Thursday, November 28, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What Kind Of Person Does God Favor?"12/1/13

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "What Kind of Person Does God Favor", 12/1/13




Luke 1:26-40



V:26: " Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth."

 A. The sixth month mentioned is the sixth month of Mary's cousin's pregnancy.           

      Luke 1:24.

      1. God uses His angels to communicate His messages to His people.

         a. Angels are spirit being and always appear in male form.

         b. Angels show up unannounced and unexpected.

         c. They show up in human form and make it known immediately that they are

             sent by God the Father.  

 B. Jesus the Lord of Lord's and the King of King's made His appearance in human

      flesh into a poor city and a poor family. John 1:46

     1. Jesus emptied Himself of His glory and His position in the heavenly throne

         to present Himself to the world in the flesh.

     2. He chose to humble Himself so that believers could be lifted up to the Father.

         a. He gave up everything to become poor so we could become rich.

         b. He could have come in glory, clothed in the finest garments and housed in

             in a mansion.

      3.  Jesus chose to commune with the poor and the oppressed.    



 V:27. " To a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of

  David; and the virgin's name was Mary."

  A. God fulfills His promises. Isa 7:14,  754 BC

      1. Throughout the Old and the New Testaments, when angels appeared to

           men and woman they were recognized as messengers of God.

          a. They don't always appear in dazzling form, yet they are accepted as

              being sent by God.

          b. Perhaps God prepares the hearts of His children to receive them.  

     2. By God's account Mary was a virtuous woman.

         a. By God's account she was dedicated to marriage.

         b. By God's account she was a virgin.

         c. By God's account she was engaged to Joseph a descendant of a king.

         d. By God's account she was a descendant of a king; David. 

     3. All believers are descendants of King Jesus.

     4. God knows your present circumstances.


V: 28. " And coming in, he said to her, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you."

  A. God knows our faithfulness to Him.

      1. God uses those who are dedicate Him.

      2. Mary was favored because her focus was pleasing God.

      3. Mary was favored because she was not focused on her circumstances, but on

 B. The angel showed up out of nowhere, unannounced and without introduction.

      1. The angel showed up with a word of encouragement.

      2. The angel showed up with a word from the Lord.

          a. She was favored.

          b. The Lord was with her.

 C. How do know when the Lord is speaking to you?

     1. The Word of the Lord is encouraging.

     2. The Word of the Lord is directive.

     3. The Word of the Lord gives you purpose.

     4. The Word of the Lord put you on a mission.

     5. The Word of the Lord is a call to serve others.

     6. The Word of the Lord agrees with scripture.

     7. The Word of the challenges you to be like Jesus.

 V:29. " But she was very perplexed at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was."

 A. When you get a word from somebody you need to examine it closely.

     1. When you get a word from somebody, you need to meditate on it.

 B. Not everybody who claim the word knows the word.

     1. Not everybody who claim the word speaks the word.

     2. Fools rush into action but the wise take caution.  

 C. Everybody is not for you.

     1. The Devil disguise himself as an angel of light.

     2. Every word that sounds good is not good.

     3. Try the spirit by the spirit.



V:30. " The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God."

A. The Lord knows how to calm your fears with words of comfort.

    1. The Word repeats itself.

    2. God says what He wants us to hear, then He repeats Himself  to press the Word
        into  our memory.

B. God encourages us to be bold and fearless when it comes to service.

    1. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but love, power and sound mind.

    2. If you have God's favor, there is no room for fear.

    3. Devilish folk will encourage you on one hand but urge you to be unrighteous on
        the other hand.

    4. Devilish folk want mention God or His favor.

V: 31. "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus."

 A. Angels will confirm the promises of God to you.

    1. Mary was a virgin and the Word promised that a virgin would bear a son.  Isa

    2. The name of the promise Son would be Immanuel meaning "God With Us".

 B. Mary was instructed to call the Son of God, Jesus.

   1. Jesus is Prophet, King and Priest.

   2. Jesus is Christ.

   3. Jesus is the Messiah , the Anointed One.

   4. Jesus is Joshua, the salvation of Jehovah.

 C. Jesus would take on human flesh after conception in the womb of Mary.

 V:32.  "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David."

