church established in His name.

Exodus 13:13-15
V:13. " Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons.
14 "In days to come, when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' say to him, 'With a mighty hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. "
A. The Lord commanded as a memorial to His great work of deliverance of the nation
     of Israel from slavery, that their first born sons be devoted to Him.
    1. The first born sons were to be redeemed with a lamb.
    2. In this is the doctrine of Christ redemption.
    3. Christ is the lamb of God for the redemption of man.  
B. The first born donkey, an unclean animal could be redeemed with a lamb, a clean
   1. The Lord Jesus is the prefect clean sacrifice for unclean   mankind.
   2. Notice, the owner could choose to not redeem some first born donkeys.
      a. If not redeemed the owner was require to break the neck of the first
          born donkeys.
  3. Christ our redeemer, selected us for redemption, but chose to leave
      the world in its condemned state.
  4. In this command also is the doctrine of support for the Church.
     a. The lamb was given to the Levite Priests for their support.
     b. The Levite Priests were not allotted a portion of the promise land.
     c. Their support came from the sacrifices the people offered to God.

V:15. " When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the Lord killed every firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal. This is why I sacrifice to the Lord the first male offspring of every womb and redeem each of my firstborn sons."
A. Man is given a choice  to obey the Word of God or reject the Word.
    1.  Those who choose  obedience, choose eternal life.
    2. Those who reject the Word of God, choose death.
B. The Pharaoh  of Egypt  rejected God's commands and as a result, chose the
     death of all the first born males of Egypt.
   1. Choosing the lamb of God is life.
   2. Rejecting the lamb of God is  death.

Luke 2:22-33
V:22 When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord
23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord"),"
A. On the eighth day after the birth of a male baby, He was to be circumcised and
     on the fortieth day  taken to the temple for dedication.
    1. The price of redemption first born male was five shekels.
    2. A  lamb could be brought for the redemption of the first born.
B. Mary and Joseph were obedient to Word of God in their presentation of the baby Jesus
    to the Lord.
   1. Success in life is assured in our obedience to God's  word.
   2. When we devote our children to the Lord, He insures their proper growth and
   3. Our attitude of obedience flows to our children.
   4. From the very start of their lives, we should practice being good role models for

V:24. " And to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons."
A. God accepts no excuses for our disobedience.
    1. He does not allow us to use our financial condition as a reason not to worship
    2. If a family could not afford a lamb or the five shekels, the Lord accepted two
        doves. One for a sin offering and one for a burnt offering.
B. Worshiping the Lord is from the heart and not from the pocket book.
   1. If God has our hearts, we want have trouble giving Him what's in our pockets.
   2. Mary and Joseph is an example for us to worship the Lord first with what we
   3. Mary and Joseph is an example for us to make the worship of Lord the most
       important part of our children lives.
V:25. " Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. "
A. One of the goals of every  Christian should be to get to know Jesus before he/she dies.
   1. Simeon was righteous and devout so he knew the Father.
   2. Simeon listen to the Father because he had a word from the Holy Spirit.
B. Simeon studied the Word of God.
   1. More importantly, Simeon believed the Word.
   2. Simeon expected God to do what He said He would do.
   3. Simeon expected that God would give him the desires of his heart.
   4. Simeon was content to wait on the Lord.  

V:27. " Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required,
28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
29 "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. "
A. When God speaks, you have to act on His Word to receive His blessing.
    1. Church is always the place to receive a blessing from God.
    2. Wherever the Word is taught is a place of blessings.
B. Following God's commands positions you to be blessed by Him.
   1. Once God presents you with an opportunity, you have to be ready to
       take advantage of it.
   2. Simeon was in the right place at the right time because He followed God's
   3. He was one of the first Jews to recognize the King of Kings in a humble
     a. There was no thought on his mind that the King would be born in a poor family.
     b. Simeon was focused on the Word and not popular opinion.
     c. God made a promise to Simeon that he would see the Christ before his death.
     d.  Simeon was satisfied to  see him anyway God presented Him.
     e. Sometimes God's glory is directly in front of us and we are blind to it because we
         are expecting His glory in  some fantastic way.
 C. Simeon took the baby in his arms and praised God that he had touched his salvation.
     1. He praised God for the honor to hold the Christ
     2. He praised God for the salvation he had in his hands.
     3. He praised God for keeping His promise.
     4. He praised God for the love He showed him.

