Thursday, January 30, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Controling My Mouth", 2/2/14


James 1:19-27


V:19. " This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear,

    slow  to speak and slow to anger."

 A. Controlling the tongue is a very important trait of Christian living.

     1. One way of controlling the tongue is to listen first.

     2. The problems with our hearing are our desire to be heard.

         a. It is possible to misinterpret what someone says. 

         b. If we don't respect what the person has to say, we will tune them out.        

         c. We have Pride in what we think we know.

         d. Sometimes it is hard to listen to comments that may be considered by the

             receiving person as a criticism, an attack or a put  down.

          e. The person  listening may be intimidated by the person doing the talking.

          f. Sometimes there is a lack of trust.

          g. We normally prefer our own opinions.

  B. There is a solution to hearing.

      1. We must have a change in our attitude.

      2. We must first consider that we don't know everything.

      3. We must consider that everyone has something important to say.

      4. We must seek spiritual maturity.

          a. We should value the person speaking.

          b. Consider that person speaking may have notice something about you

              that you are not aware of.

          d. Consider that the person speaking may have some knowledge or experience

              that you lack.

          c. Consider that the person speaking is looking out for your best interest.

          d. Love the person enough to listen.

 C. Don't get in a rush to speak.

    1. The person may have a lot more to say.

    2. Take time to evaluate the other person's conversation.

    3. Give the person time to completely express their opinions and ideas.

    4. Make sure you completely understand what the person is saying.

    5. If there is any anger or hostility built up in you, don't speak if it is not

        required. Give yourself time to calm down.

    6. Sometimes a response is not necessary.

    7. You can learn more by listening.

 C. Learn to control your anger.

     1. Anger stems from a dislike of a persons attitude, position, or actions.

         a. Our dislikes promotes hostility.

         b. Our hostility grows our anger.

     2. Anger stems from a lack of forgiveness and tolerance on our part.

     3. The Solution to our anger is;

        a. To forgive

        b. To love

        c. To value the person because he was created by God.


 V:20.  "For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God."

  A. Anger is a normal human emotion.

      1. We must not allow our anger to control what we think.

      2. We must not allow our anger to control what we say or how we act

          or react to another person.

      3. We must not allow our anger to exist within us any length of time.

          a. Don't go to bed with your anger.

          b. Don't wake up with your anger.

          c. Arrest your anger quickly so you can remain peaceful.

          d. Don't allow your anger to lead you to sin.

      4. Anger is a tool the devil can use to tempt you to hate, disrespect

          or abuse another person.

      5. Anger can cause you to disregard the commands of God.

 B. When one acts out of anger, it is usually to get even with or to bring down the

      person  the anger is directed at.

    1. An angry person is irrational and can't be sure he is doing the right thing.

    2. An angry person will sin against man and God to satisfy his pride.

    3. Sometimes an angry person would rather walk away from the problem

        than face it.

    4. People sometimes get angry with another person because the truth is told about

        them and they don't want to hear it or want the truth exposed to others.

    5. Never make any decisions or form any opinions while you are angry.



V:21. " Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls."

 A. In order for the mind to receive the righteousness of God, you have to put away

      all unrighteous thinking, talking and acting.

     1. Putting clean water in a dirty bucket, will make the clean water unclean.

     2. Dropping fresh cooked bread on the ground contaminates the bread.

     3. Mixing the Word of God with the words of man leaves the mind corrupt.

 B. In order for there to be a changed mind, there has to be a change in attitude.

    1. You have to put off the old, to put on the new in Jesus Christ.

    2. Put off vile and abusive language and take on encouraging and uplifting language.

    3. Put off negative thinking and take on hopeful thinking.

    4. Put off anger and put on love.

    5. Put off holding grudges and take on forgiveness.

    6. Put off complaining and put on thankfulness.

 C. Study and meditate on the Word of God.

    1. Humbly submit yourself to the commands of God.

    2. Trust God to be the solution to your problems.


V: 22. " But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

 A. For every worldly action, there is a guiding word from the Lord.

     1. Once we know the Word, we have an obligation to follow the Word.

     2. We cannot profit from the Word unless we follow the commands given

         in the Word.

     3. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

     4. We can not be as good as we could be unless we let God guide our steps.

 B. To be a good steward, we must allow God to use the gifts and talents He blessed

       us with.