 A. Conception without a man is a miracle.

     1. Only God can do the impossible.

 B. The baby boy born through the body of Mary is the Son of God.

      1. Jesus is not the son of Mary.

      2. Mary is the earthly mother of Jesus.

      3. Mary was used by God to give Himself human flesh.

 C. The Human nature of Jesus was born of God.

      1. The Divine nature was God, And was with God in the beginning.  John 1:1

      2. Jesus has a divine nature and a human nature.

  D. Jesus inherited the throne of David.

     1. David is His father only in the sense that His human flesh came through the line

         of David as promised by God the Father.

     2. This Kingdom of David will have no end.

     3. God the Son is eternal and has no beginning.


V:33. " And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."

 A. The house of Jacob is the nation of Israel.

     1. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is eternal.

          a. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ has no beginning and no ending.

     2. All believers are adopted into the nation of Israel.  Rom 8:23

        a. All believers are related through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.



V:34. " Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?"

 A. You would think Mary would have reminded the angel that she expected to have

      a child when her marriage to Joseph was complete.

    1. It would be normal to thank the angel for the information about a son.

    2. Mary didn't go in that direction.

    3. It was as if her commitment to Joseph was in second place.

    4. Her focus was on the Lord's will.

 B. Mary questioned the angel's statements to get an understanding for


    1. There was no doubt in her question, just a need to understand.

    2. The Word of God is the Truth weather we understand it or not.

    3. We must accept the Word by faith.

 C. Mary was considering her present state not her engagement to Joseph.

    1. Mary's devotion was to God and not her tradition.

    2. Mary's devotion was to God and not to the law.

    3. Mary's devotion was to God and not Joseph.

 C. Mary considered herself a servant of God.

    1. Mary considered herself a vessel of God to be used as He saw fit.

    2. Mary was not concerned about consequences of getting pregnant

        outside of a marriage to Joseph.

     a. Getting pregnant outside of the promised marriage to Joseph was considered

         adultery and worthy of stoning to death.   

     b. The favor of carrying a child for the Lord was worth more than her reputation

          in the community.



 V:35. " The angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God."

 A. Mary's pregnancy was by divine conception through the power of the Holy Spirit.

     1. Mary's pregnancy had nothing to do with herself but everything to do with God.

     2. God used Mary to fulfill His promise of a woman's seed bruising Satan on the


     3. This promise was made in the garden at time Adam and Eve sinned against God.

 B. Mary had the promise that God would protect and provide for her.

     1. When God call you to service, He will equip you with what you need to be


     2. Mary had the promise that the child she would bare would be the Son of


 C. Mary knew the Word concerning the promised Messiah.   Isa 7:14

      1. Mary knew the time the promise Messiah would come on the scene.

          (449 years after the decree was given to rebuild the temple Dan 9:25)

      1. Mary knew the place where the savior would be born.   Micah 5:2

      2. Mary was waiting and expecting God to fulfill His promise.


 V:36. "And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. "

 A. The angel revealed to Mary another miracle of the Lord.

      1. Elizabeth was well pass the child bearing age, yet she was six months pregnant.

      2. The angel reveal that Elizabeth would also have a son.

          a. Ultrasound had not been invented yet. So only the Lord would know

              sex of the baby.

 B. The Angel confirmed the omniscience of the Lord by revealing information that
      only He would know.

    1. Our God confirms the fulfillment of His prophecy concerning John the Baptist.

        Malachi 3:1

    2. Our confidence in the Lord should grow as we learn that God always keeps

        His promises.


V:37.  "For nothing will be impossible with God."

 A. God created everything from nothing.

     1. The God we serve does miracles before our eyes each day that we  are

         not always aware of and cannot understand.

     2. Only God can operate and maintain the universe.

 B. It is good for us to know that nothing can stop God's plans from being fulfilled.

    1. The God we serve is bigger than all our problems and more powerful

        than all the nations combined.

    2. The God we serve has planned the end from the beginning.

        a. When we live according to His will, nothing is impossible for us.



 V:38. " And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her."

 A. Mary was an independent woman.

     1. She was not bound by culture or tradition.

     2. She was guided by the Lord.

     3. Mary didn't get permission from Joseph or her parents to get pregnant by the

 B. Mary was a willing vessel for the Lord.

    1. Mary was submissive to the Lord and not to man or tradition.

    2. Mary made the will of the Lord her first priority.



 V:39. " Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of  Judah."