V:30. " For my eyes have seen your salvation"
A. Simeon saw a baby and he was satisfied that it was the Christ.
    1. He would not live to hear Jesus teachings or witness any miracle.
    2. He would not see Jesus nailed to the cross or witness His
        resurrection, but he had faith in the word of God.
 B. We may not be around to see the second coming of Jesus, but we know
      we will be in that number resurrected by Jesus,.
    1. The only truth is the Word of God.
    2. Faith in the Word bring Joy into our lives.  

V:31 "Which you have prepared in the sight of all people."
 A. Not only did Simeon see his salvation but he also saw the salvation that was
      made available to all people.
    1. God does not bless us to be blessed, but He blesses us to proclaim His
       blessings to everyone we meet.
    2. God's Word to Simeon, became words of encouragements to Mary and Joseph.
    3. Simeon words in the temple confirmed God's Word to them by the Angel
 B. Since our understanding of the Word limited, God uses other devoted believers
       to enlighten us.
   1. We are not in this Christian race by ourselves.
   2. God uses other believers to stand besides us and encourage us along the way.

V:32.  "A light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."
 A. God confirmed to Simeon, the promised He made to Abraham that his descendants
      would be a blessing to all nations.
     1. The mission of Jesus was revealed to Simeon.
     2. He is a light to the Gentiles.
         a. Faith in Jesus brings eternal life,
         b. We die to self and live in Jesus.
     3. Jesus death on the cross and resurrection brought glory to Israel.
 B. The Word of God is a lamp to the feet of all who believe in Jesus.
    1. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
    2. God reveals to us what He does not reveal to the world.
    3. God makes us accountable to reveal His Word to those in the dark.
C. You are never to young or too old to be used by God.
   1. Simeon in his old age made known to Mary and Joseph God's revelation
       to Him.
   2. When we study God's Word, He enlightens us with a message to others.


Come Join Us For Sunday Service

Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor Of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church

5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas

Thursday, December 10, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Sacrificial Offerings Are The Evidence Or Your Love", 12/13/2015


Leviticus 22:17-27, 31-33

The first sacrificial blood offering started in the Garden of Eden. After Adam's
sin, God killed an animal to make a covering of  skin for Adam and Eve.
The sacrifice came with a promise of a redeemer who is Jesus Christ. The blood of
the animal represented the atonement for their sins.

V:17 -19. The Lord said to Moses,
18 "Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites and say to them: 'If any of you — either an Israelite or an alien living in Israel — presents a gift for a burnt offering to the Lord, either to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering,
19 you must present a male without defect from the cattle, sheep or goats in order that it may be accepted on your behalf. "
A. We should be tuned to the voice of the Lord at all times.
    1. When Lord speaks we should be ready to respond immediately. 
    2. When the Lord speaks, it will agree with what He has printed in His Word.
    3. We must study God's word to be able to distinguish it from the voice of the flesh.
B. Sometimes God will give us a Word to say to others.
   1. The only time some people will Hear God's Word is from us.
   2. God will conform His Word with His Word.
C. The animal offered was burned at the altar.
     1. The Hebrew word for burnt offering is "olah" which means to go up in smoke.
     2. The aroma of the burning flesh was pleasing to God.   Exodus 29:18
D. The burnt offerings from an Israelite  served at least three purposes.
     1. The sins of the person was transferred to the animal.
         a. The wages of sin is death.
         b. The sacrifice of the animal was a substitute for the sinner.
         c. In burning the flesh of the animal, the sins of the people went up in smoke.
     2. An animal was offered for a gift to the Lord.
        a Perhaps to show ones gratitude.
        b. Maybe as an act of love.
    3. To fulfill a vow made to the Lord.
 E. The animal was to be a male without any defect. 
     1. Jesus Christ is our perfect sacrifice.     Heb 10:18
     2. Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins.
     3. Jesus substituted His life for ours.