     1. A  tool is useless unless it is put to use.

     2. The Word of God is useless unless we act according to the Word.

     3. Knowing the Word and being able to recite the Word does not make us


 C. We must recognize our short comings and weakness before we can receive divine

      wisdom and guidance.

     1. A humble spirit is open to criticisms and instructions from others.

     2. Sometimes the person close to you are more aware of your faults and

        shortcomings than you are.

         a. Anger is often directed at the bearer of truth.

         b. A humble spirit is grateful for the incite of others.  

 V: 23. " For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror."

 A. The just live by faith and not by sight.

     1. Those who do not act according to the Word have little faith.

     2. It takes courage to act according to God's Word.

     3. Unless we live by the Word, we can never be like the Word.  

 B. The Word of God gives us the nature and character of Jesus Christ.

     1. Studying the Word, we view Jesus living according to the righteousness of the


     2. Once we closed the Bible and walk into the world, we must put the principles of

         God into action in our daily activities.

        a. If the Word is not put into practice, we will soon lose sight of the Word.

        b. We actually learn the true meaning of the Word when we put it into practice.

        c. We experience the joy of living the Word when it is put into practice.

        d. We experience the trials of living the Word when it is put into practice.

        c. Our faith grows when God delivers us through our troubles.

 V:24. " For once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was."

 A. It is the Word put in practice that facilitates Christian Living.

     1. One will not know what a true Christian is unless the Word is put into practice

         in his/her life.

     2. One will not know that living a Christian life brings trials and tribulations unless

         he/she is living a Christian life.

     3. One will not know that the promises of God are true unless he/she has called on

         God to keep his promises.

 B. A Christian not living according to the Word will think and act according to the


   1. A Christian not living according to the Word will not credit God with the good and

      the bad that happens to him.

   2. A Christian not living according to the Word will not count the bad that happens

       to  him as God's good.



V:25. " But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does."

 A. The ingredients of a blessed life.

     1. Study and meditate on the Word of God.

     2. Studying the Word gives incite to real liberty.

         a. The best freedom we will ever have is following the commands of the Lord.

         b. Christian start out with true freedom; freedom from the penalty of sin.

         c. Because we are free from the penalty of sin, we are free to ask God to supply

             all our needs.

 B. Having a knowledge of the Word, we have the ability to abide in the Word.

    1. We must let the Word guide our thoughts and actions.

    2. The Word must be the rule by which everything is measured.

    3. The Word sets boundaries on what we can do and want we can't do.

 C. We must consider it our duty to follow the commands of God.

    1. When the Word is stirred up with action it grows in our hearts.

    2. When the Word is stirred up with action it becomes our attitude.

    3. The more we make the Word active in our lives the more God like we become. 


V:26. " If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."

 A. As Christians, we have already settled the big issue of life.

    1. The big issue is Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

         a. The big issue is our redemption from sin.

         b. The big issue is where we will spend eternity.

         c. Heaven is assured for us.

   2. It's the smaller issues that trips us up in this life.

      a. God is still working on us.

      b. We still got some baggage we are carrying from our former life as sinners.

      c. We are still in this process of presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and

           acceptable to the Lord.

 B. One of the main issues, we are dealing with is how to control the tongue.

    1. The tongue is a small part of the body, but it can cause some major problems in

        our lives.

    2. The tongue can hurt folks, defame folks, and undermine folks.

    3. The tongue can be vile and unruly.

        a. The tongue can hurt the very folks that love us the most.

        b. The tongue can drive folks away that are trying to be most helpful to us.

    4. Jesus said, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes

        out of the mouth that defiles a man.

 C. The tongue is just an instrument that verbally expresses what is still in the heart.

    1. It is out of the heart that flows the issues of life.

    2. If it is not in the heart, it will not flow out of the mouth.

    3. If it is in the heart, sooner or later, it will flow out of the heart.

 D. As Christians, we have to be careful what we say, because what we say can be


     1. As  Christians, we  have to be careful what we say, because what we say can be

        taken the wrong way.

     2. Christians have to choose the right time and right way to say something, even if it

        is intended to be helpful, uplifting and to express corrective incite.

  E. One of the key indicators that we have weaknesses and faults in our Christian walk

      is  our inability to control our tongues.

     1. We say we are Christians, but sometimes we talk like we have never been in a


     2. It is not that we are not Christians, it just we still learning to be a mature  


     3. The key is to recognize that we have some faults and that we need the help of our

         brothers and sisters in Christ to improve.

         a. We need to humbly go before the Father and express our faults and ask for

             his guidance and strength to control our tongue.



