Matthew 6:25-34
V.25 "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what
ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than
meat, and the body than raiment?"
A. We, the Body of Christ are commanded to keep our focus off temporal needs.
1. Food and water satisfy us only temporally.
2. We eat because we get hungry.
a. We drink because we get thirsty.
b. There is no lasting satisfaction in either.
3. We put on clothing to protect our bodies.
a. Clothing ware out and have to be replaced.
B. We are commanded to keep our focus on what life is all about.
1. The key focus is life in the kingdom of heaven.
a. Our focus should be service and not stuff.
b. Our focus should be God and not man.
2. Our focus should be the soul and not the body.
V:26. " Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into
barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"
A. Birds live from moment to moment.
1. They are not conscience of tomorrow.
2. They search to find what God provides.
3. They only eat to satisfy their present need.
B. God values man more than birds.
1. What God does for the birds, He will do for you and more.
2. God uses birds to show you how He cares for His creation.
3. God uses birds to show us that we can take flight to the heavens.
a. The focus of our minds can take us up or down.
4. God uses the birds to serve himself sweet melodies of song.
a. They serenade Him with their chirps all day long.
b. We ought to serenade the Lord with our praises all day long.
C. What the birds do for God we ought to do and more.
1. We are better than the birds.
2. We have knowledge of the Lord.
3. We know his blessings.
4. If you want to get close to the Lord, just praise Him.
a. The Lord is in your praise. Psalm 22:3
V:27. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?"
A. Worry accomplishes nothing.
1. Worry is wasted energy.
a. It would be better to put your mind on something you can accomplish.
2. When you worry you place a physiological burden on yourself.
a. When you worry, your focus is on the problem and not the problem solver.
b. Worry pushes God aside and places you in the forefront.
B. Worry is a lack of trust in the Lord.
1. Worry is a tool of the Devil used to take your focus off the promises of God.
V:28. "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they
grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."
A. Our clothes have no lasting value.
1. They ware out.
2. They go out of style.
3. They get to little !!
B. When we worry about the little things, we lose sight of the big picture.
1. We lose sight of God's purpose for our lives.
C. God provides for His flowers.
1. He plants them in fertile ground so they will grow unaided by man.
2. He waters them with the waters of heaven.
3. He paints them with a multitude brilliant colors.
4. God blesses Himself with their beauty.
5. He requires nothing of them.
6. Flowers are not even conscience of their existence or their purpose.
a. They are here today and gone tomorrow.
b. God then, blesses Himself with more flowers.
D. We are more than flowers
1. We ought to bless God with the beauty of our love for Him.
2. We ought to bless God with the beauty of our love for others.
3. We ought to bless God with the beauty of obedience and service.
V:29. "And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like
one of these."
A. The king, God's chosen leader, didn't have clothes as pretty as the flowers.
1. God is the designer of "pretty".
2. God makes pretty "pretty".
B. God makes life beautiful.
1. God makes life beautiful for us.
2. We make life ugly for ourselves with worry.
a. Worry takes the joy out of life and replaces it with sadness.
b. Worry takes the hope out of life and replaces it with uncertainty.
c. Worry is an inward focus on us, rather than an outward focus on God.
V:30. "Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow
is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?"
A. God does things for His Glory.
1. God does things that only have temporal value.
a. Then He repeats them for His glory.
b. The glory of the Lord is continuous.
B. God get the glory in His provisions for us.
a. It gives God great pleasure to provide for us.
b. Worry denies God that pleasure. Heb 11:6
C. When we worry we take our focus off the glory of God.
1. Faith says, He did it for us in the past and He will do it today and tomorrow.
2. What faith can we say we have if we worry ?
V:31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or,
Wherewithal shall we be clothed?"
A. If we have faith we recognize that God provides and that His provisions are sufficient
for our existence.
1. It takes effort on our part to stay focused on the sufficiency of God.
2. It takes effort on our part to trust the Lord to provide for needs.
a. It is one thing to say you trust Him when you can do for yourself.
b. It's another thing to trust God when you can't handle the problem and God
is long on answering your prayer.
c. It takes effort on our part to trust God in the middle of the storm.
d. It takes effort to trust God when your troubles are multiplying and everything
is going down hill.
B. Look at what Jesus is saying:
1. You ought not consider what you don't have.
2. You ought to be thankful for what you do have.
3. The only way you can consider what you don't have is that you have mind that's
4. If you can consider what you don't have is the proof that you have a body that is
5 The only reason you are here to consider, is that you been blessed with the miracle
of life.
C. The problem with worry:
1. You are trying to see with your eyes what you have to accept by faith.
2. Worry blinds us to the promises of God.
V:32. "(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things."
A. We are better than the world, because they know only worry.
1. We know the goodness of the Lord.
2. It is natural to worry.
3. It takes a spirit filled believer to overcome worry by trusting God.
B. The Father takes care of His own.
1. We have a choice.
a. We can trust the Father to provide.
b. Or we can worry
c. One is productive and the other is not.
C. God is so attentive to us that He knows what we need before we ask.
1. It's our needs that draws us to Him in prayer.
2. God designed us to have needs which makes us dependant on Him.
3. It is the needs we have that encourages our faith.
4. We need faith to be pleasing to God. Heb 11:6
V. 33. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
A. Make the needs of the Gospel your first consideration.
1. Look after the needs of the church.
2. Look after the needs of the poor.
3. Serve the Lord with gladness.
4. Love the Lord with your whole heart.
B. Seek the Kingdom first, why?
1. It is our destination.
2. It is our eternity.
B. The promise for putting God first:
1. All, not some but "All" these thing will be added to you.
2. Your needs and your wants will be provided by the Lord.
V:34. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for
the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
A. Let the tomorrow be tomorrow.
1. Focus on today.
2. This is the day the Lord has given, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
B. Tomorrow will come,
1. Tomorrow will have a new set of problems.
2. You can't foresee the problems of tomorrow.
C. One thing is for sure.
1. If you live tomorrow, God will be in control.
2. If you live tomorrow, you will see God blessing His creation.
a. Some of those blessing will fall on you.
3. If you live tomorrow, it will be by the Grace of God.