V:20-21. " Do not bring anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted on your behalf.
21 When anyone brings from the herd or flock a fellowship offering to the Lord to fulfill a special vow or as a freewill offering, it must be without defect or blemish to be acceptable."
A. God created Adam perfect, innocent and without sin.
    1. It was Adams disobedience that brought sin into mankind.
    2. Because of Adam's sin, we are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity.  Rom 5:12
    3. The sin of Adam was transferred to the rest of mankind.
B. The Israelites were commanded to bring the very best of their flock as a sacrifice to
      the Lord.
    1. Anything less than their best was not acceptable to the Lord.
    2. It ought to be our desire to give the Lord our best.
C. The perfect animal was a type of the perfect sacrifice in Jesus Christ for our sins.
    1. The Lord offered to us His best for our sins.
    2. Jesus is a Gift of God's love to us.
    3. Jesus came to die by His own free will.
    4. The death of Jesus was acceptable to Father for our sins.
D. Faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus establishes fellowship with the Father.
   1. Fellowship with the Father is made perfect through Jesus.
   2. The promise of redemption made in the Garden of Eden is in Jesus.

V:22-23." Do not offer to the Lord the blind, the injured or the maimed, or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as an offering made to the Lord by fire.
23 You may, however, present as a freewill offering an ox or a sheep that is deformed or stunted, but it will not be accepted in fulfillment of a vow."
A. All of our imperfections are a result of the sin that is in the world.
    1. Jesus sacrificial death on the cross eradicated our defects before the Father.
    2. Jesus caused the blind to see.
    3. Jesus healed all manner of sickness.
    4. He made the lame walk.
B. God requires a perfect sacrifice for our sins.
    1. Jesus is our role model for perfection.
    2. The Israelites were commanded to bring a perfect animal for a blood offering.
    3. The offering was designed to teach us to have perfect respect for the Lord.
    4. To offer the imperfect to the Lord, shows our lack of gratitude for the
         perfection that is commanded by Him

V:24. " You must not offer to the Lord an animal whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut. You must not do this in your own land."
A. It is from the testicles that the seed for new life and new birth  comes.
    1. If you start with a defect, you produce more defects.
    2. To approach perfection, you have  to seek perfection in all your activities.
    3. To seek perfection, you have practice being perfect.
    4. To seek perfection, you need an attitude of perfection.
B. There is perfection in the righteousness of God the Father.
   1. Righteousness starts in the heart.
   2. Righteousness starts with you.
   3. Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Rom 12:1

V:25. " And you must not accept such animals from the hand of a foreigner and offer them as the food of your God. They will not be accepted on your behalf, because they are deformed and have defects."
A. God demands that you make a sacrifice for yourself.
   1. We have to sacrifice ourselves for Jesus.
   2. Momma's sacrifice for Jesus does not affect your sacrifice for Jesus.
   3. No one can accept the Word of God for you.
   4. No offering of a non believer is acceptable to God.
       a. His unbelief is a defect in him.
B. We are only made perfect in the perfection that we seek in Jesus.
   1. We can only find perfection in the word of God.
   2.  Practicing the Word makes us perfect in God.

V:31 "Keep my commands and follow them. I am the Lord."
A.  This is a command, not an option.
    1. To keep God's commands, you have to know them.
    2. To know God's commands, you have to study them.
    3. It is good to study God's commands with other believers.
    4. Group study should promote questions which causes us to
        do deeper research into God's Word..
    5. We are also commanded to study God's Word so that we can
        rightly divide the Word of truth.    2 Timothy 2:15  
 B. When we know the Word, we should walk according to the Word.
    1. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
    2. God's Word provides us with the right way to live.
    3. God's Word provides us with compassionate way to live.
    4. God's Word provides us with the loving way to live.
    5. God's Word provides us with the tolerant way to live.
    6. God's Word provides us with the forgiving way to live.
    7. God's Word provides us with the patient way to live.
    8. God's Word provides us with the trusting way to live.
    9. God's Word provides us with the peaceful way to live.
   10. God's Word provides us with the joyous way to live.
C. We ought to follow God's Word because He said do it.
   1. God's says "I am the Lord".
   2. God knows best.
   3. We may think we know what is best. But God knows best.
   4. We do not know how our present actions affect our future circumstances.
   5. God knows the end from the beginning.
   6. Who better to listen to but God?