 V:27. " Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit  

  orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

  A.  Our faith in Jesus should inspire us to act different from the world.

      1. Our faith in Jesus ought to inspire us to develop a life style of unselfishness.

      2. Our faith in Jesus ought to inspire us to develop a life style of helpfulness.

  B. The Lord Jesus recommends that we be big brothers and sisters and family to

       1.The Lord loves children.

       2. These are among the least that He expects us to show love and compassion.

  C. The Lords  recommends that we look after those who He defines as widows who

       have no family in their distress.

  D. The recommends that we separate ourselves from worldly desires and worldly


     1. We have been called out of the world to serve the Lord.

     2. We have a higher calling that requires us to seek the righteousness of the Lord.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "The Love Of God", 1/26/2014



Luke 16:19-31


God is Love. The evidence of His Love is Jesus Christ. The Lord summed up the entire Bible with two new commandments. First, Love the Lord your God with all your mind, your heart and your soul. Second, Love your neighbor as yourself.  All  the Law and the prophets hang on these commandments (  Matt 22:27-40 ).


In Houston and probably most large cities, hanging on the streets are people with a sign,

"I am hungry, will work for food." This has become an industry. Not that there are not some legitimate cases but many are there to get your money for free.


These people are stuck in this mind set and so are we. We have either of two reactions;

one of hate or one of pity. We hate to see them there, or we pity them so we give them

a dollar or two.  The real issue is LOVE. We don't know how to love them.  To love, takes time and effort.


The world is filled with two types of people. The Haves and The Have Not. The Lord

presents us with a case of the Haves and The Have Not; The Rich man and Lazarus.


This passage shows us an extreme lack of love.



V:19.  "Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day."

 A. There was a rich man, a man who was blessed with much more than he needed.

     1. Everyday, he dressed in very expensive clothes.

         a. The reddish purple dye was very expensive and was made from Mediterranean

              purple mussel.

         b. Fine linen was expensive refined white cotton.

     2. He lived a luxuriously life.

        a. He had the best of everything.

        b. The color purple was reserved for kings and nobles.

        c. Every day was a feast for him.

 V:20.  "And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores."

  A. A poor man named Lazarus was laying outside the rich man's gate.

      1. The Greek word for Lazarus means "helped of God".

      2. Notice, God identified the poor man, but not the rich man.

          a. The life of the rich man was of no value to God.

          b. The life of Lazarus, the poor man was valued by God.

  B. Lazarus was not only poor but very sick.

     1. The sores made him unclean and an outcast.

     2. The Lord cares for the poor, the least in the world.

     3. Lazarus was poor, but he did have someone who brought him to the gate of

         the rich man.

     4. Our present situation does not determine our value to God.

          a. Lazarus was poor, but the Lord took notice of him.

          b. Lazarus was suffering, but the Lord knew his condition.

          c. He was poor and he was suffering but the Lord blessed him with life each day.

 C. The earthly blessings of the Lord are not equal among men.

     1. One man was rich and one man was poor.

     2. One man was well and one man was sick.

     3. One man had friends and one man was an outcast.

     4. God kept watch over both men.


 V:21. " And longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores."

 A. Lazarus was laid at the rich man's gate hoping to be fed crumbs from his table.

     1. The rich man did not value the life of the poor.

         a. The rich man came in and out of his gate and ignored the needs of the poor.

         b. The rich man, knowing that Lazarus was sick made no effort to help him.

    2. The rich man was a selfish individual.

         a. The rich man neglected the needs of his neighbor.

         b. He had more than he needed, but he did not provide a meal or medical help to


C. The rich man was blessed with the means to help, but he was concerned only

     for himself.

   1. The rich man had no compassion for the poor or the sick.

   2. The rich man treated Lazarus the same as he treated stray dogs.

       a. The crumbs from the rich man's table were thrown outside his gate.

       b. Stray dogs lived off of food that was leftover and thrown out.

 D. The only comfort Lazarus had doing the day was from the stray dogs licking

      his sores.

       a. These dogs were unclean and made Lazarus more susceptible to disease.

   1. God allowed the dogs to comfort Lazarus but not to harm him.

   2. In our times of need, God is our comforter.

   3. In our times of need, God is our protector.

 E. The rich man was empty.

    1. He was void of compassion.

    2. He was void of love.

    3. God hated the attitude of the rich man.

    4. God  placed before him, his way of salvation, but he ignored it.

    5. God placed before him a reason to open up his heart and bless others, but he was

        blind to it.

