Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bold Christians Heb 10:19-32



Hebrews 10:19-32


V:19. "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus."

 A. Christians ought to be bold.

    1. Bold in the profession of faith.

    2. Bold in their eternal hope.

    3. Bold in their kingdom heritage.

    4. Bold because of the redemptive blood of Jesus.

    5. Bold because they have been made holy before God by the shed blood of Jesus.

 B. Christians can enter into the holiest of God because of the blood of Jesus.

    1. The "holiest" represents the presence of God.

    2. By faith in Jesus we have a place in the presence of God.


V:20. " By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh."

 A. We have a new way of getting to the Father.

     1. We have a living way through Jesus Christ.

     2. The old way was by intercession of a priest and the sacrifice of dead animals.

        a. There was a veil in the temple that separated the "holiness" which housed the

         ark of the covenant from the main temple.

        b. Only the High Priest was allowed in the presence of the "holiness".

  B. Consecrated=to renew, dedicate

     1. Christ dedicated a new way to heaven for us through His flesh.

        a. The sacrifice of His life was dedicated to us for our redemption.

        b. Christ death for us is always new because He is the living sacrifice.

        c. The cleansing blood of Jesus continues to cover our sins.


V:21.  "And having an high priest over the house of God."

   A. Believers have a High Priest in Jesus Christ.

      1. Jesus is the High Priest over our bodies.

      2. Our bodies are the temple of the Lord. Rom 12:1

      3. Jesus is the High Priest over our souls.   Job 33:28

  B. Jesus, our High Priest is seated at the right hand of the Father.

     1. Jesus continues to make intercessions for us.

     2. Jesus is the shepherd of the Church.  John 10:14

     3. Jesus provides, protects and guides.



V:22. " Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water."

 A. The way to get close to Christ.

     1. Come with a true heart.

         a. Draw near with the purpose of worshipping the Lord.

         b. Draw near with the purpose of serving the Lord.

         c. Draw near with an attitude of love.

         d. Draw near to learn about the Lord.

     2. Draw near to Christ full of assurance of faith.

         a. When we come to Christ, we come only by faith.

         b. Come to Christ assured that we are accepted by Him because of His shed

   3. Draw near to Christ having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience.

        a. Come to Christ confessing our sins.

        b. He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

        c. Our hearts are constantly being cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

    4. Draw near to Christ having our bodies washed with pure water.

        a. Jesus does the washing.

        b. Jesus renews in us a right spirit.

        c. We can only worship in spirit and truth.

         d. Our consciences are constantly being renewed by the washing that is in the
             blood of Jesus.

V:23. " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised."

    A. We must keep our focus on Jesus and not the world.

        1. It is impossible to please God without faith.

        2. We must never doubt the existence of God or our salvation through faith in

    B. We must believe the promises that God has made to us.

       1. We can count on God to keep His promises.

       2. To know His promises to us, we must study His Word.

       3. We must live according to His commands.
       4. In the face of adversity, we must stand on God's promises.


V:24. "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works."

  A. We are to encourage each other in love.

       1. We should encourage each other to follow God's commands.

       2. We should not concentrate on the faults of others but the good in others.

       3. We should promote the good in others.

  B. We should be quick to consider the needs of others.

      1. When we can, we should come to the aid of brothers in need.

V:25. " Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

 A. Public worship is important to our spiritual well being.

     1. The strength of the body of Christ is in the assembling of believers.

     2. Unity in the faith is encouraged in the assembling of believers.

     3. Our constant assembling, foster love and promotes opportunities for good works.

 B. The enemy is busy attempting to tear down the Church.


     1. Our assembling together, reinforces the Word of God and our hope in God.

     2. In our assembling, we can encourage each other with our testimonies to the

         goodness of God.

  C. We must encourage each other in the faith because we do not know the day when

       God will call us home.

  D. During trials and tribulations, we need the support and encouragement of others in

       the faith.

       1. During these times it is easy to fall into temptation.

           a. We need the support of brothers and sisters in Christ.


V:26. " For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins."

 A. If we reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ after having received full knowledge of it,

      there is no way to heaven.