V:32-33. " Do not profane my holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy by the Israelites. I am the Lord, who makes you holy
33 and who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord."
A. God proclaims His holiness. He is right all the time.
    1. The word "profane" is from the Hebrew word "chalal" which  means
         a. To break ones word.
         b. To begin by opening a wedge.
         c. To pollute, pierce.
         d. To make common.
         e. To violate the honor.
   2. Choose one of the definitions so you can understand what you do
       when you disobey God.
   3. It is to our disadvantage to disobey God.
   4. We cannot tell what we lose  in our disobedience.
B. We know the greatness of God by reviewing our past history with God.
   1. We know the goodness of God by reflecting on what He did this day.
   2. We woke up, that a blessing.
   3. We have whatever we have because of God's blessing.
C. God commands us to proclaim that He is Holy.
  1. It is our duty in everyday conversation to express the Holiness of God.
  2. We should give God the credit for our existence.
  3. To take credit for what God has done in our lives is profaning His Holy name.   


Come join us for Bible Study On Wednesday night.
See you there.

Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas

Friday, December 4, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Making God Special InOur LIves",12/3/2015


Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-16

V:8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."
 A. In Genesis Chapter 1, God gave us the order in which He made the
     Heavens and the earth.
    1. In six days or six time periods, God completed His creative process.
    2. On the seventh day, He rested.
B. Prior to the giving of the commandment to Israel, they were slaves.
   1. God gave His commands to free people.
   2. The commands were design to teach Israel  how to live as free people.
   3. I suggest, that God gave Israel His commands to keep them free.
C. God's commands are an obligation not an option.
   1. They were commanded to keep the seventh day holy.
   2. The word "holy" is from the Hebrew word "qadesh" which means to set apart,
       separate, or to be sacred.
   3. The seventh day was a day to set apart or to be different from the other six days.
   4.  The day of rest was set apart from the days of labor.

V:9-10. " Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates."
A. Any man or animal that works, need a time to rest and to recuperate.
   1. The Hebrew word "Sabbath" means intermission, cease or desist.
   2. God set aside the seventh day as a day for us to reflect on Him.
B. It is only by keeping our focus on the  Lord's commands that we can continue to
    be free:
  1. Free from worry.
  2. Free from the sins of the world
  3. Free from the evil desires of the flesh.
  4. When we take time to look back at our previous labors we can see the works of God
       in our lives.
C. We are commanded to give those in our charge time to rest.
    1. Without rest, we will work ourselves in to the grave.   
    2. When we focus on God, not only is our body getting rest but also our minds.
D.  The seventh day is a day of peaceful obedience.
     1. It is a day of restful obedience.
     2. It is a day of joyful obedience.
     3. It is a day of profitable obedience.
     4. It is a day of thankful obedience.
     5. It is a day of grateful obedience.
     6. It is a day to focus on God's love for us.

V:11. " For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
A. God set the example for us to follow.
   1. Not that God needed any rest, but perhaps He want us see in Him the right way of
       operating in this world.
   2. There is nothing but holiness in the Lord.
   3. We being in the flesh have to learn holiness.
   4. We being in the flesh have to learn the importance of being holy.
B. The Lord blessed the Sabbath day.
   1. All of our blessing comes from the Lord.
   2. All of our labors are blessings to us from the Lord.
   3. The Sabbath day is a day of blessing without any labor.
C. God set the Sabbath day aside for us to reflect on His righteousness and His goodness.
  1. 1/7 equals 14.3%.
  2. God demands that we devote 14.3% of our time to Him.
  3. Give God a day of total obedience and He promises to bless the other six days.