 F.  Lazarus did not complain about his condition.

    1. Lazarus did not complain about the rich man.

    2. Lazarus did not complain to God for better conditions.

    3. Lazarus desired the crumbs from the rich man's table, but we hear of no

        a. It would have been good to get a meal from the rich man, but he settled for


        b. Lazarus endured to the end.


 V:22. "Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's
   bosom;  and the rich man also died and was buried."

  A. Even though he was poor and even though he was sick, God loved Lazarus.

      1. At Lazarus death God sent His angels down to carry him into heaven.

      2. Lazarus is comforted because he now rested on the breast of Abraham.

          a. Abraham is the father of faith and the father of Israel.

          b. In heaven, a place of rest was reserved for Lazarus in the Father's house.

          c. In life, Lazarus had no rest from his torment.

          d. In heaven, Lazarus has eternal rest.

          e. The poor can easily find hope in the Father.

          f. Your personal circumstances on earth is no reflection of your reserved 
              position in  Heaven.

          g. Your personal circumstances on earth is not always a reflection of the love the

               Lord has for you.

   B.  The rich man died and was buried.

        1. The rich man had an end to his pleasure on earth.

             a. His death was the end of his pride.

             b. His death was the end of his luxurious living.

        2. The poor and the rich suffer the same fate; they all die.

            a. No one can escape the physical death.

            b. Death is no respecter of person.

        3. Death was the end to the rich man's elevation.

           a. Death was an end to the rich man's fame and fortune.

           b. Death was the end of the rich man's feast.

    C. Death was the beginning of Lazarus elevation.

         1. He was elevated from a poor man on earth to a rich man in heaven.

         2. On earth Lazarus sat outside the gate of the rich.

             a. In Heaven, Lazarus was in the gate with a rich Father.

         3. On earth, Lazarus had to settle for crumbs from the rich man's table.

             a. In Heaven, he sits at the table and feast from the abundance of the Lord.

         4. On earth he suffered and in heaven he rejoices.

         5. On earth, Lazarus had no friends, but in heaven He had a friend in Jesus.

         6. Life on earth is often unfair, but life in heaven is well favored. 


 23 "In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and  

    Lazarus in his bosom."

  A. Hell is a real place.

      1. Hell has many inhabitants.

      2. The inhabitants in hell live in torment.

      3. Life does not end with death, but begins in heaven or hell.

      4. The inhabitants in hell have feelings.   Mat 13:50

      5. The inhabitants in hell have no joy.

      6. The inhabitants in hell can communicate their pain.

      7. The inhabitants in hell can see heaven from a distance.    Rev 20:12-14

      8. The inhabitants in hell can see those they neglected in heaven.

 B. The inhabitants in hell can see pleasure in heaven.

      1. The inhabitants in hell can see those they stepped over on earth in heaven. 

 C. Lazarus has a place of honor in heaven.

      1. The term "Abraham's bosom" describes a person seated at a low table on pillows

          leaning back  toward the breast of the host next to him.

         a. This position at the table is a position of honor.

         b. Lazarus position is next to the Father.

         c. Lazarus was at the feast with the Father.

     2. The term "Abraham bosom" is also used to denote heaven.

        a. Lazarus was taken into heaven at his death and seated at the table of the Father. 

 D. There is a great distance between heaven and hell.

     1. No one can cross over from hell into heaven.

     2. No one can cross over from heaven into hell.

     3. One must decide while he is living where he wants to spend eternity.

     4. Once dead, your destination is fixed.

 V:24 "And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame."

 A. The rich man knew about the Father.

      1. The rich man knew the law.

      2. While he lived, he failed to establish a relationship with the Father.

      3. While he lived, the rich man willfully neglected the commands of the Father.

      4. While he lived, the rich man willfully neglected to show mercy to the poor.

 B. The inhabitants in hell will cry out to the Father.

    1. While they were on earth they took the Father for granted.

    2. In their mind, on earth they had no need for the Father.

    3. In hell, the rich recognized that the Father has the power.  Rom 14:11

    4. In hell, they recognized that the Father is in charge.

    5. In hell, they recognized that the Father has the authority to grant requests.

 B. In hell, the rich want mercy. While on earth, he was not merciful.

    1. In hell, the rich man wanted help from those he ignored on earth.

    2. On earth, the rich man refused to provide for the needs of Lazarus, but

        in hell, he requested Lazarus help.