    1. Judas, having known Christ and witness the glory of God through Him rejected 

        a. There is no salvation for Judas.

        b. The Gospel will be preached throughout the world, so no one will have an
            excuse for not excepting Christ as savior.

        c. The world will not receive Christ and will therefore be condemned.

    2. Sin = hamartano= to miss the mark and not share in the prize.

       a. Those who believe in Jesus as savior, have the mark and will share in the prize.

           The prize is eternal life.

       b. Those who believe in Jesus are sinners by birth but righteous by the new birth

            in Jesus Christ.

 B. Christ is the only door to eternal life.  Rev 3:20, John 10:9

V:27." But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."

 A. No one will escape the judgment of God who rejects the salvation of Jesus Christ.

     1. That fiery indignation will be the lake of fire where all none believers will spend

         eternity.   Rev 20:14.

         a. There will only be one section; smoking only.

         b. "indignation= zelos= heat


V:28. " He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses."

   A. God gave the Law to the Israelites to point them toward His righteousness.

        1. Although the Law could not save, faith in the Word of God that was given in the

            Law could save.

        2. Those who despised the Law died without mercy.

   B. Faith in Jesus gives us mercy, grace and freedom from the Law.

V:29.  "Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"

 A. Those who come to a knowledge of the Lord and witness His Glory and rejected Him,

       will receive a worst punish than those who never knew Him.

     1. We have the witness of the Word, the Prophets and the Holy Spirit that Jesus is

          Lord and Savior.

     2. The glory of God is shown daily through nature confirming the Word of God.

     3. Only those who hate God can reject His son.

 B. Those who reject Jesus condemn themselves to the eternal hell.

V:30. " For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people."

 A. God is the final judge of all man kind, the righteous and the unrighteous alike.

      1. Man must give an account to the Lord for all his actions.  Rom 14:12

      2. Only those who accept Christ as their personal Savior will escape the

          punishment due for their sins.

B. It is only by God's grace that any person is saved. John 6:37

    1. The Father chose the ones who are saved.


V:31. " It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

  A. It is a good thing to fall into the hands of the living God when you

       have a relationship with Him through His Son.

     1. Those who don't know the Lord ought to fear Him.

         a. The problem is if you don't know the Lord, you don't know to fear


 B. Those who know the Lord, study the Lord.

    1. Those who know the Lord, fear Him.




Thursday, August 16, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Good Leaders Follow God, 8/18/2012


                                               Jeremiah 23:1-6, 33:14-18

V:1. "Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD."

  A. Woe= hoy= judgment is coming.

      1. Pastors and teachers need to be careful to lead God's people according to God's


      2. We need to keep in mind that we are God's people and that pastors and teachers

           are God's shepherds.

          a. The pasture belongs to God and the people belong to God.

      3. Likewise, parents must remember that their children belong to God.

         a. Parents must be careful to train their children in the way of the Lord.

         b. Husbands must be careful to lead their families in the way of the Lord.

  B. Any leader who knowingly misleads God's people will be judged.

V:2. "Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD."
 A. When the interest of leaders become selfish, they forget the reason they were selected,

       elected or called.

    1. God selects and calls pastors

    2. Man elects leaders.

    3. God is in control of the whole process.

    4. The purpose of leaders is to govern and direct people fairly and justly.

    5. The purpose of pastors or shepherds is to lead people in the righteousness of God.

 A. Three characteristics of a bad leader.

     1. "They scattered my flock."

         a. They teach those in their charge to worship other gods.

            1) If we teach the pursuit of wealth, position or power, we teach the worship of


           2) There is nothing wrong with gain as long as it is used to glorify the Lord.

         b. Some leaders use their position for personal gain.

         c. They neglect the spiritual growth of the flock.

     2. "Drive God's people away."

        a. Their actions have caused God people to walk in the way of the world.

        b. Instead of tearing down altars to idol gods, they promoted the worship

            of idols.

     3. "Fail to visit God's people."

        a. Knowing that the people had gone astray, they do not remind them of their evil


        b. Because their ways were evil,  they paid no attention to God's people. 

 B. Because God's leaders fail to look after His flock, they will be judged accordingly

      and punished.