  A. Mary was fearless in the Lord.

      1. The text does not tell us that Mary had a companion on her eighty mile trip to

          Elizabeth's house.

      2. The text does not tell us that Mary discussed the details of her trip with anyone.

  B. We know that thieves and robbers existed during that time.

      1. Mary was not concerned about her safety.

      2. Mary left her safety to the Lord.


V:40. " And entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. "

 A. It is good when family get together and share their common interests.

     1. Mary came to her cousin when she need help and comfort.

     2. Mary came to her cousin to share in the blessings of  the Lord.

 B. To have a friend we have show ourselves friendly.

     1. Friendships develop when we come together to help when needed.  

     2. We have a friend in Jesus.

     3. Jesus is our present help.

     4. Mary allowed herself to be used by God as a help to all believers.

Friday, November 22, 2013

This Sunday School Notes, "God's Sanctuary", 11/24/2013





Exodus 40:16-21, 29,30,34,38



V:16. " Thus Moses did; according to all that the Lord had commanded him, so he did."

 A. God requires our complete obedience.

     1. Moses did all that God told him to do.

     2. We cannot select which commandments we want to follow and please God.

 B. We have been uniquely selected for the job God wants done.

     1. It is God's will and not ours.

     2. God knows best.

     3. Spiritual growth is the process of learning to hear God's Word and responding to



V:17. "Now in the first month of the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was erected. "

 A. God must be first in our plans.

     1. God waited until the second year of Israel's freedom to teach them how to

     2. They were familiar with the worship of  idol gods

 B. God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle to teach the people how to worship.

    1. The tabernacle was the place where the Israelites would get to know God.

    2. The tabernacle was a constant reminder that their salvation was from the Lord.

    3. The tabernacle was the place where the Israelites would be reminded that a

        sacrifice was required for the atonement of sin.

    4. The tabernacle was the place where the Israelites would learn to honor God

         with their substance.

    5. The tabernacle was the place where the Israelite learned to worship God.


V:18. " Moses erected the tabernacle and laid its sockets, and set up its boards, and inserted its bars and erected its pillars."

 A. God gave Moses a complete design of the Tabernacle with a specific command

      to construct it as He designed it.

     1. The word Tabernacle is derived from the Hebrew word "Mishkan which means

         dwelling place.

     2. The wall post of the Tabernacle were to be made of acacia wood plated with


     3. All furniture, attachments and utensils were  plated with gold.

     4. Gold represents the purity of God.

     5. The Tabernacle was the sanctuary of God and it was designed to show the
         holiness, the purity and the completeness of God.

 B. God indwells every believer.

    1. Every believer is the Tabernacle of God.

    2. From the heart, every believer should see himself/ herself as the Tabernacle of the


 C. The Tabernacle was  divided into two rooms separated by a veil.

     1. The Veil was made of blue, purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.

     2. The Veil was hung across 5 acacia wood post overlaid with gold.

     3. The Tabernacle was constructed in a east/west direction.

  D. The first room was 15'x30' with a 15 foot wall.

         1. Entry into the Tabernacle was through a screen made of blue, purple and
             scarlet  material hung across 5 acacia wood post overlaid with gold.

         2. This room was call The Holy Place.  

         3. Only selected and sanctified priest could enter this room.

         4. Inside this first room was the golden Manorah (7 seven candle stand)

             which represent the Holy Spirit. It was located on south wall.

            a. The only light in the room was from the seven candles.

            b. Jesus is the light of the world.

            c. The Holy Spirit enlighten us to an understanding of Word.

         5.  A gold plated Table of Showbread was located on the north wall.

               a. This represented Jesus Christ.

               b. Christ is the bread of life.

          6. The Golden Altar of Incense was located in this room.

            a.  It was located in the center of the room in front of the Veil separating the

                 Holy of Holiness.

            b. The Altar of Incense represents  the prayers of the saints going up to God.

                Rev. 5:8

    E. The second room was 15'x15' with 15' walls. This room was The Holy of

        1. This was the inter most room.

        2. Only the High priest could enter this room once a year though a Veil.

            a. The Veil was made of fine twisted linen of three colors.

            b. The blue represents the heavens.

            c. The purple represents the royalty of Christ Jesus.

            d. The scarlet (red) represents the blood of Christ that is the atonement of

                our sins. 