V:25 "But Abraham said, 'Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony."

A. Hell is a place of reflection.  Rev 20:12-14

     1. Hell is a place where God will remind you of  your short comings.

         a. The rich man remained a child all his life.

         b. He never grew to maturity.

         c. He failed to take responsibility for His blessings.

         d. To much is given, much is required.   Luke 12:48

     2. Hell is a place deserved by your actions on earth.

     3. The Lord stood at the door of  the rich man, but he would not invite Him in.

         a. In hell, the rich man saw Lazarus in the rich position.

         b. The rich man is forced to remember his luxurious life style on earth.

         c. The rich man is forced to remember his neglect of the poor.   Rom 14:12

         d. The rich man is forced to remember his selfish behavior.

         e. The rich man is forced to accept his position in hell as payment for his sins.

 B. The rich man is forced to see his neglect turn into a blessing for the poor.


 V:26.  "And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us."

 A. There is a great impassable distance between heaven and hell.

      1. Once you are in heaven, you are in heaven for eternity.

      2. Once you are in hell, you are in hell for an eternity.

      3. Once you die, your destination is fixed.

          a. No one can pray you out of hell.

          b. You must make your peace with God before you die.

 B. The rich man in hell thought to negotiate his condition with the Father.

     1. The time to establish communication with the Lord was while he lived on earth.

     2. There is no redemption in hell.



V: 27. "And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house."

 A. We are role models to those around us, good or bad.

     1. We can influence those around us in a positive or a negative way.

     2. By his actions, the rich man influence his brothers to be like him.

     3. He failed his brothers by not teaching them to love  their neighbors.

     4. He failed his brothers by not following God's commands.

 B. Because of his negative influence, his brothers would follow his lead and

      end up in hell.

     1. His brothers needed a godly person to lead them to the path of righteousness.

     2. His brothers needed someone to tell them about horrors of hell.

     3. His brothers needed someone to tell them about the blessings of heaven.

     4. His brothers needed someone to tell them that there is life after death.


V:28. " For I have five brothers — in order that he may warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment."

 A. The rich man in hell was still selfish.

     1. He wanted Lazarus to warn his brothers but not anyone else.

     2. He did not ask that the world be warned in addition to his brothers.

 B. The rich man, in his torment , if he could, would have disturb Lazarus for his own


     1. He did not ask that an apology be sent to Lazarus for the wrong he did.

     2. He expected Lazarus to show his brothers love when he had no love. 

     3. The rich man expected forgiveness without repenting and asking for forgiveness.


V:29. "But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them."

 A. The word of God was being taught in Synagogues all around them.

     1. It is the Word  that convicts the heart.

     2. There were good role models all around them.

     3. His brothers chose to follow him.

 B. His brothers also closed their eyes to the needs of the poor.

    1. The rich man's brothers walked pass Lazarus and showed no compassion.

    2. The rich man's bothers chose a life style of selfishness.

    3. His brothers closed their ears to the Word of God.

    4. His brothers would have to suffer the consequences of their actions.


 V:30. "But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead,

  they will repent."

  A. The rich man wanted to negotiate with the Father while in hell.

      1. He was accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted it.

      2. His money and his popularity got him what want he wanted.

  B. In hell you carry neither fame or fortune.

     1. In hell, there is no communication with the Father except to pronounce your

        condemnation to the eternal fire.

     2. You do not negotiate with the Father.

 C. Only the Word of God has the power to cause one to repent.

     1. Only the Word can change a heart.



 31 "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.

 A. God has blinded us to the full torment of  souls in hell.

     1. He has given us only a slight view of hell and nothing more.

     2. Our hearts and minds cannot handle the full horrors of hell.

 B. God in His mercy has spared us from full the knowledge of the damned spirits.



Thursday, January 16, 2014

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Pride; Enemy Of The Cross", 1/19/2014



Luke 14:7-14



The day of this event is the Sabbath. The place is the home of the Chief Pharisee. The

occasion is a dinner by invitation only.


Jesus met the enemy on their territory. He showed up in the company of those who

hated Him and those who plotted to kill Him. Jesus was aware that He was invited to

be trapped in to saying something or doing something that could be used to condemn



Jesus is no stranger to danger, because danger is His opportunity to be glorified.  