 V:3. "And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase."

 A. Because of the sins of Israel, God caused a foreign nation to capture them,

      burn down their cites and take them into captivity.

 B. God has a way of preserving and protecting His people.

     1. In times of trouble, God may move his people out of the way of destruction to
         be restored in another day.

     2. God chooses who He will save out of trouble.

         a. remnant= sheerith= a surviving portion

         b. Not everybody who gets into trouble will be saved.

     3. God is with us in our trouble.

         a. He brings us out of our trouble to be fruitful.

         b. To the faithful, He promises an increase in their lives.

     4. Though we may stray away, we can't get to far that God can't bring us back.

V:4. "And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD."

 A. For every bad shepherd, God has a Good shepherd waiting in his wings to replace

      the bad shepherd.

    1. God select those He wants to lead His people,

    2. He selects leader who know His Word.

    3. God selects leaders who will follow His Word.

    4. "They have no fear."

        a. God selects leaders who will encourage and comfort His people.

 B. God's people will not be dismayed over the things of the world.

       1. God's people will be given wisdom and insight that exceeds the worlds wisdom.

       2. God's people realizes that He is in control.

 B. "Neither shall they be lacking."

     1. God provides provisions and protection for His people.

     2. God's people will be equipped with all they need to do His will.

V:5. "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth."

 A. This is the prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ given 600 years before His birth.

     1. The "days come" is 600 years.

     2. His genealogy includes King David.

     3. He would be a righteous King.

         a. All the kings before him had sin in their reign.

         b. There will be no sin in the reign of Jesus.

    4. The reign of Christ is prosperous.

        a. Prosperous in establishing the Church.

        b. Prosperous in redeeming man from his sin through the blood of Jesus.

        c. Prosperous in convicting man of his sin.

        d. Prosperous in making peace between man and the Father.

        e. Prosperous in doing away with spiritual death for all believers.

        f. Prosperous in proclaiming the Good News throughout the world.

 B. In the reign of Christ, all men will be judged by their words and deeds.

     1. The non believers will be judged and condemned to the Lake of Fire.

     2. The righteous (believers) will be judged and placed in heaven.

V:6. "In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."

 A. All Israel shall be saved.

     1. Judah includes the mixed races, Jews and Gentiles.

         a. Jesus genealogy includes people with all background.

         b.  In the genealogy of Jesus is murders, prostitutes, liars; people of all walks of

         c. Israel represents the purity that is in Christ Jesus extended to all mankind.

 B. All men are made savable through Jesus Christ.

      1. Every man in Jesus is a new creation.

      2. Every man in Jesus is under His protection.

      3. Every man in Jesus has His provisions.

 C. Jesus is the Lord Our Righteous.

     1. Every man is made righteous through His blood.

     2. Every man in Jesus can stand before the Father in the righteousness of Jesus.

     3. Jesus is our Lord.

        a. Jesus is our righteousness before the Father.

V. 33:14. "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah."

 A. God keeps His promises.

     1. God's promises are not conditional on our goodness.

     2. God is not on our time.

         a. His plans for the ages includes our distress and our happiness.

     3. God has some good that is promised for those who are faithful to Him.

         a. We first must trust God to be true to His promises.

         b. Second, we must be patient to wait on God's timing.

         c. Third, we must continue to let God guide our decisions.

         d. Fourth, we must walk in His foot steps.

 B. God promises are to His people and not to the world.

     1. Throughout the Bible, God recorded His promises to the faithful.

     2. God promises will be kept, but they are for the benefit of His people which

         is His Church.

V:15. "In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land."

 A. Jesus was born into the line of David as God planned.

     1. Jesus established His Church upon faith for those who believe in Him as their


 B. Jesus death on the cross gave us the right to eternal life.

     1. After His resurrection, all power over heaven and earth was given to him.

     2. Jesus is in control of the world.

 C. Jesus gave us His wisdom to know right from wrong.

     1. He gave us His spirit to treat others with justice and righteousness.

 V:16. "In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness."