       3. The Veil was hung across 5 acacia wood post overlaid with gold.

       4. This room housed the Ark of the covenant with the mercy seat.

       5. This is the place that God would make His presence known to the

            High Priest once a year.


V:19. " He spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent on top of it, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. "

A. Tent that covered  the Tabernacle was  made of four layers of different material

     with different colors.

   1. The outer layer was a dark, leathery sea cow skin symbolizing the firmament of
       the sky.

   2. The second layer was ram skin dyed red symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, the
         mediator between man and God.

   3. The third layer was made of goat hair , representing the vast space separating us
       from the holy residence of the Father in the third heaven.

   4. The innermost layer was blue linen representing heaven.



V:20. " Then he took the testimony and put it into the ark, and attached the poles to the ark, and put the mercy seat on top of the ark."

 A. The Ark of The Covenant had 4 gold rings attached to the sides. Two rings on

      each side.

      1. Poles were inserted into the rings, one on each side to carry the Ark. 

      2. The Ark, once constructed and covered with gold was not to be touch by

          hands of the priest.

       a. The Ark of the Covenant was a wooden chest overlaid with gold.

       b.  On top of the Ark was the mercy seat made of solid gold with two

            cherubims made of gold on each end with their wings spread out touching

            each other. 

       c. Inside the Ark was the stone tablets with the 10 commandment etched in them,

            Aaron's rod and  bowl of manna.

      3. Ark with the solid gold mercy seat on top with the cherubim was the place

          where God would descend and consider sacred.

         a. God met with the High Priest at the mercy seat once a year.  Ex 25:22

         b. The mercy seat or atonement cover represented God's throne.


V: 21. " He brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up a veil for the screen, and screened off the ark of the testimony, just as the Lord had commanded Moses."  

 A. The Veil was made of blue, purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.

     1. The Veil was hung across 5 acacia wood post overlaid with gold.

     2. The room housing the Ark Of the Testimony was 15'x15'x15'

     3. This room was called the Holy of Holiness.

     4. In this room the High priest would intercede for the Israelites once a year.

 B. The Veil was torn from top to bottom at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

     1. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us.

     2. Jesus is our High priest.




V:29. " He set the altar of burnt offering before the doorway of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, and offered on it the burnt offering and the meal offering, just as the Lord had commanded Moses."

A. The altar  was 7.5'x 7.5'  made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze.

     1. The altar stood 4.5' high.

     2. Bronze represents judgment.

     3. A horn was attached to each corner.  Ex 27:1-2

     4. The priest tied animals  to the four horns of the altar and burnt them at the altar                 


        a. The priest sacrificed animals daily for the atonement of the sins of the people.

 B. Christ sacrificed His life on the cross ending animal sacrifices for the atonement

      of sins.

    1. Christ is the one final sacrifice for all time for the sins of all believers.

    2. Christ died once for our sins.


V:30. " He placed the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it for washing. "

A. The Laver was made of bronze and placed in front of the tabernacle for the priest to

     cleanse themselves before entering the Holy place.

   1. The bronze was polish with a mirror like refection.

       a.  Once filled with water the priest could see a reflection of themselves and the

           reflection of the sky.

       b. It was a reminder of the sinfulness of man and the holiness of the Father.

       c. It was a reminder the low state of man and the high honor due the Father.

  2. Aaron and his sons wash themselves, their hands and feet  before entering the


B. Believers are washed with the blood of Jesus and rendered clean before the Father.



 C. The tabernacle constructed inside a fenced area 75'x150 '

      1. There was only one way into the courtyard.

      2. The entry way was through the gate East end.

     3. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ.



V: 34. " Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle."

 A. Once the tabernacle was completed according to God's command and specific

      instructions, He gave His approval with a visible sign of His presence.

    1. The cloud covered the tent.

    2. A cloud covered the Israelites during their crossing of the Red sea.

B. In addition to the cloud, He showed His approval by filling the tabernacle with His


   1. His glory may have been a bright light, too bright to look at.

   2. We see the glory of God in His creation daily.

      a. The sun, the stars and moon are evidences of His glory.


V:38. " For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel."

 A. God showed His presence to the Israelites by cloud which gave them shade

     during the day.