Jesus showed up not to destroy His enemy, but to teach the principles of God. Jesus

showed up in the house of sick folk. He showed up with power to heal with the Word

of God.


If a doctor is going to heal somebody, he has to go where the sick folk are. The church

is a body of sick folk. A sure place to find a doctor is in a Hospital. The Church is a

Hospital of sick folk. A sure place to find Doctor Jesus is in the Church.  


If the truth be told, we all need this hospital called the Church. We got some folk that

just need a vaccination. We got some folk that need a hospital bed. We got some folk

that need major surgery. We got some folk recovering in ICU.



V:7. " And He began speaking a parable to the invited guests when He noticed how they had been picking out the places of honor at the table, saying to them."

 A. Among believers, one of the enemies to the cross is pride. The Lord said, I hate

     the proud.

    1. Jesus used a common event to teach the sin of pride, a wedding.

       a. Weddings are ordained by God.

       b. Weddings are commanded by God.

       c. A wedding is the first human institution created by God.

   2. A wedding is a celebration of the union of a man and a woman.

      a. The Jewish Wedding was an invitation only event.

      b. In a Jewish Wedding, the seating is usually prearranged.

 B. It is our natural inclination to want to be honored.

     1. That inclination is driven by pride.

     2. Pride will drive us to seek out the best place to be noticed.

 C. The right hand of the host of the dinner is the most honored position.

    1. There are only so many seats at the table with the host.

    2. There would be people seated and people standing around the walls.

 D. Every believer is in the Church by invitation only.

    1. Our invitation does not give us the liberty to show up with a prideful attitude.

    2. It is not by works that we are saved, but by grace, so no one can boast.  Eph 2:8



V:8. "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for someone more distinguished than you may have been invited by him."

A. The first rule of checking your pride is to not assume the position of honor.

    1. To be invited is an honor.

    2. Your invitation does not carry a rating of honor.

        a. God is no respecter of person. 

B. All believers have been invited to attend the wedding banquet of Christ and His

    bride, the Church.

  1. The Lord honored us with his presence in our lives.

  2. The Lord honored us by calling us out of the world and into the body of Christ.

C. There are certainly, some disciples that are going to be more honored than others in


   1. We store up treasures in heaven by the sacrifices and the work we do for the Lord.

   2. There will be some saints in heaven who did much more than you or I.

   3. Jesus told His disciples that to sit at my right hand or my left hand was not His to

       give.  Mat 20:23

   4. The Father determines the high positions in heaven.

D. If we seek the places of honor, we are seeking to be admired by others.

   1. Seeking the praise of man is a vain effort.

   2. You can be admired today by men and hated tomorrow. 

   3. What others think about you has no heavenly value.

   4. What others think about you may have no earthly value.


V:9.  "And he who invited you both will come and say to you, 'Give your place to this man,' and then in disgrace you proceed to occupy the last place. "

 A. What goes up can easily come down.

     1. You really never know what other people think of you.

     2. People may invite you out of courtesy, but really hope you don't come.

 B. Sometimes people invite you to their function to humiliate you.

    1. Jesus was invited to the home of the chief  Pharisee to trap Him into

        doing something or saying something to condemn Him.

    2. A party of like minded people are sometimes up to no good.

 C. Jesus noticed that the invited guest were competing for position at the head table.

    1. You must watch who you get close to.

    2. It may be that the closer you get to someone, the closer you get to the source of


    3. The chief Priest was the chief sinner of the group.

         a. He should have had more knowledge of the scripture than anyone.

         b. Yet he was trying to destroy the author of the scripture.

   4. The most popular person might be the most evil person.

        a. It would be nothing for that person to push you aside for someone else.

        b. When you are asked to move aside to make room for someone else,

            you will be humiliated.

   5. Your position and status in the world has nothing to do with how God sees you.

     a. The safest position is the least position.

     b. The best attitude is a humble attitude.

     c. The best spirit is a humble spirit.

     d. One of the jobs of the Devil is to set you up to bring you down.

     e. If you derive your self worth from the people you are close to, then you

         are  setting yourself up for a fall.   



V:10. "But when you are invited, go and recline at the last place, so that when the one who has invited you comes, he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher'; then you will have honor in the sight of all who are at the table with you."