 A. We have the assurance that our salvation is secure.

      1.We are in "those days".

          a. The Church has been established.

          b. God's plan of redemption is complete in Jesus Christ.

          c. All mankind have the opportunity to be saved.

 B. God Church is under the protection of Jesus.

     1. God provides all the Church needs to survive.

     2. All provisions are made available to believers.

     3. All who call on the name of Jesus will be saved.

V:17. "For thus saith the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel."

 A. The reign of Jesus as King is permanent.

 B. The House of Israel represents all believers; Jews and non Jews.

     1. There is but one God, one Lord, one Spirit and one Savior.

        a. They are all in Jesus Christ.

 C. The ruler of our life is Jesus, not man.

     1. Man is under the authority of Jesus.

V:18. "Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually."

 A. Jesus' death on the cross fulfilled all the requirements of the Law.

    1. Jesus is the final sacrifice.

 B. After the death of Jesus, the veil in the temple separating the Holy of Holiness was

    was torn into by the power of God.

    1. We no longer need a priest or preacher to intercede for us before the Father.

    2. The High Priest is Jesus.

        a. We can go to  our High Priest in prayer 24/7.

        b. Jesus is our High Priest and the mediator between us and God.

    3. Our faith in Jesus makes the throne of God available to us at any time.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

This Week's Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus, Our Salvation", 8/12/2012


Isaiah 9:2-7

The Northern Kingdom of Israel had been over run and corrupted by the Phoenicians and the Arabians. They had become crude and uneducated  (Acts 2:7) and were prone to violence (John 18:11). It was well known that Galilee was a bad area in which nothing good was expected (John 7:52). Out of this bad area came Jesus Christ      (Mat 21:11), our Lord and Savior. God can bring good out of any bad situation. It was God's divine planfor Jesus to appear like us; weak and powerless so that He could gain salvation for the whole world with His death on the cross.


V.2. "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."

 A. In our darkest hour, God is light.

    1. In trouble times, God is peace.

    2. In sadness, God is Joy.

    3. In sickness, God is health.

    4. In death, God is life.

    5. In doom and gloom, God is hope.

B. In all that we do, we can count on God to be present.

    1. God is always aware of our circumstances.

    2. In all our ways, acknowledge the Lord and He will direct our paths.

C. The light of God shines because of His great love for us.

    1. The region of Galilee had been overrun and corrupted by a foreign nation.

    2. Some thought that there was nothing good in Galilee. John 7:52

    3. God can bring good out of the worst situation.

    4. Jesus our Lord and Savior home town was Galilee.

V:3. "Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil."

 A. It is God that gives the increase in our lives.

     1. It is God that gives us families and true friends.

     2. The Body of Christ increases as we testify to the goodness of the Lord.

     2. God is the cause of our joy.

 B. When God is in your life, trouble has no reign in your heart.

     1.When it rains, sometimes it pours.  God is in control of the rain.

     2. When one person is against you, others may join in, but they are no match for God.

 C. Trouble is an opportunity for God to get the Glory.

     1. We can count it all joy when we put our trust in the Lord.

     2. Joy increases, when Christ reigns in your life.

V:4. "For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian."

 A. We were born in sin, therefore slaves to the flesh.

     1. The Israelites were under attack by foreign governments because of their sins

          against God.

         a. After a time of punishment, God restored them to freedom.

         b. The Lord chastises those that He loves.

     2. It was Christ who relieved us from the burden of sin with His death on the cross.

        a. Sin burdens the mind with guilt and oppresses the spirit.

        b. Jesus freed us from the penalty and the guilt of sin.

        c. Jesus set us free to serve and worship the Lord.

 B. Under the weight of sin we labor for no real and lasting benefit.

     1. Under grace, our labor stores treasures in heaven.

 C.  The Lord give us hope by reminding us of how He delivered His people in the past.

     1. God instructed Gideon to use 300 men to bring down an enemy with an army of

         thousands. Judges 7:7

     2. God is all powerful and uses the weak to bring down the strong.

     3. Christ is our Gideon.

     4. Your enemies are no match for God.

         a. God is more than the whole world against you.

V:5. "For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire."