Exodus 31:12-16
V:12-13. " Then the Lord said to Moses,
13 "Say to the Israelites, 'You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy."
A. The design of the observance of the Sabbath is for us to know that it is God who
      has set us aside for Himself.
   1. The Israelites under the Law devoted the last day of the week as the Lord's day.
   2. Christians under Grace devote the first day of the week as the Lord's day.
        a. Jesus resurrection on the First day of the week set Sunday as the day
            to devote to the Lord.  
  3. Notice, God did not set everybody aside.
      a. God set those aside that He chose to believe in Him.
      b. All believer are adopted into the family of God by our faith in Jesus Christ.
   4. To each is given a measure of faith.
      a. Therefore, even the faith we have is a gift from God.
      b. We have been given the faith to believe in the Word of God.
 B. Devoting a day of our time to God is a sign to the world that He has set us aside
     for His own purpose.
   1. Devoting a day of the week to God is a sign to the world that we have been
       chosen by God.
   2. No one can come to Jesus unless he is drawn by the Father.

V:14 "'Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it must be put to death; whoever does any work on that day must be cut off from his people."
A. The Israelites were given this command to keep the Sabbath with a promise of
    1. Disobeying this command was certain death.
    2. To disobey God is sin.
    3. All unrighteousness is sin.
    4. The wages of sin is death.
B. The law was given to the Israelites not to save them, but to show their need for a

  1. Obedience to the God commands was a sign of their faith in the Word.
  1. God commands are design to show our dependence on Him.
  2. In the flesh, man cannot keep all of God's commands.
  3. But we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us.
  4. Without faith in Jesus, eternal death is certain.  

V:15. " For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death."
A. The Sabbath is a type of our eternal rest with God.
    1. We labor all the days of our lives.
    2. At the end of our labor on earth, God has set aside a heavenly rest.
    3. Observing God commands while we yet live provides eternal rest in heaven.
 B. Disobeying God commands while we yet live provides eternal death.
    1. The Israelites, by not observing the Sabbath were eternally separated from God
        by death.
    2. We enter into God's Sabbath day by our faith in Jesus Christ.
    3. It is faith in Jesus that sets us aside for God final Sabbath day.

V:16.  The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant.
A. Obedience to God Word is the everlasting covenant.
   1. Jesus said, If you love me keep my commandments.
   2. By observing God's Sabbath, the Israelites were able to keep their focus
       on the righteousness of God.
B. By Grace, Jesus established a new covenant in His Blood.
   1. Our faith in the Word of God is an everlasting sign to the world of our election
       by Christ.
   2. Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week.
      a. Jesus death on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.
      b. Jesus resurrection on the first day of the week ended the requirement for
          recognizing the Sabbath.
      c. Jesus resurrection on first day of the week, set Sunday as the new holy day of
 3. Everyday is a day that the Lord has made, and we should rejoice and be glad in it.
 4. Everyday is the Lord's day that we should observe.
 5. God made us special by choosing us for eternal life.
 6. We should make God special by giving God a day of devotion.


Rev. M. Mitchell
Asst Pastor  of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway

Houston, Texas

Friday, November 27, 2015

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Follow God's Agenda", 11/29/2015


Acts 18:1-11

V:1-3. " After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth.
2 There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them
3 and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them."
A. The Gospel was not received  very well in Athens, so Paul went to Corinth.
     1. Don't get discouraged when the Word is not received by others.
     2. It is no failure on our part when the preached Word is rejected.
     3. Our job is to teach the Word.
     4. Only God can prepare the hearts of man to receive His Word.
 B. Sometimes God allows the Word to fall on death ears, so we are motivated
      to move on to another assignment.
    1. God determines the places and prepares the hearts of people to receive His Word.
    2. In Corinth, Paul met a man and wife team ready to serve God with him.
    3. I believe it was by Gods divine intervention that this man and wife team                
        was forced from Rome to meet up with Paul.
    4. God knows who we need and when we need them.
 C. It was customary that every Jewish boy was taught a trade to support himself.
     1. Both Paul and Aquila were tent makers.
     2. It is good to work in an occupation with other believers.
         a. You get to know a person best when you work with them.
         b. It is good to learn together and grow together with other believers.
         c. Under Paul's teaching, Aquila and his wife learned the deeper truths of
             the Word of God.
     3. Whenever we get the opportunity to study the Word of God with others,
          we should take advantage of the divine fellowship time.