    1. God showed His glory by giving them the light of a fire by night.

 B. God will never leave us or forsake us.

    1. The Holy Spirit Indwells the believer from the moment of belief.

    2. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us.




Thursday, November 14, 2013

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Miracles Before The Eyes Of The Enemy", 11/17/2017


Exodus 14:21-30


V:21. " Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided."

 A. The Lord will fight your battle.

     1. Everything is at His disposal and under His control.

     2. The Lord can command angels and the forces of nature to work for you.

 B. The Lord delivered the Israelites out of the hands of the Egyptians.

    1. He directed the Israelites to the Red Sea.

        a. It was a place in the wilderness bounded by mountains on the west and the
            south  and the Red Sea on the east.

        b. They were boxed end with no where to go.

     2. Pharaoh realizing that the Israelites were out of his land, and no longer his slaves

         had a change of heart.

        a. Pharaoh assembled his best warriors on horse driven chariots to capture and
           bring  the Israelites back to Egypt.

        b. Some people never learn that God is in control.

        c. Some people never learn that you cannot fight against God and win.

        c. God can use the evil plans of men to draw them into a trap for their destruction.

 C. God harden Pharaoh's heart so that he would chase after the Israelites.

    1. The Israelites were trapped against the Red sea with the Egyptian army behind


    2. To the faithless Israelites, their situation was hopeless.

        a. They had witness God's glory through the ten plagues He brought

            upon Egypt.

       b. They were now free because of the power of God.

       c. Yet when they saw the Egyptian army coming, they complained to Moses.

 D. God uses our hopeless situations to show His power and to give Himself Glory.

     1. God uses our hopeless situations to teach us  how to pray.

     2. God uses our hopeless situations to teach us to trust Him.

     3. God uses our hopeless situations to show the world that He is the one true


 E. Moses stretched out His hand over the sea and by the power of God it parted.

    1. God used a strong wind to push back the sea into a wall of water and to dry

        up the sea bed.

       a. God stationed an angel between the Israelites and the Egyptians.

       b. God used a cloud to shine light for the Israelites and to cause darkness for

           the Egyptians.

    2. God worked this miracle in the night time.

        a. God never sleeps or slumbers.

        b. When you don't know what to do, God is the solution to your trouble.



 V:22. " The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the

 waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left."

 A. God can make a way out of no way.

     1. When you can't see your way through, God can create a way.    

     2. There is nothing to hard for God.

 B According to The Keil and Delitzsch Commentary, about 2 million

     Israelites crossed the Red Sea along with their flocks.

     1. They estimated that Israel marched 1000 people abreast and 2000 thousand

         people in each line.

     2. The distance between the two walls of water would have been at least 1/2

          mile wide.

     3 Since the Israelites traveled by night, it would have taken 3 to 4 hours to cross

        the Red Sea.

     4. All night long an angel of the a Lord separated the Egyptian army from the


          a. All the Israelites reached the other side of the Red Sea.  

          b. I supposed at that point, the angel of the Lord moved so Pharaoh and his army

              could enter into the sea.


V: 23. " Then the Egyptians took up the pursuit, and all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots and his horsemen went in after them into the midst of the sea."

 A. What God uses to protect His people, He can also use to destroy their enemies.

     1. The Israelites went into the mist of  the sea under God's direction and God's


     2. The Egyptian army went into the midst of the sea under the evil direction of


     3. We must be careful not to follow anyone that does not claim that Jesus was

          raised from the dead.

        a. If a person does not claim Jesus as Savior, he is not of God.  2 John 9

        b. If a person does not claim Jesus, he is headed for destruction.

 B. Before we travel into dangerous situations, we must be sure we have directions

     from God.

    1. God can cause your enemy to be over confident and draw him into a trap.

    2. Pharaoh and his 600 men on horse driven chariots blindly pursued the

        the Israelites into the dangerous bed of the Red Sea.     



 V:24 At the morning watch, the Lord looked down on the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and brought the army of the Egyptians into confusion."

 A. If you are not under God's direction, you can easily become confused.

     1. God is knowledge for His people.

     2. God causes confusion for your enemies.

         a. When you are confused, you can cause trouble for yourself and others.

         b. God caused Pharaoh and  his entire army to become confused.

         c. They may have seen the Israelites safely on the other side of the Red Sea,

              charged after them and then became confused or frighten on how to get to

 B. The Lord keeps watch over His people and their enemies.

     1. God gives clear directions to His people.

     2. God can cause your enemies to become unfocused, confused and unable to carry

         out any plan against you.