 A. The Lord will do battle for those He loves.

     "Confused noise"

    1. The soldiers of this time wore war shoes which covered their feet and legs.

        a. They were covered with iron hooks and nails.

        b. This armor made a lot of noise when they marched. (confused noise)

    2. "Garments rolled in blood".

        a. The garments the soldiers wore were dipped in human blood.

    3. God gives the picture of the army of the enemy as well equipped and capable of  

        mass destruction.  

        a. Today, war has the noise of gun fire.

        b. There is bloodshed and lost of life in war.

        c. Property is destroyed by fire.

    4. Nothing is to hard for God. Gen 18:14

        a. God will take charge of your  battles and the enemy will not succeed.  Mal 4:1

        b. God can cause the enemy to hear His voice and confused them in battle.

        c. The enemy can easily be destroyed by God and their armor burned in a fire. 

            Psalms 46:9-10

 B. Jesus is our great deliverer. Zac 9:9-10

    1. Jesus fights our battles.


V:6. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

 A. The prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ.

     1."A child is born; a son is given to us"

        a. Jesus the Son of God, took on human flesh and became the son of man.

        b. The Son of God took off His glory, stepped down from  heaven and humble

            Himself before man.

        c. He did this not for Himself, but for us.

        d. He is the gift of God to us. Acts 4:12

 B. "And the government shall be upon his shoulder."

    1. All power over heaven and earth was given to Him.

    2. He was sent by the Father to die for our sins.

    3. He was crucified, but on the third day He arose.

    4. He ascended back to heaven and was given control of the universe.

 C. "He is called Wonderful. "

     1. Wonderful=pele= a miracle

     2. The Spirit of God revealed Himself to us in the form of a man.

     3. He performed miracles to get our attention and to show us His glory.

 D. " He is called Counselor."

     1. The whole Bible is His counsel.

        a. He recorded and preserved His Word throughout time for a guide to us.

        b. His life on earth is a role model for us to follow.  

        c. He revealed the righteousness of the Father with His life on earth.

 E. "He is called the Mighty God".

      1. He is omnipotent; "all powerful."

      2. He is omnipresence; "everywhere all the time."

      3. He is omniscience: " has all knowledge."

      4. He created the heavens and the earth. Job 38:4-5

F. He is "The Everlasting Father".

     1. He is Alpha and Omega. Rev 1:8

         a. He has no beginning and no ending. Rev 22:13

         b. Everything exist in Him.

         c. Everything has their beginning in Him. Gen 1:1

G. He is the "Prince of Peace."

    1. He was sent by the Father to reconcile the world to the Father. Col 1:20

    2. Jesus death on the cross made peace between man and God. Eph 2:16

    3. Jesus gives the believer peace. John 14:27

V:7. "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

 A. "Of the increase of his government and Peace there shall be no end."

      1. The world's population shall continue under the control and authority of the Prince

           of Peace.

      2. The Son of God, the Prince of peace shall never cease to extend and promote peace.

      3. He shall never cease to extend peace to all believers.  

 B. " Upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom."

     1. Jesus was born into a line of Kings by the power of the Holy Spirit.

         a. He does not have the blood of kings, but the blood of righteousness.

         b. He was born into a line of kings. He existed before any man was created.

         c. David reigned over the people of Israel.

         d. Christ reigned over all people.

         e. David reigned over all Jews.

         f. Christ reigns over Jews and Gentiles alike.

 C. "To order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even

        for ever."

      1. David reign was temporary. Christ reign is forever.2

      2. Christ is the foundation for the government of justice and righteousness.

      3. The government of Christ is firm. It will never change.

 D. " The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

     1. Zeal=qinah= God's intense desire to accomplish His purpose.

     2. Because of the zeal of the Lord, the work of the Lord is sure.

         a. The spread of the Gospel is sure.

         b. Salvation is sure.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Psalms 146:1


1. "Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul."

  A. Praise = haalluw= to make a show, to celebrate

      1. Lord = Yahh= the sacred name

      2. Lord (2nd)= Yehovah= self existence

      3. The Lord is sacred all by Himself.

      4. Soul=nephesh= a breathing creature

      5. He has no beginning and He has no ending.

         a. He is Alpha and Omega.