V:4-5. " Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.
5 When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. "
A. It was Paul's custom to start the preaching of the Gospel in the synagogue where
     Jews and Greeks (Jewish Proselytes)  were present.
   1. Notice when Timothy and Silas came to Corinth, Paul devoted his time to the Jews
   2. The Holy Spirit gave Paul the mission of preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles
        Acts 13:46-47.
   3. I can only guess that Paul thought it ok to leave the mission of the Gentiles to
       Silas and Timothy.
 B. We have to be careful that we don't change God's plan for our service to our own
     1. Success in the ministry is based on following God's plan for our lives.
     2. God does not restrict us in the ministry, but we cannot not neglect His directives.

V:6. " But when the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, "Your blood be on your own heads! I am clear of my responsibility. From now on I will go to the Gentiles."
A. The Word suggest, that Paul met complete resistance to God Word because he left the
     mission God called him to do.
    1. By neglecting the Gentiles who would be influenced by the Gospel, he was left with
        only the Jews who were influenced by the Law.
    2. It may have been possible that the Gentiles who believed could have influenced
        some Jews to believe.
B. The first will be last and the last will be first.
   1. The Jews were the first to receive God's commands.
   2. The Jews were the first to be called God's people.
   3. The Jews were the first to be offered God's promise of redemption.
   4. The Jews were first to rejected God's wisdom in favor of man's wisdom.
C. Because of the Jewish rejection, the Gospel was taken to the Gentiles.
   1. The Gentiles were the first to receive the promise of the kingdom of heaven
   2. The Gentiles were the first to willingly accept Christ as their personal savior.
 D. This incident forced Paul back to the mission he was called to by the Holy Spirit.
    1. Corinth was a city given to idolatry. At one time, one of its temples had a thousands
        prostitutes. It was a port and business center that drew people from different parts of
        the world.
    2. Corinth was fertile ground for the preaching of the Gospel.
    3. The Bible does not tell us, but I believe it was God that stirred up Paul to refocus
        his attention to the Gentiles.

V:7-8. " Then Paul left the synagogue and went next door to the house of Titius Justus, a      
    worshiper of God.
8 Crispus, the synagogue ruler, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard him believed and were baptized."
A. When we let God lead, success is assured.
    1. When Paul returned to God's  mission, he immediately found a receptive audience 
         for the Gospel.
    2. Again God showed us that when He closes one door, He opens another.
    3. Next door to the synagogue was a worshiper ready to receive the Gospel.
    4. Sometimes all it takes is for one to believe in Jesus for others to follow.
 B. Notice, from same group who rejected the Gospel came a ruler of the synagogue
      who accepted the Gospel.
    1. Crispus  conversion influence many other Corinthians to believe.
    2. Your testimony and your encouragement can lead others to Christ.
    3. Crispus stepped out from his peers and accepted Christ.
    4. There is a time when you have to step out from the crowd to follow Christ.   

V:9-10. " One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.
10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city."
A. What God has for you is for you.
    1. When you are on God's side, there is nothing that can't be accomplished according to
         His will.
    2. No matter how strong you are in the Lord, sometimes you need encouragement
        from Him.
B. It is clear from the Lord's promise, that Paul life was in danger from the Jewish
     leaders of the synagogue and maybe other idol religions.
   1. Maybe Paul had become discouraged or fearful of the opposition to the Gospel.
   2.  God has not given us the spirit of fear , but power, love and sound mind.
   3. Paul was under God's direction.
   4. Paul was under God's protection.
   5. Paul was under God's comfort.
      a. God told Paul , I have many people in this city.
      b. We don't always know who God has ready to protect us.
      c. What we can be sure of, is God's grace is sufficient.

V:1. " So Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God."
 A. When you know that God has your back, you can work for the Lord with
    1. It is God who prepares the hearts of men to receive the Gospel.
    2. Some of God's people have been called out of the world.
    3. Some of God's people are yet to be called out.
    4. Paul didn't know who God called His people, but they were all around him.
 B. When we are following the will of God, success is assured.
     1. Silence in the face of opposition is not an option for a Christian.
     2. Our job is to proclaim the Word and leave the success of the mission to God.
     3. Paul taught the Word of God and a Church at Corinth was established.
     4. You never know what complete impact you are having when you discuss the
          Gospel with others.


Rev. M. Mitchell

Asst Pastor of Greater Macedonia Baptist Church
5510 West Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Texas