 A. There is nothing wrong with being in the last place among men.

     1. Self assertion goes to far and is often dishonored.

     2. When one gets caught up in himself, he is often blinded to the realities of the


     3. When we get caught up in self, we can't see the pit falls in front of us.

     4. When we get caught up in self, we quit listening to divine guidance and reason.

     5. When we get caught up in self, we can't see the importance of others.

     6. When we get caught up in self, we can't recognize the sin in ourselves, but the sin

          in others.

 B. The best position in life is a humble position.

     1. When we humble ourselves, we have no problem letting others go first.

     2. When we humble ourselves, position cease to be important.

     3. When we humble ourselves, we let others speak so we can learn.

     4. When we humble ourselves, we can more easily see the needs and concerns

         of others.

 C. Sometimes sitting in the back is the best place to be.

     1. When you take the back seat, you can watch the actions of others.

     2. If you are sitting in the back when trouble arises, you can get out first.

     3. If you are sitting in the least position, you can watch others rise and fall.

         a. You can learn from someone rising.

         b. You can learn from the fall of others.

 D. A humble person is a better friend than a proud person.

    1. A humble person is more likely to be helpful than a proud person.

    2. A humble person is more likely to be more dependable than a proud person.

    3. When you see others as more important than you, others are likely to see the

        importance in you.

    4. A true friend will lift you up, and not tear you down.

    5. A humble person knows the value of other people.

       a. When you value others, they will in the long run come to value you.

       b. If you have a life style of esteeming others, you will soon be esteemed.



11 "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

A. The Lord hates the proud, but He loves a humble spirit.  James 4:6

    1. Jesus humbled himself to step down out of Glory to take on the sins of man.

    2. He who knew no sin, became sin for all mankind.

B. Jesus said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.   John 12:32

   1. In order for me to lift somebody up, I have to make myself low.

   2. The one who lifts others up, will draw others to himself.

   3. The one who lifts others up will be lifted up. 

C. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.

   1. Would it be better to give up yourself to gain heaven?

   2. Pride is offensive to the Father and draws His condemnation.

   3. A proud person is a selfish person, and he cannot please God.

   4. We must have a sense of our own unworthiness to see the righteousness

        of God.

   5. We must have a sense of our own unworthiness to seek change in our

        lives to please God.



V:12. " And He also went on to say to the one who had invited Him, "When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, otherwise they may also invite you in return and that will be your repayment."

 A. The Lord is saying there is no gain in inviting those who can return your invitation.

     1. The Lord is not saying don't fellowship with your friends and relatives.

     2.  The Lord is not discouraging you from preparing a meal for friends.

          a. The Lord loves family.

          b. The Lord encourages family unity.

     3. What the Lord is saying, is that there is no heavenly gain in doing so.

 B. If everybody you invite can repay you, your reward is on earth.

    1. It does not take much to love those who love you.

    2. It does not take much to love those you know and have a relationship with.

 C. You will not store up treasures in heaven, when you help those who don't need

      your help.

    1. In addition to close family and friends, we have a higher calling.

    2. There are those who we don't know who would benefit from our fellowship.


13 "But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind."

 A. The higher calling of believers is to reach out to those in need.

     1. What we do for the least, we do for God.

     2. A humble spirit recognizes that if it were not for the grace of God, we would be

         the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.

 B. God blessed us so that we could extend our blessings to others in need.

    1. We have been equipped to help the needy.

    2. The poor need to be blessed with a portion of what we have and uplifted.

    3. The crippled and the lame need to be carried to a higher ground.

    4. The blind need to be brought into the light and encouraged with a Word from

        the Lord.

    5. Our role model for compassion is Jesus.

       a. When He walked this earth, He never failed to take time to heal and make whole

           those in need.

       b. He said that the things He did, we would be able to do greater things.

 C. We have this higher calling to put others before us.

     1. Each of us have a cross to bear and that cross will lead to rewards in heaven.



V:14.  "And you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."

 A. The Lord has a repayment plan for us.

     1. Every unselfish act to help others is counted by God.

     2. We need to take on this new attitude of inviting those in need to fellowship with

         us and those who do not look like us.

     3. This new attitude of helping those in need excludes being repaid by others.

 B. We got a God in heaven that pays us for the good we do.

    1. Our God in heaven has been our help, when we were His enemy.

    2. Our God in heaven has been our help, when we didn't know we needed help.

 C. Our God in heaven has reserved a place at His table in heaven that we can't

      buy and that we don't deserve.

    1. It is our duty and responsibility to reserve a place in our hearts for the those in

    2. When we reach outside our comfort zone to those we don't know, the Church