  B. When we praise the Lord, we ought to show out. It's a celebration.

      1. There is no harm having a party for the Lord.

      2. When something is good, you ought to celebrate.

  C. " Praise the LORD, O my soul".

      1. Praise the Lord with all my breath.

         a. The breath that I have, come from the Lord.

         b. It is His breath that I breath in. It is His breath that I Praise Him.

      2. Praise ought to begin on the inside.

         a. My outward praise ought to reflect what is happening on the inside.

         b. If there is no praise on the inside, there will be no praise on the outside.

      3. Praise must begin in the heart.

         a. If I clap my hands, the clapping ought to have begun in the heart.

         b. If I praise God with song, the singing ought to have begun in the heart.

         c. If there is no praise in the heart, then praise is phony.

         d. My outward praise ought to be a reflection of what is going in the heart.


V:2. "While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being."

 A. "While I live I praise the Lord."

     1. Proper praise requires personal dedication.

     2. We have to make up our minds that praising the Lord is our continuous business.

     3. We have to make up our minds that we owe praise to the Lord.

     4. We have to make up our minds that we are going to praise the Lord "no matter


         a. If the circumstance is good, we praise Him.

         b. If the circumstance is bad, we praise Him.

 B. "I will sing praises"= Azamaraah= striking with fingers, to touch parts of a musical


    1.  We must use all our talents in praising the Lord.

    2. God loves the music of praise along with the voices of praise.

C. Because the Lord continues to give us life, we have reason to continue to give

     Him praise.

    1. It is our duty to Praise the Lord.

    2. We ought to devote our time Praising The Lord.

    3. The Lord is worthy of our Praise.

V:3. "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."

 A. You can't trust the authorities (princes).

     1. They are not going to deal with you 24/7.

     2. They might not be available to you during  the day.

     3. The help of those in authority is limited to what they feel is advantageous to them.

     4. The princes are limited by the system to what they can do for you.

     5. They have limited resources.

 B. You can't put your trust in family, friends and neighbors.

    1. They can be with you today and against you tomorrow.

    2. They are limited by their history, personal experiences, personal desires and


  C. Everything man has belongs to the Lord.

    1. Man can't help you with what he does not own.

    2. There is no real help in man.

        a. Man can't prepare a place for you in heaven; God can.

        b. Man can't get you to heaven; God can.

    3. All the help we need is the Lord.

    4. What man does for you is what God directs him to do.

 B. We have a choice.

    1. We can Praise God or we can praise man.

    2. God is good to us.

        a. Man cannot approach the goodness of the Lord. Matthew 19:17

        b. There is no true good in man. Isa 64:6

V:4. "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts


 A. Man has no control on how long he will live.  Ecc 9:12

     1. He can be here today and gone today.

     2. Whatever promises man makes to you may not be fulfilled when he dies.

     3. The help from man ceases when he dies.

 B. When man dies, his breath or spirit returns to the Lord.

     1. The body of man at his death returns to dust.  Ecc 12:7

     2. The life of man is temporary.

     3. God is eternal. He never ceases to exist.

     4. All that man does is under the control of the Lord.

 C. It is the Lord who controls life and death.

     1. We have a choice, we can Praise God or we can praise man.

V:5. "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God."

 A. When you trust in the Lord, the end will always be happy.

      1. Our hope in the Lord is sure.

      2. The God of Jacob is the God who promised his great grandfather, Abraham

          who had no sons that his seed would be more than the stars in the sky.

      3. The God of Jacob is the God who promised a land of milk and honey.

      4. God can be counted on to honor His Word.   

 B. When we trust in man, the outcome is not sure.

     1. The outcome may be disappointing.

     2. Man cannot be sure that he will be around to keep his word.

        a. Man will promise you one thing. If the situation is advantageous to him,

            he may not keep his word.

 C. We have a choice.

     1. We can Praise the Lord or we can praise man.

     2. We can Trust the Lord or we can trust man.


V:6. "Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever."