V:25. " He caused their chariot wheels to swerve, and He made them drive with difficulty; so the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from Israel, for the Lord is fighting for them against the Egyptians."

 A. Pharaoh and his army went into the middle of the Red Sea with a wall of water on  

      both sides of them.

     1. It was a mighty wind that God used to part the waters.

     2. The sound of  the wind and the height of the walls of water were probably
         troubling  to them and their horses.

 B. God may have caused the wheels of the chariots to sink into the sea bed making  

     the chariots swerve out of control.

    1. They suddenly realized that God was fighting against them.

    2. They suddenly realized that they were not going to get to the Israelites because

         God was on their side.

    3. They suddenly realized that they needed to turn around and go home.

        a. They realized the power of God, but it was to late to escape.

 C. It is sad when we know God, but ignore Him until we get into trouble.

     1. It is sad when our disobedience get us into trouble, then we remember God.

     2. Disobedience is the road to trouble. 



V:26.  "Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and their horsemen."

 A. The Lord waited until all the Egyptian army and Pharaoh was in the Red Sea

      before He released the waters to turn back to their normal position drowning them.

     1. God created a death trap for the Egyptians.

     2. What became a death trap to the Egyptians was the way to safety for the

     3. God blesses and He curses according to His sovereign will.

 B. The Egyptians heard the word of God.

     1. The Egyptians saw the power and the glory of God through the 10 plagues.

     2. The Egyptians would not listen to God.

     3. The Egyptians would not recognize God as God.

     4. As a result, the Egyptians suffered the wrath of God.   


V:27. " So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it; then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea."

 A. Moses following God's command, lifted his hand over the sea and the waters to 

      drown all of the Egyptian army.

    1. Our distress is God opportunity to be glorified.

    2. The Israelites witnessed the power and the glory of God.

    3. The Israelites were protected by God's grace and mercy.

    4. The Israelites witnessed God destroying their enemy.

    5. The Israelites witness God coming to their rescue.

    6. The Israelites witnessed the salvation of the Lord.

 B. A relationship with God is the way to a successful life.

    1. A relationship with God is the way through the troubles of life.

    2. When you follow God, you can expect Satan to be busy devising

         trouble for you.

    3. The purpose of your troubles is to draw you closer to God.


V:28. " The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, even Pharaoh's entire army that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them remained."

 A. God is complete in what He does.

    1. God leaves no doubt in our minds that He is in control of all our circumstances.

    2. The blind fall into a ditch because they refuse to see.

        a. Even the blind are blinded because God controls the flow of His divine Light.

        b. We have that light through the love of Jesus for us.

        c. The world cannot receive the light of the Lord because they do not know Jesus.

    3. Pharaoh was led to destruction because he refused to recognize God as the only
        true  and living God.

 B. God chose some for salvation and some He leaves in their state of misery.

    1. God chose some for heaven and some for hell.

    2. God chose some to bring into the marvelous light and some for darkness.



 V:29. " But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left."

 A. God is the shield for His elect.

     1. God can make a dangerous situation safe for those He loves.

     2. There should be no fear in those who love the Lord.

     3. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil.

     4. No weapon formed against me can prosper.  Isa 54:17

 B. The hands of the Lord are with them that honor Him.

    1. We walk through God's miracles daily.

    2. The faithful give God credit for His works.

    3. Unbelievers take the works of God for granted.

    4. This is the confidence we have in Jesus, that whatever we ask,  the Father
        according to His will, we have. 1 John 5:13-15


 30 Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore."

 A. There are times when God lets us see the defeat of our enemies.

      1. When we see God work in our favor, we should give Him glory and honor.

      2. We should honor God not just with our lips, but with our service and our

 B. God is our wall of freedom.

     1. God is our wall of salvation.

     2. God is our wall of hope.

     3. God is our wall of Joy.

     4. God is our wall of protection.

     5. God is our wall of provisions.

     6. God is our wall that falls down on our enemies.

     7. God is our wall of mercy.

     8. God is our wall of grace.

     9. God is our wall of love.

     10. God is our wall of forgiveness.