 A. God is all powerful.

    1. He took that which was void and made the heavens, the earth and the seas.

    2. Man cannot measure the depth, the width or the length of God's creation.

    3. Man cannot calculate the power that it took to create God's universe.

    4. Man cannot calculate the power that it takes to maintain God's universe.

B. Man has limited power. God's power is unlimited.

   1. We have a choice; trust God or trust man.

C. God has all knowledge. He knows everything from  the beginning.

    1. No one can discover anything that God does not know.   Ecc 1:9

D. God is unchangeable. He is always the same.   Mal 3:6

    1. We have a choice, trust God or trust man.

    2. Truth is an attribute of God. He is the truth.

        a. There is no truth but God.

        b. The Word of God is the truth.

        c. We have a choice, Praise God or praise man.

V:7. "Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoners."

 A. The Lord is the God of compassion.

     1. He is the judgment for the oppressed.

        a. He looks after those who have been misused and abused by others

 B. God takes care of those in need.

    1. He gives food to the poor.

 C.  God looks after those who are incarcerated.

    1. No matter what trouble we find ourselves in, God is there to provide justice.

 D. Before we met Christ we all were oppressed, hungry and prisoners.  Isa 61:1

    1. We were oppressed

        a. The world gives us no hope.

            i. Our hope is in the Lord

            ii. Our provisions, protection and future are in the hands of the Lord.

        b. We were denied the benefits and the blessings of the Lord.

        c. Our inheritance was hidden from us.

            i. We are the adopted sons and daughters of the Father.

    2. We were hungry.

       a. We were hungry for the truth.

       b. We were hungry for joy.

       c. We were hungry for peace.

       d. We were hungry for the righteousness of God.

       e. We were hungry for true love.

       f. We were hungry for justice.

  3. We were prisoners. 

     a. We were bound by our sins.

     b. We were held captive by Satan.

  4. God is our hope.

    a. God provides for us.

    b. God has set us free.

    c. God provides an eternal home for us.

 5. We have a choice.

     a. We can Praise God or we can praise man.

V:8. "The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous."

 A. Before we accepted Christ, we were spiritually blinded by the world.

    1. The Lord opened our eyes to Himself and His goodness.

    2. We were blinded to the righteousness of the Lord.

    3. We were blinded to the salvation of Jesus Christ.

    4. We were blinded to the consequences of sin.

    5. We were blinded to eternal life.

    6. We were blinded to the forgiveness of sin through Christ Jesus.

    7. We were blinded to the power of God.

    8.  Jesus gave us our spiritual sight.

 B. Before Christ, we were bowed down.

     1. We were weighted down by the burdens of life.

     2. We were weighted down by our own sins.

     3. We were weighted down by the hopelessness of this life.

     4. It was Jesus that lifted our burdens.

 C. The Lord looks after those who love Him and follow His commandments.

      1. The Lord loves those who walk in His ways.

  D. We have a choice.

       1. We can Praise God or we can praise man.

       2. We can give God honor and glory or we can credit man.

V:9. "The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down."

 A. The Lord looks after those who are disadvantaged.

      1. His love and compassion extends to all mankind, but He pays particular attention

          to the disadvantaged.

 B. We are all strangers in this earth.

     1. This is not our home, we are just passing through.

     2. The Lord protects and provides for us while we are here on earth.

 C. God looks after the fatherless and the widows.

     1. To the fatherless, God becomes their father.

         a. He is their protector and provider.

     2. God is the father of all believers.

     3. To the widow, God becomes their husband.

         a. Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is his bride.

  D. God controls the actions of the wicked.

       1. God allows the evilness of the wicked to benefit the righteous.

       2. The ways of the wicked will be their downfall.

  E. We have a choice.

      1. We can Praise God or we can praise man.

V:10. "The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD."

 A. Man will pass away, but the Lord is forever.

     1. The Lord is eternal.

      2. Everything has their beginning in the Lord.

 B. The Lord is on His throne and He will reign forever.

     1. You can always find the Lord'

         a. He is just a prayer away.

     2. The Lord never moves.

         a. If you can't find Him, you have moved.

  C. We have a choice.

       1. We can praise the one God who can do everything.

       2. We can praise man who is no help.

       3. PRAISE THE LORD.